- LogLevel
- SetExpertMagicNumber
- SetDeviationInPoints
- SetTypeFilling
- SetTypeFillingBySymbol
- SetAsyncMode
- SetMarginMode
- OrderOpen
- OrderModify
- OrderDelete
- PositionOpen
- PositionModify
- PositionClose
- PositionClosePartial
- PositionCloseBy
- Buy
- Sell
- BuyLimit
- BuyStop
- SellLimit
- SellStop
- Request
- RequestAction
- RequestActionDescription
- RequestMagic
- RequestOrder
- RequestSymbol
- RequestVolume
- RequestPrice
- RequestStopLimit
- RequestSL
- RequestTP
- RequestDeviation
- RequestType
- RequestTypeDescription
- RequestTypeFilling
- RequestTypeFillingDescription
- RequestTypeTime
- RequestTypeTimeDescription
- RequestExpiration
- RequestComment
- RequestPosition
- RequestPositionBy
- Result
- ResultRetcode
- ResultRetcodeDescription
- ResultDeal
- ResultOrder
- ResultVolume
- ResultPrice
- ResultBid
- ResultAsk
- ResultComment
- CheckResult
- CheckResultRetcode
- CheckResultRetcodeDescription
- CheckResultBalance
- CheckResultEquity
- CheckResultProfit
- CheckResultMargin
- CheckResultMarginFree
- CheckResultMarginLevel
- CheckResultComment
- PrintRequest
- PrintResult
- FormatRequest
- FormatRequestResult
Deletes the pending order.
bool OrderDelete(
[in] Order ticket.
Return Value
true - successful check of the basic structures, otherwise - false.
Successful completion of the OrderDelete(...) method does not always mean successful execution of the trade operation. It is necessary to check the result of trade request (trade server return code) using ResultRetcode().