Japan Annualized Housing Starts

JPY, Japanese yen
Low 0.773 M
0.765 M
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
0.773 M
Next release Actual Forecast
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Annualized Housing Starts demonstrate a change in the number of new housing projects that started during the reported month, on an annualized basis. The data is published by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Construction data is difficult to compare on the month-over-month basis, as volumes are highly dependent on the season and other factors. For example, construction volumes in Japan increase after the rainy season and in the summer; in colder regions construction decreases significantly in late autumn. Therefore, seasonally adjusted housing indicators converted to annualized values are considered to be more convenient, as they enable efficient comparison between periods.

Before starting construction, a company should file a construction start notice. The indicator is calculated based on these notices. Companies indicate the construction area and estimated costs, which makes it possible to assess the impact on other types of production activities (for example, the production of building materials) and employment in the construction sector. Furthermore, an increase in demand for new homes may lead to an increased demand for other products needed to new home buyers, such as new furniture, appliances, etc. Generally, an increase in demand for new homes points to the growth of the population welfare.

Therefore higher readings of housing starts may have a positive impact on the Japanese yen quotes.

Last values:

actual data

The chart of the entire available history of the "Japan Annualized Housing Starts" macroeconomic indicator.

Date (GMT)
Jul 2024
0.773 M
0.765 M
Jun 2024
0.765 M
0.813 M
May 2024
0.813 M
0.880 M
Apr 2024
0.880 M
0.760 M
Mar 2024
0.760 M
0.795 M
Feb 2024
0.795 M
0.802 M
Jan 2024
0.802 M
0.814 M
Dec 2023
0.814 M
0.775 M
Nov 2023
0.775 M
0.808 M
Oct 2023
0.808 M
0.800 M
Sep 2023
0.800 M
0.812 M
Aug 2023
0.812 M
0.778 M
Jul 2023
0.778 M
0.811 M
Jun 2023
0.811 M
0.862 M
May 2023
0.862 M
0.771 M
Apr 2023
0.771 M
0.877 M
Mar 2023
0.877 M
0.859 M
Feb 2023
0.859 M
0.893 M
Jan 2023
0.893 M
0.846 M
Dec 2022
0.846 M
0.838 M
Nov 2022
0.838 M
0.871 M
Oct 2022
0.871 M
0.857 M
Sep 2022
0.857 M
0.903 M
Aug 2022
0.903 M
0.825 M
Jul 2022
0.825 M
0.845 M
Jun 2022
0.845 M
0.828 M
May 2022
0.828 M
0.883 M
Apr 2022
0.883 M
0.927 M
Mar 2022
0.927 M
0.872 M
Feb 2022
0.872 M
0.820 M
Jan 2022
0.820 M
0.838 M
Dec 2021
0.838 M
0.848 M
Nov 2021
0.848 M
0.892 M
Oct 2021
0.892 M
0.845 M
Sep 2021
0.845 M
0.855 M
Aug 2021
0.855 M
0.926 M
Jul 2021
0.926 M
0.866 M
Jun 2021
0.866 M
0.875 M
May 2021
0.875 M
0.883 M
Apr 2021
0.883 M
0.880 M
Mar 2021
0.880 M
0.808 M
Feb 2021
0.808 M
0.801 M
Jan 2021
0.801 M
0.784 M
Dec 2020
0.784 M
0.820 M
Nov 2020
0.820 M
0.802 M
Oct 2020
0.802 M
0.815 M
Sep 2020
0.815 M
0.819 M
Aug 2020
0.819 M
0.828 M
Jul 2020
0.828 M
0.790 M
Jun 2020
0.790 M
0.807 M

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