Spain Unemployment Change

EUR, Euro
Medium 21.884 K 27.843 K
-10.830 K
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
-0.185 K
21.884 K
Next release Actual Forecast
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Unemployment Change reflects a change in the number of unemployed citizens in the reported month.

The indicator is calculated based on the Economically Active Population Survey, which was introduced in 1964. However the current-day calculation applies methodology developed in 2005. This is a continuous survey conducted on a quarterly basis. Its purpose is to obtain information about the labor force and divide it into categories. The initial quarterly sample includes 65,000 families, which is approximately equal to 160,000 people. The Active Population Survey provides data related to the main categories of the population (employed, unemployed, active and inactive). These categories are further classified according to various characteristics. Data from the survey is compiled on a quarterly basis.

The questionnaire considers the country as a whole (families living in Spanish households), rather than Spanish citizens, since it is impossible to obtain information about the population working in Spain but living abroad. Thus, the questionnaire covers the population living in the country, as well as foreign citizens (civil and military) settled in Spain for one year or more.

It is a leading indicator of Spain's national economy state. Values above expectations indicate the expansion of the labor market. A higher than expected value can be seen as negative for the euro quotes, while higher readings are usually seen as positive.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "Spain Unemployment Change" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Aug 2024
21.884 K
27.843 K
-10.830 K
Jul 2024
-10.830 K
6.245 K
-46.783 K
Jun 2024
-46.783 K
-37.853 K
-58.650 K
May 2024
-58.650 K
-17.546 K
-60.503 K
Apr 2024
-60.503 K
-33.400 K
Mar 2024
-33.400 K
-7.500 K
Feb 2024
-7.500 K
60.400 K
Jan 2024
60.400 K
-27.400 K
Dec 2023
-27.400 K
-24.573 K
Nov 2023
-24.573 K
28.288 K
36.936 K
Oct 2023
36.936 K
22.218 K
19.768 K
Sep 2023
19.768 K
6.887 K
24.826 K
Aug 2023
24.826 K
-30.519 K
-10.968 K
Jul 2023
-10.968 K
0.203 K
-50.268 K
Jun 2023
-50.268 K
-61.561 K
-49.260 K
May 2023
-49.260 K
-61.638 K
-73.900 K
Apr 2023
-73.900 K
-23.056 K
-48.755 K
Mar 2023
-48.755 K
-0.150 K
2.618 K
Feb 2023
2.618 K
-0.090 K
70.744 K
Jan 2023
70.744 K
-44.035 K
-43.727 K
Dec 2022
-43.727 K
-30.191 K
-33.512 K
Nov 2022
-33.512 K
-21.282 K
-27.027 K
Oct 2022
-27.027 K
43.852 K
17.679 K
Sep 2022
17.679 K
-19.537 K
40.428 K
Aug 2022
40.428 K
-19.537 K
3.230 K
Jul 2022
3.230 K
-70.876 K
-42.409 K
Jun 2022
-42.409 K
-95.185 K
-99.512 K
May 2022
-99.512 K
9.505 K
-86.260 K
Apr 2022
-86.260 K
18.185 K
-2.921 K
Mar 2022
-2.921 K
12.988 K
-11.394 K
Feb 2022
-11.394 K
-6.300 K
17.173 K
Jan 2022
17.173 K
-49.425 K
-76.782 K
Dec 2021
-76.782 K
76.507 K
-74.381 K
Nov 2021
-74.381 K
74.325 K
-0.734 K
Oct 2021
-0.734 K
37.664 K
-76.113 K
Sep 2021
-76.113 K
-29.131 K
-82.583 K
Aug 2021
-82.583 K
-26.362 K
-197.841 K
Jul 2021
-197.841 K
-10.671 K
-166.911 K
Jun 2021
-166.911 K
17.554 K
-129.378 K
May 2021
-129.378 K
32.905 K
-39.012 K
Apr 2021
-39.012 K
71.766 K
-59.149 K
Mar 2021
-59.149 K
180.029 K
44.436 K
Feb 2021
44.436 K
-59.797 K
76.216 K
Jan 2021
76.216 K
174.835 K
36.825 K
Dec 2020
36.825 K
3.073 K
25.269 K
Nov 2020
25.269 K
4.324 K
49.558 K
Oct 2020
49.558 K
33.508 K
-26.329 K
Sep 2020
-26.329 K
56.990 K
29.780 K
Aug 2020
29.780 K
41.480 K
-89.849 K
Jul 2020
-89.849 K
-120.521 K
5.107 K

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