Italy Business Confidence
Low | 86.8 | 87.0 |
Last release | Importance | Actual | Forecast |
87.8 |
Next release | Actual | Forecast |
The Business Confidence economic indicator reflects the general state of the economy as it relates to business doing conditions in Italy. It can be useful in analyzing the economic situation in the short term.
The index is calculated based on a sample of 4,000 manufacturing, construction, retail trade and services companies. The survey targets companies with 5 or more employees for the manufacturing sector and those with 3 or more employees for the construction and service sector. Data is collected monthly, in the first half of the reference month.
A tendency of this economic indicator to increase may indicate an increase in business investments and therefore that can lead to higher levels of production.
As for trading interpretation, higher than expected data should be interpreted as positive (bullish) for the EUR, while lower than expected values should be interpreted as negative (bearish) for the EUR.
Last values:
actual data
The chart of the entire available history of the "Italy Business Confidence" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values of the economic indicator for the specified dates.
A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.