Japan International Reserves

JPY, Japanese yen
Low $​1235.7 B
$​1219.1 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
$​1235.7 B
Next release Actual Forecast
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Japan's International Reserves measure the total value of foreign exchange and gold reserves, the IMF reserve positions and special drawing rights of Japan. They reflect foreign currency denominations stored in advance by the government or central bank in case the foreign exchange rate of Yen falls sharply or the home country falls into an economic crisis and falls into payment of external debt. It is an asset.

Japan's Ministry of Finance has announced that International Reserves held by the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan have reached a record high for the first time at the end of February 2008, surpassing the $ 1 trillion mark. It keeps growing since then.

Currently this amount is estimated to be about 100 trillion yen, equivalent to 20% of Japan's GDP (nominal gross domestic product). Japan's foreign exchange reserves are high from an international point of view, and it is the second largest amount among all countries, after China.

The influence of the Foreign Reserves growth or decline on the yen quotes is indirect. The growth of the foreign exchange reserves can serve as a measure to support or pressure the yen, depending on the specific inflationary goals of the Bank of Japan.

Last values:

actual data

The chart of the entire available history of the "Japan International Reserves" macroeconomic indicator.

Date (GMT)
Aug 2024
$​1235.7 B
$​1219.1 B
Jul 2024
$​1219.1 B
$​1231.5 B
Jun 2024
$​1231.5 B
$​1231.6 B
May 2024
$​1231.6 B
$​1279.0 B
Apr 2024
$​1279.0 B
$​1290.6 B
Mar 2024
$​1290.6 B
$​1281.5 B
Feb 2024
$​1281.5 B
$​1291.8 B
Jan 2024
$​1291.8 B
$​1294.6 B
Dec 2023
$​1294.6 B
$​1269.7 B
Nov 2023
$​1269.7 B
$​1238.0 B
Oct 2023
$​1238.0 B
$​1237.2 B
Sep 2023
$​1237.2 B
$​1251.2 B
Aug 2023
$​1251.2 B
$​1253.7 B
Jul 2023
$​1253.7 B
$​1247.2 B
Jun 2023
$​1247.2 B
$​1254.5 B
May 2023
$​1254.5 B
$​1265.4 B
Apr 2023
$​1265.4 B
$​1257.1 B
Mar 2023
$​1257.1 B
$​1226.0 B
Feb 2023
$​1226.0 B
$​1250.2 B
Jan 2023
$​1250.2 B
$​1227.6 B
Dec 2022
$​1227.6 B
$​1226.3 B
Nov 2022
$​1226.3 B
$​1194.6 B
Oct 2022
$​1194.6 B
$​1238.1 B
Sep 2022
$​1238.1 B
$​1292.1 B
Aug 2022
$​1292.1 B
$​1323.0 B
Jul 2022
$​1323.0 B
$​1311.3 B
Jun 2022
$​1311.3 B
$​1329.7 B
May 2022
$​1329.7 B
$​1322.2 B
Apr 2022
$​1322.2 B
$​1356.1 B
Mar 2022
$​1356.1 B
$​1384.6 B
Feb 2022
$​1384.6 B
$​1385.9 B
Jan 2022
$​1385.9 B
$​1405.8 B
Dec 2021
$​1405.8 B
$​1405.8 B
Nov 2021
$​1405.8 B
$​1404.5 B
Oct 2021
$​1404.5 B
$​1409.3 B
Sep 2021
$​1409.3 B
$​1424.3 B
Aug 2021
$​1424.3 B
$​1386.5 B
Jul 2021
$​1386.5 B
$​1376.5 B
Jun 2021
$​1376.5 B
$​1387.5 B
May 2021
$​1387.5 B
$​1378.5 B
Apr 2021
$​1378.5 B
$​1368.5 B
Mar 2021
$​1368.5 B
$​1379.4 B
Feb 2021
$​1379.4 B
$​1392.1 B
Jan 2021
$​1392.1 B
$​1394.7 B
Dec 2020
$​1394.7 B
$​1384.6 B
Nov 2020
$​1384.6 B
$​1384.4 B
Oct 2020
$​1384.4 B
$​1389.8 B
Sep 2020
$​1389.8 B
$​1398.5 B
Aug 2020
$​1398.5 B
$​1402.5 B
Jul 2020
$​1402.5 B
$​1383.2 B

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