CFTC Copper Non-Commercial Net Positions
Low | 13.0 K |
16.7 K
Last release | Importance | Actual | Forecast |
13.0 K
Next release | Actual | Forecast |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC) Copper Non-Commercial Net Positions weekly report reflects the difference between the total volume of long and short copper futures positions existing in the market and opened by non-commercial (speculative) traders. The report only includes US futures markets (Chicago and New York Exchanges). So the indicator is a net volume of long copper positions in the United States.
Non-commercial traders open positions NOT for hedging in the futures or options market. This group includes only speculative operations. The same trader can be defined as commercial for trades with some assets and non-commercial with others. This classification is reflected in CFTC reports.
CFTC publishes report on net positions and commitments of traders to help traders and analysts understand the market dynamics. These reports are compiled on the basis of data on positions provided by FCM brokers, clearing companies and currency exchanges. The CFTC analytical department only provides data, but does not provide explanation on why such ratio of positions has formed.
Copper is a popular commodity asset in global markets. Its dynamics is closely related to the level of copper production and the level of industrial production, in which copper is actively used. Growth in the amount of long speculative copper positions indicates an increase in copper market activity. However, it does not affect the price directly due to the small amount of data represented, compared to the global scale.
Last values:
actual data
The chart of the entire available history of the "CFTC Copper Non-Commercial Net Positions" macroeconomic indicator.