United States Government Payrolls

United States
USD, US dollar
Low 24 K 58 K
15 K
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
34 K
24 K
Next release Actual Forecast
  • Overview
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A change in Government Payrolls shows how many new jobs have been created in the US public sector in the reported month. The report is calculated based on data on the number of full-time employees in the governmental institutions and departments.

The Government Payrolls report is a secondary indicator of the economic health. The number of vacancies here is relatively constant and is not always directly related to financial and economic fluctuations. But this figure is included in the general Non-farm Payrolls report and can affect this important indicator.

A change in the number of employed citizens is one of the strongest short-term drivers of the dollar market, that is why being part of this report government payrolls may influence US dollar quotes. A higher than expected growth of payrolls may have a positive effect on the dollar quotes.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "United States Government Payrolls" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Aug 2024
24 K
58 K
15 K
Jul 2024
17 K
55 K
43 K
Jun 2024
70 K
23 K
25 K
May 2024
43 K
-45 K
7 K
Apr 2024
8 K
40 K
72 K
Mar 2024
71 K
28 K
63 K
Feb 2024
52 K
29 K
52 K
Jan 2024
36 K
32 K
55 K
Dec 2023
52 K
4 K
37 K
Nov 2023
49 K
2 K
65 K
Oct 2023
51 K
-3 K
51 K
Sep 2023
73 K
-5 K
50 K
Aug 2023
8 K
-2 K
2 K
Jul 2023
15 K
5 K
57 K
Jun 2023
60 K
7 K
47 K
May 2023
56 K
2 K
41 K
Apr 2023
23 K
-8 K
42 K
Mar 2023
47 K
-12 K
60 K
Feb 2023
46 K
-4 K
118 K
Jan 2023
74 K
13 K
-9 K
Dec 2022
3 K
19 K
54 K
Nov 2022
42 K
2 K
36 K
Oct 2022
28 K
-19 K
-4 K
Sep 2022
-25 K
-20 K
40 K
Aug 2022
7 K
4 K
49 K
Jul 2022
57 K
27 K
-6 K
Jun 2022
-9 K
25 K
48 K
May 2022
57 K
-12 K
31 K
Apr 2022
22 K
-45 K
4 K
Mar 2022
5 K
-32 K
11 K
Feb 2022
24 K
26 K
33 K
Jan 2022
23 K
69 K
7 K
Dec 2021
-12 K
29 K
-21 K
Nov 2021
-25 K
-46 K
-82 K
Oct 2021
-73 K
-88 K
-53 K
Sep 2021
-123 K
-4 K
34 K
Aug 2021
-8 K
53 K
255 K
Jul 2021
240 K
0 K
169 K
Jun 2021
188 K
-33 K
67 K
May 2021
67 K
-62 K
59 K
Apr 2021
48 K
8 K
62 K
Mar 2021
136 K
55 K
-90 K
Feb 2021
-86 K
116 K
76 K
Jan 2021
43 K
-33 K
-23 K
Dec 2020
-45 K
-127 K
-81 K
Nov 2020
-99 K
-201 K
-267 K
Oct 2020
-268 K
111 K
-220 K
Sep 2020
-216 K
643 K
467 K
Aug 2020
344 K
596 K
253 K
Jul 2020
301 K
64 K
54 K

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