Interesting and Humour - page 3292

I remember a friend from the USA calling me (in Phnom Penh) to tell me there's a sauna there. I told him there was a sauna across the street - with massages and girls so to speak :)

He says no, it's just a sauna. The sign says "Sauna", you go in and it's really a sauna, no massage, nothing like that, which means you can come with your family and children. A Frenchman told him this place in confidence.

It is probably the only clean bathing place in Southeast Asia.
It was opened by either ours or the Chinese.

Such places (where the name of an institution coincides with its contents so to speak) are very popular among tourists (but they are not advertised much, but kept more for themselves).
That is, there are such places where it is written that it is a bar and it really is a bar (and not a brothel for example), and there are bathhouses (which are valid bathhouses, not massage parlors), and there are souvenir shops (and not a scam), but it is necessary to ask there strongly ....

Alexandr Saprykin:

There is no direct flight from Kaliningrad ... and from Moscow it's a flight to Moscow and a night in a capsule hotel (where Snowden was), then a connection in Singapore... in short, a nightmare... and at their airport to meet their police jeeps with state plates (because I have their police medal of valour) ... And then there's no privacy...

Sergey Golubev:

There is no direct flight from Kaliningrad ... And from Moscow it's a flight to Moscow and a night in a capsule hotel (where Snowden was), then a connection in Singapore ... in short, a nightmare... and at their airport to meet their police jeeps with state plates (because I have their police medal of valour) ... And then there's no privacy...

What were you doing in Cambodia, if I may ask?
Siem Reap is a city adapted for Europeans
Alexandr Saprykin:
What were you doing there in Cambodia, I hesitate to ask?
He is embarrassed to answer.

Organised population registration.


Benois Alexander Nikolaevich (1870-1960)
Alley in the park 1901

Good morning

Welcome, or No Trespassing

Sergey Golubev:

В их речке купаться нельзя ... там, кстати, говорят, какие-то белые дельфины есть (которых никто не видел ...)

Там особенно понимаешь, что если человек совсем бедный, одет не так как ты и говорит по другому, то это совсем не значит, что он хуже тебя/меня например ...
Вот бы у нас всю страну (или хотя бы наше чиновничество) в Камбоджу на две недели ... и потом обратно ... как в холодный душ ...

Denis Sartakov:

Why should officials go back? Let them stay...
Do they stay there with dogs, planes and yachts worth 150 million dollars (on an annual income of 12 million dollars)?
Well... you can't do that, who's going to run the country?
And who will we be looking at on the internet on new yachts?
Those who will come to replace them - they will see there is no money - and they will immediately start stealing to get dogs, planes and yachts.
The greater the circulation of scoundrels in nature - the less money the population will have, it is arithmetic.
Sergei, as I understand it, proposes to send them back there without dogs, planes and yachts - and to return them.
Toreturn them is the right decision!
But two weeks is not enough, half a year, a year is better, and with regularity.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Are they left with dogs, planes and yachts at 150 million ( on an annual income of 12 million ) ?
Well... you can't do that and who's going to run the country?
And who will we be looking at on the internet on new yachts?
Those who will come to replace them - they will see there is no money - and they will immediately start stealing to get dogs, planes and yachts.
The greater the circulation of scoundrels in nature - the less money the population will have, it is arithmetic.
Sergei, as I understand it, suggests sending them back without dogs, planes and yachts, and making sure they return them.
Toreturn them is the right decision!
but two weeks is not enough, half a year, a year is more optimal, and with regularity.
it is such an ancient tradition

Fobes has published a list of the 25 richest women in Russia:

Рейтинг Forbes: 25 богатейших женщин России — 2016
Рейтинг Forbes: 25 богатейших женщин России — 2016
В четвертый рейтинг самых состоятельных россиянок впервые вошла супруга основного акционера «Фосагро» Андрея Гурьева, а также бывшие жены участников списка Forbes Романа Абрамовича и Дмитрия Рыболовлева.