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MetaTrader 5 | 10 6月 2022, 09:30
188 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin










//| List of library object types                                     |
//--- Graphics
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GBASE =  COLLECTION_ID_LIST_END+1,              // "Base object of all library graphical objects" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GELEMENT,                                       // "Graphical element" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFORM,                                          // Form object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFORM_CONTROL,                                  // "Form for managing pivot points of graphical object" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GSHADOW,                                        // Shadow object type
//--- Animation
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME,                                         // "Single animation frame" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME_TEXT,                                    // "Single text animation frame" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME_QUAD,                                    // "Single rectangular animation frame" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFRAME_GEOMETRY,                                // "Single geometric animation frame" object type
   OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GANIMATIONS,                                    // "Animations" object type
//--- Managing graphical objects


   MSG_LIB_SYS_REQUEST_OUTSIDE_LONG_ARRAY,            // Request outside long array
   MSG_LIB_SYS_REQUEST_OUTSIDE_DOUBLE_ARRAY,          // Request outside double array
   MSG_LIB_SYS_REQUEST_OUTSIDE_STRING_ARRAY,          // Request outside string array
   MSG_LIB_SYS_REQUEST_OUTSIDE_ARRAY,                 // Request outside the array
   MSG_LIB_SYS_FAILED_CONV_GRAPH_OBJ_COORDS_TO_XY,    // Failed to convert graphical object coordinates to screen ones
   MSG_LIB_SYS_FAILED_CONV_TIMEPRICE_COORDS_TO_XY,    // Failed to convert time/price coordinates to screen ones


   {"Запрос за пределами long-массива","Data requested outside the long-array"},
   {"Запрос за пределами double-массива","Data requested outside the double-array"},
   {"Запрос за пределами string-массива","Data requested outside the string-array"},
   {"Запрос за пределами массива","Data requested outside the array"},
   {"Не удалось преобразовать координаты графического объекта в экранные","Failed to convert graphics object coordinates to screen coordinates"},
   {"Не удалось преобразовать координаты время/цена в экранные","Failed to convert time/price coordinates to screen coordinates"},


ChartTimePriceToXY() 関数は、座標変換エラーを引き起こす可能性がありますが、 \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Chart\ChartWnd.mqhのチャートウィンドウオブジェクトクラスでも使用されています。操作ログでの座標変換エラーメッセージの表示をTimePriceToXY()メソッドに追加しましょう。

//| Convert chart coordinates from the time/price representation     |
//| to X and Y coordinates                                           |
bool CChartWnd::TimePriceToXY(const datetime time,const double price)
      return false;
   return true;

まず、「時間/価格座標を画面座標に変換できませんでした」というメッセージを表示 し、続いて エラーの説明とエラーコードを表示します。



//|                                      CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict    // Necessary for mql4
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "..\..\Graph\Form.mqh"
//| Class of the form for managing pivot points of a graphical object|
class CFormControl : public CForm
   bool              m_drawn;                   // Flag indicating that the pivot point is drawn on the form
   int               m_pivot_point;             // Pivot point managed by the form
//--- (1) Return and (2) set the drawn point flag
   bool              IsControlAlreadyDrawn(void)               const { return this.m_drawn;                       }
   void              SetControlPointDrawnFlag(const bool flag)       { this.m_drawn=flag;                         }
//--- (1) Return and (2) set the pivot point managed by the form
   int               GraphObjPivotPoint(void)                  const { return this.m_pivot_point;                 }
   void              SetGraphObjPivotPoint(const int index)          { this.m_pivot_point=index;                  }
//--- Constructor
                     CFormControl(void)                              { this.m_type=OBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFORM_CONTROL;  }
                     CFormControl(const long chart_id,const int subwindow,const string name,const int pivot_point,const int x,const int y,const int w,const int h) :
//| Extended standard graphical                                      |
//| object toolkit class                                             |
class CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit : public CObject

m_drawn privateクラスメンバー変数は、ポイントがフォームにすでに描画されていることを通知するフラグを格納するためのものです。なぜそのような変数が必要なのでしょうか。グラフィックオブジェクトのコントロールポイントを管理するためにコントロールフォームのアクティブゾーンからマウスカーソルを削除した場合、フォームに描画されたポイントを削除する必要があります。現在、マウスカーソルがフォームのアクティブな領域に合わせられていない場合、描画されたポイントはそのようなすべてのフォームで常に削除されます。フォームの再描画フラグを最初に確認できるのに、なぜこのようにすべてのフォームを絶えず再描画することでシステムに負担をかける必要があるのでしょうか。フラグがポイントが描画または削除されたことを通知します。将来的には、そのようなポイントを描画するための視覚効果を(他のものに加えて)開発する予定です。したがって、視覚効果ハンドラを実行した直後にフラグを設定する方が、描画はすでに完了していることを定義するよりも優れています。

クラスのprivateメンバー変数m_pivot_pointは、フォームによって管理されるピボットポイントインデックスを格納するためのものです。グラフィックオブジェクトにはいくつかのコントロールポイントがあります。たとえば、トレンドラインには3つのポイントがあります。ラインの終点の位置を個別に変更するためのラインの2つの終点と、オブジェクト全体を移動するための中心点です。フォームオブジェクトに格納されているインデックスは、ラインのピボットポイントのインデックス(0と1 - 線の端に沿った点、2 - 中心点)に対応します。他のグラフィックオブジェクトのコントロールポイントは完全に異なる場合がありますが、すべてのインデックスは、オブジェクト全体を移動するためのオブジェクトピボットポイント+追加の1つ(すべての場合ではありませんが、これについては後続の記事で説明します)に対応します。

クラスのpublicメソッドは上記の変数の値を設定/返すために使用されます。クラスには2つのコンストラクタもあります。デフォルトのコンストラクタでは、本稿で追加された新しいOBJECT_DE_TYPE_GFORM_CONTROLのタイプ がオブジェクトタイプに設定されます。


//| Extended standard graphical                                      |
//| object toolkit class                                             |
class CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit : public CObject
   long              m_base_chart_id;           // Base graphical object chart ID
   int               m_base_subwindow;          // Base graphical object chart subwindow
   ENUM_OBJECT       m_base_type;               // Base object type
   string            m_base_name;               // Base object name
   int               m_base_pivots;             // Number of base object reference points
   datetime          m_base_time[];             // Time array of base object reference points
   double            m_base_price[];            // Price array of base object reference points
   int               m_base_x;                  // Base object X coordinate
   int               m_base_y;                  // Base object Y coordinate
   int               m_ctrl_form_size;          // Size of forms for managing reference points
   int               m_shift;                   // Shift coordinates for adjusting the form location
   CArrayObj         m_list_forms;              // List of form objects for managing reference points
//--- Create a form object on a base object reference point
   CFormControl     *CreateNewControlPointForm(const int index);
//--- Return X and Y (1) screen coordinates of the specified reference point of the graphical object
   bool              GetControlPointCoordXY(const int index,int &x,int &y);
//--- Set the parameters of a form object for managing pivot points
   void              SetControlFormParams(CFormControl *form,const int index);
//--- Set the parameters of the base object of a composite graphical object
   void              SetBaseObj(const ENUM_OBJECT base_type,const string base_name,
                                const long base_chart_id,const int base_subwindow,
                                const int base_pivots,const int ctrl_form_size,
                                const int base_x,const int base_y,
                                const datetime &base_time[],const double &base_price[]);
//--- Set the base object (1) time, (2) price, (3) time and price coordinates
   void              SetBaseObjTime(const datetime time,const int index);
   void              SetBaseObjPrice(const double price,const int index);
   void              SetBaseObjTimePrice(const datetime time,const double price,const int index);
//--- Set the base object (1) X, (2) Y, (3) X and Y screen coordinates
   void              SetBaseObjCoordX(const int value)                        { this.m_base_x=value;                          }
   void              SetBaseObjCoordY(const int value)                        { this.m_base_y=value;                          }
   void              SetBaseObjCoordXY(const int value_x,const int value_y)   { this.m_base_x=value_x; this.m_base_y=value_y; }
//--- (1) Set and (2) return the size of the form of pivot point management control points
   void              SetControlFormSize(const int size);
   int               GetControlFormSize(void)                           const { return this.m_ctrl_form_size;                 }
//--- Return the pointer to the pivot point form by (1) index and (2) name
   CFormControl     *GetControlPointForm(const int index)                     { return this.m_list_forms.At(index);           }
   CFormControl     *GetControlPointForm(const string name,int &index);
//--- Return the number of (1) base object pivot points and (2) newly created form objects for managing control points
   int               GetNumPivotsBaseObj(void)                          const { return this.m_base_pivots;                    }
   int               GetNumControlPointForms(void)                      const { return this.m_list_forms.Total();             }
//--- Create form objects on the base object pivot points
   bool              CreateAllControlPointForm(void);
//--- (1) Draw a control point on the form, (2) draw a control point on the form and delete it on all other forms
   void              DrawControlPoint(CFormControl *form,const uchar opacity,const color clr);
   void              DrawOneControlPoint(CFormControl *form,const uchar opacity=255,const color clr=CTRL_POINT_COLOR);
//--- (1) Draw using a default color, (remove) a control point on the form
   void              DrawControlPoint(CFormControl *form)                     { this.DrawControlPoint(form,255,CTRL_POINT_COLOR);}
   void              ClearControlPoint(CFormControl *form)                    { this.DrawControlPoint(form,0,CTRL_POINT_COLOR);  }
//--- Remove all form objects from the list
   void              DeleteAllControlPointForm(void);
//--- Event handler
   void              OnChartEvent(const int id,const long& lparam,const double& dparam,const string& sparam);

//--- Constructor/destructor
                     CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit(const ENUM_OBJECT base_type,const string base_name,
                                             const long base_chart_id,const int base_subwindow,
                                             const int base_pivots,const int ctrl_form_size,
                                             const int base_x,const int base_y,
                                             const datetime &base_time[],const double &base_price[])




//| Return the X and Y coordinates of the specified pivot point      |
//| of the graphical object in screen coordinates                    |
bool CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::GetControlPointCoordXY(const int index,int &x,int &y)
//--- Declare form objects, from which we are to receive their screen coordinates
   CFormControl *form0=NULL, *form1=NULL;
//--- Set X and Y to zero - these values will be received in case of a failure
//--- Depending on the graphical object type
      //--- Objects drawn using screen coordinates
      case OBJ_LABEL             :
      case OBJ_BUTTON            :
      case OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL      :
      case OBJ_EDIT              :
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL   :
      case OBJ_CHART             :
      case OBJ_EVENT             :
        //--- Write object screen coordinates and return 'true'
        return true;
      //--- Lines (vertical and horizontal)
      case OBJ_VLINE             : break;
      case OBJ_HLINE             : break;
      //--- Lines
      case OBJ_TREND             :
      case OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE      :
      case OBJ_CYCLES            :
      case OBJ_ARROWED_LINE      :
      //--- Channels
      case OBJ_CHANNEL           :
      case OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL     :
      case OBJ_REGRESSION        :
      //--- Gann
      case OBJ_GANNLINE          :
      case OBJ_GANNGRID          :
      //--- Fibo
      case OBJ_FIBO              :
      case OBJ_FIBOTIMES         :
      case OBJ_FIBOFAN           :
      case OBJ_FIBOARC           :
      case OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL       :
      case OBJ_EXPANSION         :
        //--- Calculate coordinates for forms on the line pivot points
           return(::ChartTimePriceToXY(this.m_base_chart_id,this.m_base_subwindow,this.m_base_time[index],this.m_base_price[index],x,y) ? true : false);
        //--- Calculate the coordinates for the central form located between the line pivot points
           if(form0==NULL || form1==NULL)
              return false;
           return true;

      //--- Channels
      case OBJ_PITCHFORK         : break;
      //--- Gann
      case OBJ_GANNFAN           : break;
      //--- Elliott
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5       : break;
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3       : break;
      //--- Shapes
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE         : break;
      case OBJ_TRIANGLE          : break;
      case OBJ_ELLIPSE           : break;
      //--- Arrows
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP    : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN  : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_UP          : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_DOWN        : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_STOP        : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_CHECK       : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE  : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_BUY         : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_SELL        : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW             : break;
      //--- Graphical objects with time/price coordinates
      case OBJ_TEXT              : break;
      case OBJ_BITMAP            : break;
      default                    : break;
   return false;

ピボットポイントの計算は、ラインピボットポイント座標の m_base_timeおよびm_base_price配列で設定された値を使用して実行されます。中心点の座標を計算するには、線の端のピボットポイントに接続されたフォームオブジェクトの座標を使用します。座標計算が成功した場合、メソッドはすぐにtrueを返します。それ以外の場合はすべて、false を返すか、breakを適用してswitchcaseのコードの実行を停止し、メソッドの最後に移動してfalseを返します。


//| Return the pointer to the pivot point form by name               |
CFormControl *CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::GetControlPointForm(const string name,int &index)
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_forms.Total();i++)
      CFormControl *form=this.m_list_forms.At(i);
         return form;
   return NULL;


//| Create a form object on a base object reference point            |
CFormControl *CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::CreateNewControlPointForm(const int index)
   string name=this.m_base_name+"_CP_"+(index<this.m_base_pivots ? (string)index : "X");
   CFormControl *form=this.GetControlPointForm(index);
      return NULL;
   int x=0, y=0;
      return NULL;
   form=new CFormControl(this.m_base_chart_id,this.m_base_subwindow,name,index,x-this.m_shift,y-this.m_shift,this.GetControlFormSize(),this.GetControlFormSize());
//--- Set all the necessary properties for the created form object
   return form;

基本オブジェクトのピボットポイントにフォームオブジェクトを作成するメソッドでは 、CFormをCFormControlに置き換え、作成されたフォームオブジェクトのパラメータを設定するための文字列を削除します。これは、上記のメソッドでオブジェクトを作成するときにパラメータがすぐに設定されるためです。

//| Create form objects on the base object pivot points              |
bool CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::CreateAllControlPointForm(void)
   bool res=true;
//--- In the loop by the number of base object pivot points
   for(int i=0;i<=this.m_base_pivots;i++)
      //--- Create a new form object on the current pivot point corresponding to the loop index
      CFormControl *form=this.CreateNewControlPointForm(i);
      //--- If failed to create the form, inform of that and add 'false' to the final result
         res &=false;
      //--- If failed to add the form to the list, inform of that, remove the created form and add 'false' to the final result
         delete form;
         res &=false;
//--- Redraw the chart for displaying changes (if successful) and return the final result
   return res;



//| Set the parameters of a form object for managing pivot points    |
void CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::SetControlFormParams(CFormControl *form,const int index)
   form.SetBelong(GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_PROGRAM);                // Object is created programmatically
   form.SetActive(true);                                    // Form object is active
   form.SetMovable(true);                                   // Movable object
   int x=(int)::floor((form.Width()-CTRL_POINT_RADIUS*2)/2);// Shift the active area from the form edge
   form.SetActiveAreaShift(x,x,x,x);                        // Object active area is located at the center of the form, its size is equal to two CTRL_POINT_RADIUS values
   form.SetFlagSelected(false,false);                       // Object is not selected
   form.SetFlagSelectable(false,false);                     // Object cannot be selected by mouse
   form.Erase(CLR_CANV_NULL,0);                             // Fill in the form with transparent color and set the full transparency
   //form.DrawRectangle(0,0,form.Width()-1,form.Height()-1,clrSilver);    // Draw an outlining rectangle for visual display of the form location
   //form.DrawRectangle(x,x,form.Width()-x-1,form.Height()-x-1,clrSilver);// Draw an outlining rectangle for visual display of the form active area location
   form.SetID(index+1);                                     // Set the form ID
   form.SetControlPointDrawnFlag(false);                    // Set the flag that the pivot point is not drawn on the form
   form.Done();                                             // Save the initial form object state (its appearance)



//| Draw a control point on the form                                 |
void CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::DrawControlPoint(CFormControl *form,const uchar opacity,const color clr)
   int c=int(::floor(form.Width()/2));                      // Form center (coordinates)
   form.DrawCircle(c,c,CTRL_POINT_RADIUS,clr,opacity);      // Draw a circle in the form center
   form.DrawCircleFill(c,c,2,clr,opacity);                  // Draw a circle in the form center
   form.SetControlPointDrawnFlag(opacity>0 ? true : false); // Set the flag that the pivot point is drawn on the form




//| Draw a control point on the form,                                |
//| remove it on all other forms                                     |
void CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::DrawOneControlPoint(CFormControl *form,const uchar opacity=255,const color clr=CTRL_POINT_COLOR)
   for(int i=0;i<this.GetNumControlPointForms();i++)
      CFormControl *ctrl=this.GetControlPointForm(i);
      if(ctrl==NULL || ctrl.ID()==form.ID())



//| Event handler                                                    |
void CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit::OnChartEvent(const int id,const long& lparam,const double& dparam,const string& sparam)
      for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_forms.Total();i++)
         CFormControl *form=this.m_list_forms.At(i);
         int x=0, y=0;



//--- Return (1) the list of dependent objects, (2) dependent graphical object by index and (3) the number of dependent objects
   CArrayObj        *GetListDependentObj(void)        { return &this.m_list;           }
   CGStdGraphObj    *GetDependentObj(const int index) { return this.m_list.At(index);  }
   int               GetNumDependentObj(void)         { return this.m_list.Total();    }
//--- Return the name of the dependent object by index
   string            NameDependent(const int index);
//--- Add the dependent graphical object to the list
   bool              AddDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *obj);
//--- Change X and Y coordinates of the current and all dependent objects
   bool              ChangeCoordsExtendedObj(const int x,const int y,const int modifier,bool redraw=false);
//--- Set X and Y coordinates into the appropriate pivot points of a specified subordinate object
   bool              SetCoordsXYtoDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *dependent_obj);
//--- Return the pivot point data object
   CLinkedPivotPoint*GetLinkedPivotPoint(void)        { return &this.m_linked_pivots;  }


//--- Set the X coordinate (1) from the specified property of the base object to the specified subordinate object, (2) from the base object
   void              SetCoordXToDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *obj,const int prop_from,const int modifier_from,const int modifier_to);
   void              SetCoordXFromBaseObj(const int prop_from,const int modifier_from,const int modifier_to);
//--- Set the Y coordinate (1) from the specified property of the base object to the specified subordinate object, (2) from the base object
   void              SetCoordYToDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *obj,const int prop_from,const int modifier_from,const int modifier_to);
   void              SetCoordYFromBaseObj(const int prop_from,const int modifier_from,const int modifier_to);
//--- Set X and Y coordinates into the appropriate pivot point of a specified subordinate object
   void              SetCoordsXYtoDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *dependent_obj,CLinkedPivotPoint *pivot_point,const int index);
//--- Set the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string property to the specified subordinate property
   void              SetDependentINT(CGStdGraphObj *obj,const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER prop,const long value,const int modifier);
   void              SetDependentDBL(CGStdGraphObj *obj,const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE prop,const double value,const int modifier);
   void              SetDependentSTR(CGStdGraphObj *obj,const ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING prop,const string value,const int modifier);

//--- Event handler

オブジェクトプロパティの変更をチェックするメソッドで、指定されたコードブロックを削除します (コードは別のメソッドに移動されます)。

      //--- If subordinate objects are attached to the base one (in a composite graphical object)
         //--- In the loop by the number of added graphical objects,
         for(int i=0;i<this.m_list.Total();i++)
            //--- get the next graphical object,
            CGStdGraphObj *dep=m_list.At(i);
            //--- get the data object of its pivot points,
            CLinkedPivotPoint *pp=dep.GetLinkedPivotPoint();
            //--- get the number of coordinate points the object is attached to
            int num=pp.GetNumLinkedCoords();
            //--- In the loop by the object coordinate points,
            for(int j=0;j<num;j++)
               //--- get the number of coordinate points of the base object for setting the X coordinate
               int numx=pp.GetBasePivotsNumX(j);
               //--- In the loop by each coordinate point for setting the X coordinate,
               for(int nx=0;nx<numx;nx++)
                  //--- get the property for setting the X coordinate, its modifier
                  //--- and set it in the object selected as the current one in the main loop
                  int prop_from=pp.GetPropertyX(j,nx);
                  int modifier_from=pp.GetPropertyModifierX(j,nx);
               //--- Get the number of coordinate points of the base object for setting the Y coordinate
               int numy=pp.GetBasePivotsNumY(j);
               //--- In the loop by each coordinate point for setting the Y coordinate,
               for(int ny=0;ny<numy;ny++)
                  //--- get the property for setting the Y coordinate, its modifier
                  //--- and set it in the object selected as the current one in the main loop
                  int prop_from=pp.GetPropertyY(j,ny);
                  int modifier_from=pp.GetPropertyModifierY(j,ny);
         //--- Move reference control points to new coordinates
            for(int i=0;i<this.Pivots();i++)
            long   lparam=0;
            double dparam=0;
            string sparam="";
         //--- Upon completion of the loop of handling all bound objects, redraw the chart to display all the changes


      //--- If subordinate objects are attached to the base one (in a composite graphical object)
         //--- In the loop by the number of added graphical objects,
         for(int i=0;i<this.m_list.Total();i++)
            //--- get the next graphical object,
            CGStdGraphObj *dep=m_list.At(i);
            //--- Set X and Y coordinates to all pivot points of a subordinate object and
            //--- save the current properties of a subordinate graphical object as the previous ones
         //--- Move reference control points to new coordinates
            for(int i=0;i<this.Pivots();i++)
            long   lparam=0;
            double dparam=0;
            string sparam="";
         //--- Upon completion of the loop of handling all bound objects, redraw the chart to display all the changes


//| Redraw the form for managing a control point                     |
//| of an extended standard graphical object                         |
void CGStdGraphObj::RedrawControlPointForms(const uchar opacity,const color clr)
//--- Leave if the object has no toolkit of an extended standard graphical object
//--- Get the number of pivot point management forms
   int total_form=this.GetNumControlPointForms();
//--- In the loop by the number of pivot point management forms
   for(int i=0;i<total_form;i++)
      //--- get the next form object
      CFormControl *form=this.ExtToolkit.GetControlPointForm(i);
      //--- Draw a point and a circle with a specified non-transparency and color
      //--- If a point should be completely transparent (deleted)
      //--- and the form still has the point, delete the point,
      if(opacity==0 && form.IsControlAlreadyDrawn())
      //--- otherwise, draw the point with a specified non-transparency and color
//--- Get the total number of bound graphical objects
   int total_dep=this.GetNumDependentObj();
//--- In the loop by all bound graphical objects,
   for(int i=0;i<total_dep;i++)
      //--- get the next graphical object from the list
      CGStdGraphObj *dep=this.GetDependentObj(i);
      //--- call the method for it



//| Change X and Y coordinates of the current and all dependent objects  |
bool CGStdGraphObj::ChangeCoordsExtendedObj(const int x,const int y,const int modifier,bool redraw=false)
//--- Set new coordinates for the pivot point specified in 'modifier'
      return false;
//--- If the object is not a composite graphical object
//--- or if subordinate graphical objects are not attached to the object,
//--- there is nothing else to do here, return 'true'
   if(this.ExtToolkit==NULL || this.m_list.Total()==0)
      return true;
//--- Get the graphical object bound to the 'modifier' point
   CGStdGraphObj *dep=this.GetDependentObj(modifier);
      return false;
//--- Get the object of pivot point data of the bound graphical object
   CLinkedPivotPoint *pp=dep.GetLinkedPivotPoint();
      return false;
//--- get the number of coordinate points the object is attached to
   int num=pp.GetNumLinkedCoords();
//--- In the loop by the object coordinate points,
   for(int j=0;j<num;j++)
      //--- get the number of coordinate points of the base object for setting the X coordinate
      int numx=pp.GetBasePivotsNumX(j);
      //--- In the loop by each coordinate point for setting the X coordinate,
      for(int nx=0;nx<numx;nx++)
         //--- get the property for setting the X coordinate, its modifier
         //--- and set it to the subordinate graphical object attached to the 'modifier' point
         int prop_from=pp.GetPropertyX(j,nx);
         int modifier_from=pp.GetPropertyModifierX(j,nx);
      //--- Get the number of coordinate points of the base object for setting the Y coordinate
      int numy=pp.GetBasePivotsNumY(j);
      //--- In the loop by each coordinate point for setting the Y coordinate,
      for(int ny=0;ny<numy;ny++)
         //--- get the property for setting the Y coordinate, its modifier
         //--- and set it to the subordinate graphical object attached to the 'modifier' point
         int prop_from=pp.GetPropertyY(j,ny);
         int modifier_from=pp.GetPropertyModifierY(j,ny);
//--- Save the current properties of a subordinate graphical object as the previous ones
//--- Move a reference control point to new coordinates
//--- If the flag is active, redraw the chart
//--- All is successful - return 'true'
   return true;


//| Change X and Y coordinates of the current and all dependent objects  |
bool CGStdGraphObj::ChangeCoordsExtendedObj(const int x,const int y,const int modifier,bool redraw=false)
//--- Set new coordinates for the pivot point specified in 'modifier'
      return false;
//--- If the object is a composite graphical object,
//--- and subordinate graphical objects are attached to the object
   if(this.ExtToolkit!=NULL && this.m_list.Total()>0)
      //--- Get the graphical object bound to the 'modifier' point
      CGStdGraphObj *dep=this.GetDependentObj(modifier);
         return false;
      //--- Set X and Y coordinates to all pivot points of a subordinate object and
      //--- save the current properties of a subordinate graphical object as the previous ones
//--- Move a reference control point to new coordinates
//--- If the flag is active, redraw the chart
//--- All is successful - return 'true'
   return true;


//| Set X and Y coordinates to the associated pivot point            |
//| of a specified subordinate object by index                       |
void CGStdGraphObj::SetCoordsXYtoDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *dependent_obj,CLinkedPivotPoint *pivot_point,const int index)
//--- get the number of coordinate points of the base object for setting the X coordinate
   int numx=pivot_point.GetBasePivotsNumX(index);
//--- In the loop by each coordinate point for setting the X coordinate,
   for(int nx=0;nx<numx;nx++)
      //--- get the property for setting the X coordinate, its modifier
      //--- and set it to the subordinate graphical object attached to the 'index' point
      int prop_from=pivot_point.GetPropertyX(index,nx);
      int modifier_from=pivot_point.GetPropertyModifierX(index,nx);
//--- Get the number of coordinate points of the base object for setting the Y coordinate
   int numy=pivot_point.GetBasePivotsNumY(index);
   //--- In the loop by each coordinate point for setting the Y coordinate,
   for(int ny=0;ny<numy;ny++)
      //--- get the property for setting the Y coordinate, its modifier
      //--- and set it to the subordinate graphical object attached to the 'index' point
      int prop_from=pivot_point.GetPropertyY(index,ny);
      int modifier_from=pivot_point.GetPropertyModifierY(index,ny);



//| Set X and Y coordinates to associated pivot points               |
//| of the specified subordinate object                              |
bool CGStdGraphObj::SetCoordsXYtoDependentObj(CGStdGraphObj *dependent_obj)
//--- Get the object of pivot point data of the bound graphical object
   CLinkedPivotPoint *pp=dependent_obj.GetLinkedPivotPoint();
      return false;
//--- get the number of coordinate points the object is attached to
   int num=pp.GetNumLinkedCoords();
//--- In the loop by the object coordinate points,
//--- set X and Y to all pivot points of a subordinate object
   for(int j=0;j<num;j++)
   return true;





//| Collection of graphical objects                                  |
#resource "\\"+PATH_TO_EVENT_CTRL_IND;          // Indicator for controlling graphical object events packed into the program resources
class CGraphElementsCollection : public CBaseObj
   //--- Pivot point data structure
   struct SDataPivotPoint
         int         X;                         // Pivot point X coordinate
         int         Y;                         // Pivot point Y coordinate
         int         ShiftX;                    // Pivot point X coordinate shift from the central one
         int         ShiftY;                    // Pivot point Y coordinate shift from the central one
   SDataPivotPoint   m_data_pivot_point[];      // Pivot point data structure array
   CArrayObj         m_list_charts_control;     // List of chart management objects
   CListObj          m_list_all_canv_elm_obj;   // List of all graphical elements on canvas
   CListObj          m_list_all_graph_obj;      // List of all graphical objects
   CArrayObj         m_list_deleted_obj;        // List of removed graphical objects
   CMouseState       m_mouse;                   // "Mouse status" class object
   bool              m_is_graph_obj_event;      // Event flag in the list of graphical objects
   int               m_total_objects;           // Number of graphical objects
   int               m_delta_graph_obj;         // Difference in the number of graphical objects compared to the previous check


//--- Find an object present in the collection but not on a chart
   CGStdGraphObj    *FindMissingObj(const long chart_id);
   CGStdGraphObj    *FindMissingObj(const long chart_id,int &index);
//--- Find the graphical object present on a chart but not in the collection
   string            FindExtraObj(const long chart_id);
//--- Remove the graphical object class object from the graphical object collection list: (1) specified object, (2) by chart ID
   bool              DeleteGraphObjFromList(CGStdGraphObj *obj);
   void              DeleteGraphObjectsFromList(const long chart_id);
//--- Move the graphical object class object to the list of removed graphical objects: (1) specified object, (2) by index
   bool              MoveGraphObjToDeletedObjList(CGStdGraphObj *obj);
   bool              MoveGraphObjToDeletedObjList(const int index);
//--- Move all objects by chart ID to the list of removed graphical objects
   void              MoveGraphObjectsToDeletedObjList(const long chart_id);
//--- Remove the object of managing charts from the list
   bool              DeleteGraphObjCtrlObjFromList(CChartObjectsControl *obj);
//--- Set the flags of scrolling the chart with the mouse, context menu and crosshairs tool for the specified chart
   void              SetChartTools(const long chart_id,const bool flag);
//--- Return the screen coordinates of each pivot point of the graphical object
   bool              GetPivotPointCoordsAll(CGStdGraphObj *obj,SDataPivotPoint &array_pivots[]);


//| Return screen coordinates                                        |
//| of each graphical object pivot point                             |
bool CGraphElementsCollection::GetPivotPointCoordsAll(CGStdGraphObj *obj,SDataPivotPoint &array_pivots[])
//--- If failed to increase the array of structures to match the number of pivot points,
//--- inform of that in the journal and return 'false'
      return false;
//--- In the loop by the number of graphical object pivot points
   for(int i=0;i<obj.Pivots();i++)
      //--- Convert the object coordinates into screen ones. If failed, inform of that and return 'false'
        return false;
//--- Depending on the graphical object type
      //--- One pivot point in screen coordinates
      case OBJ_LABEL             :
      case OBJ_BUTTON            :
      case OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL      :
      case OBJ_EDIT              :
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL   :
      case OBJ_CHART             : break;
      //--- One pivot point (price only)
      case OBJ_HLINE             : break;
      //--- One pivot point (time only)
      case OBJ_VLINE             : break;
      case OBJ_EVENT             : break;
      //--- Two pivot points and a central one
      //--- Lines
      case OBJ_TREND             :
      case OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE      :
      case OBJ_CYCLES            :
      case OBJ_ARROWED_LINE      :
      //--- Channels
      case OBJ_CHANNEL           :
      case OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL     :
      case OBJ_REGRESSION        :
      //--- Gann
      case OBJ_GANNLINE          :
      case OBJ_GANNGRID          :
      //--- Fibo
      case OBJ_FIBO              :
      case OBJ_FIBOTIMES         :
      case OBJ_FIBOFAN           :
      case OBJ_FIBOARC           :
      case OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL       :
      case OBJ_EXPANSION         :
        //--- Calculate the shifts of all pivot points from the central one and write them to the structure array
        return true;

      //--- Channels
      case OBJ_PITCHFORK         : break;
      //--- Gann
      case OBJ_GANNFAN           : break;
      //--- Elliott
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5       : break;
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3       : break;
      //--- Shapes
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE         : break;
      case OBJ_TRIANGLE          : break;
      case OBJ_ELLIPSE           : break;
      //--- Arrows
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP    : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN  : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_UP          : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_DOWN        : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_STOP        : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_CHECK       : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE  : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_BUY         : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW_SELL        : break;
      case OBJ_ARROW             : break;
      //--- Graphical objects with time/price coordinates
      case OBJ_TEXT              : break;
      case OBJ_BITMAP            : break;
      default: break;
   return false;





//| Event handler                                                    |
void CGraphElementsCollection::OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam)
   CGStdGraphObj *obj_std=NULL;  // Pointer to the standard graphical object
   CGCnvElement  *obj_cnv=NULL;  // Pointer to the graphical element object on canvas
   ushort idx=ushort(id-CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM);
      //--- Calculate the chart ID
      //--- If the event ID corresponds to an event from the current chart, the chart ID is received from ChartID
      //--- If the event ID corresponds to a user event, the chart ID is received from lparam
      //--- Otherwise, the chart ID is assigned to -1
      long param=(id==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK ? ::ChartID() : idx==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK ? lparam : WRONG_VALUE);
      long chart_id=(param==WRONG_VALUE ? (lparam==0 ? ::ChartID() : lparam) : param);
      //--- Get the object, whose properties were changed or which was relocated,
      //--- from the collection list by its name set in sparam
      //--- If failed to get the object by its name, it is not on the list,
      //--- which means its name has been changed
         //--- Let's search the list for the object that is not on the chart
         //--- If failed to find the object here as well, exit
         //--- Get the name of the renamed graphical object on the chart, which is not in the collection list
         string name_new=this.FindExtraObj(chart_id);
         //--- set a new name for the collection list object, which does not correspond to any graphical object on the chart,
         //--- and send an event with the new name of the object to the control program chart
         if(obj_std.SetNamePrev(obj_std.Name()) && obj_std.SetName(name_new))
      //--- Update the properties of the obtained object
      //--- and check their change

//--- Handle standard graphical object events in the collection list
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_all_graph_obj.Total();i++)
      //--- Get the next graphical object and
      //--- call its event handler
      obj_std.OnChartEvent((id<CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM ? id : idx),lparam,dparam,sparam);

//--- Handle chart changes for extended standard objects
      CArrayObj *list=this.GetListStdGraphObjectExt();
         for(int i=0;i<list.Total();i++)
//--- Handling mouse events of graphical objects on canvas
//--- If the event is not a chart change
      //--- Check whether the mouse button is pressed
      bool pressed=(this.m_mouse.ButtonKeyState(id,lparam,dparam,sparam)==MOUSE_BUTT_KEY_STATE_LEFT ? true : false);
      //--- Declare static variables for the active form and status flags
      static CForm *form=NULL;
      static bool pressed_chart=false;
      static bool pressed_form=false;
      static bool move=false;
      //--- Declare static variables for the index of the form for managing an extended standard graphical object and its ID
      static int  form_index=WRONG_VALUE;
      static long graph_obj_id=WRONG_VALUE;
      //--- If the button is not pressed on the chart and the movement flag is not set, get the form, above which the cursor is located
      if(!pressed_chart && !move)
      //--- If the button is not pressed, reset all flags and enable the chart tools 
      //--- If this is a mouse movement event and the movement flag is active, move the form, above which the cursor is located (if the pointer to it is valid)
      if(id==CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE && move)
            //--- calculate the cursor movement relative to the form coordinate origin
            int x=this.m_mouse.CoordX()-form.OffsetX();
            int y=this.m_mouse.CoordY()-form.OffsetY();
            //--- get the width and height of the chart the form is located at
            int chart_width=(int)::ChartGetInteger(form.ChartID(),CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,form.SubWindow());
            int chart_height=(int)::ChartGetInteger(form.ChartID(),CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,form.SubWindow());
            //--- If the form is not within an extended standard graphical object
               //--- Adjust the calculated form coordinates if the form is out of the chart range
               if(x<0) x=0;
               if(x>chart_width-form.Width()) x=chart_width-form.Width();
               if(y<0) y=0;
               if(y>chart_height-form.Height()) y=chart_height-form.Height();
               //--- If the one-click trading panel is not present on the chart,
                  //--- calculate the form coordinates so that the form does not overlap with the one-click trading panel button
                  if(y<17 && x<41)
               //--- If the one-click trading panel is on the chart,
                  //--- calculate the form coordinates so that the form does not overlap with the one-click trading panel
                  if(y<80 && x<192)
            //--- If the form is included into the extended standard graphical object
                  //--- Get the list of objects by object ID (there should be one object)
                  CArrayObj *list_ext=CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(GetListStdGraphObjectExt(),GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID,0,graph_obj_id,EQUAL);
                  //--- If managed to obtain the list and it is not empty,
                  if(list_ext!=NULL && list_ext.Total()>0)
                     //--- get the graphical object from the list
                     CGStdGraphObj *ext=list_ext.At(0);
                     //--- If the pointer to the object has been received,
                        //--- get the object type
                        ENUM_OBJECT type=ext.GraphObjectType();
                        //--- If the object is built using screen coordinates, set the coordinates to the object
                        if(type==OBJ_LABEL || type==OBJ_BUTTON || type==OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL || type==OBJ_EDIT || type==OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL)
                        //--- otherwise, if the object is built based on time/price coordinates,
                           //--- calculate the coordinate shift
                           int shift=(int)::ceil(form.Width()/2)+1;
                           //--- If the form is located on one of the graphical object pivot points,
                              //--- limit the form coordinates so that they do not move beyond the chart borders
                              //--- set the calculated coordinates to the object
                           //--- If the form is central for managing all pivot points of a graphical object
                              //--- Get screen coordinates of all object pivot points and write them to the m_data_pivot_point structure
                                 //--- In the loop by the number of object pivot points,
                                 for(int i=0;i<(int)this.m_data_pivot_point.Size();i++)
                                    //--- limit the screen coordinates of the current pivot point so that they do not move beyond the chart borders
                                    //--- set the calculated coordinates to the current object pivot point
            //--- Move the form by the obtained coordinates
      //--- Display debugging comments on the chart
         (form!=NULL ? form.Name()+":" : ""),"\n",
         "\npressed=",pressed,", move=",move,(form!=NULL ? ", Interaction="+(string)form.Interaction() : ""),
         "\npressed_chart=",pressed_chart,", pressed_form=",pressed_form,
         "\nform_index=",form_index,", graph_obj_id=",graph_obj_id
      //--- If the cursor is not above the form
         //--- If the mouse button is pressed
            //--- If the button is still pressed and held on the form, exit
            //--- If the button hold flag is not enabled yet, set the flags and enable chart tools
               pressed_chart=true;  // Button is held on the chart
               pressed_form=false;  // Cursor is not above the form
               move=false;          // movement disabled
         //--- If the mouse button is not pressed
            //--- Get the list of extended standard graphical objects
            CArrayObj *list_ext=GetListStdGraphObjectExt();
            //--- In the loop by all extended graphical objects,
            int total=list_ext.Total();
            for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
               //--- get the next graphical object
               CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_ext.At(i);
               //--- and redraw it without a point and a circle
      //--- If the cursor is above the form
         //--- If the button is still pressed and held on the chart, exit
         //--- If the flag of holding the button on the form is not set yet
            pressed_chart=false;    // The button is not pressed on the chart
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the form, no mouse buttons are clicked' event handler
               //--- If the cursor is above the form for managing the pivot point of an extended graphical object,
                  //--- get the object by its ID and by the chart ID
                  CGStdGraphObj *graph_obj=this.GetStdGraphObjectExt(graph_obj_id,form.ChartID());
                     //--- Get the toolkit of an extended standard graphical object
                     CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit *toolkit=graph_obj.GetExtToolkit();
                        //--- Draw a point with a circle on the form and delete it on all other forms
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the form, a mouse button is clicked (any)' event handler
               //--- If the flag of holding the form is not set yet
                  pressed_form=true;      // set the flag of pressing on the form
                  pressed_chart=false;    // disable the flag of pressing on the form
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the form, the mouse wheel is being scrolled' event handler workpiece
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the active area, the mouse buttons are not clicked' event handler
               //--- Set the cursor shift relative to the form initial coordinates
               //--- If the cursor is above the active area of the form for managing the pivot point of an extended graphical object,
                  //--- get the object by its ID and by the chart ID
                  CGStdGraphObj *graph_obj=this.GetStdGraphObjectExt(graph_obj_id,form.ChartID());
                     //--- Get the toolkit of an extended standard graphical object
                     CGStdGraphObjExtToolkit *toolkit=graph_obj.GetExtToolkit();
                        //--- Draw a point with a circle on the form and delete it on all other forms
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the active area,  any mouse button is clicked' event handler
            if(mouse_state==MOUSE_FORM_STATE_INSIDE_ACTIVE_AREA_PRESSED && !move)
               pressed_form=true;   // the flag of holding the mouse button on the form
               //--- If the left mouse button is pressed
                  //--- Set flags and form parameters
                  move=true;                                            // movement flag
                  form.SetInteraction(true);                            // flag of the form interaction with the environment
                  form.BringToTop();                                    // form on the background - above all others
                  this.ResetAllInteractionExeptOne(form);               // Reset interaction flags for all forms except the current one
                  form.SetOffsetX(this.m_mouse.CoordX()-form.CoordX()); // Cursor shift relative to the X coordinate
                  form.SetOffsetY(this.m_mouse.CoordY()-form.CoordY()); // Cursor shift relative to the Y coordinate
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the active area, the mouse wheel is being scrolled' event handler workpiece
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the window scrolling area, no mouse buttons are clicked' event handler workpiece
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the window scrolling area, a mouse button is clicked (any)' event handler workpiece
            //--- 'The cursor is inside the window scrolling area, the mouse wheel is being scrolled' event handler workpiece














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