Interesting and Humour - page 3289

Yuriy Zaytsev:

So it is a good idea that if at the end of a conversation with a manager in St Petersburg or Moscow you are not told that phrase, you should end the conversation with the phrase - DID YOU HEAR ME?)

Usually in a Moscow environment this means a polite refusal.

Wikipedia - Differences in speech between Muscovites and St Petersburgers

And then there's the Moscow-Petersburg dictionary: it turns out "skid" is "take-out", and "Metmach" is "Matmech".

In Moscow, it usually means a polite refusal.
In the Urals, it means that the person you are talking to has understood you.
Sergey Golubev:
I can't hear you.
Sergey Golubev:

Sergei, is that a Moscow SEAL or a St. Petersburg SEAL?

Some kind of evil reflection in his eyes - looks like a nuclear explosion.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Oscar Claude Monet.

French painter (1840-1926), landscape, portrait, still life, and one of the founders of Impressionism.

Monet is a great master, he puts the colours on the canvas in a very cool way!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Sergei, is that a Moscow SEAL or a St. Petersburg SEAL?

There's an unkind reflection in his eyes - it looks like a nuclear explosion.

I don't know ...

This cat reminded me of one story - I go to Sheremetevo 2 with a suitcase, flight connection is bad, i.e. the plane goes home only in the morning ... And then (right in the airport corridor) there was a sign for the Redisson Blu hotel. I went there (I needed somewhere to sleep and the hotel was right there in Sheremetyevo 2), room for 10k rubles ... Well, the room is quite small and I understand that it's a hotel for foreigners, as there's only one channel in Russian on TV (in Moscow!) called "Zvezda" and it's something about the history of Russian grenade launchers, as it is now.

A dead mouse is spotted on a Moscow metro poster

Banners describing the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) - essentially a new underground line - have appeared in the capital's underground. The banners say that the first MCC line will open in September.

But that's not what passengers noticed: the scheme shown on the poster looks like a mouse's head. A dead mouse.