Interesting and Humour - page 4977

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Scientists have proved that the most vitamins are found in a pharmacy.

It took just one ball and three thimbles for Shurik Anikyan to completely disprove probability theoryin a mathsseminar .

Scientists have established that the most comprehensible language on Earth is Chinese. It is understood by 1.5 billion people.

Too bad they never did a "like" system, I'll give you a "like" for your post.

Volodymyr Zubov #:

of the "likes" system.

And from me to yours.
Aleksey Nikolayev #:
By the way, the internet (www, http, first browser, etc.) was created by a British scientist, which put a peculiar imprint on most of the information in it)
I don't know the nationality, too lazy to look on Wikipedia, but the internet was developed at the Pentagon's military laboratory DARPA. It was called ARPANET. Then it was handed over to the people and after minor modifications it worked as the INTERNET. The Pentagon recouped its costs by a million percent, I believe.
Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee OM (born 8 June 1955, London) is the creator of URI, URL, HTTP, HTML and the World Wide Web (with Robert Cayo) and current head of the World Wide Web Consortium. Author of the concept of the semantic web and many other developments in information technology.
Aleksey Nikolayev #:
Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee (born 8 June 1955, London) is the creator of URI, URL, HTTP, HTML and the World Wide Web (with Robert Cayo) and current head of the World Wide Web Consortium. Author of the concept of the semantic web and many other developments in information technology.

Telephone, answering machine and radio existed much earlier. It is logical to assume that a message could be held on the other end of the line not just as a voice recording but as a text message, so you would need a monitor. Anyway, the technology was so logically in sight, I'm sure that, as with the creation of radio, the idea was being done simultaneously in several places and countries. If one didn't do it, another would do it a year later.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Telephone, answering machine and radio existed much earlier. It is logical to assume that a message could be held on the other end of the line not just as a voice recording but as a text message, so you would need a monitor. Anyway, the technology was so logically in sight, I'm sure that, as with the creation of radio, the idea was being done simultaneously in several places and countries. If some didn't do it, others would do it a year later.

As the Spartans answered Philip of Macedon: "If".


Earth, Wind & Fire - September


I think it's interesting that nobody knows who is the original developer of the ZigZag indicator. We have clear knowledge of who the author is behind other trend indicators, but not the zigzag.

One possible scenario is that William and Rafael Cruz hired a developer in the 1980s to build it for their first trading software.

William and Rafael Cruz
William and Rafael Cruz
William and Rafael Cruz are both award-winning violinists. The Cruz bothers launched TradeStation in a room in their parents’ house and sold it nearly 30 years later for $402 million. Two Cuban musicians turned entrepreneurs have had a big impact on the small world of high-volume stock trading. William and Rafael Cruz came to the United States...