
Moves to the next record and reads data into the structure from it.

bool  DatabaseReadBind(
   int    request,           // the handle of a request created in DatabasePrepare
   void&  struct_object      // the reference to the structure for reading the record 



[in]  The handle of a request created in DatabasePrepare().


[out]  The reference to the structure the data from the current record is to be read to. The structure should only have numerical types and/or strings (arrays are not allowed) as members and cannot be a descendant.

Return Value

Return true if successful, otherwise false. To get the error code, use GetLastError(), the possible responses are:

  • ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (4003)               –  no table name specified (empty string or NULL);
  • ERR_WRONG_STRING_PARAMETER (5040)  – error converting a request into a UTF-8 string;
  • ERR_DATABASE_INTERNAL (5120)              – internal database error;
  • ERR_DATABASE_INVALID_HANDLE (5121)    – invalid database handle;
  • ERR_DATABASE_EXECUTE (5124)                –  request execution error;
  • ERR_DATABASE_NO_MORE_DATA (5126)    – no table exists (not an error, normal completion).



A number of fields in the struct_object structure should not exceed DatabaseColumnsCount(). If the number of fields in the struct_object structure is less than the number of fields in the record, the partial reading is performed. The remaining data can be explicitly obtained using the corresponding DatabaseColumnText(), DatabaseColumnInteger() and other functions.


struct Person
   int               id;
   string            name;
   int               age;
   string            address;
   double            salary;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   int db;
   string filename="company.sqlite";
//--- open
      Print("DB: "filename" open failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- if the table COMPANY exists then drop the table
      //--- delete the table
      if(!DatabaseExecute(db"DROP TABLE COMPANY"))
         Print("Failed to drop table COMPANY with code "GetLastError());
//--- create table
   if(!DatabaseExecute(db"CREATE TABLE COMPANY("
                       "ID INT PRIMARY KEY     NOT NULL,"
                       "NAME           TEXT    NOT NULL,"
                       "AGE            INT     NOT NULL,"
                       "ADDRESS        CHAR(50),"
                       "SALARY         REAL );"))
      Print("DB: "filename" create table failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- insert data
   if(!DatabaseExecute(db"INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (1, 'Paul', 32, 'California', 25000.00 ); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (2, 'Allen', 25, 'Texas', 15000.00 ); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (3, 'Teddy', 23, 'Norway', 20000.00 );"
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (4, 'Mark', 25, 'Rich-Mond ', 65000.00 );"))
      Print("DB: "filename" insert failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- prepare the request
   int request=DatabasePrepare(db"SELECT * FROM COMPANY WHERE SALARY>15000");
      Print("DB: "filename" request failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- print records
   Person person;
   Print("Persons with salary > 15000:");
   for(int i=0DatabaseReadBind(requestperson); i++)
      Print(i":  "" "" "person.age" "person.address" "person.salary);
//--- delete request after use
   Print("Some statistics:");
//--- prepare new request about total salary
   request=DatabasePrepare(db"SELECT SUM(SALARY) FROM COMPANY");
      Print("DB: "filename" request failed with code "GetLastError());
      double total_salary;
      Print("Total salary="total_salary);
//--- delete request after use
//--- prepare new request about average salary
   request=DatabasePrepare(db"SELECT AVG(SALARY) FROM COMPANY");
      Print("DB: "filename" request failed with code "GetLastError());
      double aver_salary;
      Print("Average salary="aver_salary);
//--- delete request after use
//--- close database
Persons with salary > 15000:
0:  1 Paul 32 California 25000.0
1:  3 Teddy 23 Norway 20000.0
2:  4 Mark 25 Rich-Mond  65000.0
Some statistics:
Total salary=125000.0
Average salary=31250.0

See also

DatabasePrepare, DatabaseRead