Japan Goods Trade Balance

JPY, Japanese yen
Low ¥​-482.7 B ¥​-365.2 B
¥​556.3 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
¥​-554.3 B
¥​-482.7 B
Next release Actual Forecast
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Japan's Goods Trade Balance reflects the difference between exported and imported goods in the given month, in monetary terms. If a country imports more goods than it exports, a trade deficit is formed, otherwise there is a surplus.

Goods Trade Balance marked a big plus (surplus) over other countries in 1980s and 1990s, which indicated the bubble period. Japan was the world's largest trade surplus country during this period. Due to the effects of the "financial crisis" of the United States, Japan also encountered a "global recession" which is said to occur once every 100 years, and both exports and imports fell sharply.

Japan's balance of trade has expanded in a wide range since it turned negative due to the massive import of natural gas when the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident occurred. Japan's trade deficit turned out to be noticeable in the first half of the 2010s, but then the trade deficit shrank sharply due to YEN's depreciation, and it turned out to be in black.

The main products of Japanese exports are automobiles and parts of automobiles, electronic parts such as semiconductors, and steel. Exports of semiconductors and other electronic components are mainly performed to Asian countries such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea. Exports of steel are mostly for China, Thailand, and Korea.

The index interpretation and its impact on JPY depend on the GDP and current economic conditions.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "Japan Goods Trade Balance" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Jul 2024
¥​-482.7 B
¥​-365.2 B
¥​556.3 B
Jun 2024
¥​556.3 B
¥​61.6 B
¥​-1108.9 B
May 2024
¥​-1108.9 B
¥​-734.9 B
¥​-661.5 B
Apr 2024
¥​-661.5 B
¥​-77.9 B
¥​491.0 B
Mar 2024
¥​491.0 B
¥​-638.5 B
¥​-280.9 B
Feb 2024
¥​-280.9 B
¥​-121.8 B
¥​-1442.7 B
Jan 2024
¥​-1442.7 B
¥​-961.1 B
¥​115.5 B
Dec 2023
¥​115.5 B
¥​-227.0 B
¥​-724.1 B
Nov 2023
¥​-724.1 B
¥​871.0 B
¥​-472.8 B
Oct 2023
¥​-472.8 B
¥​-507.0 B
¥​341.2 B
Sep 2023
¥​341.2 B
¥​-592.2 B
¥​-749.5 B
Aug 2023
¥​-749.5 B
¥​-626.7 B
¥​68.2 B
Jul 2023
¥​68.2 B
¥​707.8 B
¥​328.7 B
Jun 2023
¥​328.7 B
¥​156.3 B
¥​-1186.7 B
May 2023
¥​-1186.7 B
¥​-1271.2 B
¥​-113.1 B
Apr 2023
¥​-113.1 B
¥​-1748.0 B
¥​-454.4 B
Mar 2023
¥​-454.4 B
¥​-1397.1 B
¥​-604.1 B
Feb 2023
¥​-604.1 B
¥​-2314.2 B
¥​-3181.8 B
Jan 2023
¥​-3181.8 B
¥​-1734.3 B
¥​-1225.6 B
Dec 2022
¥​-1225.6 B
¥​-1814.6 B
¥​-1537.8 B
Nov 2022
¥​-1537.8 B
¥​-2110.9 B
¥​-1875.4 B
Oct 2022
¥​-1875.4 B
¥​-1626.2 B
¥​-1759.7 B
Sep 2022
¥​-1759.7 B
¥​-1405.1 B
¥​-2490.6 B
Aug 2022
¥​-2490.6 B
¥​-1318.5 B
¥​-1212.2 B
Jul 2022
¥​-1212.2 B
¥​-994.8 B
¥​-1114.0 B
Jun 2022
¥​-1114.0 B
¥​-760.2 B
¥​-1951.2 B
May 2022
¥​-1951.2 B
¥​-726.6 B
¥​-688.4 B
Apr 2022
¥​-688.4 B
¥​-622.9 B
¥​-166.1 B
Mar 2022
¥​-166.1 B
¥​-342.0 B
¥​-176.8 B
Feb 2022
¥​-176.8 B
¥​-612.4 B
¥​-1604.3 B
Jan 2022
¥​-1604.3 B
¥​130.6 B
¥​-318.7 B
Dec 2021
¥​-318.7 B
¥​480.9 B
¥​-431.3 B
Nov 2021
¥​-431.3 B
¥​421.9 B
¥​166.7 B
Oct 2021
¥​166.7 B
¥​382.0 B
¥​-229.9 B
Sep 2021
¥​-229.9 B
¥​689.9 B
¥​-372.4 B
Aug 2021
¥​-372.4 B
¥​628.4 B
¥​622.3 B
Jul 2021
¥​622.3 B
¥​428.3 B
¥​648.5 B
Jun 2021
¥​648.5 B
¥​706.5 B
¥​2.0 B
May 2021
¥​2.0 B
¥​570.4 B
¥​289.5 B
Apr 2021
¥​289.5 B
¥​339.8 B
¥​983.1 B
Mar 2021
¥​983.1 B
¥​562.0 B
¥​524.2 B
Feb 2021
¥​524.2 B
¥​310.8 B
¥​-130.1 B
Jan 2021
¥​-130.1 B
¥​89.8 B
¥​965.1 B
Dec 2020
¥​965.1 B
¥​366.8 B
¥​616.1 B
Nov 2020
¥​616.1 B
¥​66.0 B
¥​971.1 B
Oct 2020
¥​971.1 B
¥​-178.1 B
¥​918.4 B
Sep 2020
¥​918.4 B
¥​144.4 B
¥​413.2 B
Aug 2020
¥​413.2 B
¥​-43.6 B
¥​137.3 B
Jul 2020
¥​137.3 B
¥​-181.3 B
¥​-77.3 B
Jun 2020
¥​-77.3 B
¥​262.2 B
¥​-556.8 B

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