
Prints a table or an SQL request execution result in the Experts journal.

long  DatabasePrint(
   int           database,          // database handle received in DatabaseOpen
   const string  table_or_sql,      // a table or an SQL request
   uint          flags              // combination of flags



[in]  Database handle received in DatabaseOpen().


[in]  A name of a table or a text of an SQL request whose results are displayed in the Experts journal.


[in]  Combination of flags defining the output formatting. The flags are defined as follows:

DATABASE_PRINT_NO_HEADER      – do not display table column names (field names)
DATABASE_PRINT_NO_INDEX         – do not display string indices
DATABASE_PRINT_NO_FRAME        – do not display a frame separating a header and data
DATABASE_PRINT_STRINGS_RIGHT – align strings to the right.

If flags=0, the columns and the strings are displayed, the header and the data are separated by the frame, while the strings are aligned to the left.

Return Value

Return the number of exported strings or -1 in case of an error. To get the error code, use GetLastError(), the possible responses are:

  • ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR (4001)                       – critical runtime error;
  • ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (4004)              - insufficient memory;
  • ERR_DATABASE_INTERNAL (5120)                 – internal database error;
  • ERR_DATABASE_INVALID_HANDLE (5121)      - invalid database handle;  


If the journal displays request results, the SQL request should begin with "SELECT" or "select". In other words, the SQL request cannot alter the database status, otherwise DatabasePrint() fails with an error.


//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   string filename="departments.sqlite";
//--- create or open the database in the common terminal folder
      Print("DB: "filename" open failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- create the COMPANY table
//--- create the DEPARTMENT table
//--- display the list of all fields in the COMPANY and DEPARTMENT tables
   PrintFormat("Try to print request \"PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(COMPANY);PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(DEPARTMENT)\"");
      PrintFormat("DatabasePrint(\"PRAGMA TABLE_INFO()\") failed, error code=%d"GetLastError());
//--- display the COMPANY table in the log
   PrintFormat("Try to print request \"SELECT * from COMPANY\"");
   if(DatabasePrint(db"SELECT * from COMPANY"0)<0)
      Print("DatabasePrint failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- request text for combining the COMPANY and DEPARTMENT tables
                  "ON COMPANY.ID = DEPARTMENT.EMP_ID";
//--- display the table combining result
      Print("DatabasePrint failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- close the database
#cid name    type     notnull dflt_value pk
1|   0 ID      INT            1             1 
2|   1 NAME    TEXT           1             0 
3|   2 AGE     INT            1             0 
4|   3 ADDRESS CHAR(50)       0             0 
5|   4 SALARY  REAL           0             0 
#cid name   type     notnull dflt_value pk
1|   0 ID     INT            1             1 
2|   1 DEPT   CHAR(50)       1             0 
3|   2 EMP_ID INT            1             0 
Try to print request "SELECT * from COMPANY"
1|  1 Paul   32 California 25000.0 
2|  2 Allen  25 Texas      15000.0 
3|  3 Teddy  23 Norway     20000.0 
4|  4 Mark   25 Rich-Mond  65000.0 
5|  5 David  27 Texas      85000.0 
6|  6 Kim    22 South-Hall 45000.0 
7|  7 James  24 Houston    10000.0 
1|      1 Paul  IT Billing  
2|      2 Allen Engineering 
3|        Teddy             
4|        Mark              
5|        David             
6|        Kim               
7|      7 James Finance     
//| Create the COMPANY table                           |
bool CreateTableCompany(int database)
//--- if the COMPANY table exists, delete it
      //--- delete the table
      if(!DatabaseExecute(database"DROP TABLE COMPANY"))
         Print("Failed to drop table COMPANY with code "GetLastError());
//--- create the COMPANY table
   if(!DatabaseExecute(database"CREATE TABLE COMPANY("
                       "ID INT PRIMARY KEY     NOT NULL,"
                       "NAME           TEXT    NOT NULL,"
                       "AGE            INT     NOT NULL,"
                       "ADDRESS        CHAR(50),"
                       "SALARY         REAL );"))
      Print("DB: create table COMPANY failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- enter data to the COMPANY table
   if(!DatabaseExecute(database"INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (1, 'Paul', 32, 'California', 25000.00); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (2, 'Allen', 25, 'Texas', 15000.00); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (3, 'Teddy', 23, 'Norway', 20000.00); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (4, 'Mark', 25, 'Rich-Mond', 65000.00); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (5, 'David', 27, 'Texas', 85000.0); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (6, 'Kim', 22, 'South-Hall', 45000.0); "
                       "INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (7, 'James', 24, 'Houston', 10000.00); "))
      Print("COMPANY insert failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- success
//| Create the DEPARTMENT table                       |
bool CreateTableDepartment(int database)
//--- if the DEPARTMENT table exists, delete it
      //--- delete the table
      if(!DatabaseExecute(database"DROP TABLE DEPARTMENT"))
         Print("Failed to drop table DEPARTMENT  with code "GetLastError());
//--- create the DEPARTMENT table
   if(!DatabaseExecute(database"CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT ("
                       "ID      INT PRIMARY KEY   NOT NULL,"
                       "DEPT    CHAR(50)          NOT NULL,"
                       "EMP_ID  INT               NOT NULL);"))
      Print("DB: create table DEPARTMENT failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- enter data to the DEPARTMENT table
   if(!DatabaseExecute(database"INSERT INTO DEPARTMENT (ID,DEPT,EMP_ID) VALUES (1, 'IT Billing', 1); "
                       "INSERT INTO DEPARTMENT (ID,DEPT,EMP_ID) VALUES (2, 'Engineering', 2); "
                       "INSERT INTO DEPARTMENT (ID,DEPT,EMP_ID) VALUES (3, 'Finance', 7);"))
      Print("DEPARTMENT insert failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- success

See also

DatabaseExport, DatabaseImport