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Biblioteca para desenvolvimento fácil e rápido de programas para a MetaTrader (parte XIII): Eventos do objeto Conta

Biblioteca para desenvolvimento fácil e rápido de programas para a MetaTrader (parte XIII): Eventos do objeto Conta

MetaTrader 5Exemplos | 19 setembro 2019, 08:46
2 283 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin


O conceito dos eventos da conta

Anteriormente, nós criamos uma classe separada que monitora os eventos de ordem e posição (partes IV-XI) e envia os dados sobre as alterações detectadas para o objeto da biblioteca principal CEngine.

Para monitorar os eventos da conta, nós usaremos outro método: já que nós podemos monitorar os eventos em uma única conta (a conta que o terminal está conectado atualmente), uma classe separada para isso seria redundante. Em vez disso, nós criaremos os métodos para trabalhar com os eventos diretamente na classe de coleção de contas.
Para detectar qualquer alteração nas propriedades da conta, nós compararemos as propriedades da conta atual com o estado anterior. Se forem detectadas quaisquer alterações, um evento será enviado ao gráfico do programa de controle.
Nós já desenvolvemos algumas funcionalidades para monitorar as contas de eventos no artigo anterior ao criar a coleção de objetos da conta. Neste artigo, nós melhoraremos a funcionalidade existente para torná-la totalmente utilizável.

Métodos de trabalho com os eventos da conta

Vamos começar criando as enumerações e substituições de macro necessárias no arquivo Defines.mqh. Já que recebemos uma resposta dos desenvolvedores sobre a dimensão real em bytes alocada para as propriedades do tipo string da conta, nós as definiremos precisamente no código da classe CAccount, eliminando assim a necessidade de uma substituição de macro, definindo o tamanho dos arrays do tipo uchar para armazenar as propriedades do tipo string de objetos da conta. Nós removemos a substituição de macro, que está listada no arquivo Defines.mqh

#define UCHAR_ARRAY_SIZE            (64)                       // Size of uchar arrays for storing string properties

Eu também decidi adicionar todas as enumerações e substituições de macro necessárias para trabalhar com os objetos da conta no final do arquivo — depois dos dados que trabalham com os eventos de negociação. Tal motivo é que nós vamos enviar para o programa não apenas os códigos de evento da conta, mas também os eventos de negociação que foram implementados anteriormente. Isso significa que os valores numéricos dos códigos de eventos da conta devem começar a partir do valor numérico do último código de evento de negociação + 1. Se o número de eventos de negociação aumentar, nós declararemos a substituição de macro contendo o número total de todos os eventos de negociação para não haver a possibilidade de reescrita dos valores numéricos dos códigos de eventos da conta. Além disso, nós definiremos a substituição de macro especificando o número total de eventos da conta, caso nós implementemos alguns outros eventos (como eventos do símbolo). Nesse caso, os códigos numéricos desses novos eventos começam no número total de eventos da conta + 1.

No final da lista de possíveis eventos de negociação na conta, nós inserimos a substituição de macro especificando o valor correspondente ao valor numérico do último evento de negociação + 1:

//| List of possible trading events on the account                   |
   TRADE_EVENT_NO_EVENT = 0,                                // No trading event
   TRADE_EVENT_PENDING_ORDER_PLASED,                        // Pending order placed
   TRADE_EVENT_PENDING_ORDER_REMOVED,                       // Pending order removed
//--- enumeration members matching the ENUM_DEAL_TYPE enumeration members
//--- (constant order below should not be changed, no constants should be added/deleted)
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_CREDIT = DEAL_TYPE_CREDIT,           // Accruing credit (3)
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_CHARGE,                              // Additional charges
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_CORRECTION,                          // Correcting entry
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_BONUS,                               // Accruing bonuses
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_COMISSION,                           // Additional commissions
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_COMISSION_DAILY,                     // Commission charged at the end of a trading day
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_COMISSION_MONTHLY,                   // Commission charged at the end of a trading month
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_COMISSION_AGENT_DAILY,               // Agent commission charged at the end of a trading day
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_COMISSION_AGENT_MONTHLY,             // Agent commission charged at the end of a month
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_INTEREST,                            // Accrued interest on free funds
   TRADE_EVENT_BUY_CANCELLED,                               // Canceled buy deal
   TRADE_EVENT_SELL_CANCELLED,                              // Canceled sell deal
   TRADE_EVENT_DIVIDENT,                                    // Accruing dividends
   TRADE_EVENT_DIVIDENT_FRANKED,                            // Accruing franked dividends
   TRADE_EVENT_TAX                        = DEAL_TAX,       // Tax
//--- constants related to the DEAL_TYPE_BALANCE deal type from the DEAL_TYPE_BALANCE enumeration
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_REFILL     = DEAL_TAX+1,     // Replenishing account balance
   TRADE_EVENT_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_WITHDRAWAL = DEAL_TAX+2,     // Withdrawing funds from an account
//--- Remaining possible trading events//--- (constant order below can be changed, constants can be added/deleted)
   TRADE_EVENT_PENDING_ORDER_ACTIVATED    = DEAL_TAX+3,     // Pending order activated by price
   TRADE_EVENT_PENDING_ORDER_ACTIVATED_PARTIAL,             // Pending order partially activated by price
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_OPENED,                             // Position opened
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_OPENED_PARTIAL,                     // Position opened partially
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED,                             // Position closed
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_BY_POS,                      // Position closed by an opposite one
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_BY_SL,                       // Position closed by StopLoss
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_BY_TP,                       // Position closed by TakeProfit
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_REVERSED_BY_MARKET,                 // Position reversal by a new deal (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_REVERSED_BY_PENDING,                // Position reversal by activating a pending order (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_REVERSED_BY_MARKET_PARTIAL,         // Position reversal by partial market order execution (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_REVERSED_BY_PENDING_PARTIAL,        // Position reversal by partial pending order activation (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_VOLUME_ADD_BY_MARKET,               // Added volume to a position by a new deal (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_VOLUME_ADD_BY_MARKET_PARTIAL,       // Added volume to a position by partial activation of an order (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_VOLUME_ADD_BY_PENDING,              // Added volume to a position by activating a pending order (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_VOLUME_ADD_BY_PENDING_PARTIAL,      // Added volume to a position by partial activation of a pending order (netting)
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_PARTIAL,                     // Position closed partially
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_PARTIAL_BY_POS,              // Position closed partially by an opposite one
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_PARTIAL_BY_SL,               // Position closed partially by StopLoss
   TRADE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSED_PARTIAL_BY_TP,               // Position closed partially by TakeProfit
   TRADE_EVENT_TRIGGERED_STOP_LIMIT_ORDER,                  // StopLimit order activation
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_PRICE,                          // Changing order price
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_PRICE_STOP_LOSS,                // Changing order and StopLoss price 
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_PRICE_TAKE_PROFIT,              // Changing order and TakeProfit price
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_PRICE_STOP_LOSS_TAKE_PROFIT,    // Changing order, StopLoss and TakeProfit price
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_STOP_LOSS_TAKE_PROFIT,          // Changing order's StopLoss and TakeProfit price
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_STOP_LOSS,                      // Changing order Stop Loss
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_ORDER_TAKE_PROFIT,                    // Changing order Take Profit
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_POSITION_STOP_LOSS_TAKE_PROFIT,       // Changing position StopLoss and TakeProfit
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_POSITION_STOP_LOSS,                   // Changing position StopLoss
   TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_POSITION_TAKE_PROFIT,                 // Changing position TakeProfit
#define TRADE_EVENTS_NEXT_CODE      (TRADE_EVENT_MODIFY_POSITION_TAKE_PROFIT+1)// The code of the next event after the last trading event code

Esse é o código no qual os códigos de evento da conta devem começar.

No artigo anterior, nós definimos as propriedades da conta do tipo inteiro, real e string, bem como os possíveis critérios de ordenação da conta e colocamos eles antes dos dados para trabalhar com os eventos da conta. Agora, nós movemos eles para o final e fornecemos os dados adicionais para trabalhar com os eventos da conta — a lista de flags de eventos da conta e os possíveis eventos da conta:

//| Data for working with accounts                                   |
//| List of account event flags                                      |
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_NO_EVENT            =  0,             // No event
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_LEVERAGE            =  1,             // Changing the leverage
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_LIMIT_ORDERS        =  2,             // Changing the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_TRADE_ALLOWED       =  4,             // Changing permission to trade for the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_TRADE_EXPERT        =  8,             // Changing permission for auto trading for the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_BALANCE             =  16,            // The balance exceeds the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_EQUITY              =  32,            // The equity exceeds the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_PROFIT              =  64,            // The profit exceeds the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_CREDIT              =  128,           // Changing the credit in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN              =  256,           // The reserved margin on an account in the deposit currency exceeds the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN_FREE         =  512,           // The free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency exceed the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN_LEVEL        =  1024,          // The margin level on an account in % exceeds the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN_INITIAL      =  2048,          // The funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders exceed the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE  =  4096,          // The funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceed the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN_SO_CALL      =  8192,          // Changing the Margin Call level
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_MARGIN_SO_SO        =  16384,         // Changing the Stop Out level
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_ASSETS              =  32768,         // The current assets on an account exceed the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_LIABILITIES         =  65536,         // The current liabilities on an account exceed the specified change value +/-
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_FLAG_COMISSION_BLOCKED   =  131072,        // The current sum of blocked commissions on an account exceeds the specified change value +/-
//| List of possible account events                                  |
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_LEVERAGE_INC,                              // Increasing the leverage
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_LEVERAGE_DEC,                              // Decreasing the leverage
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIMIT_ORDERS_INC,                          // Increasing the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIMIT_ORDERS_DEC,                          // Decreasing the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_ALLOWED_ON,                          // Enabling trading for the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_ALLOWED_OFF,                         // Disabling trading for the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_EXPERT_ON,                           // Enabling auto trading for the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_EXPERT_OFF,                          // Disabling auto trading for the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_BALANCE_INC,                               // The balance exceeds the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_BALANCE_DEC,                               // The balance falls below the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_EQUITY_INC,                                // The equity exceeds the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_EQUITY_DEC,                                // The equity falls below the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_PROFIT_INC,                                // The profit exceeds the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_PROFIT_DEC,                                // The profit falls below the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_CREDIT_INC,                                // The credit exceeds the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_CREDIT_DEC,                                // The credit falls below the specified value
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_INC,                                // Increasing the reserved margin on an account in the deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_DEC,                                // Decreasing the reserved margin on an account in the deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_FREE_INC,                           // Increasing the free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_FREE_DEC,                           // Decreasing the free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_LEVEL_INC,                          // Increasing the margin level on an account in %
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_LEVEL_DEC,                          // Decreasing the margin level on an account in %
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_INITIAL_INC,                        // Increasing the funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_INITIAL_DEC,                        // Decreasing the funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE_INC,                    // Increasing the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE_DEC,                    // Decreasing the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_SO_CALL_INC,                        // Increasing the Margin Call level
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_SO_CALL_DEC,                        // Decreasing the Margin Call level
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_SO_SO_INC,                          // Increasing the Stop Out level
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_SO_SO_DEC,                          // Decreasing the Stop Out level
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_ASSETS_INC,                                // Increasing the current asset size on the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_ASSETS_DEC,                                // Decreasing the current asset size on the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIABILITIES_INC,                           // Increasing the current liabilities on the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIABILITIES_DEC,                           // Decreasing the current liabilities on the account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_COMISSION_BLOCKED_INC,                     // Increasing the current sum of blocked commissions on an account
   ACCOUNT_EVENT_COMISSION_BLOCKED_DEC,                     // Decreasing the current sum of blocked commissions on an account<
#define ACCOUNT_EVENTS_NEXT_CODE       (ACCOUNT_EVENT_COMISSION_BLOCKED_DEC+1)   // The code of the next event after the last account event code
//| Account integer properties                                       |
   ACCOUNT_PROP_LOGIN,                                      // Account number
   ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_MODE,                                 // Trading account type
   ACCOUNT_PROP_LEVERAGE,                                   // Provided leverage
   ACCOUNT_PROP_LIMIT_ORDERS,                               // Maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_MODE,                             // Mode of setting the minimum available margin level
   ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_ALLOWED,                              // Permission to trade for the current account from the server side
   ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_EXPERT,                               // Permission to trade for an EA from the server side
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MODE,                                // Margin calculation mode
   ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY_DIGITS,                            // Number of digits for an account currency necessary for accurate display of trading results
   ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER_TYPE                                 // Trade server type (MetaTrader 5, MetaTrader 4)
#define ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL    (10)                  // Total number of account's integer properties
#define ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP     (0)                   // Number of account's integer properties not used in sorting
//| Account real properties                                          |
   ACCOUNT_PROP_BALANCE = ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL,       // Account balance in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_CREDIT,                                     // Credit in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_PROFIT,                                     // Current profit on an account in the account currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_EQUITY,                                     // Equity on an account in the deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN,                                     // Reserved margin on an account in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_FREE,                                // Free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_LEVEL,                               // Margin level on an account in %
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_CALL,                             // Margin Call level
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_SO,                               // Stop Out level
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_INITIAL,                             // Funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders 
   ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE,                         // Funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   ACCOUNT_PROP_ASSETS,                                     // Current assets on an account
   ACCOUNT_PROP_LIABILITIES,                                // Current liabilities on an account
   ACCOUNT_PROP_COMMISSION_BLOCKED                          // Current sum of blocked commissions on an account
#define ACCOUNT_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL     (14)                  // Total number of account's real properties
#define ACCOUNT_PROP_DOUBLE_SKIP      (0)                   // Number of account's real properties not used in sorting
//| Account string properties                                        |
   ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER,                                     // Trade server name
   ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY,                                   // Deposit currency
   ACCOUNT_PROP_COMPANY                                     // Name of a company serving an account
#define ACCOUNT_PROP_STRING_TOTAL     (4)                   // Total number of account's string properties
#define ACCOUNT_PROP_STRING_SKIP      (0)                   // Number of account string properties not used in sorting
//| Possible account sorting criteria                                |
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN               =  0,                      // Sort by account number
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE          =  1,                      // Sort by trading account type
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE            =  2,                      // Sort by leverage
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS        =  3,                      // Sort by maximum acceptable number of existing pending orders
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE      =  4,                      // Sort by mode for setting the minimum acceptable margin level
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED       =  5,                      // Sort by permission to trade for the current account
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT        =  6,                      // Sort by permission to trade for an EA
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE         =  7,                      // Sort by margin calculation mode
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS     =  8,                      // Sort by number of digits for an account currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_SERVER_TYPE         =  9,                      // Sort by trade server type (MetaTrader 5, MetaTrader 4)
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_BALANCE             =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP,     // Sort by an account balance in the deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_CREDIT              =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+1,   // Sort by credit in a deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_PROFIT              =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+2,   // Sort by the current profit on an account in the deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_EQUITY              =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+3,   // Sort by an account equity in the deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN              =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+4,   // Sort by an account reserved margin in the deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE         =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+5,   // Sort by account free funds available for opening a position in the deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL        =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+6,   // Sort by account margin level in %
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL      =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+7,   // Sort by margin level requiring depositing funds to an account (Margin Call)
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO        =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+8,   // Sort by margin level, at which the most loss-making position is closed (Stop Out)
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL      =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+9,   // Sort by funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders 
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE  =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+10,  // Sort by funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_ASSETS              =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+11,  // Sort by the amount of the current assets on an account
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES         =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+12,  // Sort by the current liabilities on an account
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED  =  FIRST_ACC_DBL_PROP+13,  // Sort by the current amount of blocked commissions on an account

   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_NAME                =  FIRST_ACC_STR_PROP,     // Sort by a client name
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_SERVER              =  FIRST_ACC_STR_PROP+1,   // Sort by a trade server name
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY            =  FIRST_ACC_STR_PROP+2,   // Sort by a deposit currency
   SORT_BY_ACCOUNT_COMPANY             =  FIRST_ACC_STR_PROP+3    // Sort by a name of a company serving an account

Como várias propriedades da conta podem mudar de uma só vez, nós trabalharemos com um conjunto de flags de eventos para não perder nenhuma das alterações ocorridas. As flags serão adicionados a uma variável do código de evento. Em seguida, será verificado a presença de uma determinada flag na variável. Com base nas flags presentes no código do evento, nós definiremos o que exatamente aconteceu nas propriedades da conta. Todos os eventos detectados devem ser armazenados no array. A capacidade de acessá-lo deve ser fornecida na classe CEngine e, posteriormente, no programa.

Como você pode ver, a lista de propriedades da conta do tipo inteiro apresenta ainda outra propriedade — o tipo do servidor de negociação. Consequentemente, o número total de propriedades do tipo inteiro foi alterado de 9 para 10.
Esta propriedade da conta é para definir se uma conta pertence à MetaTrader 5 ou MetaTrader 4. Eu decidi adicionar esta propriedade porque a lista de todas as contas às quais o programa já se conectou recebe todas as contas — tanto da MetaTrader 5 quanto da MetaTrader 4, se o programa baseado na biblioteca for iniciado nos dois terminais. A propriedade nos permite distinguir os tipos de servidor de negociação. Ele deve estar presente na descrição da conta exibida no diário pelo método PrintShort() da classe CAccount. Além disso, nós somos capazes de ordenar os objetos da conta pela plataforma à qual elas pertencem.

Vamos passar para o arquivo Acount.mqh. Nós adicionamos a nova propriedade e definimos o tamanho exato dos arrays para armazenar as propriedades da conta do tipo string na seção privada da estrutura de dados da conta:

//| Account class                                                    |
class CAccount : public CObject
   struct SData
      //--- Account integer properties
      long           login;                        // ACCOUNT_LOGIN (Account number)
      int            trade_mode;                   // ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE (Trading account type)
      long           leverage;                     // ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE (Leverage)
      int            limit_orders;                 // ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS (Maximum allowed number of active pending orders)
      int            margin_so_mode;               // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE (Mode of setting the minimum available margin level)
      bool           trade_allowed;                // ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED (Permission to trade for the current account from the server side)
      bool           trade_expert;                 // ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT (Permission to trade for an EA from the server side)
      int            margin_mode;                  // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE (Margin calculation mode)
      int            currency_digits;              // ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS (Number of digits for an account currency)
      int            server_type;                  // Trade server type (MetaTrader 5, MetaTrader 4)
      //--- Account real properties
      double         balance;                      // ACCOUNT_BALANCE (Account balance in the deposit currency)
      double         credit;                       // ACCOUNT_CREDIT (Credit in the deposit currency)
      double         profit;                       // ACCOUNT_PROFIT (Current profit on an account in the deposit currency)
      double         equity;                       // ACCOUNT_EQUITY (Equity on an account in the deposit currency)
      double         margin;                       // ACCOUNT_MARGIN (Reserved margin on an account in the deposit currency)
      double         margin_free;                  // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE (Free funds available for opening a position in the deposit currency)
      double         margin_level;                 // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL (Margin level on an account in %)
      double         margin_so_call;               // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL (Margin Call level)
      double         margin_so_so;                 // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO (Stop Out level)
      double         margin_initial;               // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL (Funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders)
      double         margin_maintenance;           // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE (Funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions)
      double         assets;                       // ACCOUNT_ASSETS (Current assets on an account)
      double         liabilities;                  // ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES (Current liabilities on an account)
      double         comission_blocked;            // ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED (Current sum of blocked commissions on an account)
      //--- Account string properties
      uchar          name[128];                    // ACCOUNT_NAME (Client name)
      uchar          server[64];                   // ACCOUNT_SERVER (Trade server name)
      uchar          currency[32];                 // ACCOUNT_CURRENCY (Deposit currency)
      uchar          company[128];                 // ACCOUNT_COMPANY (Name of a company serving an account)
   SData             m_struct_obj;                                      // Account object structure
   uchar             m_uchar_array[];                                   // uchar array of the account object structure

Na seção pública da classe, nós adicionamos mais um método para acesso simplificado às propriedades do objeto da conta, que retorna o tipo do servidor de negociação:

//| Methods of a simplified access to the account object properties  |
//--- Return the account's integer propertie
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE    TradeMode(void)                     const { return (ENUM_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE)this.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_MODE);       }
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE  MarginSOMode(void)                  const { return (ENUM_ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE)this.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_MODE); }
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE   MarginMode(void)                    const { return (ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE)this.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MODE);     }
   long              Login(void)                                  const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_LOGIN);                                      }
   long              Leverage(void)                               const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_LEVERAGE);                                   }
   long              LimitOrders(void)                            const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_LIMIT_ORDERS);                               }
   long              TradeAllowed(void)                           const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_ALLOWED);                              }
   long              TradeExpert(void)                            const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_EXPERT);                               }
   long              CurrencyDigits(void)                         const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY_DIGITS);                            }
   long              ServerType(void)                             const { returnthis.GetProperty(ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER_TYPE);                                }

Nos métodos da descrição das propriedades da conta, nós adicionamos outro método, que retorna a descrição do tipo do servidor de negociação:

//| Descriptions of the account object properties                    |
//--- Return the description of the account's (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the trading account type name (demo, contest, real)
   string            TradeModeDescription(void)    const;
//--- Return the trade server type name (MetaTrader 5, MetaTrader 4)
   string            ServerTypeDescription(void)    const;
//--- Return the description of the mode for setting the minimum available margin level
   string            MarginSOModeDescription(void) const;
//--- Return the description of the margin calculation mode
   string            MarginModeDescription(void)   const;
//--- Display the description of the account properties in the journal (full_prop=true - all properties, false - supported ones only)
   void              Print(constbool full_prop=false);
//--- Display a short account description in the journal
   void              PrintShort(void);

No construtor da classe, nós preenchemos a propriedade que armazena o tipo do servidor de negociação:

//| Constructor                                                      |
//--- Save integer properties
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LOGIN]                              = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_MODE]                         = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LEVERAGE]                           = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LIMIT_ORDERS]                       = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_MODE]                     = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_ALLOWED]                      = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_EXPERT]                       = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT);
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MODE]                        = #ifdef __MQL5__::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE) #else ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_RETAIL_HEDGING#endif ;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY_DIGITS]                    = #ifdef __MQL5__::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS) #else 2#endif ;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER_TYPE]                        = (::TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_NAME)=="MetaTrader 5" ? 5 : 4);
//--- Save real properties
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_BALANCE)]          = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_CREDIT)]           = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_CREDIT);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_PROFIT)]           = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_PROFIT);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_EQUITY)]           = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN)]           = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_FREE)]      = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_LEVEL)]     = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_CALL)]   = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_SO)]     = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_INITIAL)]   = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_ASSETS)]           = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_ASSETS);
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_LIABILITIES)]      = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES);
//--- Save string properties
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_NAME)]             = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_NAME);
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER)]           = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_SERVER);
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY)]         = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_COMPANY)]          = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_COMPANY);

Aqui, basta ler o nome do terminal. Se for a MetaTrader 5, definimos para 5, caso contrário, definimos para 4.

Adicionamos, o preenchimento da nova propriedade ao método ObjectToStruct() para criar uma estrutura do objeto:

//| Create the account object structure                              |
bool CAccount::ObjectToStruct(void)
//--- Save the integer properties
//--- Save the real properties
//--- Save the string properties
   //--- Save the structure to the uchar array
      ::Print(DFUN,TextByLanguage("Не удалось сохранить структуру объекта в uchar-массив, ошибка ","Failed to save object structure to uchar array, error "),(string)::GetLastError());

já o método para a criação de um objeto a partir da estrutura StructToObject() que obtém uma propriedade da estrutura:

//| Create the account object from the structure                     |
void CAccount::StructToObject(void)
//--- Save integer properties
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LOGIN]                              = this.m_struct_obj.login;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_MODE]                         = this.m_struct_obj.trade_mode;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LEVERAGE]                           = this.m_struct_obj.leverage;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LIMIT_ORDERS]                       = this.m_struct_obj.limit_orders;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_MODE]                     = this.m_struct_obj.margin_so_mode;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_ALLOWED]                      = this.m_struct_obj.trade_allowed;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_EXPERT]                       = this.m_struct_obj.trade_expert;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MODE]                        = this.m_struct_obj.margin_mode;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY_DIGITS]                    = this.m_struct_obj.currency_digits;
   this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER_TYPE]                        = this.m_struct_obj.server_type;
//--- Save real properties
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_BALANCE)]          = this.m_struct_obj.balance;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_CREDIT)]           = this.m_struct_obj.credit;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_PROFIT)]           = this.m_struct_obj.profit;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_EQUITY)]           = this.m_struct_obj.equity;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN)]           = this.m_struct_obj.margin;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_FREE)]      = this.m_struct_obj.margin_free;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_LEVEL)]     = this.m_struct_obj.margin_level;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_CALL)]   = this.m_struct_obj.margin_so_call;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_SO)]     = this.m_struct_obj.margin_so_so;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_INITIAL)]   = this.m_struct_obj.margin_initial;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_ASSETS)]           = this.m_struct_obj.assets;
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_LIABILITIES)]      = this.m_struct_obj.liabilities;
//--- Save string properties
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_NAME)]             = ::CharArrayToString(this.m_struct_obj.name);
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER)]           = ::CharArrayToString(this.m_struct_obj.server);
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY)]         = ::CharArrayToString(this.m_struct_obj.currency);
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_COMPANY)]          = ::CharArrayToString(this.m_struct_obj.company);

Agora, adicionamos a exibição do tipo de servidor de negociação no método para exibir uma breve descrição das propriedades da conta :

//| Display a short account description in the journal               |
void CAccount::PrintShort(void)
   string mode=(this.MarginMode()==ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_RETAIL_HEDGING ? ", Hedge" : this.MarginMode()==ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_EXCHANGE ? ", Exhange" : "");
   string names=TextByLanguage("Счёт ","Account ")+(string)this.Login()+": "+this.Name()+" ("+this.Company()+" ";
   string values=::DoubleToString(this.Balance(),(int)this.CurrencyDigits())+" "+this.Currency()+", 1:"+(string)+this.Leverage()+mode+", "+this.TradeModeDescription()+" "+this.ServerTypeDescription()+")";

Nós adicionamos a nova descrição da propriedade para o método que retorna a descrição das propriedades do tipo inteiro da conta:

//| Display a description of an account integer property             |
string CAccount::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER property)
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_LOGIN           ?  TextByLanguage("Номер счёта","Account number")+": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)                                                    :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_MODE      ?  TextByLanguage("Тип торгового счета","Account trade mode")+": "+this.TradeModeDescription()                                               :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_LEVERAGE        ?  TextByLanguage("Размер предоставленного плеча","Account leverage")+": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property) :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_LIMIT_ORDERS    ?  TextByLanguage("Максимально допустимое количество действующих отложенных ордеров","Maximum allowed number of active pending orders")+": "+
                                                   (string)this.GetProperty(property)                                                                                                     :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_MODE  ?  TextByLanguage("Режим задания минимально допустимого уровня залоговых средств","Mode for setting the minimal allowed margin")+": "+
                                                   this.MarginSOModeDescription()                                                          :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_ALLOWED   ?  TextByLanguage("Разрешенность торговли для текущего счета","Allowed trade for the current account")+": "+
                                                   (this.GetProperty(property) ? TextByLanguage("Да","Yes") : TextByLanguage("Нет","No"))                                                 :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_EXPERT    ?  TextByLanguage("Разрешенность торговли для эксперта","Allowed trade for an Expert Advisor")+": "+
                                                   (this.GetProperty(property) ? TextByLanguage("Да","Yes") : TextByLanguage("Нет","No"))                                                 :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MODE     ?  TextByLanguage("Режим расчета маржи","Margin calculation mode")+": "+
                                                   this.MarginModeDescription()                                                         :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY_DIGITS ?  TextByLanguage("Количество знаков после запятой для валюты счета","Number of decimal places in account currency")+": "+
                                                   (string)this.GetProperty(property)                                                                                                     :
      property==ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER_TYPE     ?  TextByLanguage("Тип торгового сервера","Type of trading server")+": "+
                                                   (string)this.GetProperty(property)                                                                                                     :

Implementamos o método que retorna o nome do tipo de servidor de negociação:

//| Return the trading server type name                              |
string CAccount::ServerTypeDescription(void) const
   return(this.ServerType()==5 ? "MetaTrader5" : "MetaTrader4");

Isso concluí a melhoria da classe CAccount.

Agora, vamos apresentar as alterações necessárias na classe de coleção de contas, já que nós decidimos monitorar os eventos da classe CAccountCollection. Todas as alterações encontradas que ocorreram simultaneamente serão gravadas no array do tipo inteiro. Para conseguir isso, nós usamos a classe pronta do array dinâmico de variáveis do tipo int ou uint da biblioteca padrão CArrayInt.

Para usá-lo, devemos incluir o arquivo da classe no arquivo da biblioteca AccountsCollection.mqh:

//|                                           AccountsCollection.mqh |
//|                        Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright"Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include <Arrays\ArrayInt.mqh>
#include "ListObj.mqh"
#include "..\Services\Select.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Accounts\Account.mqh"
//| Account collection                                               |
class CAccountsCollection : public CListObj

Vamos determinar o que queremos obter. Nós precisamos saber os momentos em que algumas propriedades da conta foram alteradas. Uma propriedade pode ser ativada ou desativada — por exemplo, a permissão para negociar em uma conta em geral ou a permissão para usar os EAs para negociação. Nós precisamos saber se essa propriedade foi alterada. Da mesma forma, a alteração do nível de MarginCall ou StopOut pode afetar a eficiência do EA em manter o rebaixamento, etc. Além disso, nós também precisamos acompanhar o aumento e a diminuição dos fundos e do saldo para tomar certas decisões relacionadas ao EA.

Por exemplo, existe um certo número de posições em aberto e nós queremos encerrar algumas delas quando uma quantia positiva ou negativa de fundos for atingida. Primeiro, nós precisamos definir um certo limiar, na qual a sua superação gera um evento. Em seguida, nós precisamos tomar uma certa decisão, dependendo de estarmos enfrentando o crescimento ou o declínio dos fundos acima/abaixo do valor especificado. A mesma lógica é aplicável ao lucro atual de uma conta, saldo, margem livre e o acúmulo de depósitos.

Assim, para algumas propriedades, nós precisamos ter limiares de crescimento/declínio e o valor atual da propriedade, enquanto para outras, nós precisamos apenas do valor que pode ser ativado/desativado ou alterado/inalterado.

Nós adicionamos todas as variáveis membro de classe necessárias para a seção privada da classe para armazenar os valores de crescimento/declínio das propriedades monitoradas e seus valores atuais, nós removemos o método SavePrevValues() que acabou sendo redundante e adicionamos os métodos para a inicialização monitorada e os dados da conta controlada, o método para verificar as alterações na conta e retornar o código de alteração, o método que define o tipo de evento e preenche a lista de eventos e, finalmente, o método que retorna a presença da flag no evento da conta:

//--- Save the current data status values of the current account as previous ones
   void              SavePrevValues(void)
//| Account collection                                               |
class CAccountsCollection : public CListObj
   struct MqlDataAccount
      double         hash_sum;               // Account data hash sum
      //--- Account integer properties
      long           login;                  // ACCOUNT_LOGIN (Account number)
      long           leverage;               // ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE (Leverage)
      int            limit_orders;           // ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS (Maximum allowed number of active pending orders)
      bool           trade_allowed;          // ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED (Permission to trade for the current account from the server side)
      bool           trade_expert;           // ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT (Permission to trade for an EA from the server side)
      //--- Account real properties
      double         balance;                // ACCOUNT_BALANCE (Account balance in a deposit currency)
      double         credit;                 // ACCOUNT_CREDIT (Credit in a deposit currency)
      double         profit;                 // ACCOUNT_PROFIT (Current profit on an account in the account currency)
      double         equity;                 // ACCOUNT_EQUITY (Equity on an account in the deposit currency)
      double         margin;                 // ACCOUNT_MARGIN (Reserved margin on an account in a deposit currency)
      double         margin_free;            // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE (Free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency)
      double         margin_level;           // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL (Margin level on an account in %)
      double         margin_so_call;         // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL (Margin Call)
      double         margin_so_so;           // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO (Stop Out)
      double         margin_initial;         // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL (Funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders)
      double         margin_maintenance;     // ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE (Funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions)
      double         assets;                 // ACCOUNT_ASSETS (Current assets on an account)
      double         liabilities;            // ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES (Current liabilities on an account)
      double         comission_blocked;      // ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED (Current sum of blocked commissions on an account)
   MqlDataAccount    m_struct_curr_account;              // Account current data
   MqlDataAccount    m_struct_prev_account;              // Account previous data
   MqlTick           m_tick;                             // Tick structure
   string            m_symbol;                           // Current symbol
   long              m_chart_id;                         // Control program chart ID
   CListObj          m_list_accounts;                    // Account object list
   CArrayInt         m_list_changes;                     // Account change list
   string            m_folder_name;                      // Name of the folder storing the account objects
   int               m_index_current;                    // Index of an account object featuring the current account data
//--- Tracking account changes
   bool              m_is_account_event;                 // Event flag in the account data
   int               m_change_code;                      // Account change code
   //--- Leverage
   long              m_changed_leverage_value;           // Leverage change value
   bool              m_is_change_leverage_inc;           // Leverage increase flag
   bool              m_is_change_leverage_dec;           // Leverage decrease flag
   //--- Number of active pending orders
   int               m_changed_limit_orders_value;       // Change value of the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   bool              m_is_change_limit_orders_inc;       // Increase flag of the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   bool              m_is_change_limit_orders_dec;       // Decrease flag of the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   //--- Trading on an account
   bool              m_is_change_trade_allowed_on;       // The flag allowing to trade for the current account from the server side
   bool              m_is_change_trade_allowed_off;      // The flag prohibiting trading for the current account from the server side
   //--- Auto trading on an account
   bool              m_is_change_trade_expert_on;        // The flag allowing to trade for an EA from the server side
   bool              m_is_change_trade_expert_off;       //The flag prohibiting trading for an EA from the server side
   //--- Balance
   double            m_control_balance_inc;              // Tracked balance growth value
   double            m_control_balance_dec;              // Tracked balance decrease value
   double            m_changed_balance_value;            // Balance change value
   bool              m_is_change_balance_inc;            // The flag of the balance change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_balance_dec;            // The flag of the balance change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Credit
   double            m_changed_credit_value;             // Credit change value
   bool              m_is_change_credit_inc;             // Credit increase flag
   bool              m_is_change_credit_dec;             // Credit decrease flag
   //--- Profit
   double            m_control_profit_inc;               // Tracked profit growth value
   double            m_control_profit_dec;               // Tracked profit decrease value
   double            m_changed_profit_value;             // Profit change value
   bool              m_is_change_profit_inc;             // The flag of the profit change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_profit_dec;             // The flag of the profit change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Funds (equity)
   double            m_control_equity_inc;               // Tracked funds growth value
   double            m_control_equity_dec;               // Tracked funds decrease value
   double            m_changed_equity_value;             // Funds change value
   bool              m_is_change_equity_inc;             // The flag of the funds change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_equity_dec;             // The flag of the funds change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Margin
   double            m_control_margin_inc;               // Tracked margin growth value
   double            m_control_margin_dec;               // Tracked margin decrease value
   double            m_changed_margin_value;             // Margin change value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_inc;             // The flag of the margin change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_dec;             // The flag of the margin change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Free margin
   double            m_control_margin_free_inc;          // Tracked free margin growth value
   double            m_control_margin_free_dec;          // Tracked free margin decrease value<
   double            m_changed_margin_free_value;        // Free margin change value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_free_inc;        // The flag of the free margin change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_free_dec;        // The flag of the free margin change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Margin level
   double            m_control_margin_level_inc;         // Tracked margin level growth value
   double            m_control_margin_level_dec;         // Tracked margin level decrease value
   double            m_changed_margin_level_value;       // Margin level change value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_level_inc;       // The flag of the margin level change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_level_dec;       // The flag of the margin level change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Margin Call
   double            m_changed_margin_so_call_value;     // Margin Call level change value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_so_call_inc;     // Margin Call level increase value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_so_call_dec;     // Margin Call level decrease value
   //--- MarginStopOut
   double            m_changed_margin_so_so_value;       // Margin StopOut level change value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_so_so_inc;       // Margin StopOut level increase flag
   bool              m_is_change_margin_so_so_dec;       // Margin StopOut level decrease flag
   //--- Guarantee sum for pending orders
   double            m_control_margin_initial_inc;       // Tracked growth value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders
   double            m_control_margin_initial_dec;       // Tracked decrease value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders
   double            m_changed_margin_initial_value;     // The change value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders
   bool              m_is_change_margin_initial_inc;     // The flag of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_initial_dec;     // The flag of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Guarantee sum for open positions
   double            m_control_margin_maintenance_inc;   // The tracked increase value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   double            m_control_margin_maintenance_dec;   // The tracked decrease value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   double            m_changed_margin_maintenance_value; // The change value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   bool              m_is_change_margin_maintenance_inc; // The flag of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_margin_maintenance_dec; // The flag of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Assets
   double            m_control_assets_inc;               // Tracked assets growth value
   double            m_control_assets_dec;               // Tracked assets decrease value
   double            m_changed_assets_value;             // Assets change value
   bool              m_is_change_assets_inc;             // The flag of the assets change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_assets_dec;             // The flag of the assets change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Liabilities
   double            m_control_liabilities_inc;          // Tracked liabilities growth value
   double            m_control_liabilities_dec;          // Tracked liabilities decrease value
   double            m_changed_liabilities_value;        // Liabilities change values
   bool              m_is_change_liabilities_inc;        // The flag of the liabilities change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_liabilities_dec;        // The flag of the liabilities change exceeding the decrease value
   //--- Blocked commissions
   double            m_control_comission_blocked_inc;    // Tracked blocked commissions growth value
   double            m_control_comission_blocked_dec;    // Tracked blocked commissions decrease value
   double            m_changed_comission_blocked_value;  // Blocked commissions changed value
   bool              m_is_change_comission_blocked_inc;  // The flag of the tracked commissions change exceeding the growth value
   bool              m_is_change_comission_blocked_dec;  // The flag of the tracked commissions change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Initialize the variables of (1) tracked, (2) controlled account data
   void              InitChangesParams(void); 
   void              InitControlsParams(void);
//--- Check account changes, return a change code
   int               SetChangeCode(void);
//--- Set an event type and fill in the event list
   void              SetTypeEvent(void);
//--- return the flag presence in the account event
   bool              IsPresentEventFlag(constint change_code)   const { return (this.m_change_code & change_code)==change_code;               }
//--- Write the current account data to the account object properties
   void              SetAccountsParams(CAccount* account);

//--- Check the account object presence in the collection list
   bool              IsPresent(CAccount* account);
//--- Find and return the account object index with the current account data
   int               Index(void);

O método SavePrevValues() acabou sendo redundante. Ao definir a alteração da propriedade da conta, nós precisamos escrever o novo valor da propriedade na estrutura que armazena os dados no estado anterior da propriedade alterada de imediato. As propriedades restantes devem ser as mesmas que eram durante a verificação anterior antes da alteração real. O método SavePrevValues() salva todas as propriedades da conta como sendo a anterior, violando o monitoramento de um determinado valor de alteração definido por padrão para cada uma das propriedades monitoradas que podem ser definidas separadamente usando os métodos específicos para definir um valor monitorado.

Vamos escrever o método de inicialização dos dados monitorados fora do corpo da classe:

//| Initialize the variables of tracked account data                 |
void CAccountsCollection::InitChangesParams(void)
//--- List and code of changes
   this.m_list_changes.Clear();                    // Clear the change list
   this.m_list_changes.Sort();                     // Sort the change list
//--- Leverage
   this.m_changed_leverage_value=0;                // Leverage change value
   this.m_is_change_leverage_inc=false;            // Leverage increase flag
   this.m_is_change_leverage_dec=false;            // Leverage decrease flag
//--- Number of active pending orders
   this.m_changed_limit_orders_value=0;            // Change value of the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   this.m_is_change_limit_orders_inc=false;        // Increase flag of the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
   this.m_is_change_limit_orders_dec=false;        // Decrease flag of the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
//--- Trading on an account
   this.m_is_change_trade_allowed_on=false;        // The flag allowing to trade for the current account from the server side
   this.m_is_change_trade_allowed_off=false;       // The flag prohibiting trading for the current account from the server side
//--- Auto trading on an account
   this.m_is_change_trade_expert_on=false;         // The flag allowing to trade for an EA from the server side
   this.m_is_change_trade_expert_off=false;        // The flag prohibiting trading for an EA from the server side
//--- Balance
   this.m_changed_balance_value=0;                 // Balance change value
   this.m_is_change_balance_inc=false;             // The flag of the balance change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_balance_dec=false;             // The flag of the balance change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Credit
   this.m_changed_credit_value=0;                  // Credit change value
   this.m_is_change_credit_inc=false;              // Credit increase flag
   this.m_is_change_credit_dec=false;              // Credit decrease flag
//--- Profit
   this.m_changed_profit_value=0;                  // Profit change value
   this.m_is_change_profit_inc=false;              // The flag of the profit change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_profit_dec=false;              // The flag of the profit change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Funds
   this.m_changed_equity_value=0;                  // Funds change value
   this.m_is_change_equity_inc=false;              // The flag of the funds change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_equity_dec=false;              // The flag of the funds change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Margin
   this.m_changed_margin_value=0;                  // Margin change value
   this.m_is_change_margin_inc=false;              // The flag of the margin change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_margin_dec=false;              // The flag of the margin change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Free margin
   this.m_changed_margin_free_value=0;             // Free margin change value
   this.m_is_change_margin_free_inc=false;         // The flag of the free margin change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_margin_free_dec=false;         // The flag of the free margin change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Margin level
   this.m_changed_margin_level_value=0;            // Margin level change value
   this.m_is_change_margin_level_inc=false;        // The flag of the margin level change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_margin_level_dec=false;        // The flag of the margin level change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Margin Call level
   this.m_changed_margin_so_call_value=0;          // Margin Call level change value
   this.m_is_change_margin_so_call_inc=false;      // Margin Call level increase flag
   this.m_is_change_margin_so_call_dec=false;      // Margin Call level decrease flag
//--- Margin StopOut level
   this.m_changed_margin_so_so_value=0;            // Margin StopOut level change value
   this.m_is_change_margin_so_so_inc=false;        // Margin StopOut level increase flag
   this.m_is_change_margin_so_so_dec=false;        // Margin StopOut level decrease flag
//--- Guarantee sum for pending orders
   this.m_changed_margin_initial_value=0;          // The change value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders
   this.m_is_change_margin_initial_inc=false;      // The flag of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_margin_initial_dec=false;      // The flag of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders exceeding the decrease value
//--- Guarantee sum for open positions
   this.m_changed_margin_maintenance_value=0;      // The change value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   this.m_is_change_margin_maintenance_inc=false;  // The flag of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_margin_maintenance_dec=false;  // The flag of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceeding the decrease value
//--- Assets
   this.m_changed_assets_value=0;                  // Assets change value
   this.m_is_change_assets_inc=false;              // The flag of the assets change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_assets_dec=false;              // The flag of the assets change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Liabilities
   this.m_changed_liabilities_value=0;             // Liabilities change value
   this.m_is_change_liabilities_inc=false;         // The flag of the liabilities change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_liabilities_dec=false;         // The flag of the liabilities change exceeding the decrease value
//--- Blocked commissions
   this.m_changed_comission_blocked_value=0;       // Blocked commissions change value
   this.m_is_change_comission_blocked_inc=false;   // The flag of the tracked commissions change exceeding the growth value
   this.m_is_change_comission_blocked_dec=false;   // The flag of the tracked commissions change exceeding the decrease value

O método de inicialização dos dados controlados:

//| Initialize the variables of controlled account data              |
void CAccountsCollection::InitControlsParams(void)
//--- Balance
   this.m_control_balance_inc=50;                  // Tracked balance growth value
   this.m_control_balance_dec=50;                  // Tracked balance decrease value
//--- Profit
   this.m_control_profit_inc=20;                   // Tracked profit growth value
   this.m_control_profit_dec=20;                   // Tracked profit decrease value
//--- Funds (equity)
   this.m_control_equity_inc=15;                   // Tracked funds growth value
   this.m_control_equity_dec=15;                   // Tracked funds decrease value
//--- Margin
   this.m_control_margin_inc=1000;                 // Tracked margin growth value
   this.m_control_margin_dec=1000;                 // Tracked margin decrease value
//--- Free margin
   this.m_control_margin_free_inc=1000;            // Tracked free margin growth value
   this.m_control_margin_free_dec=1000;            // Tracked free margin decrease value
//--- Margin level
   this.m_control_margin_level_inc=10000;          // Tracked margin level growth value
   this.m_control_margin_level_dec=500;            // Tracked margin level decrease value
//--- Guarantee sum for pending orders
   this.m_control_margin_initial_inc=1000;         // Tracked growth value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders
   this.m_control_margin_initial_dec=1000;         // Tracked decrease value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders
//--- Guarantee sum for open positions
   this.m_control_margin_maintenance_inc=1000;     // The tracked increase value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
   this.m_control_margin_maintenance_dec=1000;     // The tracked decrease value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
//--- Assets
   this.m_control_assets_inc=1000;                 // Tracked assets growth value
   this.m_control_assets_dec=1000;                 // Tracked assets decrease value
//--- Liabilities
   this.m_control_liabilities_inc=1000;            // Tracked liabilities growth value
   this.m_control_liabilities_dec=1000;            // Tracked liabilities decrease value
//--- Blocked commissions
   this.m_control_comission_blocked_inc=1000;      // Tracked blocked commissions growth value
   this.m_control_comission_blocked_dec=1000;      // Tracked blocked commissions decrease value

Neste método, nós simplesmente inicializamos as variáveis pelos valores padrão. Se as propriedades excederem os valores definidos nas variáveis, será gerado um evento da conta correspondente. Essas propriedades também podem ser definidas chamando diretamente os métodos apropriados para definir as propriedades da conta controlada.

O método que verifica as propriedades da conta é alterado e preenchido no código do evento com as flags correspondentes:

//| Check account changes, return the change code                    |
int CAccountsCollection::SetChangeCode(void)

Primeiro, o código de evento é redefinido no método Em seguida, os valores dos parâmetros da conta controlada são comparados na estrutura de dados atual e a estrutura de dados anterior. Se os dados não forem semelhantes, a flag apropriada é adicionada ao código do evento.

O método que define o tipo de evento e que adiciona o evento à lista de alterações da conta:

//| Set the account object event type                                |
void CAccountsCollection::SetTypeEvent(void)
//--- Changing permission to trade for the account
//--- Changing permission for auto trading for the account
//--- Change the leverage
      if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- Changing the maximum allowed number of active pending orders
      if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- Changing the credit in a deposit currency
      if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- Changing the Margin Call level
      if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- Changing the Stop Out level
      if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The balance exceeds the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The profit exceeds the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The equity exceeds the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The reserved margin on an account in the deposit currency change exceeds the specified value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency exceed the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The margin level on an account in % exceeds the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders exceed the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceed the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The current assets on an account exceed the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The current liabilities on an account exceed the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
//--- The current sum of blocked commissions on an account exceeds the specified change value +/-
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))
         if(this.m_list_changes.Search(event)==WRONG_VALUE && this.m_list_changes.Add(event))

O método apresenta dois tipos de lógica de definição de evento:

  1. o monitoramento simples de uma permissão/alteração de propriedade,
  2. o monitoramento de uma alteração que exceda o valor especificado na direção de seu aumento/diminuição.

Como o método é bastante volumoso, nós usaremos os dois tipos de definição de evento da conta como exemplo:

Primeiro, todas as flags alteradas e os dados são redefinidas e o tipo de evento é definido como zero.
Em seguida, para o primeiro tipo de lógica (usando permissão para negociar em uma conta):

  • verificamos a flag da permissão para negociar em uma conta no código do evento
  • se a negociação está proibida, a permissão acabou de ser desativada
    • definimos a flag que proíbe a negociação na conta
    • definimos o evento "trading on the account disabled"
    • salvamos o estado atual da propriedade da conta na estrutura de dados anterior para verificação subsequente
  • caso contrário, se a negociação estiver permitida
    • definimos a flag que permite a negociação na conta
    • definimos o evento "trading on the account enabled"
    • salvamos o estado atual da propriedade da conta na estrutura de dados anterior para verificação subsequente
  • se não houver esse evento na lista de alterações
  • adicionamos o evento à lista

Para o segundo tipo de lógica (usando como exemplo a alteração da soma de comissões bloqueadas):

  • verificamos a flag de alteração da soma de comissões bloqueadas
  • calcular a alteração da soma de comissões bloqueadas
  • se o valor da alteração exceder o valor de crescimento controlado
    • definimos a flag da soma do crescimento de comissões bloqueadas
    • definimos o evento "sum of blocked commissions increase exceeds the specified value"
    • se não houver esse evento na lista de alterações e o evento for adicionado com êxito à lista
      • salvamos o estado atual da propriedade da conta na estrutura de dados anterior para verificação subsequente
  • caso contrário, se o valor da alteração exceder o valor controlado de diminuição
    • definimos a flag da soma das comissões bloqueadas
    • definimos o evento "sum of blocked commissions decrease exceeds the specified value"
    • se não houver esse evento na lista de alterações e o evento for adicionado com êxito à lista
      • salvamos o estado atual da propriedade da conta na estrutura de dados anterior para verificação subsequente

Na seção pública da classe, nós adicionamos os métodos que retornam o código do evento da conta, a lista de eventos da conta, o evento da conta pelo seu índice na lista; os métodos de configuração e retorno de um símbolo, o método que retorna o ID do gráfico do programa de controle e a método que retorna a descrição do evento da conta. Além disso, nós adicionamos também os métodos para receber e definir os parâmetros de alterações monitoradas:

//--- Return the full account collection list "as is"
   CArrayObj        *GetList(void)                                                                          { return &this.m_list_accounts;                                         }
//--- Return the list by selected (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting the compared criterion
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)   { return CSelect::ByAccountProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode);}
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)  { return CSelect::ByAccountProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode);}
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_ACCOUNT_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)  { return CSelect::ByAccountProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode);}
//--- Return the (1) current account object index, (2) the flag of the event occurred in the account data, (3) event type
   int               IndexCurrentAccount(void)                                                        const { return this.m_index_current;                                           }
   bool              IsAccountEvent(void)                                                             const { return this.m_is_account_event;                                        }
//--- Return the (1) object account event code, (2) event list, (3) account event by its number in the list
   int               GetEventCode(void)                                                               const { return this.m_change_code;                                             }
   CArrayInt        *GetListChanges(void)                                                                   { return &this.m_list_changes;                          }
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT GetEvent(constint shift=WRONG_VALUE);
//--- (1) Set and (2) return the current symbol
   void              SetSymbol(conststring symbol)                                                          { this.m_symbol=symbol;                                 }
   string            GetSymbol(void)                                                                  const { return this.m_symbol;                                 }
//--- Set the control program chart ID
   void              SetChartID(constlong id)                                                               { this.m_chart_id=id;                                   }

//--- Constructor, destructor
//--- Add the account object to the list
   bool              AddToList(CAccount* account);
//--- (1) Save account objects from the list to the files
//--- (2) Save account objects from the files to the list
   bool              SaveObjects(void);
   bool              LoadObjects(void);
//--- Return the account event description
   string            EventDescription(const ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT event);
//--- Update the current account data
   void              Refresh(void);
//--- Get and set the parameters of tracked changes
   //--- Leverage:
   //--- (1) Leverage change value, (2) Leverage increase flag, (3) Leverage decrease flag
   long              GetValueChangedLeverage(void)                                                    const { return this.m_changed_leverage_value;                  }
   bool              IsIncreaseLeverage(void)                                                         const { return this.m_is_change_leverage_inc;                  }
   bool              IsDecreaseLeverage(void)                                                         const { return this.m_is_change_leverage_dec;                  }
   //--- Number of active pending orders:
   //--- (1) Change value, (2) Increase flag, (3) Decrease flag
   int               GetValueChangedLimitOrders(void)                                                 const { return this.m_changed_limit_orders_value;              }
   bool              IsIncreaseLimitOrders(void)                                                      const { return this.m_is_change_limit_orders_inc;              }
   bool              IsDecreaseLimitOrders(void)                                                      const { return this.m_is_change_limit_orders_dec;              }
   //--- Trading on an account:
   //--- (1) The flag allowing to trade for the current account, (2) The flag prohibiting trading for the current account from the server side
   bool              IsOnTradeAllowed(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_trade_allowed_on;              }
   bool              IsOffTradeAllowed(void)                                                          const { return this.m_is_change_trade_allowed_off;             }
   //--- Auto trading on an account:
   //--- (1) The flag allowing to trade for an EA, (2) The flag prohibiting trading for an EA from the server side
   bool              IsOnTradeExpert(void)                                                            const { return this.m_is_change_trade_expert_on;               }
   bool              IsOffTradeExpert(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_trade_expert_off;              }
   //--- Balance:
   //--- setting the tracked value of the balance (1) growth, (2) decrease
   //--- getting (3) the balance change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the balance change exceeding the (4) growth value, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlBalanceInc(const double value)                                               { this.m_control_balance_inc=::fabs(value);              }
   void              SetControlBalanceDec(const double value)                                               { this.m_control_balance_dec=::fabs(value);              }
   double            GetValueChangedBalance(void)                                                     const { return this.m_changed_balance_value;                   }
   bool              IsIncreaseBalance(void)                                                          const { return this.m_is_change_balance_inc;                   }
   bool              IsDecreaseBalance(void)                                                          const { return this.m_is_change_balance_dec;                   }
   //--- Credit:
   //--- getting (1) the credit change value, (2) credit increase flag, (3) decrease flag
   double            GetValueChangedCredit(void)                                                      const { return this.m_changed_credit_value;                    }
   bool              IsIncreaseCredit(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_credit_inc;                    }
   bool              IsDecreaseCredit(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_credit_dec;                    }
   //--- Profit:
   //--- setting the tracked profit (1) growth, (2) decrease value
   //--- getting the (3) profit change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the profit change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlProfitInc(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_profit_inc=::fabs(value);               }
   void              SetControlProfitDec(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_profit_dec=::fabs(value);               }
   double            GetValueChangedProfit(void)                                                      const { return this.m_changed_profit_value;                    }
   bool              IsIncreaseProfit(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_profit_inc;                    }
   bool              IsDecreaseProfit(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_profit_dec;                    }
   //--- Equity:
   //--- setting the tracked equity (1) growth, (2) decrease value
   //--- getting the (3) equity change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the equity change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlEquityInc(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_equity_inc=::fabs(value);               }
   void              SetControlEquityDec(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_equity_dec=::fabs(value);               }
   double            GetValueChangedEquity(void)                                                      const { return this.m_changed_equity_value;                    }
   bool              IsIncreaseEquity(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_equity_inc;                    }
   bool              IsDecreaseEquity(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_equity_dec;                    }
   //--- Margin:
   //--- setting the tracked margin (1) growth, (2) decrease value
   //--- getting the (3) margin change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the margin change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlMarginInc(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_margin_inc=::fabs(value);               }
   void              SetControlMarginDec(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_margin_dec=::fabs(value);               }
   double            GetValueChangedMargin(void)                                                      const { return this.m_changed_margin_value;                    }
   bool              IsIncreaseMargin(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_margin_inc;                    }
   bool              IsDecreaseMargin(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_margin_dec;                    }
   //--- Free margin:
   //--- setting the tracked free margin (1) growth, (2) decrease value
   //--- getting the (3) free margin change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the free margin change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlMarginFreeInc(const double value)                                            { this.m_control_margin_free_inc=::fabs(value);          }
   void              SetControlMarginFreeDec(const double value)                                            { this.m_control_margin_free_dec=::fabs(value);          }
   double            GetValueChangedMarginFree(void)                                                  const { return this.m_changed_margin_free_value;               }
   bool              IsIncreaseMarginFree(void)                                                       const { return this.m_is_change_margin_free_inc;               }
   bool              IsDecreaseMarginFree(void)                                                       const { return this.m_is_change_margin_free_dec;               }
   //--- Margin level:
   //--- setting the tracked margin level (1) growth, (2) decrease value
   //--- getting the (3) margin level change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the margin level change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlMarginLevelInc(const double value)                                           { this.m_control_margin_level_inc=::fabs(value);         }
   void              SetControlMarginLevelDec(const double value)                                           { this.m_control_margin_level_dec=::fabs(value);         }
   double            GetValueChangedMarginLevel(void)                                                 const { return this.m_changed_margin_level_value;              }
   bool              IsIncreaseMarginLevel(void)                                                      const { return this.m_is_change_margin_level_inc;              }
   bool              IsDecreaseMarginLevel(void)                                                      const { return this.m_is_change_margin_level_dec;              }
   //--- Margin Call:
   //--- getting (1) Margin Call change value, (2) increase flag, (3) decrease flag
   double            GetValueChangedMarginCall(void)                                                  const { return this.m_changed_margin_so_call_value;            }
   bool              IsIncreaseMarginCall(void)                                                       const { return this.m_is_change_margin_so_call_inc;            }
   bool              IsDecreaseMarginCall(void)                                                       const { return this.m_is_change_margin_so_call_dec;            }
   //--- Margin StopOut:
   //--- getting (1) Margin StopOut change value, (2) increase flag, (3) decrease flag
   double            GetValueChangedMarginStopOut(void)                                               const { return this.m_changed_margin_so_so_value;              }
   bool              IsIncreaseMarginStopOut(void)                                                    const { return this.m_is_change_margin_so_so_inc;              }
   bool              IsDecreasMarginStopOute(void)                                                    const { return this.m_is_change_margin_so_so_dec;              }
   //--- Guarantee sum for pending orders:
   //--- setting the tracked value of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders (1) growth, (2) decrease
   //--- getting the change value of the (3) reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum,
   //--- getting the flag of the reserved funds for providing the guarantee sum for pending orders exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlMarginInitialInc(const double value)                                         { this.m_control_margin_initial_inc=::fabs(value);       }
   void              SetControlMarginInitialDec(const double value)                                         { this.m_control_margin_initial_dec=::fabs(value);       }
   double            GetValueChangedMarginInitial(void)                                               const { return this.m_changed_margin_initial_value;            }
   bool              IsIncreaseMarginInitial(void)                                                    const { return this.m_is_change_margin_initial_inc;            }
   bool              IsDecreaseMarginInitial(void)                                                    const { return this.m_is_change_margin_initial_dec;            }
   //--- Guarantee sum for open positions:
   //--- setting the tracked value of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions (1) growth, (2) decrease
   //--- getting the change value of the (3) funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions,
   //--- getting the flag of the funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlMarginMaintenanceInc(const double value)                                     { this.m_control_margin_maintenance_inc=::fabs(value);   }
   void              SetControlMarginMaintenanceDec(const double value)                                     { this.m_control_margin_maintenance_dec=::fabs(value);   }
   double            GetValueChangedMarginMaintenance(void)                                           const { return this.m_changed_margin_maintenance_value;        }
   bool              IsIncreaseMarginMaintenance(void)                                                const { return this.m_is_change_margin_maintenance_inc;        }
   bool              IsDecreaseMarginMaintenance(void)                                                const { return this.m_is_change_margin_maintenance_dec;        }
   //--- Assets:
   //--- setting the tracked value of the assets (1) growth, (2) decrease
   //--- getting (3) the assets change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlAssetsInc(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_assets_inc=::fabs(value);               }
   void              SetControlAssetsDec(const double value)                                                { this.m_control_assets_dec=::fabs(value);               }
   double            GetValueChangedAssets(void)                                                      const { return this.m_changed_assets_value;                    }
   bool              IsIncreaseAssets(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_assets_inc;                    }
   bool              IsDecreaseAssets(void)                                                           const { return this.m_is_change_assets_dec;                    }
   //--- Liabilities:
   //--- setting the tracked value of the liabilities (1) growth, (2) decrease
   //--- getting (3) the liabilities change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the liabilities change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlLiabilitiesInc(const double value)                                           { this.m_control_liabilities_inc=::fabs(value);          }
   void              SetControlLiabilitiesDec(const double value)                                           { this.m_control_liabilities_dec=::fabs(value);          }
   double            GetValueChangedLiabilities(void)                                                 const { return this.m_changed_liabilities_value;               }
   bool              IsIncreaseLiabilities(void)                                                      const { return this.m_is_change_liabilities_inc;               }
   bool              IsDecreaseLiabilities(void)                                                      const { return this.m_is_change_liabilities_dec;               }
   //--- Blocked commissions:
   //--- setting the tracked blocked commissions (1) growth, (2) decrease value
   //--- getting (3) the blocked commissions change value,
   //--- getting the flag of the tracked commissions change exceeding the (4) growth, (5) decrease value
   void              SetControlComissionBlockedInc(const double value)                                      { this.m_control_comission_blocked_inc=::fabs(value);    }
   void              SetControlComissionBlockedDec(const double value)                                      { this.m_control_comission_blocked_dec=::fabs(value);    }
   double            GetValueChangedComissionBlocked(void)                                            const { return this.m_changed_comission_blocked_value;         }
   bool              IsIncreaseComissionBlocked(void)                                                 const { return this.m_is_change_comission_blocked_inc;         }
   bool              IsDecreaseComissionBlocked(void)                                                 const { return this.m_is_change_comission_blocked_dec;         }

Além do corpo da classe, implementamos o método que retorna o evento da conta pelo seu número na lista:

//| Return the account event by its number in the list               |
ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT CAccountsCollection::GetEvent(constint shift=WRONG_VALUE)
   int total=this.m_list_changes.Total();
      return ACCOUNT_EVENT_NO_EVENT;   
   int index=(shift<0 || shift>total-1 ? total-1 : total-shift-1);
   int event=this.m_list_changes.At(index);

Os eventos na lista de alterações de propriedades da conta estão localizados na ordem em que foram adicionados — o primeiro está localizado no índice 0, enquanto o último está localizado no índice (list_size-1). No entanto, nós queremos permitir que os usuários obtenham um evento desejado como em uma série temporal - o índice zero deve conter o último evento. Para conseguir isso, o método apresenta o cálculo do índice: index = (list_size - desired_event_number-1). Nesse caso, se passarmos 0, o último evento da lista será retornado; se 1, o penúltimo, etc. Se um número exceder o tamanho da lista, o último evento será retornado.

Assim, o índice de um evento desejado é passado para o método.
Primeiro, verificamos o número de eventos na lista. Se não houver eventos, retornamos 'no event'.
Em seguida, verificamos o índice de eventos desejado. Se o valor passado for menor que zero ou ultrapassar o tamanho do array, o índice especifica o último evento na lista, caso contrário, calculamos o índice de eventos na lista de acordo com a regra: se 0 for passado para o método, queremos obter o último evento (como em uma série temporal), se 1 - o penúltimo, etc. Como alternativa, se você precisar obter o último evento, passe -1 como uma entrada de índice.
Em seguida, obtemos o evento da lista pelo índice calculado e retornamos ele.
Se nenhum evento for recebido, retornamos NULL. Isso significa que o resultado da operação do método deve ser verificado quanto à sua validade antes de usá-lo.

Implementamos o método que retorna a descrição do evento da conta:

//| Return an account event description                              |
string CAccountsCollection::EventDescription(const ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT event)
   int total=this.m_list_accounts.Total();
      return(DFUN+TextByLanguage("Ошибка. Список изменений пуст","Error. List of changes is empty"));
   CAccount* account=this.m_list_accounts.At(this.m_index_current);
      return(DFUN+TextByLanguage("Ошибка. Не удалось получить данные аккаунта","Error. Failed to get account data"));
   constint dg=(account.MarginSOMode()==ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE_MONEY ? (int)account.CurrencyDigits() : 2);
   conststring curency=" "+account.Currency();
   conststring mode_lev=(account.IsPercentsForSOLevels() ? "%" : " "+curency);   return
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_NO_EVENT                ? TextByLanguage("Нет события","No event")                                                                                                                                                                     :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_ALLOWED_ON        ? TextByLanguage("Торговля на счёте разрешена","Trading on account allowed now")                                                                                                                        :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_ALLOWED_OFF       ? TextByLanguage("Торговля на счёте запрещена","Trading on account prohibited now")                                                                                                                     :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_EXPERT_ON         ? TextByLanguage("Автоторговля на счёте разрешена","Autotrading on account allowed now")                                                                                                                :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_TRADE_EXPERT_OFF        ? TextByLanguage("Автоторговля на счёте запрещена","Autotrade on account prohibited now")                                                                                                               :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_LEVERAGE_INC            ?
         TextByLanguage("Плечо увеличено на ","Leverage increased by ")+(string)this.GetValueChangedLeverage()+" (1:"+(string)account.Leverage()+")"                                                                                                              :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_LEVERAGE_DEC            ?
         TextByLanguage("Плечо уменьшено на ","Leverage decreased by ")+(string)this.GetValueChangedLeverage()+" (1:"+(string)account.Leverage()+")"                                                                                                              :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIMIT_ORDERS_INC        ?
         TextByLanguage("Максимально допустимое количество действующих отложенных ордеров увеличено на","Maximum allowable number of active pending orders increased by ")+(string)this.GetValueChangedLimitOrders()+" ("+(string)account.LimitOrders()+")"       :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIMIT_ORDERS_DEC        ?
         TextByLanguage("Максимально допустимое количество действующих отложенных ордеров уменьшено на","Maximum allowable number of active pending orders decreased by ")+(string)this.GetValueChangedLimitOrders()+" ("+(string)account.LimitOrders()+")"       :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_BALANCE_INC             ?
         TextByLanguage("Баланс счёта увеличен на ","Account balance increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedBalance(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Balance(),dg)+curency+")"                                                           :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_BALANCE_DEC             ?
         TextByLanguage("Баланс счёта уменьшен на ","Account balance decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedBalance(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Balance(),dg)+curency+")"                                                           :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_EQUITY_INC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Средства увеличены на ","Equity increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedEquity(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Equity(),dg)+curency+")"                                                                         :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_EQUITY_DEC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Средства уменьшены на ","Equity decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedEquity(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Equity(),dg)+curency+")"                                                                         :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_PROFIT_INC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Текущая прибыль счёта увеличена на ","Account current profit increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedProfit(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Profit(),dg)+curency+")"                                            :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_PROFIT_DEC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Текущая прибыль счёта уменьшена на ","Account current profit decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedProfit(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Profit(),dg)+curency+")"                                            :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_CREDIT_INC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Предоставленный кредит увеличен на ","Credit increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedCredit(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Credit(),dg)+curency+")"                                                            :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_CREDIT_DEC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Предоставленный кредит уменьшен на ","Credit decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedCredit(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Credit(),dg)+curency+")"                                                            :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_INC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Залоговые средства увеличены на ","Margin increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMargin(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Margin(),dg)+curency+")"                                                               :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_DEC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Залоговые средства уменьшены на ","Margin decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMargin(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Margin(),dg)+curency+")"                                                               :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_FREE_INC         ?
         TextByLanguage("Свободные средства увеличены на ","Free margin increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginFree(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginFree(),dg)+curency+")"                                                  :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_FREE_DEC         ?
         TextByLanguage("Свободные средства уменьшены на ","Free margin decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginFree(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginFree(),dg)+curency+")"                                                  :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_LEVEL_INC        ?
         TextByLanguage("Уровень залоговых средств увеличен на ","Margin level increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginLevel(),dg)+"%"+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginLevel(),dg)+"%)"                                                    :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_LEVEL_DEC        ?
         TextByLanguage("Уровень залоговых средств уменьшен на ","Margin level decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginLevel(),dg)+"%"+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginLevel(),dg)+"%)"                                                    :
         TextByLanguage("Гарантийная сумма по отложенным ордерам увеличена на ","Guarantee sum for pending orders increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginInitial(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginInitial(),dg)+curency+")" :
         TextByLanguage("Гарантийная сумма по отложенным ордерам уменьшена на ","Guarantee sum for pending orders decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginInitial(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginInitial(),dg)+curency+")" :
         TextByLanguage("Гарантийная сумма по позициям увеличена на ","Guarantee sum for positions increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginMaintenance(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginMaintenance(),dg)+curency+")"        :
         TextByLanguage("Гарантийная сумма по позициям уменьшена на ","Guarantee sum for positions decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginMaintenance(),dg)+curency+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginMaintenance(),dg)+curency+")"        :
         TextByLanguage("Увеличен уровень Margin Call на ","Increased Margin Call level by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginCall(),dg)+mode_lev+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginSOCall(),dg)+mode_lev+")"                                        :
         TextByLanguage("Уменьшен уровень Margin Call на ","Decreased Margin Call level by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginCall(),dg)+mode_lev+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginSOCall(),dg)+mode_lev+")"                                        :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_SO_SO_INC        ?
         TextByLanguage("Увеличен уровень Stop Out на ","Increased Margin Stop Out level by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginStopOut(),dg)+mode_lev+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginSOSO(),dg)+mode_lev+")"                                      :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_MARGIN_SO_SO_DEC        ?
         TextByLanguage("Уменьшен уровень Stop Out на ","Decreased Margin Stop Out level by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedMarginStopOut(),dg)+mode_lev+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.MarginSOSO(),dg)+mode_lev+")"                                      :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_ASSETS_INC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Размер активов увеличен на ","Assets increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedAssets(),dg)+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Assets(),dg)+")"                                                                                    :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_ASSETS_DEC              ?
         TextByLanguage("Размер активов уменьшен на ","Assets decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedAssets(),dg)+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Assets(),dg)+")"                                                                                    :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIABILITIES_INC         ?
         TextByLanguage("Размер обязательств увеличен на ","Liabilities increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedLiabilities(),dg)+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Liabilities(),dg)+")"                                                                :
      event==ACCOUNT_EVENT_LIABILITIES_DEC         ?
         TextByLanguage("Размер обязательств уменьшен на ","Liabilities decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedLiabilities(),dg)+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.Liabilities(),dg)+")"                                                                :
         TextByLanguage("Размер заблокированных комиссий увеличен на ","Blocked commissions increased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedComissionBlocked(),dg)+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.ComissionBlocked(),dg)+")"                                   :
         TextByLanguage("Размер заблокированных комиссий уменьшен на ","Blocked commissions decreased by ")+::DoubleToString(this.GetValueChangedComissionBlocked(),dg)+" ("+::DoubleToString(account.ComissionBlocked(),dg)+")"                                   :

Aqui, o evento da conta é passado ao método cuja descrição deve ser obtida. Verificamos o tamanho da lista de objetos da conta. Se estiver vazia, retornamos a descrição do erro. Como nós podemos monitorar apenas os eventos da conta atual, nós obtemos o objeto da conta atual da lista de contas pelo índice de objetos da conta atual. Se nenhum objeto for recebido, nós retornamos também a descrição do erro.
Em seguida, obtemos as propriedades necessárias da conta para a exibição correta da descrição do evento, verificamos o evento e retornamos a sua descrição.

Na lista de inicialização do construtor da classe, inicializamos as variáveis do símbolo e do ID do gráfico do programa de controle com os valores padrão — o símbolo atual e o gráfico atual, limpamos a estrutura do tick nós vamos precisar definir o horário do evento e inicializar os parâmetros de edição e os controlados pela conta:

//| Constructor                                                      |
CAccountsCollection::CAccountsCollection(void) : m_folder_name(DIRECTORY+"Accounts"),
//--- Create the folder for storing account files
      Print(DFUN,TextByLanguage("Не удалось создать папку хранения файлов. Ошибка ","Could not create file storage folder. Error "),::GetLastError());
//--- Create the current account object and add it to the list
   CAccount* account=new CAccount();
         Print(DFUN_ERR_LINE,TextByLanguage("Ошибка. Не удалось добавить текущий объект-аккаунт в список-коллекцию.","Error. Failed to add current account object to collection list."));
         delete account;
      Print(DFUN,TextByLanguage("Ошибка. Не удалось создать объект-аккаунт с данными текущего счёта.","Error. Failed to create an account object with current account data."));

//--- Download account objects from the files to the collection
//--- Save the current account index

E, finalmente, adicionamos as alterações na conta de monitoramento ao método para atualizar os dados da conta:

//| Update the current account data                                  |
void CAccountsCollection::Refresh(void)
   CAccount* account=this.m_list_accounts.At(this.m_index_current);
//--- First launch
//--- f the account hash sum changed
      int total=this.m_list_changes.Total();
         for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
            ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT event=this.GetEvent(i);
            if(event==NULL || !::SymbolInfoTick(this.m_symbol,this.m_tick))
            string sparam=TimeMSCtoString(this.m_tick.time_msc)+": "+this.EventDescription(event);
Primeramente, redefinimos a flag de evento da conta. Como nós removemos o método SavePrevValues(), adicionamos a linha a partir dela — salvando a estrutura de dados atual na anterior, durante a primeira execução. Ao alterar a soma hash, verificamos e definimos o código do evento e o tipo de evento ocorrido.

No método para definir o tipo de evento, todos os eventos que ocorreram simultaneamente nas propriedades da conta são passados para a lista de alterações. Portanto, verificamos primeiro o tamanho da lista de alterações. Se ela não estiver vazia, definimos a flag de alteração ocorrida, recebemos o evento em um loop pelos dados da lista, definimos sua descrição do tipo string consistindo do horário em milissegundos e a descrição do evento, exibimos temporariamente a descrição do evento no diário (esse recurso será removido no futuro, todas as mensagens do sistema da biblioteca serão exibidos no diário apenas se o log estiver ativado) e finalmente, enviamos o evento para o programa de controle usando a função EventChartCustom().

Nos parâmetros da função EventChartCustom(), passamos:

  • o evento — para event_id,
  • o horário do evento em milissegundos — para a lparam
  • o índice de eventos na lista de alterações da conta que ocorreram simultaneamente — para a dparam
  • descrição do evento do tipo string — para a sparam

No final do método, certificamos de salvar a soma hash atual como a anterior para uma verificação subsequente.

Isso conclui o aprimoramento da classe CAccountsCollection.

Vamos passar para a classe CEngine que é a alfa e ômega da biblioteca. Nós precisamos adicionar toda a funcionalidade necessária para trabalhar com os eventos da conta.

Na seção privada da classe, adicionamos as variáveis para armazenar o a flag do evento de alteração de propriedades da conta e o último evento que ocorreu na conta. Na seção pública, adicionamos os métodos que retornam a lista de eventos da conta que ocorreram simultaneamente e o último evento da conta:

//| Library basis class                                              |
class CEngine : public CObject
   CHistoryCollection   m_history;                       // Collection of historical orders and deals
   CMarketCollection    m_market;                        // Collection of market orders and deals
   CEventsCollection    m_events;                        // Event collection
   CAccountsCollection  m_accounts;                      // Account collection
   CArrayObj            m_list_counters;                 // List of timer counters
   bool                 m_first_start;                   // First launch flag
   bool                 m_is_hedge;                      // Hedge account flag
   bool                 m_is_tester;                     // Flag of working in the tester
   bool                 m_is_market_trade_event;         // Account trading event flag
   bool                 m_is_history_trade_event;        // Account history trading event flag
   bool                 m_is_account_event;              // Account change event flag
   ENUM_TRADE_EVENT     m_last_trade_event;              // Account last trading event
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT   m_last_account_event;            // Last event in account properties
//--- Return the counter index by id
   int                  CounterIndex(constint id) const;
//--- Return (1) the first launch flag, (2) the flag presence in a trading event
   bool                 IsFirstStart(void);
//--- Working with (1) order, deal and position, as well as (2) account events
   void                 TradeEventsControl(void);
   void                 AccountEventsControl(void);
//--- Return the last (1) market pending order, (2) market order, (3) last position, (4) position by ticket
   COrder*              GetLastMarketPending(void);
   COrder*              GetLastMarketOrder(void);
   COrder*              GetLastPosition(void);
   COrder*              GetPosition(constulong ticket);
//--- Return the last (1) removed pending order, (2) historical market order, (3) historical order (market or pending) by its ticket
   COrder*              GetLastHistoryPending(void);
   COrder*              GetLastHistoryOrder(void);
   COrder*              GetHistoryOrder(constulong ticket);
//--- Return the (1) first and the (2) last historical market orders from the list of all position orders, (3) the last deal
   COrder*              GetFirstOrderPosition(constulong position_id);
   COrder*              GetLastOrderPosition(constulong position_id);
   COrder*              GetLastDeal(void);
   //--- Return the list of market (1) positions, (2) pending orders and (3) market orders
   CArrayObj*           GetListMarketPosition(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListMarketPendings(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListMarketOrders(void);
   //--- Return the list of historical (1) orders, (2) removed pending orders, (3) deals, (4) all position market orders by its id
   CArrayObj*           GetListHistoryOrders(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListHistoryPendings(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListDeals(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListAllOrdersByPosID(constulong position_id);
//--- Return the list of (1) accounts, (2) account events
   CArrayObj*           GetListAllAccounts(void)                        { returnthis.m_accounts.GetList();          }
   CArrayInt*           GetListAccountEvents(void)                      { returnthis.m_accounts.GetListChanges();   }
//--- Return the list of order, deal and position events
   CArrayObj*           GetListAllOrdersEvents(void)                    { returnthis.m_events.GetList();            }
//--- Reset the last trading event
   void                 ResetLastTradeEvent(void)                       { this.m_events.ResetLastTradeEvent(); }
//--- Return the (1) last trading event, (2) the last event in the account properties, (3) hedging account flag, (4) flag of working in the tester
   ENUM_TRADE_EVENT     LastTradeEvent(void)                      const { returnthis.m_last_trade_event;            }
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT   LastAccountEvent(void)                    const { returnthis.m_last_account_event;          }
   bool                 IsHedge(void)                             const { returnthis.m_is_hedge;                    }
   bool                 IsTester(void)                            const { returnthis.m_is_tester;                   }
//--- Create the timer counter
   void                 CreateCounter(constint id,constulong frequency,constulong pause);
//--- Timer
   void                 OnTimer(void);
//--- Constructor/Destructor

Adicionamos a inicialização do último evento da conta na lista de inicialização do construtor da classe:

//| CEngine constructor                                              |
CEngine::CEngine() : m_first_start(true),m_last_trade_event(TRADE_EVENT_NO_EVENT),m_last_account_event(ACCOUNT_EVENT_NO_EVENT)

Adicionamos o método AccountEventsControl(), que era usado anteriormente apenas para chamar o método Refresh() da classe de coleção de contas:

//| Check account events                                             |
void CEngine::AccountEventsControl(void)
//--- Check account property changes and set the flag of the account change events
//--- If there are account property changes
      //--- Get the last event of the account property change

Aqui tudo é bem simples. Primeiro, atualizamos os dados da conta. Se alguma das propriedades da conta tiver sido alterada, nós escrevemos o último evento na variável. Todos os dados restantes no evento são recuperados no programa de controle baseado na biblioteca.

Teste dos eventos da conta

Para testar o evento da conta, nós podemos usar o EA do artigo anterior, como a biblioteca encontra todas as propriedades da conta por conta própria, enviamos uma mensagem correspondente ao evento do gráfico e exibimos a descrição do evento da conta ocorrido no diário.
Mas vamos tentar ir além da "sandbox" da biblioteca e manipular alguns eventos da conta no programa, por exemplo, aumentando o capital.

Atualmente, o acesso aos recursos do programa pelo lado de fora é muito limitado. No entanto, esse é o caso até coletarmos e manipularmos os dados necessários — a biblioteca exibe vários eventos no diário para testar as classes criadas, os dados coletados e os eventos monitorados. Mais adiante, nós apresentaremos um acesso simples e conveniente a qualquer dado da biblioteca, simplificando bastante a recuperação do programa.

Para obter os dados sobre as alterações nas propriedades da conta agora, vamos fazer pequenas melhorias na classe CEngine. Nós precisaremos obter acesso ao objeto e eventos da conta atual.
Para fazer isso, adicionamos os métodos necessários na seção pública da classe CEngine (o arquivo Engine.mqh):

   //--- Return the list of market (1) positions, (2) pending orders and (3) market orders
   CArrayObj*           GetListMarketPosition(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListMarketPendings(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListMarketOrders(void);
   //--- Return the list of historical (1) orders, (2) removed pending orders, (3) deals, (4) all position market orders by its id
   CArrayObj*           GetListHistoryOrders(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListHistoryPendings(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListDeals(void);
   CArrayObj*           GetListAllOrdersByPosID(constulong position_id);
//--- Return the list of (1) accounts, (2) account events, (3) account change event by its index in the list
//--- (4) the current account, (5) event description
   CArrayObj*           GetListAllAccounts(void)                        { return this.m_accounts.GetList();          }
   CArrayInt*           GetListAccountEvents(void)                      { return this.m_accounts.GetListChanges();   }
   ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT   GetAccountEventByIndex(const int index)         { return this.m_accounts.GetEvent(index);    }
   CAccount*            GetAccountCurrent(void);
   string               GetAccountEventDescription(ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT event);

Aqui, nós adicionamos o método para receber um evento da conta pelo seu índice na lista de alterações, o método para receber o objeto da conta atual e o método para receber a descrição do evento da conta.

O método para receber o evento da conta pelo índice simplesmente retorna o resultado da operação do método GetEvent(), descrito anteriormente na classe de coleção de contas.

No final da listagem, implementamos o método para receber o objeto da conta atual:

//| Return the current account                                       |
CAccount* CEngine::GetAccountCurrent(void)
   int index=this.m_accounts.IndexCurrentAccount();
      return NULL;
   CArrayObj* list=this.m_accounts.GetList();   
   return(list!=NULL ? (list.At(index)!=NULL ? list.At(index) : NULL) : NULL);  

Primeiro, obtemos o índice atual da conta da classe de coleção de contas. Se nenhum índice for recebido, retornamos NULL. Em seguida, obtemos a lista completa de contas e retornamos a conta atual necessária segundo seu índice na lista de contas. No caso de um erro da lista ou conta, retornamos NULL.

Além disso, vamos implementar o método que retorna uma descrição do evento da conta:

//| Return the account event description                             |
string CEngine::GetAccountEventDescription(ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT event)
   return this.m_accounts.EventDescription(event);

O método retorna o resultado da operação do método da classe de coleção de contas, retornando a descrição do evento da conta.

Para testar os eventos da conta, usamos o EA do artigo anterior TestDoEasyPart12_2.mq5 localizado na pasta \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part12\ e salvamos ele como TestDoEasyPart13.mq5 na pasta \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part13.

Removemos a seguinte entrada imediatamente

inputbool     InpFullProperties    =  false;// Show full accounts properties

junto com a verificação rápida da coleção da conta localizada no manipulador da OnInit():

//--- Fast check of the account object collection   
   CArrayObj* list=engine.GetListAllAccounts();
      int total=list.Total();
         Print("\n",TextByLanguage("=========== Список сохранённых аккаунтов ===========","=========== List of saved accounts ==========="));
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         CAccount* account=list.At(i);

Como alteramos a estrutura do objeto da conta (alteramos o tamanho dos arrays do tipo uchar para armazenar as propriedades do tipo string da conta e adicionamos outra propriedade do tipo inteiro), todos os arquivos de objetos da conta salvos anteriormente não serão mais baixados corretamente. Se eles estiverem presentes na pasta comum do terminal \Files\DoEasy\Accounts\, exclua-os antes de iniciar o EA de teste. Eles serão criados novamente ao alternar de uma conta para outra com um novo tamanho da estrutura de objeto.

Agora, o manipulador da OnInit() tem o seguinte aspecto:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- Calling the function displays the list of enumeration constants in the journal 
//--- (the list is set in the strings 22 and 25 of the DELib.mqh file) for checking the constants validity
//--- Set EA global variables
   for(int i=0;i<TOTAL_BUTT;i++)

//--- Check and remove remaining EA graphical objects

//--- Create the button panel
//--- Set trailing activation button status

//--- Set CTrade trading class parameters
#ifdef __MQL5__

Para lidar com todos os eventos que chegam ao programa da biblioteca e evitar o sobrecarregamento da função embutida OnChartEvent(), implementamos um manipulador separado OnDoEasyEvent() para processar todos os eventos obtidos nele. Isso torna o código mais legível e, o que é mais importante, permite manipular os eventos no testador, que é exatamente o que nós precisamos no momento, já que nós manipularemos o evento da conta "equity increase exceeding the specified growth value", sendo muito mais rápido e fácil de verificar tudo no testador para conseguir isso.

Vamos adicionar as funcionalidades necessárias para manipular os eventos da conta no manipulador da OnTick():

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//--- Initialize the last events
   static ENUM_TRADE_EVENT last_trade_event=WRONG_VALUE;
   static ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT last_account_event=WRONG_VALUE;
//--- If working in the tester
//--- If the last trading event changed
      Comment("\nLast trade event: ",EnumToString(last_trade_event));
//--- If the last account event changed
      //--- If this is a tester
         //--- Get the list of all account events occurred simultaneously
         CArrayInt* list=engine.GetListAccountEvents();
            //--- Get the next event in a loop
            int total=list.Total();
            for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
               ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT event=(ENUM_ACCOUNT_EVENT)list.At(i);
               string sparam=engine.GetAccountEventDescription(event);
               long lparam=TimeCurrent()*1000;
               double dparam=(double)i;
               //--- Send an event to the event handler
      Comment("\nLast account event: ",EnumToString(last_account_event));
//--- If the trailing flag is set

Aqui nós introduzimos a nova variável que armazena o tipo do último evento da conta. Verificamos o seu estado atual em relação ao tipo do último evento que é retornado pela classe CAccountsCollection. Se o estado foi alterado, houve um evento na conta. Em seguida, somente para o testador, obtemos um novo evento em um loop de acordo com a lista de eventos ocorridos simultaneamente e enviamos para o manipulador de eventos da biblioteca. Os comentários da lista contêm todas as ações para receber os eventos e enviá-los ao manipulador. Ao trabalhar com o testador, nós não podemos acessar os dados em um horário de evento em milissegundos. Portanto, basta enviar a hora atual * 1000.

Agora vamos melhorar o manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent():

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
   if(id==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK && StringFind(sparam,"BUTT_")>0)
//--- DoEasy library event

Aqui nós adicionamos a chamada do manipulador de eventos da biblioteca em caso do ID do evento indicar um evento da biblioteca.

Finalmente, implementamos o manipulador de eventos da biblioteca:

//| Handling DoEasy library events                                   |
void OnDoEasyEvent(const int id,
                   const long &lparam,
                   const double &dparam,
                   const string &sparam)
   int idx=id-CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM;
   string event="::"+string(idx);
   int digits=Digits();
//--- Handling trading events
//--- Handling account events
      //--- if this is an equity increase
         //--- Close a position with the highest profit when the equity exceeds the value
         //--- specified in the CAccountsCollection::InitControlsParams() method for
         //--- the m_control_equity_inc variable tracking the equity growth by 15 units (by default)
         //--- AccountCollection file, InitControlsParams() method, string 1199
         //--- Get the list of all open positions
         CArrayObj* list_positions=engine.GetListMarketPosition();
         //--- Sort the list by profit considering commission and swap
         //--- Get the position index with the highest profit
         int index=CSelect::FindOrderMax(list_positions,ORDER_PROP_PROFIT_FULL);
            COrder* position=list_positions.At(index);
               //--- Get a ticket of a position with the highest profit and close the position by a ticket
               #ifdef __MQL5__

Ao enviar um evento para o gráfico do programa de controle, o valor de CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM igual a 1000 é adicionado ao código. Portanto, para receber o código real, nós precisamos subtrair o valor CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM do código obtido. Se o valor numérico do evento estiver localizado dentro do intervalo de TRADE_EVENTS_NEXT_CODE a ACCOUNT_EVENTS_NEXT_CODE-1, isso significa que chegou um evento de alteração de propriedade da conta. Como nós queremos encerrar a posição mais lucrativa quando o capital aumentar, excedendo o valor especificado nas configurações (o valor de crescimento padrão é maior ou igual a 15), nós precisamos verificar o evento "equity exceeding the specified value", exibir a descrição do evento no diário e encerrar a posição mais lucrativa. O código contém todos os comentários necessários.

Se agora nós simplesmente executarmos o EA no gráfico, nós obteremos as entradas no diário referentes à negociação que está sendo ativado/desativada após um tempo:

2019.06.1010:56:33.8772019.06.1006:55:29.279: Trading on the account is prohibited now
2019.06.1011:08:56.5492019.06.1007:08:51.900: Trading on the account is allowed now

Na MetaQuotes-Demo, essa ativação/desativação pode ser observada várias vezes ao dia, permitindo a verificação de como a biblioteca define esses eventos em uma conta demo.

Agora, iniciamos o EA no testador e abrimos mais posições para detectar rapidamente o evento de aumento de capital, seguido pelo encerramento da posição mais lucrativa:

Como podemos ver, a posição mais lucrativa é encerrada automaticamente quando o capital exceder o valor especificado. O diário exibe as mensagens sobre o evento da conta monitorada.

Qual é o próximo?

Na próxima parte, eu vou começar a trabalhar com os símbolos. Eu quero implementar os objetos do símbolo, a coleção de objetos do símbolo e os eventos do símbolo.

Todos os arquivos da versão atual da biblioteca estão anexados abaixo, juntamente com os arquivos do EA de teste para você testar e fazer o download.
Deixe suas perguntas, comentários e sugestões nos comentários.

Voltar ao conteúdo

Artigos anteriores da série:

Parte 1. Conceito, gerenciamento de dados.
Parte 2. Coleção do histórico de ordens e negócios.
Parte 3 Coleção de ordens e posições de mercado, busca e ordenação.
Parte 4 Eventos de negociação. Conceito.
Parte 5. Classes e coleção de eventos de negociação. Envio de eventos para o programa.
Parte 6. Eventos da conta netting.
Parte 7. Eventos de ativação da ordem StopLimit, preparação da funcionalidade para os eventos de modificação de ordens e posições.
Parte 8. Eventos de modificação de ordens e posições.
Parte 9. Compatibilidade com a MQL4 - Preparação dos dados.
Parte 10. Compatibilidade com a MQL4 - Eventos de abertura de posição e ativação de stops pendentes.
Parte 11. Compatibilidade com a MQL4 - Eventos de encerramento de posição.
Parte 12. Classe de objeto Conta e coleção de objetos da conta.

Traduzido do russo pela MetaQuotes Ltd.
Artigo original: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/6995

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MQL5.zip (129.92 KB)
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Biblioteca para desenvolvimento fácil e rápido dos programas MetaTrader (parte XIV): O objeto Símbolo Biblioteca para desenvolvimento fácil e rápido dos programas MetaTrader (parte XIV): O objeto Símbolo
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Estudo dos padrões de Merrill Estudo dos padrões de Merrill
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Gerenciando otimizações (Parte 2): Cirando a lógica do aplicativo e objetos chave Gerenciando otimizações (Parte 2): Cirando a lógica do aplicativo e objetos chave
Este artigo é uma continuação da publicação anterior sobre a criação de uma interface gráfica para gerenciar otimizações. Nele, abordaremos a lógica do robô para o complemento a ser criado. Criaremos um wrapper que permitirá iniciar o terminal MetaTrader 5 como um processo gerenciado através do C#. Também consideraremos o trabalho com arquivos de configuração. Dividiremos a lógica do programa em duas partes, a primeira descreverá os métodos chamados após pressionar uma tecla específica e a segunda, a parte da inicialização e do gerenciamento de otimizações.