
Gives program operation completion command when testing.

void  TesterStop();

Return Value

No return value.


The TesterStop() function is designed for a routine early shutdown of an EA on a test agent – for example, when reaching a specified number of losing trades or a preset drawdown level.

TesterStop() call is considered a normal completion of a test, therefore the OnTester() function is called, and the entire accumulated trading statistics and optimization criterion value are submitted to the strategy tester.

Calling ExpertRemove() in the strategy tester also means normal test completion and allows for obtaining trading statistics, but the EA is unloaded from the agent’s memory. In this case, performing a pass on the next set of parameters requires time in order to reload the program. Therefore, TesterStop() is a preferred option for an early routine completion of a test.


//--- defines
#define BALANCE_LOSS_STOP  100.0       // value of the balance drawdown, at which testing is stopped
#define EQUITY_LOSS_STOP   100.0       // value of the equity drawdown, at which testing is stopped
//--- input parameters
input  double  InpLots        =  0.1;  // lots
input  uint    InpStopLoss    =  50;   // Stop loss in points
input  uint    InpTakeProfit  =  150;  // Take Profit in points
sinput ulong   InpMagic       =  123;  // MagicNumber
sinput ulong   InpDeviation   =  5;    // deviation
//--- global variables
CTrade      trade;                     // trade class instance
CSymbolInfo symb;                      // symbol class instance
CAccountInfo account;                  // trading account class instance
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- successful initialization
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//--- update current quotes
//--- if the balance or equity have dropped more than indicated in the BALANCE_LOSS_STOP and EQUITY_LOSS_STOP macro substitutions,
//--- the test is considered unsuccessful and the TesterStop() function is called
//--- check for loss of balance by more than BALANCE_LOSS_STOP
         PrintFormat("The initial balance of %.2f %s decreased by %.2f %s, and now has a value of %.2f %s. Stop testing.",balance_prev,account.Currency(),balance_prev-account.Balance(),account.Currency(),account.Balance(),account.Currency());
         The initial balance of 10000.00 USD decreased by 100.10 USDand now has a value of 9899.90 USDStop testing.
         TesterStop() called on 9of testing interval
//--- check the loss of equity by more than EQUITY_LOSS_STOP
         PrintFormat("The initial equity of %.2f %s decreased by %.2f %s, and now has a value of %.2f %s. Stop testing.",equity_prev,account.Currency(),equity_prev-account.Equity(),account.Currency(),account.Equity(),account.Currency());
         The initial equity of 10000.00 USD decreased by 100.10 USDand now has a value of 9899.90 USDStop testing.
         TesterStop() called on 9of testing interval


See also

Program Running, Testing Trading Strategies, ExpertRemove, SetReturnError