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Published article "Expert Advisors Based on Popular Trading Systems and Alchemy of Trading Robot Optimization (Part III)".

Expert Advisors Based on Popular Trading Systems and Alchemy of Trading Robot Optimization (Part III)

In this article the author continues to analyze implementation algorithms of simplest trading systems and introduces backtesting automation. The article will be useful for beginning traders and EA writers.

The most popular forum topics:

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New publications in CodeBase

  • Currency Loader The EA unloads historical data in the *.csv format for several timeframes of the symbol it is attached to.
  • up3x1 Krohabor D EA up3x1 of the Krohabor_D series with a universal technology of "win-win" trading.
There are more than 15 320 topics available on forum

3 new topics on forum:

New publications in CodeBase

14 new topics on forum:

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New publications in CodeBase

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Published article "MetaEditor:Templates as a Spot to Stand On".

MetaEditor:Templates as a Spot to Stand On

It may be news to many our readers that all preparations for writing an EA can be performed once and then used continuously.

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There are more than 15 270 topics available on forum

21 new topics on forum:

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Published article "Expert Advisors Based on Popular Trading Systems and Alchemy of Trading Robot Optimization (Part II)".

Expert Advisors Based on Popular Trading Systems and Alchemy of Trading Robot Optimization (Part II)

In this article the author continues to analyze implementation algorithms of simplest trading systems and describes some relevant details of using optimization results. The article will be useful for beginning traders and EA writers.

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There are more than 15 210 topics available on forum

14 new topics on forum:

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Published article "Fallacies, Part 1: Money Management is Secondary and Not Very Important".

Fallacies, Part 1: Money Management is Secondary and Not Very Important

The first demonstration of testing results of a strategy based on 0.1 lot is becoming a standard de facto in the Forum. Having received "not so bad" from professionals, a beginner sees that "0.1" testing brings rather modest results and decides to introduce an aggressive money management thinking that positive mathematic expectation automatically provides positive results. Let's see what results can be achieved. Together with that we will try to construct several artificial balance graphs that are very instructive.

New publications in CodeBase

  • Lucky It is a source code by winwin2007 - one of the leaders of the ATC 2007. It works only with the spread 2. It is closed after gaining the minimal profit, that is why Stop Loss and Take Profit levels of a brokerage company are not a problem for it.
  • 20/200 expert v 4.2 AntS The most reliable Expert Advisor. EUR/USD 1H
  • mt4mm Automated volume calculation for the preset risk factor, and order(s) opening.
  • Digistoch-1 Indicator has a rekomendatsionny nature. Shows signals on the basis stohastika.
  • 10 pips Trading without indicators!!!
There are more than 820 codes published in Codebase

16 new topics on forum:

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New publications in CodeBase

  • linreg A simple indicator will be useful for beginners. Even the present optimization.
  • Tro_Mid Shows when to sell and when to buy, but not so simple.
  • Tickwatcher 2.0 Another indicator showing recommendations for each currency pair and period.

The most popular forum topics:

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New publications in CodeBase

There are more than 15 140 topics available on forum

19 new topics on forum:

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Published article "Comparative Analysis of 30 Indicators and Oscillators".

Comparative Analysis of 30 Indicators and Oscillators

The article describes an Expert Advisor that allows conducting the comparative analysis of 30 indicators and oscillators aiming at the formation of an effective package of indexes for trading.

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New publications in CodeBase

  • Modified Indicator KDJ and KDJ Automated Trading System Indicator KDJ deactivates short-term fluctuations. It carries on a parameter to adjust and increase two new RSV index lines: close price of short-term volatility KDC: K-D difference, to determine the change of price trends and to open positions.
  • FX-CHAOS_SCALP Draft daily trend-following EA that trades using ZIGZAG-FRACTALS on high/low of the preceding bar on a one-hour chart. TakeProfit is 13 points.
  • TRAYLER+ I supposed to use the EA for trailing, but added graphical order management to it while programming.
  • Volatility.mq4 The indicator shows the volatility of a currency pair. This knowledge may be very helpful when using one strategy or another.

8 new topics on forum:

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New publications in CodeBase

  • MACD_color The indicator colored in the AC/AO style with disabled zero bar. It is proposed not to display the forming bar of the indicator, but to show only a signal line of the bar being formed.
  • Support - Resistance A version of indicators to detect Support/Resistance levels.
  • Pattern Searching ZigZag Building in the current window a ZigZag calculated on a larger timeframe.

9 new topics on forum:

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New publications in CodeBase

There are more than 15 080 topics available on forum

10 new topics on forum:

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The most popular forum topics:

Published article "Expert Advisors Based on Popular Trading Systems and Alchemy of Trading Robot Optimization".

Expert Advisors Based on Popular Trading Systems and Alchemy of Trading Robot Optimization

This article dwells on implementation algorithm of simplest trading systems. The article will be useful for beginning traders and EA writers.

New publications in CodeBase

  • Graphical Calculator It allows you to calculate profits, StopOuts, and margin, just moving in the chart three lines that correspond with the opening level, StopLoss and TakeProfit of the position.
  • Clock v 1.3 The indicator shows in the chart the current time in different time zones.
  • FX-CHAOS - SECOND EDITION Trading strategy named Fx-chaos is the result of integration of Bill Williams' Chaos Theory, A. Elders' trading strategy (triple choice), and Ryan Jones' Fixed Ratio money management method.
  • RelDownTrLen The indicator displays the ratio between the length of the current down-trend (in bars) and the total length of the period barsToProcess (of course, in bars, as well) where the down-trend is searched for.
  • RelUpTrLen The indicator represents the ratio between the length of the up-trend found and the length of the entire range where the indicator is searching for an up-trend.
There are more than 800 codes published in Codebase