//--- defines
#define BALANCE_PROFIT_WITHDRAWAL 5 // the value of the balance profit, at which funds are withdrawn from the account in the tester
//--- input parameters
input double InpLots = 0.1; // Lots
input uint InpStopLoss = 50; // Stop loss in points
input uint InpTakeProfit = 150; // Take Profit in points
sinput ulong InpMagic = 123; // Magic number
sinput ulong InpDeviation = 5; // Deviation
//--- global variables
CTrade trade; // trade class instance
CSymbolInfo symb; // symbol class instance
CAccountInfo account; // trading account class instance
double balance_op_sum; // total amount of balance operations
uint balance_op_total; // number of balance operations
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
//--- save the initial balance values
//--- successful initialization
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
//--- update current quotes
//--- if the balance profit exceeds the current balance by the value specified in the BALANCE_PROFIT_WITHDRAWAL macro substitution,
//--- it is necessary to withdraw these funds from the account. Call the TesterWithdrawal() function.
//--- check the balance profit for exceeding BALANCE_PROFIT_WITHDRAWAL
double profit=account.Balance()-balance_prev;
PrintFormat("The account balance has been increased by %.2f %s. Need to withdraw these funds from the account.",profit,account.Currency());
PrintFormat("Funds have been withdrawn from the account. Account balance: %.2f %s.",account.Balance(),account.Currency());
PrintFormat("Total withdrawals: %lu. Amount of withdrawals: %.2f %s.",balance_op_total,balance_op_summ,account.Currency());
The account balance has been increased by 21.00 USD. Need to withdraw these funds from the account.
deal #13 balance -21.00 [withdrawal] done
Funds have been withdrawn from the account. Account balance: 10000.00 USD.
Total withdrawals: 1. Amount of withdrawals: 21.00 USD.
//| Tester function |
double OnTester()
//--- set the maximum balance drawdown in monetary terms as the output handler value
double ret=TesterStatistics(STAT_BALANCE_DD);
//--- display a message about the drawdown, the number of withdrawals and their total amount in the log
PrintFormat("%s: Maximum balance drawdown in money: %.2f %s. Total withdrawals: %lu. Amount of withdrawals: %.2f %s.",__FUNCTION__,ret,account.Currency(),balance_op_total,balance_op_summ,account.Currency());
//--- return the result
OnTester: Maximum balance drawdown in money: 5188.50 USD. Total withdrawals: 2. Amount of withdrawals: 36.00 USD.
final balance 4867.50 USD
OnTester result 5188.5