Press review - page 659


3 NYSE Stocks Ready For Rally (based on the article)

NASDAQ-100 by Metatrader 5

After hitting new all time highs this month the stock market indices have just marked several down days in a row – a rarity lately. Both the Standard and Poor’s 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average have sold off for an astonishing 3 straight days. It hasn’t been so bad for the NASDAQ Composite – the index formerly known as “over the counter” – it’s only off for 2 consecutive days. Some stocks haven’t been participating in the great rally off of last year’s late December lows – in fact, a check on what’s making the new lows list these days reveals price charts in decline for the better part of quite some time. I would guess that hedge funds involved with serious short selling strategies may have these in sight.

  • "Big Lots never really got going upward too much at all after the late 2018 lows. The downtrend on the weekly price chart is obvious. The short float is definitely big: at 19.8% it comes in at among the most shorted of stocks on the Big Board. Quarterly earnings are way off and the year looks to come in negative. Analysts have to wonder if that big 6.1% dividend yield can be sustained under the circumstances. You would have to think that hedge funds specializing in short strategies may be involved." 
  • "Delphi Technologies is another one unable to keep up with the broader indices and which now comes in at a lower low than the already depressed December, 2018 level. The short float of 7% is on the high side for an NYSE stock, but it’s not quite in the outrageous area yet. Analysts at Barclay’s recently reduced their rating on Delphi from “overweight” to “equal weight.” Similarly, Oppenheimer analysts took their rating down from “out perform” to, simply, “perform.” Long-term debt greatly exceeds shareholder equity and recent quarterly earnings have been disappointing." 
  • "Taubman Centers is now significantly beneath both the late 2017 low and the late 2018 low. While the widely followed major indices rallied, this one fell way behind. The short float is relatively high for an NYSE-listed equity: 10% of outstanding shares are now held short. Again, that high of a figure is an indicator of sorts that hedge funds may have found a fit for a certain type of investment strategy."


Chart was made on MT5 with BrainTrading system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

All about BrainTrading system for MT5:

3 NYSE Stocks Hitting Even Lower Lows: Despite The 2019 Market Rally?
3 NYSE Stocks Hitting Even Lower Lows: Despite The 2019 Market Rally?
  • 2019.11.22
  • John Navin
<div _ngcontent-c17="" innerhtml=" The new US $100 bill, issued in October 2013, bundled with a rubber band into a group $10,000. Getty After hitting new all time highs this month the stock market indices have just marked several down days in a row – a rarity lately. Both the Standard and Poor’s 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average have...

GBP/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: UK Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) and range price movement  

2019-11-22 09:30 GMT | [GBP - Manufacturing PMI]

  • past data is 49.6
  • forecast data is 49.0
  • actual data is 48.3 according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for GBP in our case)

[GBP - Manufacturing PMI] = Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the manufacturing industry.


From official report :

  • "The IHS Markit/CIPS Flash UK Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index® (PMI®) – a composite single-figure indicator of manufacturing performance – registered 48.3 in November, down from 49.6 in October. This index has posted below the neutral 50.0 threshold in each month since May."
  • "Worsening manufacturing sector conditions mainly reflected lower levels of output, new orders and employment in November. An additional drag on the headline PMI was the sharpest fall in stocks of purchases since June 2018, which goods producers attributed to a reversal of stock building ahead of the 31st October Brexit deadline."


GBP/USD: range price movement by UK Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) news event 

GBP/USD: range price movement by UK Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Same system for MT4:

  1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
  2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
  3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
  4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.

USD/CAD Intra-Day Fundamentals: Canada Core Retail Sales and range price movement 

2019-11-22 13:30 GMT | [CAD - Core Retail Sales m/m]

  • past data is -0.1%
  • forecast data is -0.1%
  • actual data is 0.2% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous good for currency (for CAD in our case)

[CAD - Core Retail Sales m/m] = Change in the total value of sales at the retail level, excluding automobiles.


From official report :

  • "Retail sales decreased for the first time in three months, edging down 0.1% to $51.6 billion in September. The decline came from lower sales at motor vehicle and parts dealers and gasoline stations. Excluding these two subsectors, retail sales rose 0.7%. After removing the effects of price changes, retail sales in volume terms decreased 0.1%. Rounding out the third quarter, retail sales were up 0.5%, following a 1.1% increase in the second quarter. In volume terms, retail sales were up 0.5% in the third quarter."


USD/CAD: range price movement by Canada Core Retail Sales news event 

USD/CAD: range price movement by Canada Core Retail Sales news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.
Stocks This Week: Buy Bank of America And Biogen (based on the article)

Bank of America share price by Metatrader 5

  • "The Bank of America weekly cycle bottoms on the 24th and tops on December 28th. All seven buy signals have been successful in the prior year. The coming week has been the most bullish seasonal period in the month of November. The stock is likely to rally to the high $30 area in December."
  • The weekly Biogen cycle turns up on the 25th and tops on December 4th. Thirteen of fourteen buy signals have been successful in the last year. The 27th has been seasonally bullish since 1992, rising 69% of the time for an average 1.9% gain. Relative strength has been strong as we see in graph 4. The shares will likely reach the $310 area by the first week of December".


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Stocks This Week: Buy Bank of America And Biogen
Stocks This Week: Buy Bank of America And Biogen
  • 2019.11.24
  • Bill Sarubbi
<div _ngcontent-c17="" innerhtml=" The S&P dropped slightly during the week as expected. There are conflicting indications in the coming week. This is a holiday-shortened Thanksgiving period which usually brings a seasonal bias to the upside. The next projected turning point is on the 29th which suggests that the market will continue to...

Crypto News - Bitcoin: weekly breakdown with the bearish reversal; long-term bearish reversal with 3,649 resistance level (based on the article)

Bitcoin price chart by Metatrader 5

  • "Bitcoin prices declined over the last 24 hours, hitting their lowest price in more than six months. The digital currency reached $6,616.24 shortly before 8:45 p.m. EST, CoinDesk data shows. At this point, the cryptocurrency had fallen more than 35% from its recent high of more than $10,000 in October and over 50% from its 2019 high of nearly $14,000 reached in June, additional CoinDesk figures reveal.” 
  • "So right now, it’s a way to trade this situation when the signal kicks off, but we are not able to know now whether it’s going up or down using this idea. However, that is what we want to know as the price swings 10%-20% up and down."
  • "Make no mistake, this is an incredibly dangerous market. Make sure you are able to sell. Make sure your bitcoin is safe or that the custodian is bullet proof. If you are going to play this game, have a plan and stick to it. Markets don’t care about theories, they have no remorse, they do not stop. Like any captain on an uncharted sea you have to always be vigilant, take observations and soundings and be prepared to tack. You can call it 9 times out of 10 but it only takes one rock to sink you. On such a sea we are now afloat."


The chart was made with Ichimoku market condition setup (MT5) from this post (free to download for indicators and template) as well as the following indicators from CodeBase:

Bitcoin Prices Fall To Their Lowest Since May
Bitcoin Prices Fall To Their Lowest Since May
  • 2019.11.25
  • Charles Bovaird
<div _ngcontent-c17="" innerhtml=" Bitcoin declined to nearly $6,600 tonight, falling to its lowest point since May. Getty Bitcoin prices declined over the last 24 hours, hitting their lowest price in more than six months. The digital currency reached $6,616.24 shortly before 8:45 p.m. EST, CoinDesk data shows. At this point, the...

AUD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Deputy Governor Debelle Speech and range price movement 

2019-11-25 23:50 GMT | [AUD - RBA Deputy Gov Debelle Speech]

[AUD - RBA Deputy Gov Debelle Speech] = Speech titled "Employment and Wages" at the Australian Council of Social Service National Conference, in Canberra.


From official report :

  • "Over much of the past three years, employment has grown at a healthy annual pace of 2½ per cent. This has been faster than we had expected, particularly so, given economic growth was slower than we had expected. Employment growth has also been faster than the working-age population has been growing. As a result, the share of the Australian population employed is around its all-time high, which is a good outcome. Normally, we would have expected this strong employment growth to lead to a decline in the unemployment rate. But the unemployment rate has turned out to be very close to what we had expected and has moved sideways around 5¼ per cent for some time now."
  • "Today I have provided an overview of the current state of play in the labour market and the Bank's expectation about how it might evolve in the period ahead. I have highlighted some of the key forces that have shaped these developments, in particular, the rise in the participation rates of female workers and older workers. The Bank is trying to understand what has been driving these macro developments using some newly available micro data sources. This greater understanding should help inform our outlook for the labour market. This increase in labour supply has meant that the strong employment outcomes in recent years has not generated the pick-up in wages growth that might otherwise have occurred. At the same time, I have highlighted the increased prevalence of wages growth in the 2s across the economy. A gradual lift in wages growth would be a welcome development for the workforce and the economy. It is also needed for inflation to be sustainably within the 2–3 per cent target range."


AUD/USD: range price movement by RBA Deputy Gov Debelle Speech news event 

AUD/USD: range price movement by RBA Deputy Gov Debelle Speech news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:

Same system for MT4:

  1. Brainwashing. Trades: manually and using EAs (MT4)
  2. Brainwashing EAs - the thread (MT4)
  3. Brainwashing: system setup for trading manually and for EAs (MT4) - the thread 
  4. Brainwashing: system development (MT4) - the thread
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand Retail Sales q/q and range price movement  

2019-11-25 21:45 GMT | [NZD - Retail Sales q/q]

  • past data is 0.2%
  • forecast data is 1.2%
  • actual data is 1.6% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Retail Sales] = Change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at the retail level.


From official report :

  • "total volume of retail sales rose 1.6 percent, after a 0.2 percent rise in June"
  • "total value of retail sales (with price effects included) rose 1.4 percent ($333 million), after rising 0.7 percent ($164 million) in June"
  • "9 of the 16 regions showed higher sales values".


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand Retail Sales news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand Retail Sales news event


The chart was made on MT5 with standard indicators of Metatrader 5 together with following indicators:

Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.

Intra-Day Fundamentals - EUR/USD, USD/CNH and Dax IndexCB Consumer Confidence

2019-11-26 15:00 GMT | [USD - CB Consumer Confidence]

  • past data is 126.1
  • forecast data is 125.2
  • actual data is 125.5 according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

[USD - CB Consumer Confidence] = Level of a composite index based on surveyed households.


From official report :

  • "The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® decreased in November, following a slight decline in October. The Index now stands at 125.5 (1985=100), down from 126.1 in October. The Present Situation Index – based on consumers’ assessment of current business and labor market conditions – decreased from 173.5 to 166.9. The Expectations Index – based on consumers’ short-term outlook for income, business and labor market conditions – increased from 94.5 last month to 97.9 this month."
  • "Consumer confidence declined for a fourth consecutive month, driven by a softening in consumers’ assessment of current business and employment conditions,” said Lynn Franco, Senior Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “The decline in the Present Situation Index suggests that economic growth in the final quarter of 2019 will remain weak. However, consumers’ short-term expectations improved modestly, and growth in early 2020 is likely to remain at around 2 percent. Overall, confidence levels are still high and should support solid spending during this holiday season."


EUR/USD: range price movement by CB Consumer Confidence news events

EUR/USD: range price movement by CB Consumer Confidence news events


USD/CNH: range price movement by CB Consumer Confidence news events

USD/CNH: range price movement by CB Consumer Confidence news events


Dax Index: range price movement by CB Consumer Confidence news events

Dax Index: range price movement by CB Consumer Confidence news events


The chart was made on MT5 with standard indicators of Metatrader 5 together with following indicators:

Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.

NZD/USD Intra-Day Fundamentals: New Zealand Overseas Merchandise Trade and range price movement  

2019-11-26 21:45 GMT | [NZD - Trade Balance]

  • past data is -1319M
  • forecast data is -1000M
  • actual data is -1013M according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Trade Balance] = Difference in value between imported and exported goods during the reported month.


From official report :

  • "Goods exports rose $206 million (4.3 percent) to $5.0 billion".
  • "Goods imports fell $86 million (1.4 percent) to $6.0 billion".
  • "The monthly trade balance was a deficit of $1.0 billion".


NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand Trade Balance news event 

NZD/USD: range price movement by New Zealand Trade Balance news event


Chart was made on MT5 with Brainwashing system/AscTrend system (MT5) from this thread (free to download) together with following indicators:


Same systems for MT4/MT5:

The beginning

  1. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #1
  2. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #2
  3. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #3
  4. ASCTrend system, the beginning, part #4 
  5. Digital ASCTrend (Digital Filters with ASCTrend system combined).
  6. LabTrend (LabTrend indicators, LabTrendZigZag, templates, Labtrend EAs) - the thread 


    Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
    Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
    Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.

    Intra-Day Fundamentals - USD/JPY, Dollar Index (DXY) and GOLD (XAU/USD): Unites States Durable Goods Orders

    2019-11-27 13:30 GMT | [USD - Durable Goods Orders]

    • past data is -1.2%
    • forecast data is 0.0%
    • actual data is 0.6% according to the latest press release

    if actual > forecast (or previous value) = good for currency (for USD in our case)

    [USD - Durable Goods Orders] = Change in the total value of new purchase orders placed with manufacturers for durable goods.


    From cnbc article :

    • "Orders to U.S. factories for big-ticket manufactured goods rebounded last month on a surge in demand for military aircraft. The Commerce Department says orders for durable goods — which are meant to last at least three years — rose 0.6% in October after dropping 1.4% in September. Orders for military aircraft soared 18.1%. Excluding defense, durable goods orders blipped up 0.1%."


    USD/JPY: range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events

    USD/JPY: range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events


    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events

    Dollar Index (DXY): range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events


    GOLD (XAU/USD): range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events

    GOLD (XAU/USD): range price movement by Durable Goods Orders news events


    The chart was made on MT5 with standard indicators of Metatrader 5 together with following indicators:

    MaksiGen_Range_Move MTF - indicator for MetaTrader 5

    Laguerre - indicator for MetaTrader 5 (as a part of Laguerre scalping system)

    Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
    Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
    Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.