Interesting and Humour - page 3295

funny...... or rather not funny at all......

A couple of years ago, I connected to the Yandex Fines service. And then I got a text message. You have a unpaid fine of 500p. Didn't know about it. Didn't get any letters. Looked at the terminal, speeding on the next street over. All right, paid it. The fine didn't disappear on Yandex. Six months later, the deadline to change my licence came. The traffic policeman again says I have a fine. I showed him the receipt. My licence was changed. One year passes. From Yandex again with a text-message: the same fine was not paid. And according to the Sberbank terminal and the site of the traffic police, it does not exist.

I feel that I will be reminded of this fine in court. And I have nothing to show for it. I've already thrown away the payment slip. I have to go to a neighbouring country. That's why I'm wondering how to check to make sure it wasn't there.


Here we go again with all the rubbish. Good thing I managed to catch Sanych's link to official statistics on migration in Russia. It's interesting.

Here is the data for 2015.

According to them, 295 thousand migrants arrived in Moscow, which is 2.5% of the city's population. And almost 4% of the population came to my province!

I am proud of my province!

But people aren't coming to Ivanovo at all. The brides aren't what they used to be.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Here we go again with all the rubbish. Good thing I managed to catch Sanych's link to official statistics on migration in Russia. It's interesting.

Here is the data for 2015.

According to them, 295 thousand migrants arrived in Moscow, which is 2.5% of the city's population. And almost 4% of the population came to my province!

I am proud of my province!

But people aren't coming to Ivanovo at all. The brides aren't what they used to be.

One should take into account that the statistics are likely made up of data on registrations.

Many people are not counted as "illegal immigrants", that is, people living in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation who do not have a residence permit.

Here is the statistic from an official source: https://гувм.мвд.рф/about/activity/stats/Statistics/Statisticheskie_svedenija_po_migracionno

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

It should be taken into account that the statistics are most likely made up of registration data.

A lot of "illegal immigrants" have not been counted, i.e. people already living without registration in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Migrants have really increased. Especially from Ukraine. On the contrary, from my experience, those who come here to work are welcome. The migrant population has changed. More and more skilled construction workers, assemblers, doctors are coming here.

here's a statistic on specialist leakage: https://гувм.мвд.рф/about/activity/stats/Statistics/Statisticheskaja_informacija_o_chislenno

ZS: the link is not inserted as a link

Alexandr Murzin:
I would have got out of Japan a long time ago - earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hara-kiri, comikaze, and eating poisonous fish all the time. Or maybe they are just masochists. Probably if you suggest "Russian roulette" they would be glad to play.

Russia has a higher suicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants than Japan. See the table:

The surprising thing about this table is that Syria has the lowest number of suicides. Although this could be due to poor record keeping. Or maybe because when there is a war there is no point in killing yourself and others will kill you.

Список стран по количеству самоубийств — Википедия
Список стран по количеству самоубийств основан на данных Всемирной организации здравоохранения, которые в свою очередь, были предоставлены статистическими агентствами соответствующих государств. Список сортирован по числу официально зафиксированных самоубийств на 100 тысяч населения. Так же предоставлены данные отдельно по мужчинам и женщинам...
Yuri Evseenkov:
Migrants have really increased. Especially from Ukraine. But I have never heard anyone say that they have come here ...
All Russian missions in Ukraine (there are four of them) have suspended the 'Compatriot' programme - so, get ready ...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

It should be taken into account that the statistics are most likely made up of registration data.

A lot of "illegal migrants" are not counted, i.e. those already residing without registration in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Here is a statistic from an official source: https://гувм.мвд.рф/about/activity/stats/Statistics/Statisticheskie_svedenija_po_migracionno

According to the Interior Ministry's figures 7.900 million migrants were registered. And a total of 295 thousand migrants arrived in Moscow, according to the statistics from the Federal State Statistics Service.

Where did the rest go?


Andrey F. Zelinsky:
All Russian missions in Ukraine (there are four of them) suspended the programme "Compatriot" - so, get ready...

It doesn't matter if something is suspended somewhere. And on whose authority is this done?

If people want to come to Russia, they will come. We accept people normally. There are almost 8 million people registered as migrants here last year.

And in Europe? To my mind, three million have not yet arrived. And already it is almost the end of the world. Rations for refugees here are more modest than in Europe. But as they say, we are happy when we are rich.

Yuri Evseenkov:

It doesn't matter if something is suspended somewhere. And on whose authority is this done?

If people want to come to Russia, they will come. We accept people normally. Last year, almost 8 million people registered as migrants.

And in Europe? In my opinion, three million people have not even arrived yet. And it is almost the end of the world. Refugee food rations are more modest here than in Europe. But as they say, we are only too rich to be happy.

If you look at the statistics, the main movement is within the former USSR. Not many people go to Western countries - technologically it is very difficult.

I have an Uzbek in a tebuteika about 30 years old sitting downstairs, selling dried fruit.

A pile of sultanas: such, such and such, and among them a variety of "Foreign".

I ask him.

Whose is it? Do you grow them on Red Square?

No, it's Uzbek.

Then whose foreign variety?


Do you think that Uzbekistan is Russia?

Of course

Who are you then?

I am a Russian of Uzbek nationality!