South Africa Consolidated Budget Balance

South Africa
ZAR, South African rand
Low R​-346.5 B
R​-323.1 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
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Consolidated Budget Balance reflects the difference between the income and expenditures of South Africa's main budget framework as well as budgets of all provinces, special security funds and public entities financed from their own revenue sources.

The budget balance is the difference between budget income and expenditure. When revenues exceed expenditure, a surplus, or a positive budget, is formed. In the opposite situation, when spending exceeds, the country has a budget deficit, which is indicated by a negative balance value.

The consolidated budget balance data is published annually by the National Treasury in a big report, which is usually released in October. The balance data is published with a breakdown by the main budget framework, budgets of provinces, budgets of social security funds and of public entities financed from their own revenue source. In addition to actual figures, the Treasury publishes forecast values for the next period and describes measures taken by the government to achieve the target levels.

The consolidated budget is presented by an absolute value, which shows either a surplus or a deficit. The main budget framework, which is the major part of the consolidated balance, have been having a deficit for many years, therefore the consolidated budget balance is also negative, despite the possible positive values of other components.

A lower than expected indicator value can be seen as negative for the South African rand.

Last values:

actual data

The chart of the entire available history of the "South Africa Consolidated Budget Balance" macroeconomic indicator.

Date (GMT)
R​-346.5 B
R​-323.1 B
R​-323.1 B
R​-296.7 B
R​-479.7 B
R​-557.7 B
R​-761.1 B
R​-330.6 B
R​-306.2 B
R​-207.5 B
R​-202.0 B
R​-147.5 B
R​-147.5 B
R​-152.2 B
R​-152.2 B

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