Interesting and Humour - page 3291


You can't swim in their river ... By the way, they say there are some white dolphins there (which no one has seen...)

There, you especially understand that if a person is poor, dresses differently than you and speaks differently, it does not mean that he is worse than you/me, for example ...
If only our entire country (or at least our civil servants) were to go to Cambodia for a fortnight .... and then go back... like a cold shower ...

Sergey Golubev:

You cannot swim in their river ... By the way, they say there are some white dolphins there (which no one has seen ...).

You understand there that if a person is poor, dresses differently than you and speaks differently, it does not mean he is worse than you/me, for instance ...
If only our entire country (or at least our civil servants) were to go to Cambodia for a fortnight .... and then go back... like a cold shower ...

I'm not talking about swimming in rivers)) In the photo the boy is swimming in some kind of basin.... Is it really like that?)))

Sergey Golubev:

You can't swim in their river ... By the way, they say there are some white dolphins there (which no one has seen...)

There, you especially understand that if a person is poor, dresses differently than you and speaks differently, it does not mean that he is worse than you/me, for example ...
If only our entire country (or at least our civil servants) could go to Cambodia for a fortnight .... and then go back... like a cold shower ...

why bring the officials back? let them stay...
I mean, if someone goes to Thailand or Cambodia, for example, and thinks that the guards at the gardin (beer restaurant) don't understand Russian, that's a big mistake. They almost all speak Russian, and many without an accent (but it's their official secret, so to speak).
Their executives studied in Kazakhstan and Ukraine at one time (many probably in Russia too).
And their hotels there are like a small fortress - you just need to say where you are going, and that's it ... you are in peace...

I dream of going back there as a tourist ...
Alexandr Saprykin:

I'm not talking about swimming in rivers)) In the photo the boy is swimming in some kind of basin.... Is it really like that?)))

No, that's probably just for the photo.

If you have to swim across their river, for example, you can do it for 20 or 30 quid (to Laos, they say - Lao), but sometimes you can ask one or two people - military men - to come with you for free. You take them (for free), they land somewhere on the islands on the way, either their watch or their wives (they are military men ...) are waiting for them there ...

You go to their market, look - police, ask (in English) - where they have a cafe in the market (their cafe - they eat somewhere ...). They take you to a cafe behind the market and there is very good coffee and good food ... and everything is cheap ... and everything is clean and nice ...


But if suddenly our tourist comes into a nightclub for example (to dance, or whatever), the guards understand 100% Russian and speak it .... in any province ... But it's their official secret.

One more thing - their hotel (where you stay) is responsible for your safety (maybe - to their special services or their police).
So it is always advisable to tell the reception where you are going... (If you have 'spy mania' so to speak, you might even notice a motorcyclist following you in and out of the hotel .... etc). This is your security.

I dream of going back there as a tourist, but I am afraid of being met with blinkers at the airport (as promised), driven to the hotel with them, and there will be no privacy anymore ... Everyone will be afraid of me ...

By the way, it's about the same in Thailand (with Russian, etc.).
Sergey Golubev:

But if suddenly our tourist comes into a nightclub for example (to dance, or whatever), the guards understand 100% Russian and speak it .... in any province ... But it's their official secret.

One more thing - their hotel (where you stay) is responsible for your safety (maybe - to their special services or their police).
So it is always advisable to tell the reception where you are going... (If you have 'spy mania' so to speak, you might even notice a motorcyclist following you in and out of the hotel .... etc). This is your safety.

I dream of going back there as a tourist, but I am afraid of being met with blinkers at the airport (as promised), driven to the hotel with them, and there will be no privacy anymore ... Everyone will be afraid of me ...
