- HasNan
- Transpose
- TransposeConjugate
- TriL
- TriU
- Diag
- Row
- Col
- Copy
- Compare
- CompareByDigits
- CompareEqual
- Flat
- Clip
- Reshape
- Resize
- Set
- SwapRows
- SwapCols
- Split
- Hsplit
- Vsplit
- ArgSort
- Sort
Matrix and vector manipulations
These are methods for basic matrix operations: filling, copying, getting a part of a matrix, transposing, splitting and sorting.
There are also several methods for operations with matrix rows and columns.
Function |
Action |
Return the number of NaN values in a matrix/vector |
Reverse or permute the axes of a matrix; returns the modified matrix |
Transposing a complex matrix with conjugation. Reverse or permute the axes of a matrix by changing a sign of an imaginary part of a complex number, return the modified matrix |
Return a copy of a matrix with elements above the k-th diagonal zeroed. Lower triangular matrix |
Return a copy of a matrix with elements below the k-th diagonal zeroed. Upper triangular matrix |
Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal matrix |
Return a row vector. Write a vector to the specified row |
Return a column vector. Write a vector to the specified column |
Return a copy of the given matrix/vector |
Compare the elements of two matrices/vectors with the specified precision |
Compare the elements of two matrices/vectors up to significant digits |
Perform an absolute comparison of two matrices by unfolding successive rows into one-dimensional vectors |
Allows addressing a matrix element through one index instead of two |
Limit the elements of a matrix/vector to a specified range of valid values |
Change the shape of a matrix without changing its data |
Return a new matrix with a changed shape and size |
Swap rows in a matrix |
Swap columns in a matrix |
Split a matrix into multiple submatrices |
Split a matrix horizontally into multiple submatrices. Same as Split with axis=0 |
Split a matrix vertically into multiple submatrices. Same as Split with axis=1 |
Indirectly sort a matrix or vector. |
Sort a matrix or vector in place. |