Interesting and Humour - page 3288

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Reincarnation of politicians with slogans for the collapse of the USSR. How familiar everything is!

San Sanych - I mean that nothing has changed.

In Soviet times people went to Moscow for goods and sausages and a better life, but now they go there for work and a better life as well.

Think about it, almost 10% of the population of Russia live in Moscow.

And Moscow is still expanding :-)

Yuriy Zaytsev:

San Sanych - I mean that nothing has changed.

In Soviet times people went to Moscow for goods and sausages and a better life, but now they go there for work and a better life as well.

Think about it: Moscow is home to almost 10% of Russia's population.

And Moscow is still expanding :-)

In Russia the donor regions are not only Moscow. So there is half-truth in this video. And as usual from half-truths a big, and from experience, disastrous policy is made.
СанСаныч Фоменко:
In Russia, the donor regions are not just Moscow. So there is half-truth in the video. And as usual the half-truth makes a big, and from experience, disastrous policy.
Which regions, specifically? What are you talking about, anyway?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Which regions, specifically? What are you talking about anyway?
Googling, sorting out budget transfers, not trying to start a political showdown by posting election posters of provocateurs.
СанСаныч Фоменко:
Googling, sorting out budget transfers, rather than trying to start a political showdown by posting election posters of provocateurs.
I can manage google on my own. Explain what you wrote.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

My favourite phrase at the end of a conversation with a manager in Moscow or St. Petersburg!


You get the feeling that if you are not told this at the end of the conversation, then no one has heard you or even listened to you -)))

there is such a thing in moscow russian .....

Oscar Claude Monet.

French painter (1840-1926), landscape, portrait, still life, and one of the founders of Impressionism.

Сад Клода Моне
Сад Клода Моне
  • 2009.06.01
В 80 километрах к северу от Парижа расположено живописное местечко Живерни (Giverny). Сюда совершают паломничество сотни тысяч туристов со всего мира, сотни тысяч людей, которые неравнодушны к прекрасному. Здесь в течение сорока трех лет жил и творил художник-импрессионист Клод Моне. В 1883 художник купил в этой деревушке дом, где поселился...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Moscow and St. Petersburg managers' favourite phrase at the end of a conversation...


I get the feeling that if you weren't told that at the end of the conversation, no one heard you or even listened to you -)))

You're a great communicator:

there is such a thing in moscow russian .....

So the following idea will be correct, if at the end of a conversation with a manager from Moscow or St. Petersburg you are not told this cherished phrase, end the conversation with the phrase - YOU HEAR ME?)

Yuriy Zaytsev:

So it is a good idea that if at the end of a conversation with a manager in St Petersburg or Moscow you are not told that phrase, end the conversation with the phrase - DID YOU HEAR ME?)

No. That means they hear you.