Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXVII): Working with trading requests - placing pending orders
- Preparing data
- Eliminating trading class shortcomings and creating a pending request for placing orders
- Testing
- What's next?
In the previous article, we started the implementation of pending trading requests and created the first pending request for opening a position in case an error is received in the trading class after sending a request to the server. In this article, we will resume the development of pending requests and implement creation of a pending request in case of errors occurred when setting pending orders.
While testing the trading class, I have detected some shortcomings. In particular, when initializing symbol's trading objects in the class constructor, hard-set default values were set for them. Not all of those values may have been supported in the symbol specification. This caused server errors when attempting to place pending orders — the server activated the unsupported order expiration type error. This error was not corrected anywhere and eventually led to the inability to place a pending order. When sending a trading request with default values, some unsupported data was also sent to the trading request. To solve this issue, I had to specify correct data corresponding to the appropriate symbol specification directly in the trading request.
This required the knowledge of a symbol specification and the manual input of accurate values directly in the program code instead of auto correction of values by the library itself. To simplify things, we are going to make minor changes in the trading class handling logic. All symbol trading objects are to be initialized by auto selection of correct values in the EA's OnInit() handler. The -1 values are passed to the trading methods of the trading class by default for order filling and expiration types indicating it is time to use preset correct default values. If another value is passed from the program, it is applied instead. If the value turns out to be invalid, it is corrected when handling errors in the trading class.Preparing data
Apart from fixing the trading class, we are also going to add the request description (displaying all its parameters in the journal) to the
pending request object class. This makes it easier to test working with pending request objects.
First, add all the necessary messages
to the library message array.
Open the Datas.mqh file and add indices of new messages to it:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| List of the library's text message indices | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum ENUM_MESSAGES_LIB { MSG_LIB_PARAMS_LIST_BEG=ERR_USER_ERROR_FIRST, // Beginning of the parameter list MSG_LIB_PARAMS_LIST_END, // End of the parameter list MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED, // Property not supported MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MQL4, // Property not supported in MQL4 MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MT5_LESS_2155, // Property not supported in MetaTrader 5 versions lower than 2155 MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_POSITION, // Property not supported for position MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_PENDING, // Property not supported for pending order MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MARKET, // Property not supported for market order MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MARKET_HIST, // Property not supported for historical market order MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET, // Value not set MSG_LIB_PROP_EMPTY, // Not set MSG_LIB_PROP_AS_IN_ORDER, // According to the order expiration mode MSG_LIB_SYS_ERROR, // Error
MSG_LIB_TEXT_FAILING_CREATE_PENDING_REQ, // Failed to create a pending request MSG_LIB_TEXT_TRY_N, // Trading attempt # MSG_LIB_TEXT_RE_TRY_N, // Repeated trading attempt # MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION, // Type of a performed action MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_MAGIC, // EA stamp (magic number) MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER, // Order ticket MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_SYMBOL, // Name of a trading instrument MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_VOLUME, // Requested volume of a deal in lots MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_PRICE, // Price MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_STOPLIMIT, // StopLimit MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_SL, // Stop Loss MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TP, // Take Profit MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DEVIATION, // Maximum price deviation MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TYPE, // Order type MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TYPE_FILLING, // Order filling type MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TYPE_TIME, // Order lifetime type MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_EXPIRATION, // Order expiration date MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_COMMENT, // Order comment MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_POSITION, // Position ticket MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_POSITION_BY, // Opposite position ticket MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_DEAL, // Place a market order MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_PENDING, // Place a pending order MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_SLTP, // Change open position Stop Loss and Take Profit MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_MODIFY, // Change parameters of the previously placed trading order MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_REMOVE, // Remove previously placed pending order MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_CLOSE_BY, // Close a position by an opposite one MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_UNCNOWN, // Unknown trading operation type MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_FILLING_FOK, // Order is executed in the specified volume only, otherwise it is canceled MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_FILLING_IOK, // Order is filled within an available volume, while the unfilled one is canceled MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_FILLING_RETURN, // Order is filled within an available volume, while the unfilled one remains MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_GTC, // Order is valid till explicitly canceled MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_DAY, // Order is valid only during the current trading day MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED, // Order is valid till the expiration date MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED_DAY, // Order is valid till 23:59:59 of a specified day MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS, // Trading request parameters MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_DATAS, // Pending trading request parameters MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_CREATED, // Pending request created MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_DELETED, // Pending request is removed due to its expiration MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_PRICE_CREATE, // Price at the moment of request generation MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TIME_CREATE, // Request creation time MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TIME_ACTIVATE, // Request activation time MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_WAITING, // Waiting time between trading attempts MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_CURRENT_ATTEMPT, // Current trading attempt MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TOTAL_ATTEMPTS, // Total number of trading attempts MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_ID, // Trading request ID MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_RETCODE, // Return code a request is based on MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TYPE, // Pending request type MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_BY_ERROR, // Pending request generated based on the server return code MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_BY_REQUEST, // Pending request created by request MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_WAITING_ONSET, // Wait for the first trading attempt };
and message texts corresponding to the indices:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string messages_library[][TOTAL_LANG]= { {"Начало списка параметров","Beginning of event parameter list"}, {"Конец списка параметров","End of parameter list"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается","Property not supported"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается в MQL4","Property not supported in MQL4"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается в MetaTrader5 версии ниже 2155","Property not supported in MetaTrader 5, build lower than 2155"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается у позиции","Property not supported for position"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается у отложенного ордера","Property not supported for pending order"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается у маркет-ордера","Property not supported for market order"}, {"Свойство не поддерживается у исторического маркет-ордера","Property not supported for historical market order"}, {"Значение не задано","Value not set"}, {"Отсутствует","Not set"}, {"В соответствии с режимом истечения ордера","In accordance with the order expiration mode"}, {"Ошибка ","Error"},
{"Не удалось создать отложенный запрос","Failed to create pending request"}, {"Торговая попытка #","Trading attempt #"}, {"Повторная торговая попытка #","Retry trading attempt #"}, {"Тип выполняемого действия","Trade operation type"}, {"Штамп эксперта (magic number)","Expert Advisor ID (magic number)"}, {"Тикет ордера","Order ticket"}, {"Имя торгового инструмента","Trade symbol"}, {"Запрашиваемый объем сделки в лотах","Requested volume for a deal in lots"}, {"Цена","Price"}, {"Уровень StopLimit ордера","StopLimit level of the order"}, {"Уровень Stop Loss ордера","Stop Loss level of the order"}, {"Уровень Take Profit ордера","Take Profit level of the order"}, {"Максимальное отклонение от цены","Maximal deviation from the price"}, {"Тип ордера","Order type"}, {"Тип ордера по исполнению","Order execution type"}, {"Тип ордера по времени действия","Order expiration type"}, {"Срок истечения ордера","Order expiration time"}, {"Комментарий к ордеру","Order comment"}, {"Тикет позиции","Position ticket"}, {"Тикет встречной позиции","Opposite position ticket"}, {"Поставить рыночный ордер","Place market order"}, {"Установить отложенный ордер","Place pending order"}, {"Изменить значения Stop Loss и Take Profit у открытой позиции","Modify Stop Loss and Take Profit values of an opened position"}, {"Изменить параметры ранее установленного торгового ордера","Modify the parameters of the order placed previously"}, {"Удалить ранее выставленный отложенный ордер","Delete the pending order placed previously"}, {"Закрыть позицию встречной","Close a position by an opposite one"}, {"Неизвестный тип торговой операции","Unknown trade action type"}, {"Ордер исполняется исключительно в указанном объеме, иначе отменяется (FOK)","The order is executed exclusively in the specified volume, otherwise it is canceled (FOK)"}, {"Ордер исполняется на доступный объем, неисполненный отменяется (IOK)","The order is executed on the available volume, the unfulfilled is canceled (IOK)"}, {"Ордер исполняется на доступный объем, неисполненный остаётся (Return)","The order is executed at an available volume, unfulfilled remains in the market (Return)"}, {"Ордер действителен до явной отмены","Good till cancel order"}, {"Ордер действителен только в течение текущего торгового дня","Good till current trade day order"}, {"Ордер действителен до даты истечения","Good till expired order"}, {"Ордер действителен до 23:59:59 указанного дня","The order will be effective till 23:59:59 of the specified day"}, {"Параметры торгового запроса","Trade request's parameters"}, {"Параметры отложенного торгового запроса","Pending trade request's parameters"}, {"Создан отложенный запрос","Pending request created"}, {"Отложенный запрос удалён в связи с окончанием времени его действия","Pending request deleted due to expiration"}, {"Цена в момент создания запроса: ","Price at time of request create: "}, {"Время создания запроса: ","Request creation time: "}, {"Время активации запроса: ","Request activation time: "}, {"Время ожидания между торговыми попытками: ","Waiting time between trading attempts: "}, {"Текущая торговая попытка: ","Current trading attempt: "}, {"Общее количество торговых попыток: ","Total trade attempts: "}, {"Идентификатор торгового запроса: ","Trade request ID: "}, {"Код возврата, на основании которого создан запрос: ","Return code based on which the request was created: "}, {"Тип отложенного запроса: ","Pending request type: "}, {"Отложенный запрос, созданный по коду возврата сервера","Pending request that was created as a result of the server code"}, {"Отложенный запрос, созданный по запросу","Pending request created by request"}, {"Ожидание наступления времени первой торговой попытки","Waiting for the onset time of the first trading attempt"}, }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
Apart from the above shortcomings, I have noticed that collection IDs overlap with object type IDs in the standard library. In particular, the ID of the COLLECTION_HISTORY_ID (historical orders and deals collection) is 0x7779 corresponding to the standard library's type of the CList dynamic list of CObject class instances and its descendants. It is unreasonable for object IDs to have the same value.
Below is a list of standard library object IDs and the corresponding hexadecimal values:
Base class CObject |
= 0 |
Data collections CArrayChar |
= 0x77 |
Data collections CArrayShort |
= 0x82 |
Data collections CArrayInt |
Type =
0x82 |
Data collections CArrayLong |
Type = 0x84 |
Data collections CArrayFloat |
= 0x87 |
Data collections CArrayDouble |
= 0x87 |
Data collections CArrayString |
= 0x89 |
Data collections CArrayObj |
= 0x7778 |
Data collections CList |
= 0x7779 |
Graphical objects Base class CChartObject |
= 0x8888 |
Price charts CChart |
= 0x1111 |
The list is most probably incomplete. As we can see, the list object
type matches the ID of the historical orders and deals collection set for the library.
Let's fix this in the Defines.mqh file by
increasing the values of all collection IDs by 1:
//--- Collection list IDs #define COLLECTION_HISTORY_ID (0x777A) // Historical collection list ID #define COLLECTION_MARKET_ID (0x777B) // Market collection list ID #define COLLECTION_EVENTS_ID (0x777C) // Event collection list ID #define COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_ID (0x777D) // Account collection list ID #define COLLECTION_SYMBOLS_ID (0x777E) // Symbol collection list ID //--- Data parameters for file operations
Since I want to implement the ability to trade using pending requests, the two types of pending requests are to be implemented:
- a request generated based on the trade server error code (these are the requests we are currently implementing);
- a pending request created by request from a program (trading by pending requests, which is to be implemented later).
Therefore, I am going to introduce the concept of "request type" and the IDs matching it to separate request types:
//--- Symbol parameters #define CLR_DEFAULT (0xFF000000) // Default color #define SYMBOLS_COMMON_TOTAL (1000) // Total number of working symbols //--- Pending request type IDs #define PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_ERR (1) // Type of a pending request created based on the server return code #define PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_REQ (2) // Type of a pending request created by request //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
At the very end of the Defines.mqh file, add the enumeration of pending request types:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending request type | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum ENUM_PENDING_REQUEST_TYPE { PENDING_REQUEST_TYPE_ERROR=PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_ERR, // Pending request created based on the return code or error PENDING_REQUEST_TYPE_REQUEST=PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_REQ,// Pending request created by request }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
To display trading request descriptions in the journal, we need to prepare the appropriate functions.
In the DELib.mqh
file of service functions, add all the necessary functions for generating a message from the pre-defined texts set in the Datas.mqh file and
the values of the properties displayed by the functions.
The functions for displaying the order filling mode
and expiration type:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the order filling mode description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string OrderTypeFillingDescription(const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type) { return ( type==ORDER_FILLING_FOK ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_FILLING_FOK) : type==ORDER_FILLING_IOC ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_FILLING_IOK) : type==ORDER_FILLING_RETURN ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_FILLING_RETURN): type==WRONG_VALUE ? "WRONG_VALUE" : EnumToString(type) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the order expiration type description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string OrderTypeTimeDescription(const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type) { return ( type==ORDER_TIME_GTC ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_GTC) : type==ORDER_TIME_DAY ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_DAY) : type==ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED) : type==ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED_DAY ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED_DAY) : type==WRONG_VALUE ? "WRONG_VALUE" : EnumToString(type) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The functions for displaying the description of the MqlTradeRequest
trading request structure:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display the trading request description in the journal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PrintRequestDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { string datas= ( " - "+RequestActionDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestMagicDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestOrderDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestSymbolDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestVolumeDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestPriceDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestStopLimitDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestStopLossDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestTakeProfitDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestDeviationDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestTypeDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestTypeFillingDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestTypeTimeDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestExpirationDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestCommentDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestPositionDescription(request)+"\n"+ " - "+RequestPositionByDescription(request) ); Print("================== ",CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)," ==================\n",datas,"\n"); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the executed action type description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestActionDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { int code_descr= ( request.action==TRADE_ACTION_DEAL ? MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_DEAL : request.action==TRADE_ACTION_PENDING ? MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_PENDING : request.action==TRADE_ACTION_SLTP ? MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_SLTP : request.action==TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY ? MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_MODIFY : request.action==TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE ? MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_REMOVE : request.action==TRADE_ACTION_CLOSE_BY ? MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_CLOSE_BY : MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION_UNCNOWN ); return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ACTION)+": "+CMessage::Text(code_descr); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the magic number value description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestMagicDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_ORD_MAGIC)+": "+(string)request.magic; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the order ticket value description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestOrderDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_ORDER)+": "+(request.order>0 ? (string)request.order : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the trading instrument name description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestSymbolDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_SYMBOL)+": "+request.symbol; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request volume description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestVolumeDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { int dg=(int)DigitsLots(request.symbol); int dgl=(dg==0 ? 1 : dg); return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_VOLUME)+": "+(request.volume>0 ? DoubleToString(request.volume,dgl) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request price value description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestPriceDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_PRICE)+": "+(request.price>0 ? DoubleToString(request.price,(int)SymbolInfoInteger(request.symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS)) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request StopLimit order price description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestStopLimitDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_STOPLIMIT)+": "+(request.stoplimit>0 ? DoubleToString(request.stoplimit,(int)SymbolInfoInteger(request.symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS)) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request StopLoss order price description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestStopLossDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_SL)+": "+(request.sl>0 ? DoubleToString(request.sl,(int)SymbolInfoInteger(request.symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS)) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request TakeProfit order price description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestTakeProfitDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TP)+": "+(request.tp>0 ? DoubleToString(request.tp,(int)SymbolInfoInteger(request.symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS)) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request deviation size description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestDeviationDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DEVIATION)+": "+(string)request.deviation; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request order type description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestTypeDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TYPE)+": "+OrderTypeDescription(request.type); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request order filling mode description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestTypeFillingDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TYPE_FILLING)+": "+OrderTypeFillingDescription(request.type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request order lifetime type description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestTypeTimeDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_TYPE_TIME)+": "+OrderTypeTimeDescription(request.type_time); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request order expiration time description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestExpirationDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_EXPIRATION)+": "+(request.expiration>0 ? TimeToString(request.expiration) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request order comment description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestCommentDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_COMMENT)+": "+(request.comment!="" && request.comment!=NULL ? "\""+request.comment+"\"" : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request position ticket description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestPositionDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_POSITION)+": "+(request.position>0 ? (string)request.position : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request opposite position ticket description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string RequestPositionByDescription(const MqlTradeRequest &request) { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_POSITION_BY)+": "+(request.position_by>0 ? (string)request.position_by : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Now let's fix the detected trading class drawbacks and prepare for the creation of a pending request object for setting pending orders.
Eliminating trading class shortcomings and creating a pending request for placing orders
I have noticed an interesting feature of some symbols whose charts are based on Last prices. Sometimes, they do not have Ask and Bid prices, or one of them. To obtain the price anyway, I had to add additional methods (and change the existing ones) in the CSymbol abstract symbol object class to check the chart construction type. If the chart is based on Last prices, the presence of Ask and Bid prices is checked. If present, these prices are used, otherwise the Last price is applied.
In the block of methods for a simplified access to the symbol object properties in the Symbol.mqh file, change
the type of the method returning time. Since the time is returned in milliseconds, the type should be 'ulong' instead of 'datetime'.
Also, declare the three additional methods whose purpose has been
described above:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Methods of a simplified access to the order object properties | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //--- Integer properties long Status(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_STATUS); } int IndexInMarketWatch(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_INDEX_MW); } bool IsCustom(void) const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_CUSTOM); } color ColorBackground(void) const { return (color)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR); } ENUM_SYMBOL_CHART_MODE ChartMode(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_CHART_MODE)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_CHART_MODE); } bool IsExist(void) const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_EXIST); } bool IsExist(const string name) const { return this.SymbolExists(name); } bool IsSelect(void) const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SELECT); } bool IsVisible(void) const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VISIBLE); } long SessionDeals(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_DEALS); } long SessionBuyOrders(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_BUY_ORDERS); } long SessionSellOrders(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_SELL_ORDERS); } long Volume(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUME); } long VolumeHigh(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUMEHIGH); } long VolumeLow(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUMELOW); } long Time(void) const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TIME); } int Digits(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_DIGITS); } int DigitsLot(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_DIGITS_LOTS); } int Spread(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SPREAD); } bool IsSpreadFloat(void) const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SPREAD_FLOAT); } int TicksBookdepth(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TICKS_BOOKDEPTH); } ENUM_SYMBOL_CALC_MODE TradeCalcMode(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_CALC_MODE)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_CALC_MODE); } ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE TradeMode(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_MODE); } datetime StartTime(void) const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_START_TIME); } datetime ExpirationTime(void) const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_EXPIRATION_TIME); } int TradeStopLevel(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL); } int TradeFreezeLevel(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_FREEZE_LEVEL); } ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION TradeExecutionMode(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_EXEMODE); } ENUM_SYMBOL_SWAP_MODE SwapMode(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_SWAP_MODE)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SWAP_MODE); } ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK SwapRollover3Days(void) const { return (ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SWAP_ROLLOVER3DAYS); } bool IsMarginHedgedUseLeg(void) const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_HEDGED_USE_LEG); } int ExpirationModeFlags(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_EXPIRATION_MODE); } int FillingModeFlags(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_FILLING_MODE); } int OrderModeFlags(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ORDER_MODE); } ENUM_SYMBOL_ORDER_GTC_MODE OrderModeGTC(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_ORDER_GTC_MODE)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ORDER_GTC_MODE); } ENUM_SYMBOL_OPTION_MODE OptionMode(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_OPTION_MODE)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_OPTION_MODE); } ENUM_SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT OptionRight(void) const { return (ENUM_SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT)this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_OPTION_RIGHT); } //--- Real properties double Bid(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BID); } double BidHigh(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDHIGH); } double BidLow(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDLOW); } double Ask(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASK); } double AskHigh(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKHIGH); } double AskLow(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKLOW); } double Last(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LAST); } double LastHigh(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LASTHIGH); } double LastLow(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LASTLOW); } double VolumeReal(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUME_REAL); } double VolumeHighReal(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUMEHIGH_REAL); } double VolumeLowReal(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUMELOW_REAL); } double OptionStrike(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_OPTION_STRIKE); } double Point(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_POINT); } double TradeTickValue(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_TICK_VALUE); } double TradeTickValueProfit(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_TICK_VALUE_PROFIT); } double TradeTickValueLoss(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_TICK_VALUE_LOSS); } double TradeTickSize(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_TICK_SIZE); } double TradeContractSize(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE); } double TradeAccuredInterest(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_ACCRUED_INTEREST); } double TradeFaceValue(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_FACE_VALUE); } double TradeLiquidityRate(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_TRADE_LIQUIDITY_RATE); } double LotsMin(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUME_MIN); } double LotsMax(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUME_MAX); } double LotsStep(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUME_STEP); } double VolumeLimit(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_VOLUME_LIMIT); } double SwapLong(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SWAP_LONG); } double SwapShort(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SWAP_SHORT); } double MarginInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_INITIAL); } double MarginMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginLongInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_LONG_INITIAL); } double MarginBuyStopInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_BUY_STOP_INITIAL); } double MarginBuyLimitInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_BUY_LIMIT_INITIAL); } double MarginBuyStopLimitInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_BUY_STOPLIMIT_INITIAL); } double MarginLongMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_LONG_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginBuyStopMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_BUY_STOP_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginBuyLimitMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_BUY_LIMIT_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginBuyStopLimitMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_BUY_STOPLIMIT_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginShortInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SHORT_INITIAL); } double MarginSellStopInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SELL_STOP_INITIAL); } double MarginSellLimitInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SELL_LIMIT_INITIAL); } double MarginSellStopLimitInitial(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SELL_STOPLIMIT_INITIAL); } double MarginShortMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SHORT_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginSellStopMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SELL_STOP_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginSellLimitMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SELL_LIMIT_MAINTENANCE); } double MarginSellStopLimitMaintenance(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_SELL_STOPLIMIT_MAINTENANCE); } double SessionVolume(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_VOLUME); } double SessionTurnover(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_TURNOVER); } double SessionInterest(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_INTEREST); } double SessionBuyOrdersVolume(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_BUY_ORDERS_VOLUME); } double SessionSellOrdersVolume(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_SELL_ORDERS_VOLUME); } double SessionOpen(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_OPEN); } double SessionClose(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_CLOSE); } double SessionAW(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_AW); } double SessionPriceSettlement(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_PRICE_SETTLEMENT); } double SessionPriceLimitMin(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MIN); } double SessionPriceLimitMax(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MAX); } double MarginHedged(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_MARGIN_HEDGED); } double NormalizedPrice(const double price) const; double NormalizedLot(const double volume) const; double BidLast(void) const; double BidLastHigh(void) const; double BidLastLow(void) const; double AskLast(void) const; double AskLastHigh(void) const; double AskLastLow(void) const; //--- String properties string Name(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_NAME); } string Basis(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BASIS); } string CurrencyBase(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_CURRENCY_BASE); } string CurrencyProfit(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_CURRENCY_PROFIT); } string CurrencyMargin(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_CURRENCY_MARGIN); } string Bank(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BANK); } string Description(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_DESCRIPTION); } string Formula(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_FORMULA); } string ISIN(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ISIN); } string Page(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_PAGE); } string Path(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_PATH); } string Category(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_CATEGORY); } string Exchange(void) const { return this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_EXCHANGE); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
We already have the similar three methods for the Bid price, although without the price presence check. Let's make changes to them:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return Bid or Last price | //| depending on the chart construction method and price availability| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CSymbol::BidLast(void) const { return ( this.ChartMode()==SYMBOL_CHART_MODE_BID ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BID) : (this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BID)==0 ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LAST) : this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BID)) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return maximum Bid or Last price for a day | //| depending on the chart construction method and price availability| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CSymbol::BidLastHigh(void) const { return ( this.ChartMode()==SYMBOL_CHART_MODE_BID ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDHIGH) : (this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDHIGH)==0 ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LASTHIGH) : this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDHIGH)) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return minimum Bid or Last price for a day | //| depending on the chart construction method and price availability| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CSymbol::BidLastLow(void) const { return ( this.ChartMode()==SYMBOL_CHART_MODE_BID ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDLOW) : (this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDLOW)==0 ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LASTLOW) : this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_BIDLOW)) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
As mentioned above, here we check the chart construction type. If the chart is based on Bid prices, return the appropriate Bid prices. If the chart is based on Last prices, additionally check for the zero Bid price of a returned symbol property. If it is equal to zero, use the appropriate Last price, otherwise use the appropriate Bid price.
Let's write the same implementation for the methods returning Ask prices:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return Ask or Last price | //| depending on the chart construction method and price availability| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CSymbol::AskLast(void) const { return ( this.ChartMode()==SYMBOL_CHART_MODE_BID ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASK) : (this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASK)==0 ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LAST) : this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASK)) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return maximum Ask or Last price for a day | //| depending on the chart construction method and price availability| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CSymbol::AskLastHigh(void) const { return ( this.ChartMode()==SYMBOL_CHART_MODE_BID ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKHIGH) : (this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKHIGH)==0 ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LASTHIGH) : this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKHIGH)) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return minimum Ask or Last price for a day | //| depending on the chart construction method and price availability| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CSymbol::AskLastLow(void) const { return ( this.ChartMode()==SYMBOL_CHART_MODE_BID ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKLOW) : (this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKLOW)==0 ? this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_LASTLOW) : this.GetProperty(SYMBOL_PROP_ASKLOW)) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
These are the methods to be used in the library when calculating price levels for obtaining Ask or Last, as well as Bid or Last prices.
When displaying messages about trading events in the journal, we now have additional notations for magic number IDs and two groups provided
that additional data is stored in the magic number value (implemented in the previous
article). But if the magic number also contains the pending request ID, it has not been displayed in the journal. Let's fix this. Add a
couple of strings to the appropriate brief event description method of each of the event classes in the EventModify.mqh, EventOrderPlaced.mqh,
EventOrderRemoved.mqh, EventPositionClose.mqh and EventPositionOpen.mqh files.
Replace the
following string in each of the files:
string magic=(this.Magic()!=0 ? ", "+CMessage::Text(MSG_ORD_MAGIC)+" "+(string)this.Magic()+magic_id+group_id1+group_id2 : "");
with the following two strings:
string pend_req_id=(this.GetPendReqID()>0 ? ", ID: "+(string)this.GetPendReqID() : ""); string magic=(this.Magic()!=0 ? ", "+CMessage::Text(MSG_ORD_MAGIC)+" "+(string)this.Magic()+magic_id+group_id1+group_id2+pend_req_id : "");
Thus, we have added the description of the pending event ID (if any) to the magic number description.
Add the methods returning the descriptions of the MqlTradeRequest trading request structure fields to the public section of the symbol's CTradeObj trading object class in the TradeObj.mqh file:
//--- Return the description of the (1) executed action type, (2) magic number, (3) order ticket, (4) volume, //--- (5) open, (6) StopLimit order, (7) StopLoss, (8) TakeProfit price, (9) deviation, //--- type of (10) order, (11) execution, (12) lifetime, (13) order expiration date, //--- (14) comment, (15) position ticket, (16) opposite position ticket string GetRequestActionDescription(void) const { return RequestActionDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestMagicDescription(void) const { return RequestMagicDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestOrderDescription(void) const { return RequestOrderDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestSymbolDescription(void) const { return RequestSymbolDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestVolumeDescription(void) const { return RequestVolumeDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestPriceDescription(void) const { return RequestPriceDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestStopLimitDescription(void) const { return RequestStopLimitDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestStopLossDescription(void) const { return RequestStopLossDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestTakeProfitDescription(void) const { return RequestTakeProfitDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestDeviationDescription(void) const { return RequestDeviationDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestTypeDescription(void) const { return RequestTypeDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestTypeFillingDescription(void) const { return RequestTypeFillingDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestTypeTimeDescription(void) const { return RequestTypeTimeDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestExpirationDescription(void) const { return RequestExpirationDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestCommentDescription(void) const { return RequestCommentDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestPositionDescription(void) const { return RequestPositionDescription(this.m_request); } string GetRequestPositionByDescription(void) const { return RequestPositionByDescription(this.m_request); } //--- Open a position
The methods simply call the appropriate functions we have previously created in the file of the library service functions.
Previously, I have overlooked passing the order filling type to the position opening methods.
Let's add this
parameter to the declaration of the method of opening class positions:
//--- Open a position bool OpenPosition(const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type, const double volume, const double sl=0, const double tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE);
and to the method implementation:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Open a position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CTradeObj::OpenPosition(const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type, const double volume, const double sl=0, const double tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) {
Since I am going to implement the ability to trade using pending requests in the future, I have introduced the concept of a pending request type.
In the Trading.mqh trading class file (namely, in the CPendingReq pending request class), add the class member variable to the private section to store the pending request type:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending request object class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CPendingReq : public CObject { private: MqlTradeRequest m_request; // Trade request structure uchar m_id; // Trading request ID int m_type; // Pending request type int m_retcode; // Result a request is based on double m_price_create; // Price at the moment of a request generation ulong m_time_create; // Request generation time ulong m_time_activate; // Next attempt activation time ulong m_waiting_msc; // Waiting time between requests uchar m_current_attempt; // Current attempt index uchar m_total_attempts; // Number of attempts
In the public class section, add the method returning the server return
code the pending request is based on, the methods returning the
descriptions of the pending request properties and the request type,
as well as the method returning all trading request data to the journal:
public: //--- Return (1) the request structure, (2) the price at the moment of the request generation, //--- (3) request generation time, (4) current attempt time, //--- (5) waiting time between requests, (6) current attempt index, //--- (7) number of attempts, (8) request ID MqlTradeRequest MqlRequest(void) const { return this.m_request; } double PriceCreate(void) const { return this.m_price_create; } ulong TimeCreate(void) const { return this.m_time_create; } ulong TimeActivate(void) const { return this.m_time_activate; } ulong WaitingMSC(void) const { return this.m_waiting_msc; } uchar CurrentAttempt(void) const { return this.m_current_attempt; } uchar TotalAttempts(void) const { return this.m_total_attempts; } uchar ID(void) const { return this.m_id; } int Retcode(void) const { return this.m_retcode; } //--- Set (1) the price when creating a request, (2) request creation time, //--- (3) current attempt time, (4) waiting time between requests, //--- (5) current attempt index, (6) number of attempts, (7) request ID void SetPriceCreate(const double price) { this.m_price_create=price; } void SetTimeCreate(const ulong time) { this.m_time_create=time; } void SetTimeActivate(const ulong time) { this.m_time_activate=time; } void SetWaitingMSC(const ulong miliseconds) { this.m_waiting_msc=miliseconds;} void SetCurrentAttempt(const uchar number) { this.m_current_attempt=number; } void SetTotalAttempts(const uchar number) { this.m_total_attempts=number; } void SetID(const uchar id) { this.m_id=id; } //--- Return the description of the (1) request structure, (2) the price at the moment of the request generation, //--- (3) request generation time, (4) current attempt time, //--- (5) waiting time between requests, (6) current attempt index, //--- (7) number of attempts, (8) request ID string MqlRequestDescription(void) const { return RequestActionDescription(this.m_request); } string TypeDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TYPE) + (this.Type()==PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_ERR ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_BY_ERROR) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_BY_REQUEST) ); } string PriceCreateDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_PRICE_CREATE)+": "+ ::DoubleToString(this.PriceCreate(),(int)::SymbolInfoInteger(this.m_request.symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS)); } string TimeCreateDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TIME_CREATE)+TimeMSCtoString(this.TimeCreate()); } string TimeActivateDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TIME_ACTIVATE)+TimeMSCtoString(this.TimeActivate());} string WaitingMSCDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_WAITING)+(string)this.WaitingMSC(); } string CurrentAttemptDescription(void) const { return (CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_CURRENT_ATTEMPT)+ (this.CurrentAttempt()==0 ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_WAITING_ONSET) : (string)this.CurrentAttempt()) ); } string TotalAttemptsDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_TOTAL_ATTEMPTS)+(string)this.TotalAttempts(); } string IdDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_ID)+(string)this.ID(); } string RetcodeDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_RETCODE)+(string)this.Retcode(); } string ReasonDescription(void) const { return CMessage::Text(this.m_retcode); } //--- Return a request type virtual int Type(void) const { return this.m_type; } //--- Display request data in the journal void Print(void); //--- Constructors CPendingReq(void){;} CPendingReq(const uchar id,const double price,const ulong time,const MqlTradeRequest &request,const int retcode); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The methods returning descriptions of the pending request object properties simply generate a composite description out of the header
describing the property and its value. The Type() method returning the pending request type is made virtual since the
same virtual method has already been defined for the CObject base object the pending request object is derived from. To implement the
return of the derived object type, the method should be redefined in the descendant. I have done exactly that, and now this method returns the m_type
variable value defined in the pending request class.
In the class constructor, set the value for a pending request type:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Parametric constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPendingReq::CPendingReq(const uchar id,const double price,const ulong time,const MqlTradeRequest &request,const int retcode) : m_price_create(price), m_time_create(time), m_id(id), m_retcode(retcode) { this.CopyRequest(request); this.m_type=(retcode>0 ? PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_ERR : PENDING_REQUEST_ID_TYPE_REQ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Since pending requests are created by a server return code and a program request, it is sufficient to know the server response code to define a
pending request type. This is exactly what we do here: if the return code exceeds
zero (the server has returned an error), this request has been
generated by the server return code. If the code is zero, a pending
request object has been created by a program request.
Improve the Compare() virtual method of the pending request object.
Previously, it always compared objects according
to a single property — request ID:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Compare CPendingReq objects by IDs | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CPendingReq::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { const CPendingReq *compared_req=node; return(this.ID()>compared_req.ID() ? 1 : this.ID()<compared_req.ID() ? -1 : 0); return 0; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
After introducing pending request types, we need to compare objects by two properties — ID and type.
To implement
this, change the method of comparing two objects:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Compare CPendingReq objects by properties | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CPendingReq::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { const CPendingReq *compared_req=node; return ( //--- Compare by ID mode==0 ? (this.ID()>compared_req.ID() ? 1 : this.ID()<compared_req.ID() ? -1 : 0) : //--- Compare by type (this.Type()>compared_req.Type() ? 1 : this.Type()<compared_req.Type() ? -1 : 0) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Compared properties from the mode variable are selected here. If 0, the objects are compared by IDs. If not 0, they are compared by object types.
Also beyond the class body, write the method displaying the full description of all pending request object properties to the journal:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display request data in the journal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPendingReq::Print(void) { string action=" - "+RequestActionDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; string symbol="",order="",volume="",price="",stoplimit="",sl="",tp="",deviation="",type="",type_filling=""; string type_time="",expiration="",position="",position_by="",magic="",comment="",request_data=""; string type_req=" - "+this.TypeDescription()+"\n"; if(this.m_request.action==TRADE_ACTION_DEAL) { symbol=" - "+RequestSymbolDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; volume=" - "+RequestVolumeDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; price=" - "+RequestPriceDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; sl=" - "+RequestStopLossDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; tp=" - "+RequestTakeProfitDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; deviation=" - "+RequestDeviationDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; type=" - "+RequestTypeDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; type_filling=" - "+RequestTypeFillingDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; magic=" - "+RequestMagicDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; comment=" - "+RequestCommentDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; request_data= ("================== "+ CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)+" ==================\n"+ action+symbol+volume+price+sl+tp+deviation+type+type_filling+magic+comment+ " ==================\n" ); } else if(this.m_request.action==TRADE_ACTION_SLTP) { symbol=" - "+RequestSymbolDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; sl=" - "+RequestStopLossDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; tp=" - "+RequestTakeProfitDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; position=" - "+RequestPositionDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; request_data= ("================== "+ CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)+" ==================\n"+ action+symbol+sl+tp+position+ " ==================\n" ); } else if(this.m_request.action==TRADE_ACTION_PENDING) { symbol=" - "+RequestSymbolDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; volume=" - "+RequestVolumeDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; price=" - "+RequestPriceDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; stoplimit=" - "+RequestStopLimitDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; sl=" - "+RequestStopLossDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; tp=" - "+RequestTakeProfitDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; type=" - "+RequestTypeDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; type_filling=" - "+RequestTypeFillingDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; type_time=" - "+RequestTypeTimeDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; expiration=" - "+RequestExpirationDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; magic=" - "+RequestMagicDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; comment=" - "+RequestCommentDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; request_data= ("================== "+ CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)+" ==================\n"+ action+symbol+volume+price+stoplimit+sl+tp+type+type_filling+type_time+expiration+magic+comment+ " ==================\n" ); } else if(this.m_request.action==TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY) { order=" - "+RequestOrderDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; price=" - "+RequestPriceDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; sl=" - "+RequestStopLossDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; tp=" - "+RequestTakeProfitDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; type_time=" - "+RequestTypeTimeDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; expiration=" - "+RequestExpirationDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; request_data= ("================== "+ CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)+" ==================\n"+ action+order+price+sl+tp+type_time+expiration+ " ==================\n" ); } else if(this.m_request.action==TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE) { order=" - "+RequestOrderDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; request_data= ("================== "+ CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)+" ==================\n"+ action+order+ " ==================\n" ); } else if(this.m_request.action==TRADE_ACTION_CLOSE_BY) { position=" - "+RequestPositionDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; position_by=" - "+RequestPositionByDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; magic=" - "+RequestMagicDescription(this.m_request)+"\n"; request_data= ("================== "+ CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_REQUEST_DATAS)+" ==================\n"+ action+position+position_by+magic+ " ==================\n" ); } string datas= ( " - "+this.TypeDescription()+"\n"+ " - "+this.IdDescription()+"\n"+ " - "+this.RetcodeDescription()+" \""+this.ReasonDescription()+"\"\n"+ " - "+this.TimeCreateDescription()+"\n"+ " - "+this.PriceCreateDescription()+"\n"+ " - "+this.TimeActivateDescription()+"\n"+ " - "+this.WaitingMSCDescription()+" ("+TimeToString(this.WaitingMSC()/1000,TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)+")"+"\n"+ " - "+this.CurrentAttemptDescription()+"\n"+ " - "+this.TotalAttemptsDescription()+"\n" ); ::Print("================== ",CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_DATAS)," ==================\n",datas,request_data); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the method, descriptions of all object properties are gathered in string variables including field descriptions for the object's trading request structure. The number of displayed data depends on the type of the action in the trading request since different actions require different number of trading request structure fields. Therefore, the 'action' field value is checked and only the appropriate fields are displayed. The description of the object variables is displayed first followed by the description of the request structure fields. Thus, all pending request object properties are displayed in the journal according to the request trading action type (action).
Previously, we added the additional property — order filling type — to the position opening method in the CTradeObj
Now, let's add the same property to the private position opening method definition in the CTrading class:
//--- (1) Open a position, (2) place a pending order template<typename SL,typename TP> bool OpenPosition(const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type, const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE);
Add the same properties to the definition of public Buy and Sell positions opening methods:
//--- Open (1) Buy, (2) Sell position template<typename SL,typename TP> bool OpenBuy(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); template<typename SL,typename TP> bool OpenSell(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE);
Also, let's add the same parameters when implementing these methods outside the class body:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Open a position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename SL,typename TP> bool CTrading::OpenPosition(const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type, const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Open Buy position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename SL,typename TP> bool CTrading::OpenBuy(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { //--- Return the result of sending a trading request from the OpenPosition() method return this.OpenPosition(POSITION_TYPE_BUY,volume,symbol,magic,sl,tp,comment,deviation,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Open a Sell position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename SL,typename TP> bool CTrading::OpenSell(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { //--- Return the result of sending a trading request from the OpenPosition() method return this.OpenPosition(POSITION_TYPE_SELL,volume,symbol,magic,sl,tp,comment,deviation,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the private section of the class, declare the method returning the
request object index in the list by ID:
//--- Look for the first free pending request ID int GetFreeID(void); //--- Return the request object index in the list by ID int GetIndexPendingRequestByID(const uchar id); public:
I have slightly changed the implementation of the class timer.
Below is the full timer implementation code with its logic
described in the comments:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Timer | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CTrading::OnTimer(void) { //--- In a loop by the list of pending requests int total=this.m_list_request.Total(); for(int i=total-1;i>WRONG_VALUE;i--) { //--- receive the next request object CPendingReq *req_obj=this.m_list_request.At(i); if(req_obj==NULL) continue; //--- get the request structure and the symbol object a trading operation should be performed for MqlTradeRequest request=req_obj.MqlRequest(); CSymbol *symbol_obj=this.m_symbols.GetSymbolObjByName(request.symbol); if(symbol_obj==NULL || !symbol_obj.RefreshRates()) continue; //--- if the current attempt exceeds the defined number of trading attempts, //--- or the current time exceeds the waiting time of all attempts //--- remove the current request object and move on to the next one if(req_obj.CurrentAttempt()>req_obj.TotalAttempts() || req_obj.CurrentAttempt()>=UCHAR_MAX || (long)symbol_obj.Time()>long(req_obj.TimeCreate()+req_obj.WaitingMSC()*req_obj.TotalAttempts())) { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) { ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_DELETED)); req_obj.Print(); } this.m_list_request.Delete(i); continue; } //--- Get the pending request ID uchar id=this.GetPendReqID((uint)request.magic); //--- Get the list of orders/positions containing the order/position with the pending request ID CArrayObj *list=this.m_market.GetList(ORDER_PROP_PEND_REQ_ID,id,EQUAL); if(::CheckPointer(list)==POINTER_INVALID) continue; //--- If the order/position is present, the request is handled: remove it and proceed to the next if(list.Total()>0) { this.m_list_request.Delete(i); continue; } //--- Set the request activation time in the request object req_obj.SetTimeActivate(req_obj.TimeCreate()+req_obj.WaitingMSC()*(req_obj.CurrentAttempt()+1)); //--- If the current time is less than the request activation time, //--- this is not the request time - move on to the next request in the list if((long)symbol_obj.Time()<(long)req_obj.TimeActivate()) continue; //--- Set the attempt number in the request object req_obj.SetCurrentAttempt(uchar(req_obj.CurrentAttempt()+1)); //--- Display the number of the trading attempt in the journal if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_RE_TRY_N)+(string)req_obj.CurrentAttempt()); //--- Depending on the type of action performed in the trading request switch(request.action) { //--- Open a position case TRADE_ACTION_DEAL : this.OpenPosition((ENUM_POSITION_TYPE)request.type,request.volume,request.symbol,request.magic,request.sl,request.tp,request.comment,request.deviation,request.type_filling); break; //--- Place a pending order case TRADE_ACTION_PENDING : this.PlaceOrder(request.type,request.volume,request.symbol,request.price,request.stoplimit,request.sl,request.tp,request.magic,request.comment,request.expiration,request.type_time,request.type_filling); break; //--- default: break; } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
I hope, everything is clear here.
In the RequestErrorsCorrecting() error correction method, add expiration type correction when receiving the "invalid order expiration date" error (only a part of the code with corrections):
//--- The specified type of order execution by residue is not supported if(this.IsPresentErorCode(10030)) request.type_filling=symbol_obj.GetCorrectTypeFilling(); //--- Invalid order expiration in a request - if(this.IsPresentErorCode(10022)) { //--- Set a correct order expiration type request.type_time=symbol_obj.GetCorrectTypeExpiration(); //--- if the expiration type is not supported as set by the expiration date and the expiration data is defined, reset the expiration date if(!symbol_obj.IsExpirationModeSpecified() && request.expiration>0) request.expiration=0; } //--- View the list of remaining errors and correct trading request parameters
Previously, we added the new methods for obtaining Ask prices to the symbol object and adjusted the methods for obtaining Bid prices. Now we need to replace all occurrences of the "Ask()" and "Bid()" strings in the entire listing with "AskLast()" and "BidLast()", respectively. The most convenient way to do this is applying the search and replace function (Ctrl+H) to the entire code. Thus, we are going to use the auto selection of suitable prices wherever we need symbol object's Ask and Bid prices.
For example, the method of setting the trading request price now looks as follows with the replaced prices:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set trading request prices | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template <typename PS,typename SL,typename TP,typename PL> bool CTrading::SetPrices(const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE action,const PS price,const SL sl,const TP tp,const PL limit,const string source_method,CSymbol *symbol_obj) { //--- Reset prices ::ZeroMemory(this.m_request); //--- Update all data by symbol if(!symbol_obj.RefreshRates()) { this.AddErrorCodeToList(10021); // No quotes to handle the request return false; } //--- Open/close price if(price>0) { //--- price parameter type (double) - normalize the price up to Digits(), since the price has been passed if(typename(price)=="double") this.m_request.price=::NormalizeDouble(price,symbol_obj.Digits()); //--- price parameter type (int) - the distance has been passed else if(typename(price)=="int" || typename(price)=="uint" || typename(price)=="long" || typename(price)=="ulong") { //--- Calculate the order price switch((int)action) { //--- Pending order case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT : this.m_request.price=::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.AskLast()-price*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); break; case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP : case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT : this.m_request.price=::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.AskLast()+price*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); break; case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT : this.m_request.price=::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.BidLast()+price*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); break; case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP : case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT : this.m_request.price=::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.BidLast()-price*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); break; //--- Default - current position open prices default : this.m_request.price= ( this.DirectionByActionType((ENUM_ACTION_TYPE)action)==ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? ::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.AskLast(),symbol_obj.Digits()) : ::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.BidLast(),symbol_obj.Digits()) ); break; } } //--- unsupported price types - display the message and return 'false' else { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(source_method,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_UNSUPPORTED_PR_TYPE)); return false; } } //--- If no price is specified, use the current prices else { this.m_request.price= ( this.DirectionByActionType((ENUM_ACTION_TYPE)action)==ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? ::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.AskLast(),symbol_obj.Digits()) : ::NormalizeDouble(symbol_obj.BidLast(),symbol_obj.Digits()) ); } //--- StopLimit order price or distance if(limit>0) { //--- limit order price parameter type (double) - normalize the price up to Digits(), since the price has been passed if(typename(limit)=="double") this.m_request.stoplimit=::NormalizeDouble(limit,symbol_obj.Digits()); //--- limit order price parameter type (int) - the distance has been passed else if(typename(limit)=="int" || typename(limit)=="uint" || typename(limit)=="long" || typename(limit)=="ulong") { //--- Calculate a limit order price if(this.DirectionByActionType((ENUM_ACTION_TYPE)action)==ORDER_TYPE_BUY) this.m_request.stoplimit=::NormalizeDouble(this.m_request.price-limit*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); else this.m_request.stoplimit=::NormalizeDouble(this.m_request.price+limit*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); } //--- unsupported limit order price types - display the message and return 'false' else { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(source_method,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_UNSUPPORTED_PL_TYPE)); return false; } } //--- Order price stop order prices are calculated from double price_open= ( (action==ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT || action==ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT) && limit>0 ? this.m_request.stoplimit : this.m_request.price ); //--- StopLoss if(sl>0) { //--- StopLoss parameter type (double) - normalize the price up to Digits(), since the price has been passed if(typename(sl)=="double") this.m_request.sl=::NormalizeDouble(sl,symbol_obj.Digits()); //--- StopLoss parameter type (int) - calculate the placement distance else if(typename(sl)=="int" || typename(sl)=="uint" || typename(sl)=="long" || typename(sl)=="ulong") { //--- Calculate the StopLoss price if(this.DirectionByActionType((ENUM_ACTION_TYPE)action)==ORDER_TYPE_BUY) this.m_request.sl=::NormalizeDouble(price_open-sl*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); else this.m_request.sl=::NormalizeDouble(price_open+sl*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); } //--- unsupported StopLoss types - display the message and return 'false' else { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(source_method,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_UNSUPPORTED_SL_TYPE)); return false; } } //--- TakeProfit if(tp>0) { //--- TakeProfit parameter type (double) - normalize the price up to Digits(), since the price has been passed if(typename(tp)=="double") this.m_request.tp=::NormalizeDouble(tp,symbol_obj.Digits()); //--- TakeProfit parameter type (int) - calculate the placement distance else if(typename(tp)=="int" || typename(tp)=="uint" || typename(tp)=="long" || typename(tp)=="ulong") { if(this.DirectionByActionType((ENUM_ACTION_TYPE)action)==ORDER_TYPE_BUY) this.m_request.tp=::NormalizeDouble(price_open+tp*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); else this.m_request.tp=::NormalizeDouble(price_open-tp*symbol_obj.Point(),symbol_obj.Digits()); } //--- unsupported TakeProfit types - display the message and return 'false' else { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(source_method,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_UNSUPPORTED_TP_TYPE)); return false; } } //--- All prices are recorded return true; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
There is no point in displaying all codes with the performed replacements here. They are all fixed already and attached below.
In the implementation of the private method for placing a pending order, add the block for creating a pending trading request in case of a server error:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place a pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PS,typename PL,typename SL,typename TP> bool CTrading::PlaceOrder(const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE order_type, const double volume, const string symbol, const PS price_stop, const PL price_limit=0, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { bool res=true; this.m_error_reason_flags=TRADE_REQUEST_ERR_FLAG_NO_ERROR; ENUM_ACTION_TYPE action=(ENUM_ACTION_TYPE)order_type; //--- Get a symbol object by a symbol name CSymbol *symbol_obj=this.m_symbols.GetSymbolObjByName(symbol); if(symbol_obj==NULL) { this.m_error_reason_flags=TRADE_REQUEST_ERR_FLAG_INTERNAL_ERR; if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_SYS_ERROR_FAILED_GET_SYM_OBJ)); return false; } //--- Get a trading object from a symbol object CTradeObj *trade_obj=symbol_obj.GetTradeObj(); if(trade_obj==NULL) { this.m_error_reason_flags=TRADE_REQUEST_ERR_FLAG_INTERNAL_ERR; if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_SYS_ERROR_FAILED_GET_TRADE_OBJ)); return false; } //--- Set the prices //--- If failed to set - write the "internal error" flag, set the error code in the return structure, //--- display the message in the journal and return 'false' if(!this.SetPrices(order_type,price_stop,sl,tp,price_limit,DFUN,symbol_obj)) { this.m_error_reason_flags=TRADE_REQUEST_ERR_FLAG_INTERNAL_ERR; trade_obj.SetResultRetcode(10021); trade_obj.SetResultComment(CMessage::Text(trade_obj.GetResultRetcode())); if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(10021)); // No quotes to process the request return false; } //--- In case of trading limitations, funds insufficiency, //--- there are limitations on StopLevel - play the error sound and exit this.m_request.volume=volume; this.m_request.type_filling=type_filling; this.m_request.type_time=type_time; this.m_request.expiration=expiration; ENUM_ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD method=this.CheckErrors(this.m_request.volume, this.m_request.price, action, order_type, symbol_obj, trade_obj, DFUN, this.m_request.stoplimit, this.m_request.sl, this.m_request.tp); if(method!=ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_OK) { //--- If trading is completely disabled if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_DISABLE) { trade_obj.SetResultRetcode(MSG_LIB_TEXT_TRADING_DISABLE); trade_obj.SetResultComment(CMessage::Text(trade_obj.GetResultRetcode())); if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_TRADING_DISABLE)); if(this.IsUseSounds()) trade_obj.PlaySoundError(action,order_type); return false; } //--- If the check result is "abort trading operation" - set the last error code to the return structure, //--- display a journal message, play the error sound and exit if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_EXIT) { int code=this.m_list_errors.At(this.m_list_errors.Total()-1); if(code!=NULL) { trade_obj.SetResultRetcode(code); trade_obj.SetResultComment(CMessage::Text(trade_obj.GetResultRetcode())); } if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_TRADING_OPERATION_ABORTED)); if(this.IsUseSounds()) trade_obj.PlaySoundError(action,order_type); return false; } //--- If the check result is "waiting" - set the last error code to the return structure and display the message in the journal if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_WAIT) { int code=this.m_list_errors.At(this.m_list_errors.Total()-1); if(code!=NULL) { trade_obj.SetResultRetcode(code); trade_obj.SetResultComment(CMessage::Text(trade_obj.GetResultRetcode())); } if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_CREATE_PENDING_REQUEST)); //--- Instead of creating a pending request, we temporarily wait the required time period (the CheckErrors() method result is returned) ::Sleep(method); symbol_obj.Refresh(); } //--- If the check result is "create a pending request", do nothing temporarily if(this.m_err_handling_behavior==ERROR_HANDLING_BEHAVIOR_PENDING_REQUEST) { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_CREATE_PENDING_REQUEST)); } } //--- In the loop by the number of attempts for(int i=0;i<this.m_total_try;i++) { //--- Send the request res=trade_obj.SetOrder(order_type, this.m_request.volume, this.m_request.price, this.m_request.sl, this.m_request.tp, this.m_request.stoplimit, magic, comment, this.m_request.expiration, this.m_request.type_time, this.m_request.type_filling); //--- If the request is executed successfully or the asynchronous order sending mode is set, play the success sound //--- set for a symbol trading object for this type of trading operation and return 'true' if(res || trade_obj.IsAsyncMode()) { if(this.IsUseSounds()) trade_obj.PlaySoundSuccess(action,order_type); return true; } //--- If the request is not successful, play the error sound set for a symbol trading object for this type of trading operation else { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_TRY_N),string(i+1),". ",CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_SYS_ERROR),": ",CMessage::Text(trade_obj.GetResultRetcode())); if(this.IsUseSounds()) trade_obj.PlaySoundError(action,order_type); method=this.ResultProccessingMethod(trade_obj.GetResultRetcode()); //--- If "Disable trading for the EA" is received as a result of sending a request, enable the disabling flag and end the attempt loop if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_DISABLE) { this.SetTradingDisableFlag(true); break; } //--- If "Exit the trading method" is received as a result of sending a request, end the attempt loop if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_EXIT) { break; } //--- If "Correct the parameters and repeat" is received as a result of sending a request - //--- correct the parameters and start the next iteration if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_CORRECT) { this.RequestErrorsCorrecting(this.m_request,order_type,trade_obj.SpreadMultiplier(),symbol_obj,trade_obj); continue; } //--- If "Update data and repeat" is received as a result of sending a request - //--- update data and start the next iteration if(method==ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_REFRESH) { symbol_obj.Refresh(); continue; } //--- If "Wait and repeat" is received as a result of sending a request //--- create a pending request and end the loop if(method>ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_REFRESH) { //--- If the trading request magic number, has no pending request ID if(this.GetPendReqID((uint)magic)==0) { //--- Waiting time in milliseconds: //--- for the "Wait and repeat" handling method, the waiting value corresponds to the 'method' value, //--- for the "Create a pending request" handling method - till there is a zero waiting time ulong wait=(method>ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING_METHOD_PENDING ? method : 0); //--- Look for the least of the possible IDs. If failed to find //--- or in case of an error while updating the current symbol data, return 'false' int id=this.GetFreeID(); if(id<1 || !symbol_obj.RefreshRates()) return false; //--- Write the request ID to the magic number, while a symbol name is set in the request structure, //--- set the trading operation and order types, comment and position type, filling and expiration type uint mn=(magic==ULONG_MAX ? (uint)trade_obj.GetMagic() : (uint)magic); this.SetPendReqID((uchar)id,mn); this.m_request.magic=mn; this.m_request.symbol=symbol_obj.Name(); this.m_request.action=TRADE_ACTION_PENDING; this.m_request.type=order_type; this.m_request.comment=(comment==NULL ? trade_obj.GetComment() : comment); this.m_request.type_time=(type_time>WRONG_VALUE ? type_time : trade_obj.GetTypeExpiration()); this.m_request.type_filling=(type_filling>WRONG_VALUE ? type_filling : trade_obj.GetTypeFilling()); //--- Pass the number of trading attempts to the pending request uchar attempts=(this.m_total_try < 1 ? 1 : this.m_total_try); this.CreatePendingRequest((uchar)id,attempts,wait,this.m_request,trade_obj.GetResultRetcode(),symbol_obj); break; } } } } //--- Return the result of sending a trading request in a symbol trading object return res; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
I believe, all actions related to the development of the pending request are described in the code comments and are easy to understand. In any case, you are welcome to use the comments section.
To simplify debugging (namely to be able to see the pending request generation result), in the method of creating the pending request object, add displaying the properties of a newly created request in the journal:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create a pending request | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CTrading::CreatePendingRequest(const uchar id,const uchar attempts,const ulong wait,const MqlTradeRequest &request,const int retcode,CSymbol *symbol_obj) { //--- Create a new pending request object CPendingReq *req_obj=new CPendingReq(id,symbol_obj.BidLast(),symbol_obj.Time(),request,retcode); if(req_obj==NULL) { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_FAILING_CREATE_PENDING_REQ)); return false; } //--- If failed to add the request to the list, display the appropriate message, //--- remove the created object and return 'false' if(!this.m_list_request.Add(req_obj)) { if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_FAILING_CREATE_PENDING_REQ)); delete req_obj; return false; } //--- Filled in the fields of a successfully created object by the values passed to the method req_obj.SetTimeActivate(symbol_obj.Time()+wait); req_obj.SetWaitingMSC(wait); req_obj.SetCurrentAttempt(0); req_obj.SetTotalAttempts(attempts); if(this.m_log_level>LOG_LEVEL_NO_MSG) { ::Print(CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PEND_REQUEST_CREATED)," #",req_obj.ID(),":"); req_obj.Print(); } return true; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
At the very end of the trading class listing, implement the method returning the request object index in the list by ID:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the request object index in the list by ID | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CTrading::GetIndexPendingRequestByID(const uchar id) { CPendingReq *req=new CPendingReq(); if(req==NULL) return WRONG_VALUE; req.SetID(id); this.m_list_request.Sort(); int index=this.m_list_request.Search(req); delete req; return index; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The method receives the necessary ID, a temporary request object is created and the ID passed to the method is set for it.
Next, the sorted list flag is set for the list containing request objects. By default, the sorting mode is equal to zero. This is the mode used to arrange the objects comparison by ID in the Compare() virtual method of the CPendingReq class. Therefore, it is now possible to use the Search() object searching method in the dynamic array of pointers to objects. The method returns the obtained object index in the list or -1 if the object is not found. Before exiting the method, remove the temporary request object and return the obtained index of the detected object or -1.
Now all we have to do is supplement the library's CEngine base object class with an additional parameter specifying the order filling type. The parameter is added to the definitions of the class methods for sending trading requests.
//--- Open (1) Buy, (2) Sell position template<typename SL,typename TP> bool OpenBuy(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, SL sl=0, TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); template<typename SL,typename TP> bool OpenSell(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, SL sl=0, TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); //--- Set (1) BuyStop, (2) BuyLimit, (3) BuyStopLimit pending order template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool PlaceBuyStop(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool PlaceBuyLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); template<typename PR,typename PL,typename SL,typename TP> bool PlaceBuyStopLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price_stop, const PL price_limit, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); //--- Set (1) SellStop, (2) SellLimit, (3) SellStopLimit pending order template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool PlaceSellStop(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool PlaceSellLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE); template<typename PR,typename PL,typename SL,typename TP> bool PlaceSellStopLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price_stop, const PL price_limit, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE);
If the default value is -1, correct values of order filling types are taken from symbol trading objects a trading operation is to be performed on.
Add the same parameters to the implementation codes of these trading methods:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Open Buy position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::OpenBuy(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, SL sl=0,TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.OpenBuy(volume,symbol,magic,sl,tp,comment,deviation,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Open a Sell position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::OpenSell(const double volume, const string symbol, const ulong magic=ULONG_MAX, SL sl=0,TP tp=0, const string comment=NULL, const ulong deviation=ULONG_MAX, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.OpenSell(volume,symbol,magic,sl,tp,comment,deviation,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place BuyStop pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::PlaceBuyStop(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=WRONG_VALUE, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.PlaceBuyStop(volume,symbol,price,sl,tp,magic,comment,expiration,type_time,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place BuyLimit pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::PlaceBuyLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=WRONG_VALUE, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.PlaceBuyLimit(volume,symbol,price,sl,tp,magic,comment,expiration,type_time,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place BuyStopLimit pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PR,typename PL,typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::PlaceBuyStopLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price_stop, const PL price_limit, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=WRONG_VALUE, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.PlaceBuyStopLimit(volume,symbol,price_stop,price_limit,sl,tp,magic,comment,expiration,type_time,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place SellStop pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::PlaceSellStop(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=WRONG_VALUE, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.PlaceSellStop(volume,symbol,price,sl,tp,magic,comment,expiration,type_time,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place SellLimit pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PR,typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::PlaceSellLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=WRONG_VALUE, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.PlaceSellLimit(volume,symbol,price,sl,tp,magic,comment,expiration,type_time,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place SellStopLimit pending order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ template<typename PR,typename PL,typename SL,typename TP> bool CEngine::PlaceSellStopLimit(const double volume, const string symbol, const PR price_stop, const PL price_limit, const SL sl=0, const TP tp=0, const ulong magic=WRONG_VALUE, const string comment=NULL, const datetime expiration=0, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time=WRONG_VALUE, const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling=WRONG_VALUE) { return this.m_trading.PlaceSellStopLimit(volume,symbol,price_stop,price_limit,sl,tp,magic,comment,expiration,type_time,type_filling); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
These are all the necessary adjustments and changes for now.
To test pending requests for placing pending orders, let's take the EA from the previous article and save it to \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part27\ under the name TestDoEasyPart27.mq5.
In the EA's library initialization function, add setting correct values of order filling and expiration types for all trading objects of all symbols used in the EA:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Initializing DoEasy library | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnInitDoEasy() { //--- Check if working with the full list is selected used_symbols_mode=InpModeUsedSymbols; if((ENUM_SYMBOLS_MODE)used_symbols_mode==SYMBOLS_MODE_ALL) { int total=SymbolsTotal(false); string ru_n="\nКоличество символов на сервере "+(string)total+".\nМаксимальное количество: "+(string)SYMBOLS_COMMON_TOTAL+" символов."; string en_n="\nNumber of symbols on server "+(string)total+".\nMaximum number: "+(string)SYMBOLS_COMMON_TOTAL+" symbols."; string caption=TextByLanguage("Внимание!","Attention!"); string ru="Выбран режим работы с полным списком.\nВ этом режиме первичная подготовка списка коллекции символов может занять длительное время."+ru_n+"\nПродолжить?\n\"Нет\" - работа с текущим символом \""+Symbol()+"\""; string en="Full list mode selected.\nIn this mode, the initial preparation of the collection symbols list may take a long time."+en_n+"\nContinue?\n\"No\" - working with the current symbol \""+Symbol()+"\""; string message=TextByLanguage(ru,en); int flags=(MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON2); int mb_res=MessageBox(message,caption,flags); switch(mb_res) { case IDNO : used_symbols_mode=SYMBOLS_MODE_CURRENT; break; default: break; } } //--- Fill in the array of used symbols used_symbols=InpUsedSymbols; CreateUsedSymbolsArray((ENUM_SYMBOLS_MODE)used_symbols_mode,used_symbols,array_used_symbols); //--- Set the type of the used symbol list in the symbol collection engine.SetUsedSymbols(array_used_symbols); //--- Displaying the selected mode of working with the symbol object collection Print(engine.ModeSymbolsListDescription(),TextByLanguage(". Number of used symbols: ",". Number of symbols used: "),engine.GetSymbolsCollectionTotal()); //--- Create resource text files engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_coin_01",TextByLanguage("Звук упавшей монетки 1","Falling coin 1"),sound_array_coin_01); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_coin_02",TextByLanguage("Звук упавших монеток","Falling coins"),sound_array_coin_02); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_coin_03",TextByLanguage("Звук монеток","Coins"),sound_array_coin_03); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_coin_04",TextByLanguage("Звук упавшей монетки 2","Falling coin 2"),sound_array_coin_04); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_click_01",TextByLanguage("Звук щелчка по кнопке 1","Button click 1"),sound_array_click_01); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_click_02",TextByLanguage("Звук щелчка по кнопке 2","Button click 2"),sound_array_click_02); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_click_03",TextByLanguage("Звук щелчка по кнопке 3","Button click 3"),sound_array_click_03); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_WAV,"sound_array_cash_machine_01",TextByLanguage("Звук кассового аппарата","Cash machine"),sound_array_cash_machine_01); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_BMP,"img_array_spot_green",TextByLanguage("Изображение \"Зелёный светодиод\"","Image \"Green Spot lamp\""),img_array_spot_green); engine.CreateFile(FILE_TYPE_BMP,"img_array_spot_red",TextByLanguage("Изображение \"Красный светодиод\"","Image \"Red Spot lamp\""),img_array_spot_red); //--- Pass all existing collections to the trading class engine.TradingOnInit(); //--- Set the default magic number for all used symbols engine.TradingSetMagic(engine.SetCompositeMagicNumber(magic_number)); //--- Set synchronous passing of orders for all used symbols engine.TradingSetAsyncMode(false); //--- Set the number of trading attempts in case of an error engine.TradingSetTotalTry(InpTotalAttempts); //--- Set correct order expiration and filling types to all trading objects engine.TradingSetCorrectTypeExpiration(); engine.TradingSetCorrectTypeFilling(); //--- Set standard sounds for trading objects of all used symbols engine.SetSoundsStandart(); //--- Set the general flag of using sounds engine.SetUseSounds(InpUseSounds); //--- Set the spread multiplier for symbol trading objects in the symbol collection engine.SetSpreadMultiplier(InpSpreadMultiplier); //--- Set controlled values for symbols //--- Get the list of all collection symbols CArrayObj *list=engine.GetListAllUsedSymbols(); if(list!=NULL && list.Total()!=0) { //--- In a loop by the list, set the necessary values for tracked symbol properties //--- By default, the LONG_MAX value is set to all properties, which means "Do not track this property" //--- It can be enabled or disabled (by setting the value less than LONG_MAX or vice versa - set the LONG_MAX value) at any time and anywhere in the program /* for(int i=0;i<list.Total();i++) { CSymbol* symbol=list.At(i); if(symbol==NULL) continue; //--- Set control of the symbol price increase by 100 points symbol.SetControlBidInc(100000*symbol.Point()); //--- Set control of the symbol price decrease by 100 points symbol.SetControlBidDec(100000*symbol.Point()); //--- Set control of the symbol spread increase by 40 points symbol.SetControlSpreadInc(400); //--- Set control of the symbol spread decrease by 40 points symbol.SetControlSpreadDec(400); //--- Set control of the current spread by the value of 40 points symbol.SetControlSpreadLevel(400); } */ } //--- Set controlled values for the current account CAccount* account=engine.GetAccountCurrent(); if(account!=NULL) { //--- Set control of the profit increase to 10 account.SetControlledValueINC(ACCOUNT_PROP_PROFIT,10.0); //--- Set control of the funds increase to 15 account.SetControlledValueINC(ACCOUNT_PROP_EQUITY,15.0); //--- Set profit control level to 20 account.SetControlledValueLEVEL(ACCOUNT_PROP_PROFIT,20.0); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Oddly enough, these are all the changes in the EA. All other changes have been implemented to the library codes.
To test pending requests for placing pending orders, we will do exactly the same thing as the last time — disable the Internet, try to place a pending order, get the trade server connection error and get the journal message informing of a pending request generation and its parameters. Then enable the Internet back and get activation of a pending request, as well as placing the requested pending order.
Let's check.
Compile and launch the EA. Turn off the Internet and wait till the following image appears in the lower right corner of the terminal:
After disabling the Internet and clicking Sell, the trade server returns the error and the following error and pending request entries are
displayed in the journal.
Then enable the Internet to restore the connection to the trade server:
As soon as the connection is restored, the library starts handling a pending request sending it to the server.
As a result, the pending order is placed and the following journal entries appear:
2019.12.05 16:38:32.591 CTrading::PlaceOrder<uint,int,uint,uint>: Invalid request: 2019.12.05 16:38:32.591 No connection with the trade server 2019.12.05 16:38:32.591 Correction of trade request parameters ... 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 Trading attempt #1. Error: No connection with the trade server 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 Pending request created #1: 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 ================== Pending trade request's parameters ================== 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Pending request type: Pending request that was created as a result of the server code 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Trade request ID: 1 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Return code based on which the request was created: 10031 "No connection with the trade server" 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Request creation time: 2019.12.05 11:37:39.054 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Price at time of request create: : 1.10913 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Request activation time: 2019.12.05 11:37:59.054 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Waiting time between trading attempts: 20000 (00:00:20) 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Current trading attempt: Waiting for the onset time of the first trading attempt 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Total trade attempts: 5 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 ================== Trade request's parameters ================== 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Trade operation type: Place pending order 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Trade symbol: EURUSD 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Requested volume for a deal in lots: 0.10 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Price: 1.10963 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - StopLimit level of the order: Value not set 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Stop Loss level of the order: 1.11113 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Take Profit level of the order: 1.10813 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Order type: Pending order Sell Limit 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Order execution type: The order is executed exclusively in the specified volume, otherwise it is canceled (FOK) 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Order expiration type: Good till cancel order 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Order expiration time: Value not set 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Magic number: 24379515 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 - Order comment: "Pending order SellLimit" 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 ================== 2019.12.05 16:38:32.610 2019.12.05 16:38:45.185 Retry trading attempt #1 2019.12.05 16:38:45.185 CTrading::PlaceOrder<double,double,double,double>: Invalid request: 2019.12.05 16:38:45.185 Trading is prohibited for the current account 2019.12.05 16:38:45.185 Correction of trade request parameters ... 2019.12.05 16:38:45.185 Trading operation aborted 2019.12.05 16:38:45.512 Retry trading attempt #2 2019.12.05 16:38:45.512 CTrading::PlaceOrder<double,double,double,double>: Invalid request: 2019.12.05 16:38:45.512 Trading is prohibited for the current account 2019.12.05 16:38:45.512 Correction of trade request parameters ... 2019.12.05 16:38:45.512 Trading operation aborted 2019.12.05 16:38:45.852 Retry trading attempt #3 2019.12.05 16:38:46.405 - Pending order placed: 2019.12.05 11:38:45.933 - 2019.12.05 16:38:46.405 EURUSD Placed 0.10 Pending order Sell Limit #491179168 at price 1.10963, sl 1.11113, tp 1.10813, Magic number 24379515 (123), G1: 4, G2: 7, ID: 1 2019.12.05 16:38:46.472 OnDoEasyEvent: Pending order placed
First, we obtain the "No connection with trade server" error.
Next, obtain the message about creation of a pending trading request with ID #1
containing all the object parameters and request
structure parameters within that object.
After that, two
repeated trading attempts #1 and #2 are made. The attempts are sent from a pending trading request and are followed by the error of disabled
trading on the account (trading on the account is not enabled yet after connection is restored).
third attempt sent from the pending trading request object has turned out to be successful and the pending order has been placed.
In the description of the pending order's magic number, we have the magic number 24379515 followed by the ID of the magic number set in the EA parameters (123), the first group ID "G1: 4", the second group ID "G2: 7" and the pending request ID "ID: 1"
Please note:
Do not use the results of the trading class with the pending requests, described in the article, and the attached test EA in real trading!The article, its accompanying materials and results are meant only as a test of the pending requests concept. In its current state, it is not a finished product and is in no way intended for real trading. Instead, it is only meant for the demo mode or the tester.
What's next?
In the next article, we will continue working on basic pending request features — modifying, deleting and closing orders/positions.
All files of the current version of the library are attached below together with the test EA files for you to test and download.
your questions, comments and suggestions in the comments.
Previous articles within the series:
Part 1. Concept, data management
2. Collection of historical orders and deals
Part 3. Collection of market orders
and positions, arranging the search
Part 4. Trading events. Concept
Part 5. Classes and collection of trading events. Sending events to the program
6. Netting account events
Part 7. StopLimit order activation events, preparing
the functionality for order and position modification events
Part 8. Order and
position modification events
Part 9. Compatibility with MQL4 — Preparing data
Part 10. Compatibility with MQL4 - Events of opening a position and activating pending
Part 11. Compatibility with MQL4 - Position closure events
Part 12. Account object class and account object collection
13. Account object events
Part 14. Symbol object
15. Symbol object collection
Part 16. Symbol collection events
Part 17. Interactivity of library objects
18. Interactivity of account and any other library objects
Part 19. Class of
library messages
Part 20. Creating and storing program resources
Part 21. Trading classes - Base cross-platform trading object
22. Trading classes - Base trading class, verification of limitations
Part 23.
Trading classes - Base trading class, verification of valid parameters
Part 24.
Trading classes - Base trading class, auto correction of invalid parameters
25. Trading classes - Base trading class, handling errors returned by the trade server
26. Working with pending trading requests - first implementation
Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/7418

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