- ArrayBsearch
- ArrayCopy
- ArrayCompare
- ArrayFree
- ArrayGetAsSeries
- ArrayInitialize
- ArrayFill
- ArrayIsDynamic
- ArrayIsSeries
- ArrayMaximum
- ArrayMinimum
- ArrayPrint
- ArrayRange
- ArrayResize
- ArrayInsert
- ArrayRemove
- ArrayReverse
- ArraySetAsSeries
- ArraySize
- ArraySort
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToFP16
- ArrayToFP8
- ArrayFromFP16
- ArrayFromFP8
The function checks whether an array is a timeseries.
bool ArrayIsSeries(
[in] Checked array.
Return Value
It returns true, if a checked array is an array timeseries, otherwise it returns false. Arrays passed as a parameter to the OnCalculate() function must be checked for the order of accessing the array elements by ArrayGetAsSeries().
#property indicator_chart_window
See also