Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 82): Library objects refactoring and collection of graphical objects
In the previous article, I started integrating graphics handling with library objects. Each of the library objects is to have its own instance of the object for handling graphical objects allowing it to construct appropriate graphical objects (both standard and CCanvas-based ones).
In order to integrate graphics into library objects, I started refining the bar object in the previous article. In particular, I implemented the graphics management class. After debugging, I am going to add the newly created and debugged chart handling mechanism to other objects.
Now it is time to improve all library objects. Each object should have its unique ID — Type() allowing us to define that object. Each library object should be able to create graphical objects, while the graphical object should "know" who created it. After a graphical object is created using any library object, the graphical object should know who created it, as well as have the pointer to its parent, while the parent should know its generated graphical objects and also have pointers to them.
At the same time, when creating a graphical object, we need to enter it into a single collection list of graphical objects. All graphical objects need a new property — object affiliation. It allows us to determine how the graphical object is created — by a program or manually in the terminal. The objects created from a program using the library are added to the list immediately upon their creation. The graphics created by the terminal (various graphical objects added to the chart manually) should be tracked by the collection class of graphical objects and added to the list/removed from it. Separate program objects of the graphical object class should be created for them so that the program is able to manage them as well.
To do this, we need to implement tracking the status of all open chart windows in the terminal in the collection class of graphical objects, namely occurrence of standard graphical objects, creating library objects and adding them to the collection list. The same goes for deleting standard graphical objects.
Thus, our library is eventually able to take control of all standard graphical objects present on open charts and handle them as if they were its own objects while considering that they are created manually.
This is the groundwork for several articles ahead.
Here I am going to improve all library objects by assigning types to them, as well as work on graphical objects collection class, namely arrange tracking new/removing existing graphical objects on open charts in the terminal.
Improving library classes
Let's add new macro substitutions and enumerations in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Defines.mqh. We need to add the types of all library objects to set the values in the object "type" property immediately upon its creation.
But first, let's add macro substitutions for specifying the parameters of the graphical object collection timer to the end of the list of timer parameters of the already existing collections:
//--- Parameters of the chart collection timer #define COLLECTION_CHARTS_PAUSE (500) // Chart collection timer pause in milliseconds #define COLLECTION_CHARTS_COUNTER_STEP (16) // Chart timer counter increment #define COLLECTION_CHARTS_COUNTER_ID (9) // Chart timer counter ID //--- Parameters of the graphical objects collection timer #define COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_PAUSE (250) // Graphical objects collection timer pause in milliseconds #define COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_COUNTER_STEP (16) // Graphical objects timer counter increment #define COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_COUNTER_ID (10) // Graphical objects timer counter ID //--- Collection list IDs
The file already features the collection list IDs.
It would be reasonable to continue the list for object type IDs. Since I will continue adding new object collections and the list of their IDs is to be expanded, we should add a label to be used as a starting point for object type values:
//--- Collection list IDs #define COLLECTION_HISTORY_ID (0x777A) // Historical collection list ID #define COLLECTION_MARKET_ID (0x777B) // Market collection list ID #define COLLECTION_EVENTS_ID (0x777C) // Event collection list ID #define COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_ID (0x777D) // Account collection list ID #define COLLECTION_SYMBOLS_ID (0x777E) // Symbol collection list ID #define COLLECTION_SERIES_ID (0x777F) // Timeseries collection list ID #define COLLECTION_BUFFERS_ID (0x7780) // Indicator buffer collection list ID #define COLLECTION_INDICATORS_ID (0x7781) // Indicator collection list ID #define COLLECTION_INDICATORS_DATA_ID (0x7782) // Indicator data collection list ID #define COLLECTION_TICKSERIES_ID (0x7783) // Tick series collection list ID #define COLLECTION_MBOOKSERIES_ID (0x7784) // DOM series collection list ID #define COLLECTION_MQL5_SIGNALS_ID (0x7785) // MQL5 signals collection list ID #define COLLECTION_CHARTS_ID (0x7786) // Chart collection list ID #define COLLECTION_CHART_WND_ID (0x7787) // Chart window list ID #define COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_ID (0x7788) // Graphical object collection list ID #define COLLECTION_ID_LIST_END (COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_ID) // End of collection ID list //--- Pending request type IDs
The label value + 1 is to be the value for the first constant of the library object types enumeration we are to add now:
//--- Canvas parameters #define PAUSE_FOR_CANV_UPDATE (16) // Canvas update frequency #define NULL_COLOR (0x00FFFFFF) // Zero for the canvas with the alpha channel #define OUTER_AREA_SIZE (16) // Size of one side of the outer area around the workspace //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Enumerations | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| List of library object types | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE { //--- Graphics OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GBASE = COLLECTION_ID_LIST_END+1, // "Base object of all library graphical objects" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT, // "Graphical element" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFORM, // Form object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSHADOW, // Shadow object type //--- Animation OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME, // "Single animation frame" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME_TEXT, // "Single text animation frame" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME_QUAD, // "Single rectangular animation frame" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME_GEOMETRY, // "Single geometric animation frame" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GANIMATIONS, // "Animations" object type //--- Managing graphical objects OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL, // "Managing graphical objects" object type //--- Standard graphical objects OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_VLINE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_VLINE, // "Vertical line" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_HLINE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_HLINE, // "Horizontal line" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_TREND = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_TREND, // "Trend line" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_TRENDBYANGLE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE, // "Trend line by angle" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_CYCLES = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_CYCLES, // "Cyclic lines" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROWED_LINE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROWED_LINE, // "Arrowed line" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_CHANNEL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_CHANNEL, // "Equidistant channel" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_STDDEVCHANNEL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL, // "Standard deviation channel" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_REGRESSION = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_REGRESSION, // "Linear regression channel" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_PITCHFORK = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_PITCHFORK, // "Andrews' pitchfork" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_GANNLINE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_GANNLINE, // "Gann line" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_GANNFAN = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_GANNFAN, // "Gann fan" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_GANNGRID = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_GANNGRID, // "Gann grid" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_FIBO = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_FIBO, // "Fibo levels" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_FIBOTIMES = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_FIBOTIMES, // "Fibo time zones" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_FIBOFAN = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_FIBOFAN, // "Fibo fan" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_FIBOARC = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_FIBOARC, // "Fibo arcs" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_FIBOCHANNEL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL, // "Fibo channel" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_EXPANSION = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_EXPANSION, // "Fibo expansion" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ELLIOTWAVE5 = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5, // "Elliott 5 waves" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ELLIOTWAVE3 = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3, // "Elliott 3 waves" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_RECTANGLE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_RECTANGLE, // "Rectangle" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_TRIANGLE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_TRIANGLE, // "Triangle" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ELLIPSE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ELLIPSE, // "Ellipse" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_THUMB_UP = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP, // "Thumb up" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN, // "Thumb down" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_UP = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_UP, // "Arrow up" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_DOWN = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_DOWN, // "Arrow down" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_STOP = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_STOP, // "Stop sign" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_CHECK = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_CHECK, // "Check mark" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE, // "Left price label" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE, // "Right price label" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_BUY = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_BUY, // "Buy sign" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW_SELL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW_SELL, // "Sell sign" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_ARROW = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_ARROW, // "Arrow" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_TEXT = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_TEXT, // "Text" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_LABEL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_LABEL, // "Text label" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_BUTTON = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_BUTTON, // "Button" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_CHART = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_CHART, // "Chart" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_BITMAP = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_BITMAP, // "Bitmap" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_BITMAP_LABEL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL, // "Bitmap label" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_EDIT = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_EDIT, // "Input field" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_EVENT = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_EVENT, // "Event object which corresponds to an event in Economic Calendar" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_RECTANGLE_LABEL = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT_CONTROL+1+OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL, // "Rectangle Label object used to create and design the custom graphical interface" object type //--- Objects OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BASE = OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_RECTANGLE_LABEL+1, // Base object for all library objects OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BASE_EXT, // Extended base object for all library objects OBJECT_DE_TYPE_ACCOUNT, // "Account" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_ORDER, // "Book order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_BUY, // "Book buy order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_BUY_MARKET, // "Book buy order at market price" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SELL, // "Book sell order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SELL_MARKET, // "Book sell order at market price" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SNAPSHOT, // "Book snapshot" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SERIES, // "Book snapshot series" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_CHART, // "Chart" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_CHART_WND, // "Chart window" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_CHART_WND_IND, // "Chart window indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT, // "Event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_BALANCE, // "Balance operation event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_MODIFY, // "Pending order/position modification event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_ORDER_PLASED, // "Placing a pending order event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_ORDER_REMOVED, // "Pending order removal event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSE, // "Position closure event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_POSITION_OPEN, // "Position opening event" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER, // "Indicator buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_ARROW, // "Arrow rendering buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_BAR, // "Bar buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_CALCULATE, // "Calculated buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_CANDLE, // "Candle buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_FILLING, // "Filling buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_HISTOGRAMM, // "Histogram buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_HISTOGRAMM2, // "Histogram 2 buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_LINE, // "Line buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_SECTION, // "Section buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BUFFER_ZIGZAG, // "Zigzag buffer" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_INDICATOR, // "Indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_DATA, // "Indicator data" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_DATA_LIST, // "Indicator data list" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_AC, // "Accelerator Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_AD, // "Accumulation/Distribution indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_ADX, // "Average Directional Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_ADXW, // "ADX indicator by Welles Wilder" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_ALLIGATOR, // "Alligator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_AMA, // "Adaptive Moving Average indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_AO, // "Awesome Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_ATR, // "Average True Range" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BANDS, // "Bollinger Bands® indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BEARS, // "Bears Power indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BULLS, // "Bulls Power indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_BWMFI, // "Market Facilitation Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_CCI, // "Commodity Channel Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_CHAIKIN, // "Chaikin Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_CUSTOM, // "Custom indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_DEMA, // "Double Exponential Moving Average indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_DEMARKER, // "DeMarker indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_ENVELOPES, // "Envelopes indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_FORCE, // "Force Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_FRACTALS, // "Fractals indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_FRAMA, // "Fractal Adaptive Moving Average indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_GATOR, // "Gator Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_ICHIMOKU, // "Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_MA, // "Moving Average indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_MACD, // "Moving Average Convergence/Divergence indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_MFI, // "Money Flow Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_MOMENTUM, // "Momentum indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_OBV, // "On Balance Volume indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_OSMA, // "Moving Average of Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_RSI, // "Relative Strength Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_RVI, // "Relative Vigor Index indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_SAR, // "Parabolic SAR indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_STDEV, // "Standard Deviation indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_STOCH, // "Stochastic Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_TEMA, // "Triple Exponential Moving Average indicator" object OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_TRIX, // "Triple Exponential Moving Averages Oscillator indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_VIDYA, // "Variable Index Dynamic Average indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_VOLUMES, // "Volumes indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_IND_WPR, // "Williams' Percent Range indicator" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_MQL5_SIGNAL, // "mql5 signal" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_ORDER_DEAL_POSITION, // "Order/Deal/Position" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_HISTORY_BALANCE, // "Historical balance operation" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_HISTORY_DEAL, // "Historical deal" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_HISTORY_ORDER_MARKET, // "Historical market order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_HISTORY_ORDER_PENDING, // "Historical removed pending order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_MARKET_ORDER, // "Market order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_MARKET_PENDING, // "Pending order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_MARKET_POSITION, // "Market position" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST, // "Pending trading request" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST_POSITION_OPEN, // "Pending request to open a position" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST_POSITION_CLOSE, // "Pending request to close a position" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST_POSITION_SLTP, // "Pending request to modify position stop orders" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST_ORDER_PLACE, // "Pending request to place a pending order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST_ORDER_REMOVE, // "Pending request to delete a pending order" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_PENDING_REQUEST_ORDER_MODIFY, // "Pending request to modify pending order parameters" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SERIES_BAR, // "Bar" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SERIES_PERIOD, // "Period timeseries" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SERIES_SYMBOL, // "Symbol timeseries" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL, // "Symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_BONDS, // "Bond symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_CFD, // "CFD (contract for difference) symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_COLLATERAL, // "Non-tradable asset symbol" object type" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_COMMODITY, // "Commodity symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_COMMON, // "Common group symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_CRYPTO, // "Cryptocurrency symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_CUSTOM, // "Custom symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_EXCHANGE, // "Exchange symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_FUTURES, // "Futures symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_FX, // "Forex symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_FX_EXOTIC, // "Exotic Forex symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_FX_MAJOR, // "Major Forex symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_FX_MINOR, // "Minor Forex symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_FX_RUB, // "RUB Forex symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_INDEX, // "Index symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_INDICATIVE, // "Indicative symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_METALL, // "Metal symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_OPTION, // "Option symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_SYMBOL_STOCKS, // "Stock symbol" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_TICK, // "Tick" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_NEW_TICK, // "New tick" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_TICKSERIES, // "Tick data series" object type OBJECT_DE_TYPE_TRADE, // "Trading object" object type }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Search and sorting data | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
If we study the enumeration constants carefully, we will see that the types of objects corresponding to standard graphical objects use the value of the previous constant of the library object enumeration + 1 + standard enumeration value for the corresponding graphical object. After completing the enumeration of the lists of standard graphical objects, I continue the enumeration of the list of library object types starting from the constant value of the last graphical object + 1:
Thus, graphical library objects based on standard graphical objects has a type value corresponding to the standard graphical object type. This type can be easily calculated, while subsequent types continue to get values above the constant of the last standard graphical object and do not cause any collisions between the values of the enumeration constants.
Next, we need to slightly improve the lists of graphical object properties. Namely, we should add the enumeration of the object affiliation with a program or terminal (creation method — programmatical or manual) and add this property to the enumeration of the graphical object integer properties:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| List of graphical objects affiliations | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG { GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_PROGRAM, // Graphical object belongs to a program GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_TERMINAL, // Graphical object does not belong to a program }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| The list of graphical element types | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE { GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT, // Element GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_SHADOW_OBJ, // Shadow object GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_FORM, // Form GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_WINDOW, // Window }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Integer properties of the graphical element on the canvas | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER { CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ID = 0, // Element ID CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_TYPE, // Graphical element type CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_BELONG, // Graphical element affiliation CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_NUM, // Element index in the list CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_CHART_ID, // Chart ID CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_WND_NUM, // Chart subwindow index CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_COORD_X, // Form's X coordinate on the chart CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_COORD_Y, // Form's Y coordinate on the chart CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_WIDTH, // Element width CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_HEIGHT, // Element height CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_RIGHT, // Element right border CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_BOTTOM, // Element bottom border CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACT_SHIFT_LEFT, // Active area offset from the left edge of the element CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACT_SHIFT_TOP, // Active area offset from the upper edge of the element CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACT_SHIFT_RIGHT, // Active area offset from the right edge of the element CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACT_SHIFT_BOTTOM, // Active area offset from the bottom edge of the element CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_MOVABLE, // Element moveability flag CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACTIVE, // Element activity flag CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_COORD_ACT_X, // X coordinate of the element active area CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_COORD_ACT_Y, // Y coordinate of the element active area CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACT_RIGHT, // Right border of the element active area CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ACT_BOTTOM, // Bottom border of the element active area }; #define CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL (22) // Total number of integer properties #define CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP (0) // Number of integer properties not used in sorting //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Since the new property has been added, we need to increase the total number of these properties (from 21 to 22). Besides, we should also add sorting by the property to the enumeration of possible graphical objects sorting criteria:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Possible sorting criteria of graphical elements on the canvas | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define FIRST_CANV_ELEMENT_DBL_PROP (CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL-CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP) #define FIRST_CANV_ELEMENT_STR_PROP (CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL-CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP+CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL-CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_DOUBLE_SKIP) enum ENUM_SORT_CANV_ELEMENT_MODE { //--- Sort by integer properties SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ID = 0, // Sort by element ID SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_TYPE, // Sort by graphical element type SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_BELONG, // Sort by a graphical element affiliation SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_NUM, // Sort by form index in the list SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_CHART_ID, // Sort by chart ID SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_WND_NUM, // Sort by chart window index SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_COORD_X, // Sort by the element X coordinate on the chart SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_COORD_Y, // Sort by the element Y coordinate on the chart SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_WIDTH, // Sort by the element width SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_HEIGHT, // Sort by the element height SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_RIGHT, // Sort by the element right border SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_BOTTOM, // Sort by the element bottom border SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACT_SHIFT_LEFT, // Sort by the active area offset from the left edge of the element SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACT_SHIFT_TOP, // Sort by the active area offset from the top edge of the element SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACT_SHIFT_RIGHT, // Sort by the active area offset from the right edge of the element SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACT_SHIFT_BOTTOM, // Sort by the active area offset from the bottom edge of the element SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_MOVABLE, // Sort by the element moveability flag SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACTIVE, // Sort by the element activity flag SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_COORD_ACT_X, // Sort by X coordinate of the element active area SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_COORD_ACT_Y, // Sort by Y coordinate of the element active area SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACT_RIGHT, // Sort by the right border of the element active area SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ACT_BOTTOM, // Sort by the bottom border of the element active area //--- Sort by real properties //--- Sort by string properties SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_NAME_OBJ = FIRST_CANV_ELEMENT_STR_PROP,// Sort by an element object name SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_NAME_RES, // Sort by the graphical resource name }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Data.mqh, add the new message indices for the graphical object collection:
//--- CShadowObj MSG_SHADOW_OBJ_IMG_SMALL_BLUR_LARGE, // Error! Image size too small or blur too extensive //--- CGraphElementsCollection MSG_CHART_OBJ_COLLECTION_ERR_OBJ_ALREADY_EXISTS, // Error. A chart control object already exists with chart id MSG_CHART_OBJ_COLLECTION_ERR_FAILED_CREATE_CTRL_OBJ,// Failed to create chart control object with chart id }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
and message texts corresponding to newly added indices:
//--- CShadowObj {"Ошибка! Размер изображения очень маленький или очень большое размытие","Error! Image size is very small or very large blur"}, //--- CGraphElementsCollection {"Ошибка. Уже существует объект управления чартами с идентификатором чарта ","Error. A chart control object already exists with chart id "}, {"Не удалось создать объект управления чартами с идентификатором чарта ","Failed to create chart control object with chart id "}, }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
Now we need to specify the type of each significant (not auxiliary) library object at the moment of its creation. Auxiliary objects are the ones that are necessary for the operation of the main one. There is no need to assign the types to such objects since they are not collection objects. Instead, they are used only to arrange work and simplify calculations in the main library objects.
Many library objects are derived from the base object of all library objects. It already features the m_type variable storing the object type value and the Type() virtual method returning the object type set to the variable. Accordingly, it will be sufficient to specify the value of the m_type variable corresponding to the object type in the constructors of its descendants.
Since I have introduced the object affiliation concept, the affiliation is to be defined by the presence of the program name in the graphical object name. To achieve this, the base object of all library objects in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\BaseObj.mqh should feature a new variable in the protected class section for storing the program name:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Base object class for all library objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CBaseObj : public CObject { protected: CGraphElmControl m_graph_elm; // Instance of the class for managing graphical elements ENUM_LOG_LEVEL m_log_level; // Logging level ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE m_program; // Program type bool m_first_start; // First launch flag bool m_use_sound; // Flag of playing the sound set for an object bool m_available; // Flag of using a descendant object in the program int m_global_error; // Global error code long m_chart_id_main; // Control program chart ID long m_chart_id; // Chart ID string m_name_program; // Program name string m_name; // Object name string m_folder_name; // Name of the folder storing CBaseObj descendant objects string m_sound_name; // Object sound file name int m_type; // Object type (corresponds to the object type from the ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE enumeration) public:
In the class constructor, specify the program name and the object type as the base object:
//--- Constructor CBaseObj() : m_program((ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE)::MQLInfoInteger(MQL_PROGRAM_TYPE)), m_name_program(::MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME)), m_global_error(ERR_SUCCESS), m_log_level(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_MSG), m_chart_id_main(::ChartID()), m_chart_id(::ChartID()), m_folder_name(DIRECTORY), m_sound_name(""), m_name(__FUNCTION__), m_type(OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BASE), m_use_sound(false), m_available(true), m_first_start(true) {} }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Apart from the base object class, the file also contains the extended base object class for all library objects. Specify the object type as base-extended in its constructor:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CBaseObjExt::CBaseObjExt() : m_hash_sum(0),m_hash_sum_prev(0), m_is_event(false),m_event_code(WRONG_VALUE), m_long_prop_total(0), m_double_prop_total(0) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BASE_EXT; ::ArrayResize(this.m_long_prop_event,0,100); ::ArrayResize(this.m_double_prop_event,0,100); ::ArrayResize(this.m_long_prop_event_prev,0,100); ::ArrayResize(this.m_double_prop_event_prev,0,100); ::ZeroMemory(this.m_tick); this.m_digits_currency=(#ifdef __MQL5__ (int)::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS) #else 2 #endif); this.m_list_events.Clear(); this.m_list_events.Sort(); this.m_list_events_base.Clear(); this.m_list_events_base.Sort(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In case of all library objects that are descendants of these two classes (base and base-extended), it is sufficient to specify an object type in the m_type variable of their constructors.
For the account object in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Accounts\Account.mqh, this will look as follows (the entire constructor):
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CAccount::CAccount(void) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_ACCOUNT; //--- Initialize control data this.SetControlDataArraySizeLong(ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL); this.SetControlDataArraySizeDouble(ACCOUNT_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL); this.ResetChangesParams(); this.ResetControlsParams(); //--- Save integer properties this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LOGIN] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_MODE] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LEVERAGE] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_LIMIT_ORDERS] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_MODE] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_ALLOWED] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_TRADE_EXPERT] = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MODE] = #ifdef __MQL5__::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE) #else ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_RETAIL_HEDGING #endif ; this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY_DIGITS] = #ifdef __MQL5__::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS) #else 2 #endif ; this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER_TYPE] = (::TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_NAME)=="MetaTrader 5" ? 5 : 4); this.m_long_prop[ACCOUNT_PROP_FIFO_CLOSE] = (#ifdef __MQL5__::TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_BUILD)<2155 ? false : ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_FIFO_CLOSE) #else false #endif ); //--- Save real properties this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_BALANCE)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_CREDIT)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_CREDIT); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_PROFIT)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_PROFIT); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_EQUITY)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_FREE)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_LEVEL)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_CALL)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_SO_SO)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_INITIAL)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE)]=::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_ASSETS)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_ASSETS); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_LIABILITIES)] = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES); this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_COMMISSION_BLOCKED)]=::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED); //--- Save string properties this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_NAME)] = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_NAME); this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_SERVER)] = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_SERVER); this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_CURRENCY)] = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY); this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(ACCOUNT_PROP_COMPANY)] = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_COMPANY); //--- Account object name, object and account type (MetaTrader 5 or 4) this.m_name=CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_ACCOUNT)+" "+(string)this.Login()+": "+this.Name()+" ("+this.Company()+")"; this.m_type=COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_ID; this.m_type_server=(::TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_NAME)=="MetaTrader 5" ? 5 : 4); //--- Filling in the current account data for(int i=0;i<ACCOUNT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL;i++) this.m_long_prop_event[i][3]=this.m_long_prop[i]; for(int i=0;i<ACCOUNT_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL;i++) this.m_double_prop_event[i][3]=this.m_double_prop[i]; //--- Update the base object data and search for changes CBaseObjExt::Refresh(); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
As you see, we should only set a necessary object type for the m_type variable. In this case, it is the "account" type. Writing a new object type value declared in the base object class redefines the object type from "base" to "account". Now the virtual Type() method, returning the m_type variable value and also implemented in the base object, will also return the variable value redefined in the account object class constructor.
The class of the market depth abstract order in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Book\MarketBookOrd.mqh features two constructors — default and parametric ones. Set the object type in both constructors.
The default constructor:
//--- Compare CMarketBookOrd objects by all properties (to search for equal request objects) bool IsEqual(CMarketBookOrd* compared_req) const; //--- Default constructor CMarketBookOrd(){ this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_ORDER; } protected: //--- Protected parametric constructor CMarketBookOrd(const ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_STATUS status,const MqlBookInfo &book_info,const string symbol); public: //+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|Methods of a simplified access to the DOM request object properties| //+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
and in the parametric one:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Protected parametric constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CMarketBookOrd::CMarketBookOrd(const ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_STATUS status,const MqlBookInfo &book_info,const string symbol) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_ORDER; //--- Save symbol’s Digits this.m_digits=(int)::SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS); //--- Save integer object properties this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_STATUS,status); this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_TYPE,book_info.type); this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_VOLUME,book_info.volume); //--- Save real object properties this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_PRICE,book_info.price); this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_VOLUME_REAL,book_info.volume_real); //--- Save additional object properties this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_SYMBOL,(symbol==NULL || symbol=="" ? ::Symbol() : symbol)); //--- Order time is not present in the parameters and is considered in the DOM snapshot class. Reset the time this.SetProperty(MBOOK_ORD_PROP_TIME_MSC,0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the descendants of the market depth abstract order, add the appropriate object types.
Market depth buy order in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Book\MarketBookBuy.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Buy order in DOM | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CMarketBookBuy : public CMarketBookOrd { private: public: //--- Constructor CMarketBookBuy(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book_info) : CMarketBookOrd(MBOOK_ORD_STATUS_BUY,book_info,symbol) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_BUY; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_DOUBLE property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_INTEGER property); //--- Return the object short name virtual string Header(const bool symbol=false); //--- Return the description of order type (ENUM_BOOK_TYPE) virtual string TypeDescription(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Market depth buy order at market price in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Book\MarketBookBuyMarket.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Buy order by Market in DOM | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CMarketBookBuyMarket : public CMarketBookOrd { private: public: //--- Constructor CMarketBookBuyMarket(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book_info) : CMarketBookOrd(MBOOK_ORD_STATUS_BUY,book_info,symbol) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_BUY_MARKET; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_DOUBLE property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_INTEGER property); //--- Return the object short name virtual string Header(const bool symbol=false); //--- Return the description of order type (ENUM_BOOK_TYPE) virtual string TypeDescription(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Market depth sell order in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Book\MarketBookSell.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Sell order in DOM | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CMarketBookSell : public CMarketBookOrd { private: public: //--- Constructor CMarketBookSell(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book_info) : CMarketBookOrd(MBOOK_ORD_STATUS_SELL,book_info,symbol) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SELL; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_DOUBLE property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_INTEGER property); //--- Return the object short name virtual string Header(const bool symbol=false); //--- Return the description of order type (ENUM_BOOK_TYPE) virtual string TypeDescription(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Market depth sell order at market price in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Book\MarketBookSellMarket.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Sell order by Market in DOM | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CMarketBookSellMarket : public CMarketBookOrd { private: public: //--- Constructor CMarketBookSellMarket(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book_info) : CMarketBookOrd(MBOOK_ORD_STATUS_SELL,book_info,symbol) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SELL_MARKET; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_DOUBLE property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_MBOOK_ORD_PROP_INTEGER property); //--- Return the object short name virtual string Header(const bool symbol=false); //--- Return the description of order type (ENUM_BOOK_TYPE) virtual string TypeDescription(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
"Market depth snapshot" class in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Book\MarketBookSnapshot.mqh has two constructors — default and parametric ones. Here we need to specify an object type in both constructors.
The default constructor:
//--- Return the DOM snapshot change string Header(void); //--- Display (1) description and (2) short description of a DOM snapshot virtual void Print(const bool full_prop=false,const bool dash=false); virtual void PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false); //--- Constructors CMBookSnapshot(){ this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SNAPSHOT; } CMBookSnapshot(const string symbol,const long time,MqlBookInfo &book_array[]); //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|Methods of a simplified access to the DOM snapshot object properties | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
and in the parametric one:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Parametric constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CMBookSnapshot::CMBookSnapshot(const string symbol,const long time,MqlBookInfo &book_array[]) : m_time(time) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SNAPSHOT; //--- Set a symbol this.SetSymbol(symbol); //--- Clear the list this.m_list.Clear(); //--- In the loop by the structure array int total=::ArraySize(book_array); this.m_volume_buy=this.m_volume_sell=0; this.m_volume_buy_real=this.m_volume_sell_real=0; for(int i=0;i<total;i++) { //--- Create order objects of the current DOM snapshot depending on the order type CMarketBookOrd *mbook_ord=NULL; switch(book_array[i].type) { case BOOK_TYPE_BUY : mbook_ord=new CMarketBookBuy(this.m_symbol,book_array[i]); break; case BOOK_TYPE_SELL : mbook_ord=new CMarketBookSell(this.m_symbol,book_array[i]); break; case BOOK_TYPE_BUY_MARKET : mbook_ord=new CMarketBookBuyMarket(this.m_symbol,book_array[i]); break; case BOOK_TYPE_SELL_MARKET : mbook_ord=new CMarketBookSellMarket(this.m_symbol,book_array[i]); break; default: break; } if(mbook_ord==NULL) continue; //--- Set the DOM snapshot time for the order mbook_ord.SetTime(this.m_time); //--- Set the sorted list flag for the list (by the price value) and add the current order object to it //--- If failed to add the object to the DOM order list, remove the order object this.m_list.Sort(SORT_BY_MBOOK_ORD_PRICE); if(!this.m_list.InsertSort(mbook_ord)) delete mbook_ord; //--- If the order object is successfully added to the DOM order list, supplement the total snapshot volumes else { switch(mbook_ord.TypeOrd()) { case BOOK_TYPE_BUY : this.m_volume_buy+=mbook_ord.Volume(); this.m_volume_buy_real+=mbook_ord.VolumeReal(); break; case BOOK_TYPE_SELL : this.m_volume_sell+=mbook_ord.Volume(); this.m_volume_sell_real+=mbook_ord.VolumeReal(); break; case BOOK_TYPE_BUY_MARKET : this.m_volume_buy+=mbook_ord.Volume(); this.m_volume_buy_real+=mbook_ord.VolumeReal(); break; case BOOK_TYPE_SELL_MARKET : this.m_volume_buy+=mbook_ord.Volume(); this.m_volume_buy_real+=mbook_ord.VolumeReal(); break; default: break; } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The "market depth snapshot series" class also has two constructors. Let's set the object type in both.
//--- Display (1) description and (2) short description of a DOM snapshot series virtual void Print(const bool full_prop=false,const bool dash=false); virtual void PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false); //--- Constructors CMBookSeries(){ this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SERIES; } CMBookSeries(const string symbol,const uint required=0); //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Methods of working with objects and accessing their properties | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
and in the parametric one:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Parametric constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CMBookSeries::CMBookSeries(const string symbol,const uint required=0) : m_symbol(symbol) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_BOOK_SERIES; this.m_list.Clear(); this.m_list.Sort(SORT_BY_MBOOK_ORD_TIME_MSC); this.SetRequiredUsedDays(required); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Abstract event class in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\Event.mqh is not a descendant of either a base object, or an extended base object of all library objects. Accordingly, it has no m_type variable and no virtual Type() method returning the variable value (such a method is present in the CObject base object the class is inherited from but it returns 0 and should be redefined in the descendants). This means we need to add the variable and the method and set the necessary type in the class constructors for the created variable:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Abstract event class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEvent : public CObject { private: int m_event_code; // Event code //--- Return the index of the array the event's (1) double and (2) string properties are located at int IndexProp(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property)const { return(int)property-EVENT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL; } int IndexProp(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_STRING property)const { return(int)property-EVENT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL-EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL; } protected: ENUM_TRADE_EVENT m_trade_event; // Trading event bool m_is_hedge; // Hedge account flag long m_chart_id_main; // Control program chart ID int m_type; // Object type int m_digits; // Symbol's Digits() int m_digits_acc; // Number of decimal places for the account currency long m_long_prop[EVENT_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL]; // Event integer properties double m_double_prop[EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL]; // Event real properties string m_string_prop[EVENT_PROP_STRING_TOTAL]; // Event string properties //--- return the flag presence in the trading event bool IsPresentEventFlag(const int event_code) const { return (this.m_event_code & event_code)==event_code; } //--- Return (1) the specified magic number, the ID of (2) the first group, (3) second group, (4) pending request from the magic number value ushort GetMagicID(void) const { return ushort(this.Magic() & 0xFFFF); } uchar GetGroupID1(void) const { return uchar(this.Magic()>>16) & 0x0F; } uchar GetGroupID2(void) const { return uchar((this.Magic()>>16) & 0xF0)>>4; } uchar GetPendReqID(void) const { return uchar(this.Magic()>>24) & 0xFF; } //--- Protected parametric constructor CEvent(const ENUM_EVENT_STATUS event_status,const int event_code,const ulong ticket); public: //--- Default constructor CEvent(void){ this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT; } //--- Set event's (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties void SetProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property,long value) { this.m_long_prop[property]=value; } void SetProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value){ this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value; } void SetProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_STRING property,string value){ this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value; } //--- Return the event's (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties from the property array long GetProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property) const { return this.m_long_prop[property]; } double GetProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property) const { return this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]; } string GetProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_STRING property) const { return this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]; } //--- Return the flag of the event supporting the property virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property) { return true; } virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property) { return true; } virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_STRING property) { return true; } //--- Return an object type virtual int Type(void) const { return this.m_type;} //--- Decode the event code and set the trading event, (2) return the trading event void SetTypeEvent(void); ENUM_TRADE_EVENT TradeEvent(void) const { return this.m_trade_event; } //--- Send the event to the chart (implementation in descendant classes) virtual void SendEvent(void) {;} //--- Compare CEvent objects by a specified property (to sort the lists by a specified event object property) virtual int Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const; //--- Compare CEvent objects by all properties (to search for equal event objects) bool IsEqual(CEvent* compared_event); //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Methods of simplified access to event object properties | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CEvent::CEvent(const ENUM_EVENT_STATUS event_status,const int event_code,const ulong ticket) : m_event_code(event_code),m_digits(0) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT; this.m_long_prop[EVENT_PROP_STATUS_EVENT] = event_status; this.m_long_prop[EVENT_PROP_TICKET_ORDER_EVENT] = (long)ticket; this.m_is_hedge=#ifdef __MQL4__ true #else bool(::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE)==ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_RETAIL_HEDGING) #endif; this.m_digits_acc=#ifdef __MQL4__ 2 #else (int)::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS) #endif; this.m_chart_id_main=::ChartID(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the descendants of the abstract event class object, we need to specify the necessary object type in their constructors.
The class of the balance operation event in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\EventBalanceOperation.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Balance operation event | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEventBalanceOperation : public CEvent { public: //--- Constructor CEventBalanceOperation(const int event_code,const ulong ticket=0) : CEvent(EVENT_STATUS_BALANCE,event_code,ticket) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_BALANCE; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_STRING property); //--- (1) Display a brief message about the event in the journal, (2) Send the event to the chart virtual void PrintShort(void); virtual void SendEvent(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The pending order or position modification event class in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\EventModify.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending order or position modification event | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEventModify : public CEvent { private: double m_price; // Price sent to an event //--- Create and return a short event message string EventsMessage(void); public: //--- Constructor CEventModify(const int event_code,const ulong ticket=0) : CEvent(EVENT_STATUS_MODIFY,event_code,ticket),m_price(0) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_MODIFY; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property); //--- (1) Display a brief message about the event in the journal, (2) Send the event to the chart virtual void PrintShort(void); virtual void SendEvent(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The class of the pending order placing event in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\EventOrderPlaced.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending order placing event | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEventOrderPlased : public CEvent { public: //--- Constructor CEventOrderPlased(const int event_code,const ulong ticket=0) : CEvent(EVENT_STATUS_MARKET_PENDING,event_code,ticket) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_ORDER_PLASED; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property); //--- (1) Display a brief message about the event in the journal, (2) Send the event to the chart virtual void PrintShort(void); virtual void SendEvent(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The class of the pending order removal event in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\EventOrderRemoved.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending order removal event | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEventOrderRemoved : public CEvent { public: //--- Constructor CEventOrderRemoved(const int event_code,const ulong ticket=0) : CEvent(EVENT_STATUS_HISTORY_PENDING,event_code,ticket) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_ORDER_REMOVED; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property); //--- (1) Display a brief message about the event in the journal, (2) Send the event to the chart virtual void PrintShort(void); virtual void SendEvent(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The class of the position closure event in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\EventPositionClose.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Position closure event | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEventPositionClose : public CEvent { private: //--- Create and return a short event message string EventsMessage(void); public: //--- Constructor CEventPositionClose(const int event_code,const ulong ticket=0) : CEvent(EVENT_STATUS_HISTORY_POSITION,event_code,ticket) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_POSITION_CLOSE; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property); //--- (1) Display a brief message about the event in the journal, (2) Send the event to the chart virtual void PrintShort(void); virtual void SendEvent(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The class of the position opening event in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Events\EventPositionOpen.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Position opening event | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEventPositionOpen : public CEvent { private: //--- Create and return a short event message string EventsMessage(void); public: //--- Constructor CEventPositionOpen(const int event_code,const ulong ticket=0) : CEvent(EVENT_STATUS_MARKET_POSITION,event_code,ticket) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_EVENT_POSITION_OPEN; } //--- Supported order properties (1) real, (2) integer virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_INTEGER property); virtual bool SupportProperty(ENUM_EVENT_PROP_DOUBLE property); //--- (1) Display a brief message about the event in the journal, (2) Send the event to the chart virtual void PrintShort(void); virtual void SendEvent(void); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
As we can see, all actions aimed at improving the classes of the previously created objects boil down to the following:
- If an object is derived from the base or extended base object of all library objects, specify the object type from the ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE enumeration, created in Defines.mqh, in its constructors (default and parametric ones).
- Otherwise, add the m_type variable in the protected section of the class. The variable is to store the object type. In the public section, add the virtual Type() method returning the m_type variable value. In the class constructors (default and parametric ones), specify the object type from the ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE enumeration.
All the changes have already been made in the files of library object classes. There is no point in describing similar actions.
Here is the list of improved classes in the \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects library directory:
- Chart folder: ChartObj.mqh and ChartWnd.mqh;
- Indicators folder: Buffer.mqh, BufferArrow.mqh, BufferBars.mqh, BufferCalculate.mqh, BufferCandles.mqh, BufferFilling.mqh, BufferHistogram.mqh, BufferHistogram2.mqh, BufferLine.mqh, BufferSection.mqh, BufferZigZag.mqh, DataInd.mqh, IndicatorDE.mqh and SeriesDataInd.mqh;
Standart folder: IndAC.mqh, IndAD.mqh, IndADX.mqh, IndADXW.mqh, IndAlligator.mqh, IndAMA.mqh, IndAO.mqh, IndATR.mqh, IndBands.mqh, IndBears.mqh, IndBulls.mqh, IndBWMFI.mqh, IndCCI.mqh, IndChaikin.mqh, IndCustom.mqh, IndDEMA.mqh, IndDeMarker.mqh, IndEnvelopes.mqh, IndForce.mqh, IndFractals.mqh, IndFRAMA.mqh, IndGator.mqh, IndIchimoku.mqh, IndMA.mqh, IndMACD.mqh, IndMFI.mqh, IndMomentum.mqh, IndOBV.mqh, IndOsMA.mqh, IndRSI.mqh, IndRVI.mqh, IndSAR.mqh, IndStDev.mqh, IndStoch.mqh, IndTEMA.mqh, IndTRIX.mqh, IndVIDYA.mqh, IndVolumes.mqh and IndWPR.mqh;
- MQLSignalBase folder: MQLSignal.mqh;
- Orders folder: HistoryBalance.mqh, HistoryDeal.mqh, HistoryOrder.mqh, HistoryPending.mqh, MarketOrder.mqh, MarketPending.mqh, MarketPosition.mqh and Order.mqh;
- PendRequest folder: PendReqClose.mqh, PendReqModify.mqh, PendReqOpen.mqh, PendReqPlace.mqh, PendReqRemove.mqh, PendReqSLTP.mqh and PendRequest.mqh;
- Series folder: Bar.mqh, SeriesDE.mqh and TimeSeriesDE.mqh;
- Symbols folder: Symbol.mqh, SymbolBonds.mqh, SymbolCFD.mqh, SymbolCollateral.mqh, SymbolCommodity.mqh, SymbolCommon.mqh, SymbolCrypto.mqh, SymbolCustom.mqh, SymbolExchange.mqh, SymbolFutures.mqh, SymbolFX.mqh, SymbolFXExotic.mqh, SymbolFXMajor.mqh, SymbolFXMinor.mqh, SymbolFXRub.mqh, SymbolIndex.mqh, SymbolIndicative.mqh, SymbolMetall.mqh, SymbolOption.mqh and SymbolStocks.mqh;
- Ticks folder: DataTick.mqh, NewTickObj.mqh and TickSeries.mqh;
- Trade folder: TradeObj.mqh;
- Graph folder: Form.mqh, GCnvElement.mqh, GraphElmControl.mqh and ShadowObj.mqh;
Animations folder: Animations.mqh, Frame.mqh, FrameGeometry.mqh, FrameQuad.mqh and FrameText.mqh;
All these files are attached below.
Also, let's do not forget the base object class of all library graphical objects in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\GBaseObj.mqh. Apart from specifying the object type, it also features "Program/terminal affiliation" property allowing us to define which graphical object has been created by a library-managed program and which one was added to the chart manually in the terminal:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| GBaseObj.mqh | //| Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70" #property version "1.00" #property strict // Necessary for mql4 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Include files | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "..\..\Services\DELib.mqh" #include <Graphics\Graphic.mqh> //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Class of the base object of the library graphical objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CGBaseObj : public CObject { private: protected: string m_name_prefix; // Object name prefix string m_name; // Object name long m_chart_id; // Chart ID int m_subwindow; // Subwindow index int m_shift_y; // Subwindow Y coordinate shift int m_type; // Object type bool m_visible; // Object visibility ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG m_belong; // Program/terminal affiliation //--- Create (1) the object structure and (2) the object from the structure virtual bool ObjectToStruct(void) { return true; } virtual void StructToObject(void){;} public: //--- Return the values of class variables string Name(void) const { return this.m_name; } long ChartID(void) const { return this.m_chart_id; } int SubWindow(void) const { return this.m_subwindow; } ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG Belong(void) const { return this.m_belong; } //--- (1) Set and (2) return the object visibility void SetVisible(const bool flag) { long value=(flag ? OBJ_ALL_PERIODS : 0); if(::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id,this.m_name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,value)) this.m_visible=flag; } bool IsVisible(void) const { return this.m_visible; } //--- The virtual method returning the object type virtual int Type(void) const { return this.m_type; } //--- Set affiliation void SetBelong(const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG belong){ this.m_belong=belong; } //--- Constructor/destructor CGBaseObj(); ~CGBaseObj(); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CGBaseObj::CGBaseObj() : m_shift_y(0),m_visible(false), m_name_prefix(::MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME)+"_"),m_belong(GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_PROGRAM) { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GBASE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Destructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CGBaseObj::~CGBaseObj() { } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Improvements similar to the ones implemented in the library object class files have been implemented to the files of library object collection classes in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Collections\.
Below is the list of files of improved object collection classes:
AccountsCollection.mqh, BookSeriesCollection.mqh, BuffersCollection.mqh, ChartObjCollection.mqh, EventsCollection.mqh, HistoryCollection.mqh, IndicatorsCollection.mqh, MarketCollection.mqh, MQLSignalsCollection.mqh, ResourceCollection.mqh, SymbolsCollection.mqh, TickSeriesCollection.mqh, TimeSeriesCollection.mqh.
All these files are attached below.
This concludes the improvement of the library classes.
Collection class of graphical objects
In the previous article, I have made a work piece of the library graphical objects collection class (\MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Collections\GraphElementsCollection.mqh). In this article, I will continue its development.
When creating any graphical object on any of the charts opened in the terminal, the library should be able to define what kind of object it is, whether it was added or removed, and how it was created — programmatically from the library or manually. Programmatically added objects should not be automatically added to the collection of the library graphical objects — they will be added to the collection list when they are created (I will do this in subsequent articles). In case of manually added graphical objects, the library should identify them, create the graphical object (element) for them and add them to the collection list. When deleting graphical objects from the chart, the library should do the same — program objects will be removed from the list during deletion. In case of the ones removed manually, the library should track them and remove the element matching the removed graphical object from the collection list.
Since the functionality exceeds the volume of a single article, I will do everything sequentially. In the current article, I will implement tracking the emergence of any graphical object on any of the terminal charts in the collection class of graphical objects. Programmatic or manual nature of the graphical object is of no importance. The collection class will track its emergence and removal from the chart, and send the result to the journal (the amount of graphical objects added/removed from certain terminal charts).
To obtain the number of graphical objects on the chart, we can use the ObjectsTotal() function returning the number of graphical objects of the specified type in the specified chart and subwindow. To obtain the number of graphical objects of any type on a specified chart in any of its subwindows (including the main window), we need to pass the necessary chart ID to the function, while the remaining parameters are left at default values (-1). This will allow us to get the number of all chart objects, including subwindows.
To define the number of currently added objects, we need to know their previous and current numbers. The difference between these two values is the number of added objects. This requires two variables — the current number of graphical objects on the chart and their number during the previous check. If the number has changed, define what kind of object has been added to the chart/removed from it.
At this point, we run into the issue of calculating this value correctly. If we get back to the ObjectsTotal() function description, it becomes clear that it returns the number of objects for a single chart only, rather than for all charts at once. Thus, each chart should have its own variables for storing the current and previous numbers of graphical objects. The simplest thing we can do is creating a small class for managing graphical objects. Each of the open charts should have its own instance of the class. In this case, we can easily track changes in the number of objects regardless of other charts.
Let's implement such a class directly in the file of the collection class of graphical objects \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Collections\GraphElementsCollection.mqh:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| GraphElementsCollection.mqh | //| Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70" #property version "1.00" //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Include files | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "ListObj.mqh" #include "..\Services\Select.mqh" #include "..\Objects\Graph\Form.mqh" //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Chart object management class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CChartObjectsControl : public CObject { private: ENUM_TIMEFRAMES m_chart_timeframe; // Chart timeframe long m_chart_id; // Chart ID string m_chart_symbol; // Chart symbol bool m_is_graph_obj_event; // Event flag in the list of graphical objects int m_total_objects; // Number of graphical objects int m_last_objects; // Number of graphical objects during the previous check int m_index_object; // Index of the last graphical object added to the collection from the terminal object list int m_delta_graph_obj; // Difference in the number of graphical objects compared to the previous check public: //--- Return the variable values ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Timeframe(void) const { return this.m_chart_timeframe; } long ChartID(void) const { return this.m_chart_id; } string Symbol(void) const { return this.m_chart_symbol; } bool IsEvent(void) const { return this.m_is_graph_obj_event; } int TotalObjects(void) const { return this.m_total_objects; } int Delta(void) const { return this.m_delta_graph_obj; } //--- Check the chart objects void Refresh(void); //--- Constructors CChartObjectsControl(void) { this.m_chart_id=::ChartID(); this.m_chart_timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)::ChartPeriod(this.m_chart_id); this.m_chart_symbol=::ChartSymbol(this.m_chart_id); this.m_is_graph_obj_event=false; this.m_total_objects=0; this.m_last_objects=0; this.m_index_object=0; this.m_delta_graph_obj=0; } CChartObjectsControl(const long chart_id) { this.m_chart_id=chart_id; this.m_chart_timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)::ChartPeriod(this.m_chart_id); this.m_chart_symbol=::ChartSymbol(this.m_chart_id); this.m_is_graph_obj_event=false; this.m_total_objects=0; this.m_last_objects=0; this.m_index_object=0; this.m_delta_graph_obj=0; } //--- Compare CChartObjectsControl objects by a chart ID (for sorting the list by an object property) virtual int Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { const CChartObjectsControl *obj_compared=node; return(this.ChartID()>obj_compared.ChartID() ? 1 : this.ChartID()<obj_compared.ChartID() ? -1 : 0); } }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| CChartObjectsControl Check objects on a chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CChartObjectsControl::Refresh(void) { //--- Graphical objects on the chart this.m_total_objects=::ObjectsTotal(this.ChartID()); int i=this.m_index_object; int delta=this.m_total_objects-this.m_last_objects; //--- If the number of objects has changed if(delta!=0) { //--- Create the string and display it in the journal with the chart ID, its symbol and timeframe string txt=", "+(delta>0 ? "Added: " : "Deleted: ")+(string)fabs(delta)+" obj"; Print(DFUN,"ChartID=",this.ChartID(),", ",this.Symbol(),", ",TimeframeDescription(this.Timeframe()),txt); } //--- save the index of the last added order and the difference with the last check this.m_delta_graph_obj=i-this.m_index_object; this.m_index_object=i; this.m_last_objects=this.m_total_objects; this.m_is_graph_obj_event=(bool)this.m_delta_graph_obj; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Generally, everything should be clear here: there are the variables for storing the amount of graphical objects "now" and during the previous check. The variable for storing the current loop index value: to avoid constantly running the loop from the start, we remember the current index value and, next time, start the loop not from the start but from the saved value. This is how the orders, deals and positions management loops work. It is the same here. There are two constructors. The first one creates the object for the current chart, while the second one does the same for the specified chart by its ID. The Compare() method compares two objects by the chart ID. It allows us to define that such an object already exists for the chart with a specified ID.
In the Refresh() method, simply check the number of objects now and during the last check. If the number has changed, display a journal entry. Next, loop through the objects starting from the loop index saved in the m_index_object variable to track all new objects and create an event object. At the moment, the loop index is already saved in the variable for the subsequent start of the loop for a resource-saving calculation. This is a groundwork for future use.
Now if we create such objects for each of the open charts in the terminal in the collection class, we will be able to track the changes in the number of objects for each chart independently of each other.
Add new variables and methods to the previously created CGraphElementsCollection class.
In the private section of the class, declare the list of pointers to chart management objects, event flag variable for adding/removing the graphical object on the chart, the variable for storing the number of objects on all open charts and the variable for storing the total number of added/removed objects on all open terminal charts:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Collection of graphical objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CGraphElementsCollection : public CBaseObj { private: CArrayObj m_list_charts_control; // List of chart management objects CListObj m_list_all_graph_obj; // List of all graphical objects bool m_is_graph_obj_event; // Event flag in the list of graphical objects int m_total_objects; // Number of graphical objects int m_delta_graph_obj; // Difference in the number of graphical objects compared to the previous check //--- Return the flag indicating the graphical element object in the list of graphical objects bool IsPresentGraphElmInList(const int id,const ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE type_obj);
In the same section, declare the method returning the pointer to the object for managing objects of the specified chart, the method for creating a new object for managing graphical objects of a specified chart and adding it to the list and the method updating the list of graphical objects by the chart ID:
//--- Return the flag indicating the graphical element object in the list of graphical objects bool IsPresentGraphElmInList(const int id,const ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE type_obj); //--- Return the pointer to the object of managing objects of the specified chart CChartObjectsControl *GetChartObjectCtrlObj(const long chart_id); //--- Create a new object of managing graphical objects of a specified chart and add it to the list CChartObjectsControl *CreateChartObjectCtrlObj(const long chart_id); //--- Update the list of graphical objects by chart ID void RefreshByChartID(const long chart_id); public:
In the public section, add the method returning the flag of an occurred change in the list of graphical objects, declare the method creating the list of chart management objects and the two methods updating the lists of graphical objects on the terminal charts:
public: //--- Return itself CGraphElementsCollection *GetObject(void) { return &this; } //--- Return the full collection list 'as is' CArrayObj *GetList(void) { return &this.m_list_all_graph_obj; } //--- Return the list by selected (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting the compared criterion CArrayObj *GetList(ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL) { return CSelect::ByGraphCanvElementProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode); } CArrayObj *GetList(ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL) { return CSelect::ByGraphCanvElementProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode); } CArrayObj *GetList(ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL) { return CSelect::ByGraphCanvElementProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode); } //--- Return the number of new graphical objects, (3) the flag of the occurred change in the list of graphical objects int NewObjects(void) const { return this.m_delta_graph_obj; } bool IsEvent(void) const { return this.m_is_graph_obj_event; } //--- Constructor CGraphElementsCollection(); //--- Display the description of the object properties in the journal (full_prop=true - all properties, false - supported ones only - implemented in descendant classes) virtual void Print(const bool full_prop=false,const bool dash=false); //--- Display a short description of the object in the journal virtual void PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false); //--- Create the list of chart management objects and return the number of charts int CreateChartControlList(void); //--- Update the list of (1) all graphical objects, (2) on the specified chart, fill in the data on the number of new ones and set the event flag void Refresh(void); void Refresh(const long chart_id); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the class constructor, assign an appropriate type to an object, set the sorted list flag for the list of pointers to chart management objects and clear the list, set the total number of objects on all charts to zero and reset the event flag of the graphical object collection:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CGraphElementsCollection::CGraphElementsCollection() { this.m_type=COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_ID; ::ChartSetInteger(::ChartID(),CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,true); ::ChartSetInteger(::ChartID(),CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,true); this.m_list_all_graph_obj.Type(COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_ID); this.m_list_all_graph_obj.Sort(SORT_BY_CANV_ELEMENT_ID); this.m_list_all_graph_obj.Clear(); this.m_list_charts_control.Sort(); this.m_list_charts_control.Clear(); this.m_total_objects=0; this.m_is_graph_obj_event=false; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Let's consider the implementation of the declared methods.
The method creating a new object of managing graphical objects of a specified chart and adding it to the list:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create a new graphical object management object | //| for a specified and add it to the list | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CChartObjectsControl *CGraphElementsCollection::CreateChartObjectCtrlObj(const long chart_id) { //--- Create a new object for managing chart objects by ID CChartObjectsControl *obj=new CChartObjectsControl(chart_id); //--- If the object is not created, inform of the error and return NULL if(obj==NULL) { ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_COLLECTION_ERR_FAILED_CREATE_CTRL_OBJ),(string)chart_id); return NULL; } //--- If failed to add the object to the list, inform of the error, remove the object and return NULL if(!this.m_list_charts_control.Add(obj)) { CMessage::ToLog(DFUN,MSG_LIB_SYS_FAILED_OBJ_ADD_TO_LIST); delete obj; return NULL; } //--- Return the pointer to the object that was created and added to the list return obj; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The method returning the pointer to the object of managing objects of the specified chart:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the object | //| for managing objects of a specified chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CChartObjectsControl *CGraphElementsCollection::GetChartObjectCtrlObj(const long chart_id) { //--- In the loop by the total number of objects in the list for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_charts_control.Total();i++) { //--- Get the pointer to the next object CChartObjectsControl *obj=this.m_list_charts_control.At(i); //--- If failed to get the pointer, move on to the next one if(obj==NULL) continue; //--- If the object chart ID is equal to the required one, return the pointer to the object in the list if(obj.ChartID()==chart_id) return obj; } //--- Failed to find the object - return NULL return NULL; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The method creating the list of chart management objects:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create the list of chart management objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CGraphElementsCollection::CreateChartControlList(void) { //--- Clear the list of chart management objects and set the sorted list flag to it this.m_list_charts_control.Clear(); this.m_list_charts_control.Sort(); //--- Declare variables to search for charts long chart_id=0; int i=0; //--- In the loop by all open charts in the terminal (no more than 100) while(i<CHARTS_MAX) { //--- Get the chart ID chart_id=::ChartNext(chart_id); if(chart_id<0) break; //--- Create the object for managing chart objects based on the current chart ID in the loop and add it to the list CChartObjectsControl *chart_control=new CChartObjectsControl(chart_id); if(chart_control==NULL) continue; //--- If such an object is already present in the list, inform of that, delete the object and move on to the next chart if(this.m_list_charts_control.Search(chart_control)>WRONG_VALUE) { ::Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_COLLECTION_ERR_OBJ_ALREADY_EXISTS),(string)chart_id); delete chart_control; continue; } //--- If failed to add the object to the list, inform of that, remove the object and move on to the next chart if(!this.m_list_charts_control.Add(chart_control)) { CMessage::ToLog(DFUN_ERR_LINE,MSG_LIB_SYS_FAILED_OBJ_ADD_TO_LIST); delete chart_control; continue; } //--- Increase the loop index i++; } //--- The list filled in successfully - return the number of its elements return this.m_list_charts_control.Total(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The method updating the list of graphical objects by a chart ID:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Update the list of graphical objects by chart ID | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CGraphElementsCollection::RefreshByChartID(const long chart_id) { //--- Get the pointer to the object for managing graphical objects CChartObjectsControl *obj=GetChartObjectCtrlObj(chart_id); //--- If there is no such an object in the list, create a new one and add it to the list if(obj==NULL) obj=this.CreateChartObjectCtrlObj(chart_id); //--- If the pointer to the object is valid, update the list of graphical objects on a specified chart if(obj!=NULL) obj.Refresh(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The method updating the list of graphical objects on a specified chart:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Update the list of graphical objects on a specified chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CGraphElementsCollection::Refresh(const long chart_id) { //--- Get the pointer to the object for managing graphical objects CChartObjectsControl *obj=GetChartObjectCtrlObj(chart_id); //--- If failed to get the pointer, exit the method if(obj==NULL) return; //--- Update the list of graphical objects on a specified chart obj.Refresh(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The method updating the list of all graphical objects on all open terminal charts:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Update the list of all graphical objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CGraphElementsCollection::Refresh(void) { //--- Declare variables to search for charts long chart_id=0; int i=0; //--- In the loop by all open charts in the terminal (no more than 100) while(i<CHARTS_MAX) { //--- Get the chart ID chart_id=::ChartNext(chart_id); if(chart_id<0) break; //--- Update the list of graphical objects by chart ID this.RefreshByChartID(chart_id); //--- Increase the loop index i++; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The logic of each of the provided methods is described in detail in the appropriate code comments. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section.
Now we need to include the newly created collection of graphical objects to the main object of the CEngine library so that we are able to access the collection functionality from our programs.
In the private section of the class in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Engine.mqh, declare the instance of the graphical object collection class and the event flag variable in the list of graphical objects, and declare the method for managing graphical object events:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Library basis class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CEngine { private: CHistoryCollection m_history; // Collection of historical orders and deals CMarketCollection m_market; // Collection of market orders and deals CEventsCollection m_events; // Event collection CAccountsCollection m_accounts; // Account collection CSymbolsCollection m_symbols; // Symbol collection CTimeSeriesCollection m_time_series; // Timeseries collection CBuffersCollection m_buffers; // Collection of indicator buffers CIndicatorsCollection m_indicators; // Indicator collection CTickSeriesCollection m_tick_series; // Collection of tick series CMBookSeriesCollection m_book_series; // Collection of DOM series CMQLSignalsCollection m_signals_mql5; // Collection of MQL5.com Signals service signals CChartObjCollection m_charts; // Chart collection CGraphElementsCollection m_graph_objects; // Collection of graphical objects CResourceCollection m_resource; // Resource list CTradingControl m_trading; // Trading management object CPause m_pause; // Pause object CArrayObj m_list_counters; // List of timer counters int m_global_error; // Global error code bool m_first_start; // First launch flag bool m_is_hedge; // Hedge account flag bool m_is_tester; // Flag of working in the tester bool m_is_market_trade_event; // Account trading event flag bool m_is_history_trade_event; // Account history trading event flag bool m_is_account_event; // Account change event flag bool m_is_symbol_event; // Symbol change event flag bool m_is_graph_obj_event; // Event flag in the list of graphical objects ENUM_TRADE_EVENT m_last_trade_event; // Last account trading event int m_last_account_event; // Last event in the account properties int m_last_symbol_event; // Last event in the symbol properties ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE m_program; // Program type string m_name; // Program name //--- Return the counter index by id int CounterIndex(const int id) const; //--- Return the first launch flag bool IsFirstStart(void); //--- Handling events of (1) orders, deals and positions, (2) accounts and (3) graphical objects void TradeEventsControl(void); void AccountEventsControl(void); void GraphObjEventsControl(void); //--- (1) Working with a symbol collection and (2) symbol list events in the market watch window void SymbolEventsControl(void); void MarketWatchEventsControl(void); //--- Return the last (1) market pending order, (2) market order, (3) last position, (4) position by ticket COrder *GetLastMarketPending(void); COrder *GetLastMarketOrder(void); COrder *GetLastPosition(void); COrder *GetPosition(const ulong ticket); //--- Return the last (1) removed pending order, (2) historical market order, (3) historical order (market or pending one) by its ticket COrder *GetLastHistoryPending(void); COrder *GetLastHistoryOrder(void); COrder *GetHistoryOrder(const ulong ticket); //--- Return the (1) first and the (2) last historical market orders from the list of all position orders, (3) the last deal COrder *GetFirstOrderPosition(const ulong position_id); COrder *GetLastOrderPosition(const ulong position_id); COrder *GetLastDeal(void); //--- Retrieve a necessary 'ushort' number from the packed 'long' value ushort LongToUshortFromByte(const long source_value,const uchar index) const; public:
In the class constructor, create the counter of the graphical object collection:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| CEngine constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CEngine::CEngine() : m_first_start(true), m_last_trade_event(TRADE_EVENT_NO_EVENT), m_last_account_event(WRONG_VALUE), m_last_symbol_event(WRONG_VALUE), m_global_error(ERR_SUCCESS) { this.m_is_hedge=#ifdef __MQL4__ true #else bool(::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE)==ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_RETAIL_HEDGING) #endif; this.m_is_tester=::MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER); this.m_program=(ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE)::MQLInfoInteger(MQL_PROGRAM_TYPE); this.m_name=::MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME); this.m_list_counters.Sort(); this.m_list_counters.Clear(); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_ORD_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_ORD_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_ORD_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_ACC_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_ACC_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_ACC_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_SYM_COUNTER_ID1,COLLECTION_SYM_COUNTER_STEP1,COLLECTION_SYM_PAUSE1); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_SYM_COUNTER_ID2,COLLECTION_SYM_COUNTER_STEP2,COLLECTION_SYM_PAUSE2); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_REQ_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_REQ_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_REQ_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_TS_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_TS_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_TS_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_IND_TS_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_IND_TS_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_IND_TS_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_TICKS_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_TICKS_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_TICKS_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_CHARTS_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_CHARTS_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_CHARTS_PAUSE); this.CreateCounter(COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_COUNTER_ID,COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_COUNTER_STEP,COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_PAUSE); ::ResetLastError(); #ifdef __MQL5__ if(!::EventSetMillisecondTimer(TIMER_FREQUENCY)) { ::Print(DFUN_ERR_LINE,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_SYS_FAILED_CREATE_TIMER),(string)::GetLastError()); this.m_global_error=::GetLastError(); } //---__MQL4__ #else if(!this.IsTester() && !::EventSetMillisecondTimer(TIMER_FREQUENCY)) { ::Print(DFUN_ERR_LINE,CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_SYS_FAILED_CREATE_TIMER),(string)::GetLastError()); this.m_global_error=::GetLastError(); } #endif //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the class timer, add handling the timer of the graphical object collection:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| CEngine timer | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CEngine::OnTimer(SDataCalculate &data_calculate) { //--- If this is not a tester, work with collection events by timer if(!this.IsTester()) { //--- Timer of the collections of historical orders and deals, as well as of market orders and positions int index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_ORD_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt1=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt1!=NULL) { //--- If unpaused, work with the order, deal and position collections events if(cnt1.IsTimeDone()) this.TradeEventsControl(); } //--- Account collection timer index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_ACC_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt2=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt2!=NULL) { //--- If unpaused, work with the account collection events if(cnt2.IsTimeDone()) this.AccountEventsControl(); } //--- Timer 1 of the symbol collection (updating symbol quote data in the collection) index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_SYM_COUNTER_ID1); CTimerCounter* cnt3=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt3!=NULL) { //--- If the pause is over, update quote data of all symbols in the collection if(cnt3.IsTimeDone()) this.m_symbols.RefreshRates(); } //--- Timer 2 of the symbol collection (updating all data of all symbols in the collection and tracking symbl and symbol search events in the market watch window) index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_SYM_COUNTER_ID2); CTimerCounter* cnt4=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt4!=NULL) { //--- If the pause is over if(cnt4.IsTimeDone()) { //--- update data and work with events of all symbols in the collection this.SymbolEventsControl(); //--- When working with the market watch list, check the market watch window events if(this.m_symbols.ModeSymbolsList()==SYMBOLS_MODE_MARKET_WATCH) this.MarketWatchEventsControl(); } } //--- Trading class timer index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_REQ_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt5=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt5!=NULL) { //--- If unpaused, work with the list of pending requests if(cnt5.IsTimeDone()) this.m_trading.OnTimer(); } //--- Timeseries collection timer index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_TS_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt6=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt6!=NULL) { //--- If the pause is over, work with the timeseries list (update all except the current one) if(cnt6.IsTimeDone()) this.SeriesRefreshAllExceptCurrent(data_calculate); } //--- Timer of timeseries collection of indicator buffer data index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_IND_TS_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt7=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt7!=NULL) { //--- If the pause is over, work with the timeseries list of indicator data (update all except for the current one) if(cnt7.IsTimeDone()) this.IndicatorSeriesRefreshAll(); } //--- Tick series collection timer index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_TICKS_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt8=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt8!=NULL) { //--- If the pause is over, work with the tick series list (update all except the current one) if(cnt8.IsTimeDone()) this.TickSeriesRefreshAllExceptCurrent(); } //--- Chart collection timer index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_CHARTS_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt9=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt9!=NULL) { //--- If unpaused, work with the chart list if(cnt9.IsTimeDone()) this.ChartsRefreshAll(); } //--- Graphical objects collection timer index=this.CounterIndex(COLLECTION_GRAPH_OBJ_COUNTER_ID); CTimerCounter* cnt10=this.m_list_counters.At(index); if(cnt10!=NULL) { //--- If unpaused, work with the list of graphical objects if(cnt10.IsTimeDone()) this.GraphObjEventsControl(); } } //--- If this is a tester, work with collection events by tick else { //--- work with events of collections of orders, deals and positions by tick this.TradeEventsControl(); //--- work with events of collections of accounts by tick this.AccountEventsControl(); //--- update quote data of all collection symbols by tick this.m_symbols.RefreshRates(); //--- work with events of all symbols in the collection by tick this.SymbolEventsControl(); //--- work with the list of pending orders by tick this.m_trading.OnTimer(); //--- work with the timeseries list by tick this.SeriesRefresh(data_calculate); //--- work with the timeseries list of indicator buffers by tick this.IndicatorSeriesRefreshAll(); //--- work with the list of tick series by tick this.TickSeriesRefreshAll(); //--- work with the list of graphical objects by tick this.GraphObjEventsControl(); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Beyond the class body, implement the method of checking graphical object events:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Check the events of graphical objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CEngine::GraphObjEventsControl(void) { //--- Check the changes in the list of graphical objects and set the flag of their events this.m_graph_objects.Refresh(); this.m_is_graph_obj_event=this.m_graph_objects.IsEvent(); //--- If there are changes in the list of graphical objects if(this.m_is_graph_obj_event) { Print(DFUN,"Graph obj is event. NewObjects: ",m_graph_objects.NewObjects()); //--- Get the last event of the graphical object property change // ... } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Here we simply call the method of updating all open terminal charts in case of any changes in the number of graphical objects in them.
All subsequent method strings after the highlighted one are not handled yet. The appropriate functionality will be implemented in the coming articles. In the meantime, the Refresh() method of the graphical object collection class will alternately call the methods of searching all chart events by calling the appropriate Refresh() methods of graphical object management objects considered above. This method (a unique one for each open chart) informs of changing the number of graphical objects on the appropriate chart via the journal entries. Let's test this behavior.
To perform the test, let's use the EA from the previous article and save it in \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part82\ as TestDoEasyPart82.mq5.
Here we need to make some slight changes.
Add the OnTimer() handler calling the library timer in case the work is performed outside the tester:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Timer function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTimer() { //--- Launch the library timer (only not in the tester) if(!MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)) engine.OnTimer(rates_data); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the OnChartEvent() handler, add a ban on calling the context menu by using the right mouse button in case Ctrl is pressed, since in this case we create graphical elements from the bar object with the description of the bar type (this was done in the previous article) and slightly increase the width of a created object, so that it fits the lengthy bar description ("Candle with zero body"):
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| ChartEvent function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam) { //--- If working in the tester, exit if(MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)) return; //--- If the mouse is moved if(id==CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE) { CForm *form=NULL; datetime time=0; double price=0; int wnd=0; //--- If Ctrl is not pressed, if(!IsCtrlKeyPressed()) { //--- clear the list of created form objects, allow scrolling a chart with the mouse and show the context menu list_forms.Clear(); ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_MOUSE_SCROLL,true); ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_CONTEXT_MENU,true); return; } //--- If X and Y chart coordinates are successfully converted into time and price, if(ChartXYToTimePrice(ChartID(),(int)lparam,(int)dparam,wnd,time,price)) { //--- get the bar index the cursor is hovered over int index=iBarShift(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,time); if(index==WRONG_VALUE) return; //--- Get the bar index by index CBar *bar=engine.SeriesGetBar(Symbol(),Period(),index); if(bar==NULL) return; //--- Convert the coordinates of a chart from the time/price representation of the bar object to the X and Y coordinates int x=(int)lparam,y=(int)dparam; if(!ChartTimePriceToXY(ChartID(),0,bar.Time(),(bar.Open()+bar.Close())/2.0,x,y)) return; //--- Disable moving a chart with the mouse and showing the context menu ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_MOUSE_SCROLL,false); ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_CONTEXT_MENU,false); //--- Create the form object name and hide all objects except one having such a name string name="FormBar_"+(string)index; HideFormAllExceptOne(name); //--- If the form object with such a name does not exist yet, if(!IsPresentForm(name)) { //--- create a new form object form=bar.CreateForm(index,name,x,y,114,16); if(form==NULL) return; //--- Set activity and unmoveability flags for the form form.SetActive(true); form.SetMovable(false); //--- Set the opacity of 200 form.SetOpacity(200); //--- The form background color is set as the first color from the color array form.SetColorBackground(array_clr[0]); //--- Form outlining frame color form.SetColorFrame(C'47,70,59'); //--- Draw the shadow drawing flag form.SetShadow(true); //--- Calculate the shadow color as the chart background color converted to the monochrome one color clrS=form.ChangeColorSaturation(form.ColorBackground(),-100); //--- If the settings specify the usage of the chart background color, replace the monochrome color with 20 units //--- Otherwise, use the color specified in the settings for drawing the shadow color clr=(InpUseColorBG ? form.ChangeColorLightness(clrS,-20) : InpColorForm3); //--- Draw the form shadow with the right-downwards offset from the form by three pixels along all axes //--- Set the shadow opacity to 200, while the blur radius is equal to 4 form.DrawShadow(2,2,clr,200,3); //--- Fill the form background with a vertical gradient form.Erase(array_clr,form.Opacity()); //--- Draw an outlining rectangle at the edges of the form form.DrawRectangle(0,0,form.Width()-1,form.Height()-1,form.ColorFrame(),form.Opacity()); //--- If failed to add the form object to the list, remove the form and exit the handler if(!list_forms.Add(form)) { delete form; return; } //--- Capture the form appearance form.Done(); } //--- If the form object exists, if(form!=NULL) { //--- draw a text with the bar type description on it and show the form. The description corresponds to the mouse cursor position form.TextOnBG(0,bar.BodyTypeDescription(),form.Width()/2,form.Height()/2-1,FRAME_ANCHOR_CENTER,C'7,28,21'); form.Show(); } //--- Redraw the chart ChartRedraw(); } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
These are all the EA improvements.
Launch it on a symbol chart (there should be more than one open chart) and add graphical objects to each of the charts — the journal will display the appropriate messages. Next, click Delete on each chart to delete all highlighted graphical objects. The appropriate messages are displayed in the journal again:
What's next?
In the next article, I will continue the refinement of graphical object collection.
Not all graphical objects are ready. This makes creating the graphical object collection even more reasonable since we will have to store pointers to the objects in the collection list for their further development. I will implement the pointers right after dealing with the collection.
All files of the current version of the library are attached below together with the test EA file for MQL5 for you to test and download.
Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments.
*Previous articles within the series:
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 73): Form object of a graphical element
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 74): Basic graphical element powered by the CCanvas class
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 75): Methods of handling primitives and text in the basic graphical element
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 76): Form object and predefined color themes
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 77): Shadow object class
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 78): Animation principles in the library. Image slicing
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 79): "Animation frame" object class and its descendant objects
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 80): "Geometric animation frame" object class
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 81): Integrating graphics into library objects
Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/9850

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