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Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 84): Clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto estándar

Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 84): Clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto estándar

MetaTrader 5Ejemplos | 27 octubre 2021, 16:03
624 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin



En el artículo anterior, creamos la clase del objeto gráfico abstracto estándar del terminal. El objeto de esta clase describirá las propiedades comunes para todos los objetos gráficos, es decir, se tratará simplemente de un cierto objeto gráfico. Para aclarar su pertenencia a un objeto gráfico real, necesitaremos heredar de él, y en la clase del objeto heredado, escribir las propiedades inherentes a ese objeto gráfico en particular. Algunas propiedades, por el contrario, serán necesarias para restringir el acceso, ya que no son parámetros de este objeto gráfico en particular, sino que están disponibles en el conjunto de propiedades del objeto abstracto.

Este concepto de construcción de objetos se adopta para casi todos los objetos de biblioteca, y las clases de objetos gráficos no serán una excepción.
Para indicar la pertenencia de los objetos creados hoy a un grupo de objetos gráficos, tomaremos el conjunto de grupos de objetos gráficos estándar del terminal y añadiremos una nueva propiedad al objeto gráfico abstracto, el grupo al que pertenece el objeto gráfico descrito por la clase heredera:

En esta ocasión, crearemos las clases de los objetos pertenecientes a los grupos "Líneas", "Canales", "Gann", "Fibonacci" y "Elliott". El resto de grupos de objetos se implementarán en el próximo artículo. El motivo es que no podemos describir todas las propiedades de estos objetos usando la funcionalidad existente del objeto gráfico abstracto. Por consiguiente, hoy implementaremos lo que ya ofrece la clase creada en el último artículo. En el próximo, añadiremos la capacidad de leer y escribir todas las propiedades de los objetos y escribir las clases del resto de grupos de objetos gráficos.

Aquí estamos hablando, por ejemplo, de los puntos de anclaje del objeto gráfico. Las propiedades almacenadas en el objeto gráfico abstracto se encuentran en las matrices de propiedades de objeto. Cada campo de estas describe una propiedad. Por ejemplo, el tiempo. Y este tiempo se toma por defecto del primer punto de anclaje del objeto gráfico. Todos los demás puntos de anclaje se pueden obtener de la función ObjectGetInteger(), especificando el índice del punto deseado con el modificador de propiedad. Y nuestra clase solo puede almacenar un valor. En consecuencia, aquí necesitaremos crear, por ejemplo, una matriz de propiedades del mismo tipo y acceder a las propiedades necesarias de la misma forma que hacemos en el modificador de propiedades.
Como el volumen del artículo no es ilimitado, dividiremos el desarrollo en varias etapas, donde alcanzaremos gradualmente una solución completa.

Mejorando las clases de la biblioteca

En el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Defines.mqh, añadimos la enumeración de los grupos de objetos gráficos estándar:

//| The list of graphical element types                              |
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_STANDART,                       // Standard graphical object
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT,                        // Element
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_SHADOW_OBJ,                     // Shadow object
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_FORM,                           // Form
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_WINDOW,                         // Window
//| Graphical object group                                           |
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_LINES,                             // Lines
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_CHANNELS,                          // Channels
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_GANN,                              // Gann
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_FIBO,                              // Fibo
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_ELLIOTT,                           // Elliott
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_SHAPES,                            // Shapes
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_ARROWS,                            // Arrows
   GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_GRAPHICAL,                         // Graphical objects
//| Integer properties of a standard graphical object                |

Añadimos esta nueva propiedad a la lista de propiedades de tipo entero del objeto y aumentamos el número de propiedades de tipo entero en 1 (de 51 a 52):

//| Integer properties of a standard graphical object                |
   //--- Additional properties
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID = 0,                             // Object ID
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE,                               // Graphical object type (ENUM_OBJECT)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELEMENT_TYPE,                       // Graphical element type (ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP,                              // Graphical object group (ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG,                             // Graphical object affiliation
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID,                           // Chart ID
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM,                            // Chart subwindow index
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM,                                // Object index in the list
   //--- Common properties of all graphical objects
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CREATETIME,                         // Object creation time
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES,                         // Object visibility on timeframes
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK,                               // Background object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER,                             // Priority of a graphical object for receiving the event of clicking on a chart
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN,                             // Disable displaying the name of a graphical object in the terminal object list
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED,                           // Object selection
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTABLE,                         // Object availability
//--- Properties belonging to different graphical objects
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME,                               // Time coordinate
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR,                              // Color
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE,                              // Style
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH,                              // Line width
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL,                               // Object color filling
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_READONLY,                           // Ability to edit text in the Edit object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS,                             // Number of levels
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELCOLOR,                         // Level line color
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELSTYLE,                         // Level line style
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH,                         // Level line width
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ALIGN,                              // Horizontal text alignment in the Edit object (OBJ_EDIT)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE,                           // Font size
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT,                           // Ray goes to the left
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT,                          // Ray goes to the right
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY,                                // Vertical line goes through all windows of a chart
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELLIPSE,                            // Display the full ellipse of the Fibonacci Arc object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE,                          // Arrow code for the "Arrow" object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR,                             // Position of the binding point of the graphical object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XDISTANCE,                          // Distance from the base corner along the X axis in pixels
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YDISTANCE,                          // Distance from the base corner along the Y axis in pixels
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DIRECTION,                          // Gann object trend
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE,                             // Elliott wave marking level
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DRAWLINES,                          // Display lines for Elliott wave marking
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE,                              // Button state (pressed/released)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_OBJ_CHART_ID,                       // Chart object ID (OBJ_CHART).
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PERIOD,                   // Chart object period
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_DATE_SCALE,               // Time scale display flag for the Chart object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PRICE_SCALE,              // Price scale display flag for the Chart object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_CHART_SCALE,              // Chart object scale
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE,                              // Object width along the X axis in pixels.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE,                              // Object height along the Y axis in pixels.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET,                            // X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET,                            // Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR,                            // Background color for OBJ_EDIT, OBJ_BUTTON, OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER,                             // Chart corner for binding a graphical object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_TYPE,                        // Border type for "Rectangle border"
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_COLOR,                       // Border color for OBJ_EDIT and OBJ_BUTTON
#define GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL (52)             // Total number of integer properties
#define GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP  (0)              // Number of integer properties not used in sorting

En lista de posibles criterios de clasificación de los objetos gráficos, añadimos la clasificación según la nueva propiedad:

//| Possible sorting criteria of graphical objects                   |
//--- Sort by integer properties
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ID = 0,                             // Sort by object ID
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_TYPE,                               // Sort by object type
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ELEMENT_TYPE,                       // Sort by graphical element type
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP,                              // Sort by a graphical object group
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG,                             //  Sort by a graphical element affiliation
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CHART_ID,                           // Sort by chart ID
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_WND_NUM,                            // Sort by chart subwindow index
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_NUM,                                // Sort by object index in the list
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CREATETIME,                         // Sort by object creation time
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_TIMEFRAMES,                         // Sort by object visibility on timeframes
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_BACK,                               // Sort by the "Background object" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ZORDER,                             // Sort by the priority of a graphical object for receiving the event of clicking on a chart
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_HIDDEN,                             // Sort by a disabling display of the name of a graphical object in the terminal object list
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_SELECTED,                           // Sort by the "Object selection" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_SELECTABLE,                         // Sort by the "Object availability" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_TIME,                               // Sort by time coordinate
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_COLOR,                              // Sort by color
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_STYLE,                              // Sort by style
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_WIDTH,                              // Sort by line width
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_FILL,                               // Sort by the "Object color filling" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_READONLY,                           // Sort by the ability to edit text in the Edit object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_LEVELS,                             // Sort by number of levels
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_LEVELCOLOR,                         // Sort by line level color
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_LEVELSTYLE,                         // Sort by line level style
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_LEVELWIDTH,                         // Sort by line level width
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ALIGN,                              // Sort by the "Horizontal text alignment in the Entry field" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_FONTSIZE,                           // Sort by font size
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_RAY_LEFT,                           // Sort by "Ray goes to the left" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_RAY_RIGHT,                          // Sort by "Ray goes to the right" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_RAY,                                // Sort by the "Vertical line goes through all windows of a chart" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ELLIPSE,                            // Sort by the "Display the full ellipse of the Fibonacci Arc object" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ARROWCODE,                          // Sort by an arrow code for the Arrow object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ANCHOR,                             // Sort by the position of a binding point of a graphical object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_XDISTANCE,                          // Sort by a distance from the base corner along the X axis in pixels
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_YDISTANCE,                          // Sort by a distance from the base corner along the Y axis in pixels
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_DIRECTION,                          // Sort by the "Gann object trend" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_DEGREE,                             // Sort by the "Elliott wave marking level" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_DRAWLINES,                          // Sort by the "Display lines for Elliott wave marking" property
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_STATE,                              // Sort by button state (pressed/released)
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_OBJ_CHART_ID,                       // Sort by Chart object ID.
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CHART_OBJ_PERIOD,                   // Sort by Chart object period
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CHART_OBJ_DATE_SCALE,               // Sort by time scale display flag for the Chart object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CHART_OBJ_PRICE_SCALE,              // Sort by price scale display flag for the Chart object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CHART_OBJ_CHART_SCALE,              // Sort by Chart object scale
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_XSIZE,                              // Sort by Object width along the X axis in pixels
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_YSIZE,                              // Sort by object height along the Y axis in pixels
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_XOFFSET,                            // Sort by X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_YOFFSET,                            // Sort by Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_BGCOLOR,                            // Sort by background color for OBJ_EDIT, OBJ_BUTTON and OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CORNER,                             // Sort by chart corner for binding a graphical object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_BORDER_TYPE,                        // Sort by border type for the "Rectangle border" object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_BORDER_COLOR,                       // Sort by frame color for the OBJ_EDIT and OBJ_BUTTON objects
//--- Sort by real properties
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_PRICE = FIRST_GRAPH_OBJ_DBL_PROP,   // Sort by price coordinate
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_LEVELVALUE,                         // Sort by level value
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_SCALE,                              // Sort by scale (property of Gann objects and Fibonacci Arcs objects)
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_ANGLE,                              // Sort by angle
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_DEVIATION,                          // Sort by a deviation of the standard deviation channel
//--- Sort by string properties
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_NAME = FIRST_GRAPH_OBJ_STR_PROP,    // Sort by object name
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT,                               // Sort by object description
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_TOOLTIP,                            // Sort by tooltip text
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_LEVELTEXT,                          // Sort by level description
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_FONT,                               // Sort by font
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_BMPFILE,                            // Sort by BMP file name for the "Bitmap Level" object
   SORT_BY_GRAPH_OBJ_CHART_OBJ_SYMBOL,                   // Sort by Chart object period symbol

En el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Data.mqh, añadimos los índices de los nuevos mensajes de la biblioteca:

//| List of the library's text message indices                       |
   MSG_LIB_PARAMS_LIST_BEG=ERR_USER_ERROR_FIRST,      // Beginning of the parameter list
   MSG_LIB_PARAMS_LIST_END,                           // End of the parameter list
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED,                        // Property not supported
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MQL4,                   // Property not supported in MQL4
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MT5_LESS_2155,          // Property not supported in MetaTrader 5 versions lower than 2155
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_POSITION,               // Property not supported for position
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_PENDING,                // Property not supported for pending order
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MARKET,                 // Property not supported for market order
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MARKET_HIST,            // Property not supported for historical market order
   MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SET,                              // Value not set
   MSG_LIB_PROP_EMPTY,                                // Not set
   MSG_LIB_PROP_AUTO,                                 // Formed by the terminal
   MSG_LIB_PROP_AS_IN_ORDER,                          // According to the order expiration mode


   MSG_LIB_TEXT_FAILED_ADD_TO_LIST,                   // failed to add to list
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_TIME_UNTIL_THE_END_DAY,               // Order lifetime till the end of the current day to be used
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_OBJ_NO_PERIODS,                       // Not shown on any timeframe
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_OBJ_ALL_PERIODS,                      // Drawn on all timeframes
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_JANUARY,                              // January
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_FEBRUARY,                             // February


   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_PROGRAM,                      // Graphical object belongs to a program
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_NO_PROGRAM,                   // Graphical object does not belong to a program
   MSG_GRAPH_STD_OBJ_ANY,                             // Abstract graphical object
   MSG_GRAPH_STD_OBJ_VLINE,                           // Vertical line
   MSG_GRAPH_STD_OBJ_HLINE,                           // Horizontal line


   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BMPFILE,                        // BMP file name for the "Bitmap Level" object
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SYMBOL,                         // Chart object symbol
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP,                          // Graphical object group
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_LINES,                    // Lines
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_CHANNELS,                 // Channels
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GANN,                     // Gann
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_FIBO,                     // Fibo
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ELLIOTT,                  // Elliott
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_SHAPES,                   // Shapes
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ARROWS,                   // Arrows
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GRAPHICAL,                // Graphical objects
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_CLICK_COORD,                    // (Chart click coordinate)

y los mensajes de texto que se corresponden con los índices nuevamente añadidos:

string messages_library[][TOTAL_LANG]=
   {"Начало списка параметров","The beginning of the parameter list"},
   {"Конец списка параметров","End of parameter list"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается","Property not supported"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается в MQL4","Property not supported in MQL4"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается в MetaTrader5 версии ниже 2155","The property is not supported in MetaTrader5, build lower than 2155"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается у позиции","Property not supported for position"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается у отложенного ордера","The property is not supported for a pending order"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается у маркет-ордера","The property is not supported for a market-order"},
   {"Свойство не поддерживается у исторического маркет-ордера","The property is not supported for a history market-order"},
   {"Значение не задано","Value not set"},
   {"Отсутствует","Not set"},
   {"Формируется терминалом","Formed by the terminal"},
   {"В соответствии с режимом истечения ордера","In accordance with the order expiration mode"},


   {"не удалось добавить в список","failed to add to list"},
   {"Будет использоваться время действия ордера до конца текущего дня","Order validity time until the end of the current day will be used"},
   {"Не показывается ни на одном таймфрейме","Not shown on any timeframe"},
   {"Рисуется на всех таймфреймах","Drawn on all timeframes"},



   {"Графический объект принадлежит программе","The graphic object belongs to the program"},
   {"Графический объект не принадлежит программе","The graphic object does not belong to the program"},
   {"Абстрактный графический объект","Abstract graphic object"},
   {"Вертикальная линия","Vertical Line"},
   {"Горизонтальная линия","Horizontal Line"},


   {"Имя BMP-файла","BMP-file name"},
   {"Символ графика","Chart Symbol"},
   {"Группа графического объекта","Graphic object group"},
   {"Графические объекты","Graphical"},
   {"(Координата щелчка по графику)","(Chart click coordinate)"},


El objeto gráfico tiene la propiedad de tipo entero OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, según la cual podemos establecer u obtener la representación del objeto en cualquiera de los marcos temporales. Los marcos temporales en que representamos el objeto se pueden definir o establecer según una combinación de banderas de visibilidad del objeto.

Para que podamos mostrar una descripción de las banderas de visibilidad establecidas para un objeto gráfico, en el archivo de funciones de servicio
\MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Services\DELib.mqh, añadiremos una función que indicará si una bandera ha sido activada o desactivada para el marco temporal solicitado:

//| Return the flag of displaying the graphical                      |
//| object on a specified chart timeframe                            |
bool IsVisibleOnTimeframe(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int flags)
      return true;
      return false;
   int flag=0;
      case PERIOD_M1    :  flag=0x00000001;  break;
      case PERIOD_M2    :  flag=0x00000002;  break;
      case PERIOD_M3    :  flag=0x00000004;  break;
      case PERIOD_M4    :  flag=0x00000008;  break;
      case PERIOD_M5    :  flag=0x00000010;  break;
      case PERIOD_M6    :  flag=0x00000020;  break;
      case PERIOD_M10   :  flag=0x00000040;  break;
      case PERIOD_M12   :  flag=0x00000080;  break;
      case PERIOD_M15   :  flag=0x00000100;  break;
      case PERIOD_M20   :  flag=0x00000200;  break;
      case PERIOD_M30   :  flag=0x00000400;  break;
      case PERIOD_H1    :  flag=0x00000800;  break;
      case PERIOD_H2    :  flag=0x00001000;  break;
      case PERIOD_H3    :  flag=0x00002000;  break;
      case PERIOD_H4    :  flag=0x00004000;  break;
      case PERIOD_H6    :  flag=0x00008000;  break;
      case PERIOD_H8    :  flag=0x00010000;  break;
      case PERIOD_H12   :  flag=0x00020000;  break;
      case PERIOD_D1    :  flag=0x00040000;  break;
      case PERIOD_W1    :  flag=0x00080000;  break;
      case PERIOD_MN1   :  flag=0x00100000;  break;
   return((flags & flag)==flag);

Si en el valor transmitido a la función se han establecido las banderas de todos los marcos temporales (OBJ_ALL_PERIODS), sin ninguna duda veremos el objeto en todos los marcos temporales, y retornaremos de inmediato true sin comprobar las banderas.
Si borramos todas las banderas de todos los marcos temporales (OBJ_NO_PERIODS), el objeto estará sin duda completamente oculto para la muestra en todos los marcos temporales, así que retornamos de inmediato false.
A continuación, dependiendo del valor del marco temporal que se ha transmitido a la función, estableceremos la variable flag en el valor correspondiente, con el que luego compararemos los bits de la variable flags.
Después de obtener el valor de la máscara de bits, comparamos su valor con el valor obtenido al superponer la máscara de bits al valor de la variable flags. Y retornamos el resultado de esta comparación bit a bit. La función retornará true solo si el bit que está siendo verificado por la máscara se ha configurado en la variable flags.

Ya hemos definido los grupos de objetos gráficos. Ahora, vamos a añadir este nuevo valor a las propiedades del objeto gráfico.

En el archivo de clase del objeto básico de todos los objetos gráficos de la biblioteca \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\GBaseObj.mqh, en su sección protegida, declaramos una variable para guardar el grupo del objeto gráfico:

//| Class of the base object of the library graphical objects        |
class CGBaseObj : public CObject

   ENUM_OBJECT       m_type_graph_obj;                   // Graphical object type
   ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE m_type_element;               // Graphical element type
   ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG m_belong;                       // Program affiliation
   ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP m_group;                         // Graphical object group
   string            m_name_prefix;                      // Object name prefix
   string            m_name;                             // Object name
   long              m_chart_id;                         // Object chart ID
   long              m_object_id;                        // Object ID
   long              m_zorder;                           // Priority of a graphical object for receiving the mouse click event
   int               m_subwindow;                        // Subwindow index
   int               m_shift_y;                          // Subwindow Y coordinate shift
   int               m_type;                             // Object type
   int               m_timeframes_visible;               // Visibility of an object on timeframes (a set of flags)
   int               m_digits;                           // Number of decimal places in a quote
   bool              m_visible;                          // Object visibility
   bool              m_back;                             // "Background object" flag
   bool              m_selected;                         // "Object selection" flag
   bool              m_selectable;                       // "Object availability" flag
   bool              m_hidden;                           // "Disable displaying the name of a graphical object in the terminal object list" flag
   datetime          m_create_time;                      // Object creation time

En la sección pública, añadimos el método para establecer el grupo del objeto gráfico:

//--- Set the values of the class variables
   void              SetObjectID(const long value)             { this.m_object_id=value;           }
   void              SetBelong(const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG belong){ this.m_belong=belong;          }
   void              SetTypeGraphObject(const ENUM_OBJECT obj) { this.m_type_graph_obj=obj;        }
   void              SetTypeElement(const ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE type) { this.m_type_element=type;}
   void              SetGroup(const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP group){ this.m_group=group;               }
   void              SetName(const string name)                { this.m_name=name;                 }
   void              SetChartID(const long chart_id)           { this.m_chart_id=chart_id;         }
   void              SetDigits(const int value)                { this.m_digits=value;              }

y el método para retornar el grupo:

//--- Return the values of class variables
   ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE TypeGraphElement(void)        const { return this.m_type_element;       }
   ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG   Belong(void)                  const { return this.m_belong;             }
   ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP    Group(void)                   const { return this.m_group;              }
   ENUM_OBJECT       TypeGraphObject(void)               const { return this.m_type_graph_obj;     }
   datetime          TimeCreate(void)                    const { return this.m_create_time;        }
   string            Name(void)                          const { return this.m_name;               }
   long              ChartID(void)                       const { return this.m_chart_id;           }
   long              ObjectID(void)                      const { return this.m_object_id;          }
   long              Zorder(void)                        const { return this.m_zorder;             }
   int               SubWindow(void)                     const { return this.m_subwindow;          }
   int               ShiftY(void)                        const { return this.m_shift_y;            }
   int               VisibleOnTimeframes(void)           const { return this.m_timeframes_visible; }
   int               Digits(void)                        const { return this.m_digits;             }
   bool              IsBack(void)                        const { return this.m_back;               }
   bool              IsSelected(void)                    const { return this.m_selected;           }
   bool              IsSelectable(void)                  const { return this.m_selectable;         }
   bool              IsHidden(void)                      const { return this.m_hidden;             }
   bool              IsVisible(void)                     const { return this.m_visible;            }

Eliminamos de la sección pública de la clase el método anteriormente escrito, encargado de retornar la bandera de visibilidad del objeto en el marco temporal indicado:

//--- Return the object visibility flag on a specified timeframe
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframe(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) const
                       { return((this.m_timeframes_visible & timeframe)==timeframe);               }
//--- Return the graphical object type (ENUM_OBJECT) calculated from the object type (ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE) passed to the method
   ENUM_OBJECT       GraphObjectType(const ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE obj_type) const
                        return ENUM_OBJECT(obj_type-OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_OBJ-1);

En primer lugar, está escrito incorrectamente (desconozco qué me impulsó a escribirlo de esta manera y no verificarlo...). En segundo lugar, ya hemos escrito una función de servicio arriba que hace lo mismo.

Y a continuación, declaramos el método que retorna la descripción del grupo de objetos gráficos:

//--- Return the graphical object type (ENUM_OBJECT) calculated from the object type (ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE) passed to the method
   ENUM_OBJECT       GraphObjectType(const ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE obj_type) const
                        return ENUM_OBJECT(obj_type-OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_OBJ-1);
//--- Return the description of the type of the graphical object (1) type, (2) element, (3) affiliation and (4) group
string               TypeGraphObjectDescription(void);
string               TypeElementDescription(void);
string               BelongDescription(void);
string               GroupDescription(void);

//--- The virtual method returning the object type
   virtual int       Type(void)                          const { return this.m_type;               }

//--- Constructor/destructor

Y lo implementamos fuera del cuerpo de la clase:

//| Return the description of the graphical object group             |
string CGBaseObj::GroupDescription(void)
      this.Group()==GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_LINES    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_LINES)     :
      this.Group()==GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_GANN     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GANN)      :
      this.Group()==GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_FIBO     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_FIBO)      :
      this.Group()==GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_SHAPES   ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_SHAPES)    :
      this.Group()==GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP_ARROWS   ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ARROWS)    :

Aquí, todo resulta muy sencillo: dependiendo del valor escrito en la variable m_group, y retornado por el método Group(), retornamos el mensaje de texto correspondiente.

Vamos a mejorar la clase de objeto gráfico abstracto en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGraphObj.mqh.

Como algunas propiedades de los objetos serán diferentes para objetos gráficos distintos, la implementación de los métodos que retornen estas propiedades también debería ser diferente. Para hacer esto, crearemos métodos virtuales para dichas propiedades con una implementación común en la clase de objeto gráfico abstracto, mientras que para los objetos heredados, anularemos esta implementación en la clase heredada.

En la sección pública de la clase, escribimos tres métodos virtuales que retornan la descripción del tipo de objeto gráfico y la descripción del precio y el tiempo del primer punto de anclaje del objeto:

//--- Display the description of the object properties in the journal (full_prop=true - all properties, false - supported ones only - implemented in descendant classes)
   virtual void      Print(const bool full_prop=false,const bool dash=false);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT), price coordinate (2) and (3) time
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)                                    const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_STD_OBJ_ANY);          }
   virtual string    PriceDescription(void)  const { return ::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE),this.m_digits); }
   virtual string    TimeDescription(void)   const { return ::TimeToString(this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES);    }
//--- Compare CGStdGraphObj objects by a specified property (to sort the list by an object property)
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const;
//--- Compare CGStdGraphObj objects with each other by all properties (to search for equal objects)
   bool              IsEqual(CGStdGraphObj* compared_req) const;
//--- Default constructor

En los objetos heredados, anularemos estos métodos para mostrar información sobre un objeto gráfico específico descrito por la clase heredada.

En el constructor paramétrico protegido de la clase, añadimos un nuevo parámetro formal, el grupo del objeto gráfico estándar, mientras que en el constructor predeterminado, escribimos directamente el valor para el grupo, igual a -1:

//--- Default constructor
                     CGStdGraphObj(){ this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSTD_OBJ; m_group=WRONG_VALUE; }

//--- Protected parametric constructor
                     CGStdGraphObj(const ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE obj_type,
                                   const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG belong,
                                   const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP group,
                                   const long chart_id, const string name);
//|Methods of simplified access and setting graphical object properties|

Al final de la lista con los métodos para el acceso simplificado a las propiedades de la clase, escribimos los métodos que retornan las banderas de visibilidad del objeto en el marco temporal indicado. Cada periodo tiene su propio método. Y declaramos el método que retorna la descripción de la visibilidad del objeto en todos los marcos temporales:

//--- Symbol for the Chart object 
   string            Symbol(void)                  const { return this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_SYMBOL);                      }
   void              SetChartObjSymbol(const string symbol)
//--- Return the flags indicating object visibility on timeframes
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM1(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M1, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM2(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M2, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM3(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M3, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM4(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M4, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM5(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M5, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM6(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M6, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM10(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M10,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM12(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M12,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM15(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M15,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM20(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M20,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeM30(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_M30,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH1(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H1, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH2(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H2, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH3(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H3, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH4(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H4, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH6(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H6, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH8(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H8, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeH12(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_H12,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeD1(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_D1, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeW1(void)  const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_W1, (int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
   bool              IsVisibleOnTimeframeMN1(void) const { return IsVisibleOnTimeframe(PERIOD_MN1,(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES)); }
//--- Return the description of the object visibility on timeframes
   string            VisibleOnTimeframeDescription(void);

En el constructor paramétrico protegido, en el código con su implementación, añadimos la capacidad de establecer el valor transmitido en los parámetros del grupo al que pertenece el objeto gráfico:

//| Protected parametric constructor                                 |
CGStdGraphObj::CGStdGraphObj(const ENUM_OBJECT_DE_TYPE obj_type,
                             const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG belong,
                             const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_GROUP group,
                             const long chart_id,const string name)
//--- Set the object (1) type, type of graphical (2) object, (3) element, (4) subwindow affiliation and (5) index, as well as (6) chart symbol Digits
//--- Save integer properties
   //--- properties inherent in all graphical objects but not present in a graphical object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID]    = CGBaseObj::ChartID();          // Chart ID
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM]     = CGBaseObj::SubWindow();        // Chart subwindow index
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE]        = CGBaseObj::TypeGraphObject();  // Graphical object type (ENUM_OBJECT)
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELEMENT_TYPE]= CGBaseObj::TypeGraphElement(); // Graphical element type (ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE)
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG]      = CGBaseObj::Belong();           // Graphical object affiliation
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP]       = CGBaseObj::Group();            // Graphical object group
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID]          = 0;                             // Object ID
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM]         = 0;                             // Object index in the list
   //--- Properties inherent in all graphical objects and present in a graphical object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CREATETIME]  = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_CREATETIME);  // Object creation time
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES]  = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES);  // Object visibility on timeframes
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK]        = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_BACK);        // Background object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER]      = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_ZORDER);      // Priority of a graphical object for receiving the event of clicking on a chart
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN]      = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_HIDDEN);      // Disable displaying the name of a graphical object in the terminal object list
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED]    = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_SELECTED);    // Object selection
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTABLE]  = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE);  // Object availability
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME]        = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_TIME);        // First point time coordinate
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR]       = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_COLOR);       // Color
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE]       = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_STYLE);       // Style
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH]       = ::ObjectGetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH);       // Line width
   //--- Properties belonging to different graphical objects
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL]                          = 0;  // Object color filling
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_READONLY]                      = 0;  // Ability to edit text in the Edit object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS]                        = 0;  // Number of levels
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELCOLOR]                    = 0;  // Level line color
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELSTYLE]                    = 0;  // Level line style
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH]                    = 0;  // Level line width
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ALIGN]                         = 0;  // Horizontal text alignment in the Edit object (OBJ_EDIT)
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE]                      = 0;  // Font size
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT]                      = 0;  // Ray goes to the left
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT]                     = 0;  // Ray goes to the right
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY]                           = 0;  // Vertical line goes through all windows of a chart
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELLIPSE]                       = 0;  // Display the full ellipse of the Fibonacci Arc object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE]                     = 0;  // Arrow code for the "Arrow" object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR]                        = 0;  // Position of the binding point of the graphical object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XDISTANCE]                     = 0;  // Distance from the base corner along the X axis in pixels
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YDISTANCE]                     = 0;  // Distance from the base corner along the Y axis in pixels
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DIRECTION]                     = 0;  // Gann object trend
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE]                        = 0;  // Elliott wave marking level
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DRAWLINES]                     = 0;  // Display lines for Elliott wave marking
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE]                         = 0;  // Button state (pressed/released)
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_OBJ_CHART_ID]                  = 0;  // Chart object ID (OBJ_CHART).
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PERIOD]              = 0;  // Chart object period<
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_DATE_SCALE]          = 0;  // Time scale display flag for the Chart object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PRICE_SCALE]         = 0;  // Price scale display flag for the Chart object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_CHART_SCALE]         = 0;  // Chart object scale
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE]                         = 0;  // Object width along the X axis in pixels.
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE]                         = 0;  // Object height along the Y axis in pixels.
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET]                       = 0;  // X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area.
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET]                       = 0;  // Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area.
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR]                       = 0;  // Background color for OBJ_EDIT, OBJ_BUTTON, OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER]                        = 0;  // Chart corner for binding a graphical object
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_TYPE]                   = 0;  // Border type for "Rectangle border"
   this.m_long_prop[GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_COLOR]                  = 0;  // Border color for OBJ_EDIT and OBJ_BUTTON
//--- Save real properties
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE)]       = ::ObjectGetDouble(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_PRICE);  // Price coordinate
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELVALUE)]  = 0;                                               // Level value
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE)]       = 0;                                               // Scale (property of Gann objects and Fibonacci Arcs objects)
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE)]       = 0;                                               // Angle
   this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEVIATION)]   = 0;                                               // Deviation of the standard deviation channel
//--- Save string properties
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME)]        = name;                                            // Object name
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT)]        = ::ObjectGetString(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_TEXT);   // Object description (the text contained in the object)
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP)]     = ::ObjectGetString(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP);// Tooltip text
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT)]   = "";                                              // Level description
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT)]        = "";                                              // Font
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BMPFILE)]     = "";                                              // BMP file name for the "Bitmap Level" object
   this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_SYMBOL)]= "";                                          // Chart object symbol 
//--- Save basic properties in the parent object

En el método que muestra en el diario la descripción del objeto, primero mostramos que se trata del objeto gráfico estándar:

//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdGraphObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      " \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

En el método que retorna la descripción de una propiedad de tipo entero del objeto, añadimos la muestra de la descripción del grupo al que pertenece el objeto, y sustituimos la muestra de algunas propiedades por la llamada de los métodos creados para ello:

//| Return description of object's integer property                  |
string CGStdGraphObj::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID         ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.TypeDescription()
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+CGBaseObj::TypeElementDescription()
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP  ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+CGBaseObj::GroupDescription()
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+CGBaseObj::BelongDescription()
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID   ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::TimeToString(this.GetProperty(property),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.VisibleOnTimeframeDescription()
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.IsBack() ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.IsHidden() ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.IsSelected() ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.IsSelectable() ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM        ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.TimeDescription()
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::ColorToString((color)this.GetProperty(property),true)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+LineStyleDescription((ENUM_LINE_STYLE)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::ColorToString((color)this.GetProperty(property),true)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+LineStyleDescription((ENUM_LINE_STYLE)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ALIGN      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ALIGN)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+AlignModeDescription((ENUM_ALIGN_MODE)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT   ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY        ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELLIPSE    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELLIPSE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.AnchorDescription()
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+GannDirectDescription((ENUM_GANN_DIRECTION)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+ElliotWaveDegreeDescription((ENUM_ELLIOT_WAVE_DEGREE)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_BUTTON_STATE_DEPRESSED))
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_OBJ_CHART_ID  ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_ID)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)       ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+TimeframeDescription((ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)             ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)             ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property) ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_YES) : CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_NO))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)             ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::ColorToString((color)this.GetProperty(property),true)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+BaseCornerDescription((ENUM_BASE_CORNER)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+BorderTypeDescription((ENUM_BORDER_TYPE)this.GetProperty(property))
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property)    ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::ColorToString((color)this.GetProperty(property),true)
         )  :

En el método que retorna la descripción de una propiedad de tipo real del objeto, también sustituimos la muestra de la descripción del precio del punto de anclaje por la muestra del método:

//| Return description of object's real property                     |
string CGStdGraphObj::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
   int dg=(this.m_digits>0 ? this.m_digits : 1);
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.PriceDescription()
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(property),dg)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(property),2)
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(property),2)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(property),2)
         )  :

En el método que retorna la descripción de una propiedad string del objeto, añadimos la muestra de las comillas en las que se incluirán las propiedades string mostradas. Para describir las pistas emergentes, mostraremos un mensaje que indique que la información sobre las pistas es generada automáticamente por el terminal si no está configurada y no es un símbolo de control "\n", lo cual deshabilita la información sobre la pista emergente:

//| Return description of object's string property                   |
string CGStdGraphObj::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+"\""+this.GetProperty(property)+"\""
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property)=="" ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_EMPTY) : "\""+this.GetProperty(property)+"\"")
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(this.GetProperty(property)=="" ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_AUTO) : 
                this.GetProperty(property)=="\n" ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_EMPTY) :
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+"\""+this.GetProperty(property)+"\""
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+"\""+this.GetProperty(property)+"\""
         )  :
      property==GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BMPFILE    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BMPFILE)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+"\""+this.GetProperty(property)+"\""
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :

Método que retorna la descripción de la visibilidad del objeto en los marcos temporales:

//| Return the description of the object visibility on timeframes    |
string CGStdGraphObj::VisibleOnTimeframeDescription(void)
   string res="";
   int flags=(int)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES);
      return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_OBJ_NO_PERIODS);
      return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_OBJ_ALL_PERIODS);
   for(int i=1;i<=21;i++)
      ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=TimeframeByEnumIndex((uchar)i);
      res+=TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ";
   ::StringSetCharacter(res,::StringLen(res)-2,' ');
   return res;

Aquí, obtenemos las banderas de bits de la visibilidad del objeto en los marcos temporales desde la propiedad del objeto.
Si no se ha establecido ninguna de las banderas, retornamos un mensaje que indique que el objeto no es visible en ninguno de los marcos temporales.
Si, por el contrario, se establecen todas las banderas de todos los marcos temporales, retornaremos un mensaje que indique que el objeto es visible en todos los marcos temporales
Si solo se establecen algunas de las banderas, entonces, en un ciclo de 1 a 21 inclusive, obtendremos el marco temporal según el índice usando la función de servicio TimeframeByEnumIndex(), que ya escribimos hace mucho tiempo, y que se encuentra en el archivo de funciones de servicio.
Si el objeto es invisible en el marco temporal obtenido, pasaremos a la siguiente iteración para obtener el siguiente marco temporal.
Si el objeto es visible, añadiremos su descripción breve al valor de la variable res con una coma y un espacio al final.
Después del ciclo, al final de la línea resultante, sustituiremos por un espacio el carácter de coma añadido a la última iteración del ciclo y eliminaremos todos los espacios y caracteres de control a la derecha de la línea. Retornamos desde el método la línea resultante.

Ya hemos completado todas las modificaciones de las clases. Vamos a comenzar a crear las clases que heredarán de la clase de objeto gráfico abstracto.

Clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto

Hoy, vamos a crear las clases de varios grupos de objetos gráficos: "Líneas", "Canales", "Gann", "Fibonacci" y "Elliott".

En la carpeta \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\, crearemos el nuevo archivo GStdHLineObj.mqh de la clase de línea horizontal StdHLineObj.
La clase debe heredar del objeto gráfico abstracto, y el archivo de clase principal debe estar conectado a la clase generada:

//|                                                 GStdHLineObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Horizontal line" graphical object                               |
class CGStdHLineObj : public CGStdGraphObj

En la sección pública de la clase, añadimos un constructor, declaramos tres métodos que retornan las banderas de soporte de propiedades por parte del objeto y los métodos para mostrar las descripciones del objeto y sus propiedades:

//| "Horizontal line" graphical object                               |
class CGStdHLineObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdHLineObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_HLINE); }
   virtual string    TimeDescription(void)  const
                        return ::TimeToString(this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)+" "+

El propósito de los métodos debería quedar claro a partir de sus nombres, y ya hemos analizado muchas veces métodos similares en otras clases.

En el constructor de la clase, en su lista de inicialización, transmitimos al constructor paramétrico privado de la clase padre el tipo de objeto (línea horizontal), la pertenencia (no pertenece al programa), el grupo de objetos (líneas) y los valores del identificador del gráfico y el nombre del objeto transmitidos ​​al constructor de la clase:

CGStdHLineObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :

El método virtual TypeDescription() retorna la descripción del tipo de objeto gráfico retornado por la función de servicio StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(), que escribimos antes, y a la cual transmitimos el tipo de objeto (línea horizontal):

virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_HLINE); }

El método virtual TimeDescription(), que retorna la descripción del tiempo, muestra el tiempo registrado en las propiedades de la línea horizontal. Pero, como la línea horizontal no tiene anclaje temporal, en esta propiedad introduciremos la coordenada del cursor del ratón al clicar en el gráfico mientras colocamos el objeto. Se mostrará un mensaje adicional sobre ello en la descripción de la hora mostrada en el diario:

virtual string    TimeDescription(void)  const
                        return ::TimeToString(this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)+" "+

Métodos que retornan las banderas de soporte por parte del objeto de propiedades de tipo entero, real y string:

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdHLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdHLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdHLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;

Transmitimos la propiedad a cada método, y después, si esta propiedad se encuentra en la lista de propiedades soportadas, retornaremos true, de lo contrario, false.

Para cada clase, las listas de propiedades soportadas serán diferentes; después de todo, cada uno de los objetos gráficos tiene su propio conjunto de propiedades. Asimismo, los constructores de clases también serán únicos para cada uno de los objetos heredados del objeto gráfico abstracto.

Métodos que retornan el nombre breve del objeto y muestran la descripción breve del mismo:

//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdHLineObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdHLineObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Estos métodos (1) retornan una línea que describe el tipo de objeto gráfico y (2) muestran en el diario el tipo de objeto gráfico, su nombre, el identificador asignado al objeto al crear este y la hora en que se ha creado.

Todas las demás clases que describen los objetos gráficos de diferentes tipos incluidos en distintos grupos serán estudiadas en su totalidad como un análisis independiente.

Clase del objeto "Línea vertical" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdVLineObj.mqh:

//|                                                 GStdVLineObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Vertical line" graphical object                                 |
class CGStdVLineObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdVLineObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_VLINE); }
   virtual string    PriceDescription(void)  const
                        return ::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE),this.m_digits)+" "+
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdVLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY          : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdVLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdVLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdVLineObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdVLineObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Línea de tendencia" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdTrendObj.mqh:

//|                                                 GStdTrendObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Trend line" graphical object                                    |
class CGStdTrendObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdTrendObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_TREND); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdTrendObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdTrendObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdTrendObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdTrendObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdTrendObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Línea de tendencia en ángulo" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdTrendByAngleObj.mqh:

//|                                          GStdTrendByAngleObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Trend line by angle" graphical object                           |
class CGStdTrendByAngleObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdTrendByAngleObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdTrendByAngleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdTrendByAngleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdTrendByAngleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdTrendByAngleObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdTrendByAngleObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Líneas cíclicas" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdCyclesObj.mqh:

//|                                                GStdCyclesObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Cyclic lines" graphical object                                  |
class CGStdCyclesObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdCyclesObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property); 
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_CYCLES); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdCyclesObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdCyclesObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdCyclesObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdCyclesObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdCyclesObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Línea con flecha" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdArrowedLineObj.mqh:

//|                                           GStdArrowedLineObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Arrowed line" graphical object                                  |
class CGStdArrowedLineObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowedLineObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROWED_LINE); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowedLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowedLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowedLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowedLineObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowedLineObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Canal equidistante" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdChannelObj.mqh:

//|                                               GStdChannelObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Equidistant channel" graphical object                           |
class CGStdChannelObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdChannelObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_CHANNEL); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdChannelObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdChannelObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Canal de desviación estándar" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdStdDevChannelObj.mqh:

//|                                         GStdStdDevChannelObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Standard deviation channel" graphical object                    |
class CGStdStdDevChannelObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdStdDevChannelObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdStdDevChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdStdDevChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdStdDevChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdStdDevChannelObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdStdDevChannelObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Canal de regresión lineal" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdRegressionObj.mqh:

//|                                            GStdRegressionObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Linear regression channel" graphical object                     |
class CGStdRegressionObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdRegressionObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_REGRESSION); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdRegressionObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdRegressionObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdRegressionObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdRegressionObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdRegressionObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Tridente de Andrews" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdPitchforkObj.mqh:

//|                                             GStdPitchforkObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Andrews' Pitchfork" graphical object                            |
class CGStdPitchforkObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdPitchforkObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_PITCHFORK); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdPitchforkObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH   : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdPitchforkObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdPitchforkObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdPitchforkObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdPitchforkObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Línea de Gann" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGannLineObj.mqh:

//|                                              GStdGannLineObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Gann line" graphical object                                     |
class CGStdGannLineObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdGannLineObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_GANNLINE); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdGannLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdGannLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdGannLineObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdGannLineObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdGannLineObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Abanico de Gann" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGannFanObj.mqh:

//|                                               GStdGannFanObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Gann fan" graphical object                                      |
class CGStdGannFanObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdGannFanObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_GANNFAN); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdGannFanObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DIRECTION    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdGannFanObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdGannFanObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdGannFanObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdGannFanObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Retícula de Gann" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGannGridObj.mqh:

//|                                              GStdGannGridObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Gann grid" graphical object                                     |
class CGStdGannGridObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdGannGridObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_GANNGRID); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdGannGridObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DIRECTION    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdGannGridObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdGannGridObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdGannGridObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdGannGridObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Niveles de Fibonacci" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboObj.mqh:

//|                                                  GStdFiboObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Fibo levels" graphical object                                   |
class CGStdFiboObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdFiboObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_FIBO); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdFiboObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH   : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdFiboObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdFiboObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdFiboObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdFiboObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Zonas temporales de Fibonacci" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboTimesObj.mqh:

//|                                             GStdFiboTimesObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Fibo Time Zones" graphical object                               |
class CGStdFiboTimesObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdFiboTimesObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_FIBOTIMES); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdFiboTimesObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH   : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdFiboTimesObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdFiboTimesObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdFiboTimesObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdFiboTimesObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Abanico de Fibonacci" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboFanObj.mqh:

//|                                               GStdFiboFanObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Fibo fan" graphical object                                      |
class CGStdFiboFanObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdFiboFanObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_FIBOFAN); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdFiboFanObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH   : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdFiboFanObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdFiboFanObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdFiboFanObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdFiboFanObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Arcos de Fibonacci" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboArcObj.mqh:

//|                                               GStdFiboArcObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Fibo arcs" graphical object                                     |
class CGStdFiboArcObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdFiboArcObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_FIBOARC); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdFiboArcObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELLIPSE      : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdFiboArcObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SCALE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdFiboArcObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdFiboArcObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdFiboArcObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Canal de Fibonacci" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboChannelObj.mqh:

//|                                           GStdFiboChannelObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Fibo channel" graphical object                                  |
class CGStdFiboChannelObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdFiboChannelObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdFiboChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdFiboChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdFiboChannelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdFiboChannelObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdFiboChannelObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Expansiones de Fibonacci" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdExpansionObj.mqh:

//|                                             GStdExpansionObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Fibo extension" graphical object                                |
class CGStdExpansionObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdExpansionObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_EXPANSION); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdExpansionObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdExpansionObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdExpansionObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELTEXT       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdExpansionObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdExpansionObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Cinco ondas de Elliott" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdElliotWave5Obj.mqh:

//|                                           GStdElliotWave5Obj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Elliott 5 waves" graphical object                               |
class CGStdElliotWave5Obj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdElliotWave5Obj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdElliotWave5Obj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdElliotWave5Obj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdElliotWave5Obj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdElliotWave5Obj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdElliotWave5Obj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase del objeto "Tres ondas de Elliott" en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdElliotWave3Obj.mqh:

//|                                           GStdElliotWave3Obj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Elliott 3 waves" graphical object                               |
class CGStdElliotWave3Obj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdElliotWave3Obj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdElliotWave3Obj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdElliotWave3Obj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdElliotWave3Obj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdElliotWave3Obj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdElliotWave3Obj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Estos son todos los objetos de las clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto planeados para hoy. Como podemos ver, son idénticos entre sí, pero difieren en los tipos de propiedades soportadas. Esto significa que cada uno de estos objetos tendrá solo aquellas propiedades que le sean inherentes. Y la ventaja aquí no está solo en la muestra de estos datos en el diario, sino también en el hecho de que la búsqueda y la clasificación de objetos en la biblioteca tiene en consideración las banderas de soporte de una propiedad particular por parte del objeto. Por consiguiente, al clasificar todos los objetos gráficos de la colección, por ejemplo, según el ángulo, los objetos que no tengan ningún ángulo no podrán entrar en la lista final; esta propiedad no será compatible con ellos.

Dejaremos todas las clases anteriores para un análisis independiente.

Ahora, necesitamos modificar la clase para gestionar los objetos gráficos ubicados en el archivo de la clase de colección de objetos gráficos en la dirección \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Collections\GraphElementsCollection.mqh.

Necesitamos asegurarnos de que, dependiendo del objeto gráfico añadido al gráfico, se cree una nueva instancia de la clase de objeto gráfico estándar a partir de las que hemos creado aquí. Vamos a añadir las mejoras necesarias al archivo.

Incluimos los archivos de todas las clases creadas hoy en el archivo de la clase de colección de objetos gráficos (en lugar del archivo GStdGraphObj.mqh previamente incluido) y declaramos un método público para crear un nuevo objeto que describa el objeto gráfico añadido al gráfico:

//|                                      GraphElementsCollection.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "ListObj.mqh"
#include "..\Services\Select.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Form.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdVLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdHLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdTrendObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdTrendByAngleObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdCiclesObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdArrowedLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdChannelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdStdDevChannelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdRegressionObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdPitchforkObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGannLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGannFanObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdGannGridObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboTimesObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboFanObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboArcObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdFiboChannelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdExpansionObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdElliotWave5Obj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standart\GStdElliotWave3Obj.mqh"
//| Chart object management class                                    |
class CChartObjectsControl : public CObject
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   m_chart_timeframe;         // Chart timeframe
   long              m_chart_id;                // Chart ID
   string            m_chart_symbol;            // Chart symbol
   bool              m_is_graph_obj_event;      // Event flag in the list of graphical objects
   int               m_total_objects;           // Number of graphical objects
   int               m_last_objects;            // Number of graphical objects during the previous check
   int               m_delta_graph_obj;         // Difference in the number of graphical objects compared to the previous check
//--- Return the variable values
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   Timeframe(void)                           const { return this.m_chart_timeframe;    }
   long              ChartID(void)                             const { return this.m_chart_id;           }
   string            Symbol(void)                              const { return this.m_chart_symbol;       }
   bool              IsEvent(void)                             const { return this.m_is_graph_obj_event; }
   int               TotalObjects(void)                        const { return this.m_total_objects;      }
   int               Delta(void)                               const { return this.m_delta_graph_obj;    }
//--- Create a new standard graphical object
   CGStdGraphObj    *CreateNewGraphObj(const ENUM_OBJECT obj_type,const long chart_id, const string name);
//--- Check the chart objects
   void              Refresh(void);
//--- Constructors
                     CChartObjectsControl(const long chart_id)
//--- Compare CChartObjectsControl objects by a chart ID (for sorting the list by an object property)
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
                        const CChartObjectsControl *obj_compared=node;
                        return(this.ChartID()>obj_compared.ChartID() ? 1 : this.ChartID()<obj_compared.ChartID() ? -1 : 0);

En el método que verifica los cambios en el número de objetos en el gráfico, introducimos en la clase de gestión de objetos gráficos ciertas mejoras en el bloque de código encargado de crear un nuevo objeto que describe un objeto gráfico añadido al gráfico:

//| CChartObjectsControl Check objects on a chart                    |
void CChartObjectsControl::Refresh(void)
//--- Graphical objects on the chart
//--- If the number of objects has changed
      //--- Create the string and display it in the journal with the chart ID, its symbol and timeframe
      string txt=", "+(m_delta_graph_obj>0 ? "Added: " : "Deleted: ")+(string)fabs(m_delta_graph_obj)+" obj";
      Print(DFUN,"ChartID=",this.ChartID(),", ",this.Symbol(),", ",TimeframeDescription(this.Timeframe()),txt);
   //--- If an object is added to the chart
      int index=0;
      datetime time=0;
      string name="";
      //--- find the last added graphical object and write its index
      for(int j=0;j<this.m_total_objects;j++)
         datetime tm=(datetime)::ObjectGetInteger(this.ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_CREATETIME);
      //--- Select the last graphical object by its index
         //--- Create the object of the graphical object class corresponding to the added graphical object type
         ENUM_OBJECT type=(ENUM_OBJECT)::ObjectGetInteger(this.ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_TYPE);
         CGStdGraphObj *obj=this.CreateNewGraphObj(type,this.ChartID(),name);
            //--- Set the object index and affiliation, display its short description and remove the created object
            delete obj;
//--- save the index of the last added graphical object and the difference with the last check

Antes, aquí creamos un nuevo objeto gráfico abstracto. Ahora, vamos a crear un objeto del tipo apropiado usando las clases herederas creadas hoy. Después de crear el objeto con éxito, le añadiremos la propiedad de pertenencia (no pertenece al programa), y en lugar de mostrar la descripción breve del objeto creado, mostraremos en el diario la descripción completa de todas sus propiedades.
Para seleccionar el objeto que necesitamos crear, deberemos usar el método que crea un nuevo objeto gráfico estándar:

//| Create a new standard graphical object                           |
CGStdGraphObj *CChartObjectsControl::CreateNewGraphObj(const ENUM_OBJECT obj_type,const long chart_id,const string name)
   CGStdGraphObj *obj=NULL;
      //--- Lines
      case OBJ_VLINE             : return new CGStdVLineObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_HLINE             : return new CGStdHLineObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_TREND             : return new CGStdTrendObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE      : return new CGStdTrendByAngleObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_CYCLES            : return new CGStdCyclesObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROWED_LINE      : return new CGStdArrowedLineObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Channels
      case OBJ_CHANNEL           : return new CGStdChannelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL     : return new CGStdStdDevChannelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_REGRESSION        : return new CGStdRegressionObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_PITCHFORK         : return new CGStdPitchforkObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Gann
      case OBJ_GANNLINE          : return new CGStdGannLineObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_GANNFAN           : return new CGStdGannFanObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_GANNGRID          : return new CGStdGannGridObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Fibo
      case OBJ_FIBO              : return new CGStdFiboObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOTIMES         : return new CGStdFiboTimesObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOFAN           : return new CGStdFiboFanObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOARC           : return new CGStdFiboArcObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL       : return new CGStdFiboChannelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_EXPANSION         : return new CGStdExpansionObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Elliott
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5       : return new CGStdElliotWave5Obj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3       : return new CGStdElliotWave3Obj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Shapes
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE         : return new CGStdRectangleObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_TRIANGLE          : return new CGStdTriangleObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ELLIPSE           : return new CGStdEllipseObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Arrows
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP    : return new CGStdArrowThumbUpObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN  : return new CGStdArrowThumbDownObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_UP          : return new CGStdArrowUpObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_DOWN        : return new CGStdArrowDownObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_STOP        : return new CGStdArrowStopObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_CHECK       : return new CGStdArrowCheckObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE  : return new CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE : return new CGStdArrowRightPriceObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_BUY         : return new CGStdArrowBuyObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_SELL        : return new CGStdArrowSellObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW             : return new CGStdArrowObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Graphical objects
      case OBJ_TEXT              : return new CGStdTextObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_LABEL             : return new CGStdLabelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_BUTTON            : return new CGStdButtonObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_CHART             : return new CGStdChartObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_BITMAP            : return new CGStdBitmapObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL      : return new CGStdBitmapLabelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_EDIT              : return new CGStdEditObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_EVENT             : return new CGStdEventObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL   : return new CGStdRectangleLabelObj(chart_id,name);
      default                    : return NULL;

Aquí, todo es simple: solo tenemos que transmitir al método el tipo de objeto que se debe crear, el identificador del gráfico al que se ha añadido el objeto gráfico y el nombre del nuevo objeto gráfico. Además, dependiendo del tipo de objeto gráfico transmido al método, y usando el operador new, crearemos un nuevo objeto de la clase correspondiente heredada del objeto gráfico abstracto y retornaremos inmediatamente el resultado de la creación de este nuevo objeto.

El método retornará un puntero al objeto recién creado, o NULL, si se da cualquier error al crear el objeto. Como podemos ver, todavía no se han creado todos los objetos. El resto se implementará en el próximo artículo, junto con las modificaciones que añadiremos definitivamente a las clases creadas hoy. Vamos a necesitar acceder a todas las propiedades de todos los puntos de apoyo del objeto, y no al primero de todos, como hemos hecho en esta etapa.

Ya tenemos todo listo para hacer la prueba.


Para la simulación, vamos a tomar el asesor del artículo anterior y guardarlo en la nueva carpeta \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part84\ con el nuevo nombre TestDoEasyPart84.mq5.

En esta etapa, no será necesario que realicemos ningún cambio en el asesor. Pero, para mantener el orden, lo guardamos en la carpeta de artículos correspondiente del terminal.

Compilamos el asesor, lo ejecutamos en el terminal y añadimos al gráfico algunos objetos gráficos.
El diario mostrará las descripciones completas de todas las propiedades de los objetos añadidos al gráfico:

¿Qué es lo próximo?

En el próximo artículo, continuaremos desarrollando las clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto y la clase de colección de objetos gráficos de la biblioteca.

Más abajo se adjuntan todos los archivos de la versión actual de la biblioteca y el archivo del asesor de prueba para MQL5. Podrá descargarlo todo y ponerlo a prueba por sí mismo.

Si tiene preguntas, observaciones o sugerencias, podrá concretarlas en los comentarios al artículo.

Volver al contenido

*Artículos de esta serie:

Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 73): Objeto de formulario del elemento gráfico
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 74): Elemento gráfico básico sobre la clase CCanvas
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 75): Métodos de trabajo con primitivas y texto en el elemento gráfico básico.
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 76): Objeto de formulario y temas de color predeterminados
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 77): Clase de objeto Sombra
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 78): Fundamentos de animación en la biblioteca. Cortando las imágenes
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 79): Clase de objeto "Fotograma de animación" y sus objetos herederos
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 80): Clase de objeto "Fotograma de animación geométrica"
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 81): Integrando gráficos en los objetos de la biblioteca
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 82): Refactorización de los objetos de la biblioteca y colección de objetos gráficos
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 83): Clase de objeto gráfico abstracto estándar

Traducción del ruso hecha por MetaQuotes Ltd.
Artículo original: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/9930

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Funciones y fragmentos de código que simplifican y aclaran el manejo del tiempo, la diferencia con el bróker y los cambios en el horario de verano o invierno. La sincronización precisa puede ser un elemento crucial en el trading. A la hora actual, ¿la bolsa de valores de Londres o Nueva York está ya abierta o sigue cerrada? ¿Cuándo comienza y finaliza el horario comercial para el trading en Fórex? Para un tráder que comercia de forma manual y en vivo, esto no supone un gran problema.
Cómo ser un mejor programador (parte 06): 9 hábitos que conducen a una codificación eficaz Cómo ser un mejor programador (parte 06): 9 hábitos que conducen a una codificación eficaz
La escritura de código no siempre redunda en el dominio de una codificación efectiva. Hay ciertos hábitos que he desarrollado gracias a la experiencia, y que nos ayudan a codificar con mayor eficacia. En el presente artículo, analizaremos con detalle algunos de ellos. Este es un artículo de lectura obligada para aquellos programadores que quieran lograr escribir algoritmos complejos con menos molestias.
Cómo ser un mejor programador (parte 05): Aprendiendo a desarrollar más rápido Cómo ser un mejor programador (parte 05): Aprendiendo a desarrollar más rápido
Sin duda, todo desarrollador querría escribir código más rápido; por eso, le agradará saber que la capacidad de codificar de forma más rápida y eficaz no es algo con lo que solo nazcan unas pocas personas, es una habilidad que se puede adquirir. Eso es lo que intentaremos trabajar en el artículo de hoy.