Brazil Current Account

BRL, Brazilian real
Low $​-5.162 B $​-2.376 B
$​-4.029 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
$​-3.436 B
$​-5.162 B
Next release Actual Forecast
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Current Account, together with Capital Movements, are the main factors responsible for the Brazil's Balance of Payments. The balance of payments is managed by the Central Bank of Brazil, which makes the necessary adjustments through the devaluations of the exchange rate, reduction of the level of economic activity, tariff restrictions and subsidies to exports, increase of the internal rate of interest, control of the outflow of capital abroad and control of income from abroad.

Current Account is the sum of all the operations of Brazil with the other countries, including the accounts of the income and expenses of the trade balance (such as exports and imports), the service accounts that include the interest paid, international trips when paid by the state, transportation, insurance, profits, dividends received, and miscellaneous services. The costs of presidential ceremonies and unilateral transfers are also included.

Capital movements are the inflows and outflows of financial assets through autonomous movements, attracted by the possibilities of investments, such as loans granted by banks and foreign suppliers for current transactions, exports, imports, as well as short and long term loans.

The balance of current transactions indicates whether the country exports or whether it imports capital. A positive balance (surplus) indicates a higher capital exports, increasing the country's reserves. A negative balance (deficit) indicates more imports of capital in the country, decreasing reserves. When there’s an equilibrium in current transactions, it means that the amount of foreign currency that left the country is practically the same as that entered, maintaining the stability of the reserves level.

The Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) monitors and supervises the financial system and executes monetary, exchange and credit policies. Every month, a report is published with the External Sector Statistics, which includes the Balance of Payments, which reflects the current transactions.

This indicator favors the Brazilian real (BRL) when it has a value higher than the forecast.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "Brazil Current Account" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Jul 2024
$​-5.162 B
$​-2.376 B
$​-4.029 B
Jun 2024
$​-4.029 B
$​-4.000 B
$​-3.400 B
May 2024
$​-3.400 B
$​-1.586 B
$​-2.516 B
Apr 2024
$​-2.516 B
$​-1.969 B
$​-4.579 B
Mar 2024
$​-4.579 B
$​-3.101 B
$​-4.373 B
Feb 2024
$​-4.373 B
$​-1.079 B
$​-5.068 B
Jan 2024
$​-5.068 B
$​-10.345 B
$​-5.834 B
Dec 2023
$​-5.834 B
$​0.380 B
$​-1.553 B
Nov 2023
$​-1.553 B
$​-2.658 B
$​-0.230 B
Oct 2023
$​-0.230 B
$​-1.375 B
Sep 2023
$​-1.375 B
$​-2.182 B
$​-0.778 B
Aug 2023
$​-0.778 B
$​-2.217 B
$​-3.605 B
Jul 2023
$​-3.605 B
$​0.483 B
$​-0.843 B
Jun 2023
$​-0.843 B
$​0.356 B
$​0.649 B
May 2023
$​0.649 B
$​-1.622 B
$​-1.680 B
Apr 2023
$​-1.680 B
$​-4.929 B
$​0.286 B
Mar 2023
$​0.286 B
$​-9.500 B
$​-2.815 B
Feb 2023
$​-2.815 B
$​-11.430 B
$​-8.791 B
Jan 2023
$​-8.791 B
$​-10.076 B
$​-10.878 B
Dec 2022
$​-10.878 B
$​-6.761 B
$​-0.060 B
Nov 2022
$​-0.060 B
$​-8.442 B
$​-4.625 B
Oct 2022
$​-4.625 B
$​-5.856 B
$​-5.678 B
Sep 2022
$​-5.678 B
$​-0.805 B
$​-4.136 B
Jul 2022
$​-4.136 B
$​1.054 B
$​-3.506 B
May 2022
$​-3.506 B
$​0.994 B
$​-2.764 B
Mar 2022
$​-2.764 B
$​-1.527 B
$​-2.414 B
Feb 2022
$​-2.414 B
$​-7.983 B
$​-8.146 B
Jan 2022
$​-8.146 B
$​-11.146 B
$​-5.891 B
Dec 2021
$​-5.891 B
$​-13.757 B
$​-6.522 B
Nov 2021
$​-6.522 B
$​-2.852 B
$​-4.464 B
Oct 2021
$​-4.464 B
$​2.317 B
$​-1.699 B
Sep 2021
$​-1.699 B
$​4.837 B
$​1.684 B
Aug 2021
$​1.684 B
$​5.195 B
$​-1.584 B
Jul 2021
$​-1.584 B
$​7.087 B
$​2.791 B
Jun 2021
$​2.791 B
$​5.896 B
$​3.840 B
May 2021
$​3.840 B
$​1.038 B
$​5.663 B
Apr 2021
$​5.663 B
$​-3.887 B
$​-3.970 B
Mar 2021
$​-3.970 B
$​-5.600 B
$​-2.326 B
Feb 2021
$​-2.326 B
$​-7.249 B
$​-7.253 B
Jan 2021
$​-7.253 B
$​-5.528 B
$​-5.393 B
Dec 2020
$​-5.393 B
$​-2.633 B
$​0.202 B
Nov 2020
$​0.202 B
$​-1.574 B
$​1.473 B
Oct 2020
$​1.473 B
$​-0.777 B
$​2.320 B
Sep 2020
$​2.320 B
$​0.161 B
$​3.721 B
Aug 2020
$​3.721 B
$​1.137 B
$​1.628 B
Jul 2020
$​1.628 B
$​2.816 B
$​2.235 B
Jun 2020
$​2.235 B
$​-3.375 B
$​1.326 B
May 2020
$​1.326 B
$​-4.277 B
$​3.840 B
Apr 2020
$​3.840 B
$​-4.374 B
$​0.868 B
Mar 2020
$​0.868 B
$​-3.743 B
$​-3.904 B

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