- StringAdd
- StringBufferLen
- StringCompare
- StringConcatenate
- StringFill
- StringFind
- StringGetCharacter
- StringInit
- StringLen
- StringSetLength
- StringReplace
- StringReserve
- StringSetCharacter
- StringSplit
- StringSubstr
- StringToLower
- StringToUpper
- StringTrimLeft
- StringTrimRight
The function forms a string of passed parameters and returns the size of the formed string. Parameters can be of any type. Number of parameters can't be less than 2 or more than 64.
int StringConcatenate(
[out] String that will be formed as a result of concatenation.
[in] Any comma separated values. From 2 to 63 parameters of any simple type.
Return Value
Returns the string length, formed by concatenation of parameters transformed into string type. Parameters are transformed into strings according to the same rules as in Print() and Comment().
void OnStart()
See also