Bank of England (BoE) Mortgage Approvals

United Kingdom
GBP, Pound sterling
Low 61.985 K 58.285 K
60.611 K
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
60.259 K
61.985 K
Next release Actual Forecast
  • Overview
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  • History
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The Bank of England Mortgage Approvals reflect the number of new mortgages approved during the previous month by UK mortgage lenders. A mortgage approval in this report is a lender's firm offer of a cash loan secured by a particular dwelling. This is an approved lending offer, regardless of whether it is accepted by the client.

Statistics collected by the BoE features three types of approved secured mortgages:

  • House purchase lending (approvals for lending fully secured on dwellings through a primary mortgage)
  • Remortgaging (allowing the borrower to pay for the current mortgage by lending provided by another lender)
  • Other lending (increasing the current mortgage with the same lender to improve housing, etc.).

Three main types of lenders provide mortgages and submit related reports to the Bank of England and other government agencies.

  • UK-resident banks. They provide monthly credit reports directly to the Bank of England.
  • Building societies are specialized banks, which provide targeted housing loans. Data from building societies are also collected on a permanent basis and provided in special forms.
  • Other specialist lenders. Data from them are collected by the Office for National Statistics.

Mortgage approvals serve as a leading indicator of near-term mortgage lending. However, prior to indicator publication, a number of alternative mortgage reports are released, that is why it has a limited impact on GBP quotes as a rule.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "Bank of England (BoE) Mortgage Approvals" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Jul 2024
61.985 K
58.285 K
60.611 K
Jun 2024
59.976 K
58.090 K
60.134 K
May 2024
59.991 K
51.965 K
60.821 K
Apr 2024
61.140 K
58.017 K
61.263 K
Mar 2024
61.325 K
60.497 K
Feb 2024
60.383 K
56.087 K
Jan 2024
55.230 K
45.139 K
50.459 K
Dec 2023
50.459 K
51.711 K
49.313 K
Nov 2023
50.067 K
45.302 K
47.888 K
Oct 2023
47.383 K
44.246 K
43.675 K
Sep 2023
43.328 K
47.249 K
45.447 K
Aug 2023
45.354 K
51.894 K
49.532 K
Jul 2023
49.444 K
52.474 K
54.605 K
Jun 2023
54.662 K
49.404 K
51.143 K
May 2023
50.524 K
50.072 K
49.020 K
Apr 2023
48.690 K
47.415 K
51.488 K
Mar 2023
52.011 K
41.179 K
44.126 K
Feb 2023
43.536 K
37.242 K
39.647 K
Jan 2023
39.637 K
40.441 K
40.540 K
Dec 2022
35.612 K
52.049 K
46.186 K
Nov 2022
46.075 K
62.380 K
57.875 K
Oct 2022
58.977 K
70.064 K
65.967 K
Sep 2022
66.789 K
68.616 K
74.422 K
Aug 2022
74.340 K
63.256 K
63.740 K
Jul 2022
63.770 K
64.443 K
63.184 K
Jun 2022
63.726 K
65.574 K
65.681 K
May 2022
66.163 K
67.822 K
66.064 K
Apr 2022
65.974 K
70.351 K
69.531 K
Mar 2022
70.691 K
71.993 K
70.968 K
Feb 2022
70.993 K
72.027 K
73.841 K
Jan 2022
73.992 K
68.499 K
71.219 K
Dec 2021
71.015 K
66.566 K
67.859 K
Nov 2021
66.964 K
69.391 K
67.103 K
Oct 2021
67.199 K
73.041 K
71.851 K
Sep 2021
72.645 K
74.303 K
74.214 K
Aug 2021
74.453 K
77.733 K
75.126 K
Jul 2021
75.152 K
83.973 K
80.272 K
Jun 2021
81.338 K
86.840 K
86.949 K
May 2021
87.545 K
84.428 K
86.897 K
Apr 2021
86.921 K
84.734 K
83.402 K
Mar 2021
82.735 K
92.908 K
87.385 K
Feb 2021
87.669 K
100.966 K
97.350 K
Jan 2021
98.994 K
104.053 K
102.809 K
Dec 2020
103.381 K
101.170 K
105.324 K
Nov 2020
104.969 K
94.238 K
98.338 K
Oct 2020
97.532 K
87.714 K
92.091 K
Sep 2020
91.454 K
75.048 K
85.530 K
Aug 2020
84.715 K
52.608 K
66.288 K
Jul 2020
66.281 K
49.796 K
39.902 K
Jun 2020
40.010 K
10.228 K
9.273 K

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