Australia Company Profits Before Income Tax q/q
Low | 1.6% |
Last release | Importance | Actual | Forecast |
Next release | Actual | Forecast |
Australia Company Profits Before Income Tax q/q measure a change in the total profits of private companies before income tax, in the reported quarter compared to the previous one. The calculation includes profit from the sales of goods, service, company's assets, as well as from dividends received.
The indicator reflects the net operating profits calculated before income tax and extraordinary expenditure items. Also, profits arising from the sale of businesses' own capital goods and dividends received are not included.
The indicator is calculated based on data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics from a survey of 19,000 private companies. The survey coverage includes companies representing all industries in accordance with the standard industrial classification adopted in Australia and New Zealand. The full report version provides data stratified by industry, number of employees and territory. The indicator is seasonally adjusted.
Companies with less than 10 employees are excluded from the survey. Data on such companies are calculated statistically, based on the sales volume data. Micro non-employing businesses are excluded.
The gross operating profits of private companies reflect the intensity of business processes in the country. The value growth can have a positive effect on the Australian dollar quotes.
Last values:
actual data
The chart of the entire available history of the "Australia Company Profits Before Income Tax q/q" macroeconomic indicator.