My way


Well I'd decided to put my trades around, so if someone interested could discuss.

Day 1

short 5.000 eur/jpy 131.90 tp 130.96 25/03/2009

25/03/2009 - short eur/usd 1.3580 - target to be defined

25/03/2009 - 14h48 short aud/usd 0.7009 - target to be defined

Well I'd decided to put my trades around, so if someone interested could discuss. Day 1short 5.000 eur/jpy 131.90 tp 130.96 25/03/2009 25/03/2009 - short eur/usd 1.3580 - target to be defined 25/03/2009 - 14h48 short aud/usd 0.7009 - target to be defined


27/03 - 19H48 CLOSE EUR/JPY 130.21 - 131.90 = 169 PIPS

27/03 - 19H48 CLOSE EUR/USD 1.3298 - 1.3580 = 282 PIPS

27/03 - 19H48 CLOSE AUD/USD 0,6925 - 0.7009 = 84 PIPS





The trades that I put last week, and that I will put next week have some rules to make sense.


normaly I don't use stops, to prevent problems I work with an leverage of 1:10, and that's the reason the stops are not aplied.


the idea is always put the direction of the trade (short or long); the price and the date and hour; and also the target of the trade. However like it happens on the first week if I belive in big moves them the trade will be marked "target to be defined"


at Fryday I will try to close everytrade, and make the result of the week. That means also to try to close the trades that don't workout, and with this we get the stop loss of the bad trades...

The big question: Why to write this?

well for fun, and if I get 6 months of sucess with this posts, after maybe sell signals.

for now, if someone want to put coments on the trades i'll apreciate.

English is not my mother language, sory for the bad words.

Week after week , we will discover if is just another full or if we get sucess.


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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


30-03-2009 - Monday

10h31 - Buy EUR/USD 1.3174 Target 1.3198

10h33 - Sell EUR/GBP 0.9315 Target 0.9280

11h36 - Buy GBP/USD 1.4160 Target 1.4200

12H10 - Buy EUR/JPY 127,36 Target 127,76

Date/hour In Order B/S Market Price Target Take Profit Date/hour Out Pip's

30-3-09 10:31 B EUR/USD 1,3174 1,3198 1,3198 30-3-09 12:26 24,0

30-3-09 10:33 S EUR/GBP 0,9315 0,9280 0,929 30-3-09 12:34 21,0

30-3-09 11:36 B GBP/USD 1,4160 1,4200 1,420 30-3-09 12:34 40,0

30-3-09 12:10 B EUR/JPY 127,36 127,76 127,76 30-3-09 12:35 40,0

Result - Pips 125

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


Dear Sirs

The Moorning ideas are all close right now!!

The result is 125 Pips.

If during the afternoon the market allow's I will come back.

In the mean time, I'm trying to discover how to put the posts in a quick way and the results also. So the aspect of this posts are changing...

Somebody can tell me how to put a image of a excel data sheet?

Besides the tecnicall dificulties , the forex is doing great!...

Thank you for the paciente of the ones that read...

Don't forget the more you do right , more near will be the mistake!!!

Best regards



Monday - 30 - 03 - 2009 125

Hour In Order Market Price Target T/P Hour Out Pip's

10:31 B EUR/USD 1,3174 1,3198 1,3198 12:26 24,0

10:33 S EUR/GBP 0,9315 0,9280 0,9294 12:34 21,0

11:36 B GBP/USD 1,4160 1,4200 1,420 12:34 40,0

12:10 B EUR/JPY 127,36 127,76 127,76 12:35 40,0

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


Monday 15h03 - Buy EUR/USD - 1.3140 Target 1.3160

Monday 15h12 - Buy GBP/USD - 1.4165 Target 1.4190


Ok, The day is over (for now)

Result of the day 170pips... for sure is not possible everyday! We will came back tomorow!

Monday - 30 - 03 - 2009

Hour In Order Market Price Target T/P Hour Out Pip's

10:31 B EUR/USD 1,3174 1,3198 1,3198 12:26 24,0

10:33 S EUR/GBP 0,9315 0,9280 0,9294 12:34 21,0

11:36 B GBP/USD 1,4160 1,4200 1,420 12:34 40,0

12:10 B EUR/JPY 127,36 127,76 127,76 12:35 40,0

Hour In Order Market Price Target T/P Hour Out Pip's

15:04 B EUR/USD 1,3140 1,3160 1,3160 15:52 20,0

15:12 B GBP/USD 1,4165 1,4190 1,4190 15:24 25,0

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


Monday 16h26 - Buy EUR/USD - 1.3158 Target 1.3187


Monday 21h23 The EUR/USD reach the target, tomorow we count the pips.

In the mean time sort USD/CAD 21h23 Price 1.2618 Target 1,2580

see you tomorow


USD/CAD Reach the target at 31/03/2009 02h52min