Switzerland Imports

CHF, Swiss frank
Low ₣​15.912 B
₣​19.215 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
₣​15.912 B
Next release Actual Forecast
  • Overview
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Switzerland Imports reflect the nominal value of goods and services purchased by Switzerland residents from abroad in the reported month. Economists use the indicator to evaluate the structure and intensity of trade flows.

Trade statistics is calculated based on information importing companies provide to government agencies. Data are adjusted before being added to the balance of payment. In practice, export statistics calculation is based on goods that undergo the customs procedure and for which a customs declaration is prepared.

Precious stones, gems, precious metals, works of art and antiques are excluded from the calculation.

A change in imports volume is one of important factors in assessing the economic development. This indicator is a significant component of the national GDP.

The impact of imports on Swiss franc quotes is ambiguous and depends on the context of business cycles and other economic indicators, such as production dynamics. In this case, Swiss residents need to sell the franc and purchase foreign currency in order to pay to the supplier for import deliveries. Therefore, sharp imports growth can be seen as negative for the national currency quotes. However, the impact of this trade balance component on the Swiss franc volatility is usually short-lived.

Last values:

actual data

The chart of the entire available history of the "Switzerland Imports" macroeconomic indicator.

Date (GMT)
Aug 2024
₣​15.912 B
₣​19.215 B
Jul 2024
₣​19.226 B
₣​18.121 B
Jun 2024
₣​18.109 B
₣​19.115 B
May 2024
₣​19.062 B
₣​20.392 B
Apr 2024
₣​20.419 B
₣​18.636 B
Mar 2024
₣​18.569 B
₣​18.857 B
Feb 2024
₣​18.812 B
₣​18.046 B
Jan 2024
₣​18.067 B
₣​17.517 B
Dec 2023
₣​17.551 B
₣​20.454 B
Nov 2023
₣​20.509 B
₣​18.424 B
Oct 2023
₣​18.491 B
₣​18.506 B
Sep 2023
₣​18.480 B
₣​17.118 B
Aug 2023
₣​17.106 B
₣​17.603 B
Jul 2023
₣​17.584 B
₣​20.102 B
Jun 2023
₣​20.093 B
₣​18.438 B
May 2023
₣​18.349 B
₣​17.107 B
Apr 2023
₣​17.302 B
₣​22.505 B
Mar 2023
₣​22.604 B
₣​19.497 B
Feb 2023
₣​19.243 B
₣​19.238 B
Jan 2023
₣​19.037 B
₣​17.969 B
Dec 2022
₣​18.415 B
₣​21.599 B
Nov 2022
₣​21.916 B
₣​20.175 B
Oct 2022
₣​19.989 B
₣​20.403 B
Sep 2022
₣​20.154 B
₣​17.611 B
Aug 2022
₣​17.519 B
₣​18.720 B
Jul 2022
₣​18.639 B
₣​20.583 B
Jun 2022
₣​20.607 B
₣​20.960 B
May 2022
₣​20.606 B
₣​17.402 B
Apr 2022
₣​17.311 B
₣​22.115 B
Mar 2022
₣​22.068 B
₣​17.951 B
Feb 2022
₣​17.896 B
₣​18.537 B
Jan 2022
₣​18.408 B
₣​17.704 B
Dec 2021
₣​17.508 B
₣​19.184 B
Nov 2021
₣​19.025 B
₣​16.886 B
Oct 2021
₣​16.658 B
₣​17.148 B
Sep 2021
₣​17.050 B
₣​15.176 B
Aug 2021
₣​15.055 B
₣​16.755 B
Jul 2021
₣​16.685 B
₣​17.009 B
Jun 2021
₣​16.916 B
₣​15.734 B
May 2021
₣​15.645 B
₣​16.880 B
Apr 2021
₣​16.832 B
₣​18.420 B
Mar 2021
₣​18.269 B
₣​15.004 B
Feb 2021
₣​14.912 B
₣​14.101 B
Jan 2021
₣​13.988 B
₣​14.518 B
Dec 2020
₣​14.454 B
₣​16.460 B
Nov 2020
₣​16.443 B
₣​16.045 B
Oct 2020
₣​15.957 B
₣​15.681 B
Sep 2020
₣​15.399 B
₣​13.145 B
Aug 2020
₣​13.088 B
₣​16.175 B
Jul 2020
₣​16.078 B
₣​15.074 B

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