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Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 16): A Refreshing Look at Decision Trees

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 16): A Refreshing Look at Decision Trees

MetaTrader 5Trading | 13 December 2023, 13:12
2 095 0
Omega J Msigwa
Omega J Msigwa

Quick Recap

I wrote an article on decision trees in this article series that explained what decision trees are all about, and we built an algorithm to help us classify the weather data. However, the code and explanations provided in the article weren't concise enough; as I keep getting requests to provide a better approach to building decision trees, I believe writing a second article and providing better code for the decision tree might be better. Clarifying the decision trees will make it easier to understand the random forest algorithms that an article is coming out shortly.

What is a Decision Tree?

A Decision Tree is a flowchart-like tree structure where each internal Node represents a test on an attribute (or feature), each branch represents the outcome of the test, and each leaf Node represents a class label or a continuous value. The topmost Node in a decision tree is known as the "root," and the leaves are the outcomes or predictions.

What is a Node?

In a decision tree, a node is a fundamental component representing a decision point based on a particular feature or attribute. There are two main types of nodes in a decision tree: internal nodes and leaf nodes.

Internal Node

  • An internal node is a decision point in the tree where a test is performed on a specific feature. The test relies on a particular condition, such as whether a feature value is greater than a threshold or belongs to a particular category.
  • Internal nodes have branches (edges) leading to child nodes. The outcome of the test determines which branch to follow.
  • The internal Nodes, which are two left and right child nodes, are Nodes inside the central tree node.

Leaf Node (or Terminal Node)
  • A leaf node marks a terminal point in the tree where it makes a final decision or prediction. It denotes the class label in a classification task or the predicted value in a regression task.
  • Leaf nodes have no outgoing branches; they are the endpoints of the decision process.
  • We will code this as a double variable.
    class Node
        // for decision node
        uint feature_index;
        double threshold;
        double info_gain;
        // for leaf node
        double leaf_value;   
        Node *left_child;  //left child Node
        Node *right_child; //right child Node
        Node() : left_child(NULL), right_child(NULL) {} // default constructor
        Node(uint feature_index_, double threshold_=NULL, Node *left_=NULL, Node *right_=NULL, double info_gain_=NULL, double value_=NULL)
            : left_child(left_), right_child(right_)
            this.feature_index = feature_index_;
            this.threshold = threshold_;
            this.info_gain = info_gain_;
            this.value = value_;
       void Print()
          printf("feature_index: %d \nthreshold: %f \ninfo_gain: %f \nleaf_value: %f",feature_index,threshold, info_gain, value);

    Unlike some ML algorithms we have coded from scratch in this series, the decision tree can be tricky to code and confusing at times, as it requires recursive classes and functions to implement well, something that can be hard to code in a language other than Python, according to my experience.

    Components of a Node:

    A node in a decision tree typically contains the following information:

    01. Test condition

    Internal nodes have a test condition based on a specific feature and a threshold or category. This condition determines how the data is split into child nodes.

    You don't see the test condition in this Node class, but we will implement it inside a build_tree function, which integrates itself to the node class as it returns the node class instance.
    Node *build_tree(matrix &data, uint curr_depth=0);

    02. Feature and Threshold

    Indicates which feature is being tested at the node and the threshold or category used for the split.

    uint feature_index;
    double threshold;

    03. Class Label or Value

    A leaf node stores the predicted class label (for classification) or value (for regression)

    double leaf_value;   

    04. Child Nodes

    Internal nodes have child nodes corresponding to the different outcomes of the test condition. Each child node represents a subset of the data that satisfies the condition.

    Node *left_child;  //left child Node
    Node *right_child; //right child Node


    Consider a simple decision tree for classifying whether a fruit is an apple or an orange based on its color;


    feature: color

    Test condition: is the color Red?

    If True, go to the left child; if False, go to the right child

    [Leaf Node - Apple]

    -Class label: Apple

    [Leaf Node - Orange]

    -Class label: Orange

    Types of Decision Trees:

    CART (Classification and Regression Trees): Used for both classification and regression tasks. Splits the data based on the Gini impurity for classification and mean squared error for regression.

    ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3): Primarily used for classification tasks. Employs the concept of entropy and information gain to make decisions.

    C4.5: An improved version of ID3, C4.5, is used for classification. It employs a gain ratio to address bias towards attributes with more levels.

    Since we will be looking to use the decision tree for classification purposes, we will be looking to build the ID3 algorithm characterized by Information gain, Impurity calculation and categorical features:

    ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3)

    ID3 uses Information Gain to decide which feature to split on at each internal node. Information gain measures the reduction in entropy or uncertainty after a dataset is split.
    double CDecisionTree::information_gain(vector &parent, vector &left_child, vector &right_child)
        double weight_left = left_child.Size() / (double)parent.Size(),
               weight_right = right_child.Size() / (double)parent.Size();
        double gain =0;    
           case  MODE_GINI:
             gain = gini_index(parent) - ( (weight_left*gini_index(left_child)) + (weight_right*gini_index(right_child)) );
           case MODE_ENTROPY:
             gain = entropy(parent) - ( (weight_left*entropy(left_child)) + (weight_right*entropy(right_child)) );
       return gain;

    Entropy is a measure of uncertainty or disorder in a dataset. In ID3, the algorithm seeks to reduce entropy by choosing feature splits that result in subsets with more homogenous class labels.

    double CDecisionTree::entropy(vector &y)
       vector class_labels = matrix_utils.Unique_count(y);
       vector p_cls = class_labels / double(y.Size());
       vector entropy = (-1 * p_cls) * log2(p_cls);
      return entropy.Sum();

    To give more flexibility, one can choose between entropy and the Gini index, which is also a function often used in decision trees that does the same work as the entropy function. They both evaluate the impurity or disorder in the dataset.

    double CDecisionTree::gini_index(vector &y)
       vector unique = matrix_utils.Unique_count(y);
       vector probabilities = unique / (double)y.Size();
       return 1.0 - MathPow(probabilities, 2).Sum();

    Given by the formulas in the image below:

    ID3 is particularly suitable for Categorical Features, and the selection of features and thresholds is based on the entropy reduction for categorical splits. We'll see this in action on the decision tree algorithm below.

    Decision Tree Algorithm

    01. Splitting Criteria

    For classification, standard splitting criteria are Gini impurity and entropy, while mean squared error is often used for regression. Let's delve into the decision tree algorithm's splitting functions, which begin with the structure to retain information for the data undergoing a split.

    //A struct containing splitted data information
    struct split_info
       uint feature_index;
       double threshold;
       matrix dataset_left,
       double info_gain;

    Using the threshold, we will split the features with values less than the threshold to the matrix dataset_left while keeping the rest to the matrix dataset_right. Lastly, the split_info structure instance is returned. 

    split_info CDecisionTree::split_data(const matrix &data, uint feature_index, double threshold=0.5)
       int left_size=0, right_size =0;
       vector row = {};
       split_info split;
       ulong cols = data.Cols();
       split.dataset_left.Resize(0, cols);
       split.dataset_right.Resize(0, cols);
        for (ulong i=0; i<data.Rows(); i++)
           row = data.Row(i);
           if (row[feature_index] <= threshold)
              split.dataset_left.Resize(left_size, cols);
              split.dataset_left.Row(row, left_size-1); 
             split.dataset_right.Resize(right_size, cols);
             split.dataset_right.Row(row, right_size-1);         
       return split;

    Out of many splits, the algorithm needs to figure out the best splits, the one with the maximum information gain.

    split_info CDecisionTree::get_best_split(matrix &data, uint num_features)
       double max_info_gain = -DBL_MAX;
       vector feature_values = {};
       vector left_v={}, right_v={}, y_v={};
       split_info best_split;
       split_info split;
       for (uint i=0; i<num_features; i++)
           feature_values = data.Col(i);
           vector possible_thresholds = matrix_utils.Unique(feature_values); //Find unique values in the feature, representing possible thresholds for splitting.
             for (uint j=0; j<possible_thresholds.Size(); j++)
                  split = this.split_data(data, i, possible_thresholds[j]);
                  if (split.dataset_left.Rows()>0 && split.dataset_right.Rows() > 0)
                      y_v = data.Col(data.Cols()-1);
                      right_v = split.dataset_right.Col(split.dataset_right.Cols()-1);
                      left_v = split.dataset_left.Col(split.dataset_left.Cols()-1);
                      double curr_info_gain = this.information_gain(y_v, left_v, right_v);
                      if (curr_info_gain > max_info_gain) // Check if the current information gain is greater than the maximum observed so far.
                          #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
                            printf("split left: [%dx%d] split right: [%dx%d] curr_info_gain: %f max_info_gain: %f",split.dataset_left.Rows(),split.dataset_left.Cols(),split.dataset_right.Rows(),split.dataset_right.Cols(),curr_info_gain,max_info_gain);
                          best_split.feature_index = i;
                          best_split.threshold = possible_thresholds[j];
                          best_split.dataset_left = split.dataset_left;
                          best_split.dataset_right = split.dataset_right;
                          best_split.info_gain = curr_info_gain;
                          max_info_gain = curr_info_gain;
        return best_split;

    This function searches overall features and possible thresholds to find the best split that maximizes information gain. The result is a split_info structure containing information about the feature, threshold, and subsets associated with the best split.

    02. Building the Tree

    Decision Trees are constructed by recursively splitting the dataset based on features until a stopping condition is met (e.g., reaching a certain depth or minimum samples).

    Node *CDecisionTree::build_tree(matrix &data, uint curr_depth=0)
        matrix X;
        vector Y;
        matrix_utils.XandYSplitMatrices(data,X,Y); //Split the input matrix into feature matrix X and target vector Y.
        ulong samples = X.Rows(), features = X.Cols(); //Get the number of samples and features in the dataset.
        Node *node= NULL; // Initialize node pointer
        if (samples >= m_min_samples_split && curr_depth<=m_max_depth)
             split_info best_split = this.get_best_split(data, (uint)features);
             #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
              Print("best_split left: [",best_split.dataset_left.Rows(),"x",best_split.dataset_left.Cols(),"]\nbest_split right: [",best_split.dataset_right.Rows(),"x",best_split.dataset_right.Cols(),"]\nfeature_index: ",best_split.feature_index,"\nInfo gain: ",best_split.info_gain,"\nThreshold: ",best_split.threshold);
             if (best_split.info_gain > 0)
                 Node *left_child = this.build_tree(best_split.dataset_left, curr_depth+1);
                 Node *right_child = this.build_tree(best_split.dataset_right, curr_depth+1);
                 node = new Node(best_split.feature_index,best_split.threshold,left_child,right_child,best_split.info_gain);
                 return node;
         node = new Node();
         node.leaf_value = this.calculate_leaf_value(Y);
         return node;

    if (best_split.info_gain > 0):

    The above line of code checks if there is information gained.

    Inside this block:

    Node *left_child = this.build_tree(best_split.dataset_left, curr_depth+1);

    Recursively build the left child node.

    Node *right_child = this.build_tree(best_split.dataset_right, curr_depth+1);

    Recursively build the right child node.

    node = new Node(best_split.feature_index, best_split.threshold, left_child, right_child, best_split.info_gain);

    Create a decision node with the information from the best split.

    node = new Node();      

    If no further split is needed, create a new leaf node.

    node.value = this.calculate_leaf_value(Y);

    Set the value of the leaf node using the calculate_leaf_value function.

    return node;

    Return the node representing the current split or leaf.

    To make the functions convenient and user-friendly, the build_tree function can be kept inside the fit function, which is commonly used in Python machine-learning modules.

    void CDecisionTree::fit(matrix &x, vector &y)
       matrix data = matrix_utils.concatenate(x, y, 1);
       this.root = this.build_tree(data);

    Making Predictions on Training and Testing of the Model

    vector CDecisionTree::predict(matrix &x)
        vector ret(x.Rows());
        for (ulong i=0; i<x.Rows(); i++)
           ret[i] = this.predict(x.Row(i));
       return ret;

    Making Predictions in Real-Time

    double CDecisionTree::predict(vector &x)
       return this.make_predictions(x, this.root);

    The make_predictions function is where all the dirty work gets done:

    double CDecisionTree::make_predictions(vector &x, const Node &tree)
        if (tree.leaf_value != NULL) // This is a leaf leaf_value
          return tree.leaf_value;
        double feature_value = x[tree.feature_index];
        double pred = 0;
        #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
          printf("Tree.threshold %f tree.feature_index %d leaf_value %f",tree.threshold,tree.feature_index,tree.leaf_value);
        if (feature_value <= tree.threshold)
           pred = this.make_predictions(x, tree.left_child);  
           pred = this.make_predictions(x, tree.right_child);
       return pred;

    More details on this function:

    Check if the feature value is less than or equal to the threshold of the current node.
    if (feature_value <= tree.threshold): 

    Inside this block:

    Recursively call make_predictions for the left child node.

    pred = this.make_predictions(x, *tree.left_child);

    Else, If the feature value is greater than the threshold:

    Recursively call the make_predictions function for the right child node.

    pred = this.make_predictions(x, *tree.right_child);
    return pred;

     Return the prediction.

    Leaf Value Calculations

    The function below calculates the leaf value:

    double CDecisionTree::calculate_leaf_value(vector &Y)
       vector uniques = matrix_utils.Unique_count(Y);
       vector classes = matrix_utils.Unique(Y);
       return classes[uniques.ArgMax()];

    This function returns the element from Y with the highest count, effectively finding the most common element in the list.

    Wrapping it all up in a CDecisionTree class

    enum mode {MODE_ENTROPY, MODE_GINI};
    class CDecisionTree
    CMatrixutils   matrix_utils;
       Node *build_tree(matrix &data, uint curr_depth=0);
       double  calculate_leaf_value(vector &Y);
       uint m_max_depth;
       uint m_min_samples_split;
       mode m_mode;
       double  gini_index(vector &y);
       double  entropy(vector &y);
       double  information_gain(vector &parent, vector &left_child, vector &right_child);
       split_info  get_best_split(matrix &data, uint num_features);
       split_info  split_data(const matrix &data, uint feature_index, double threshold=0.5);
       double make_predictions(vector &x, const Node &tree);
       void delete_tree(Node* node);
                         Node *root;
                         CDecisionTree(uint min_samples_split=2, uint max_depth=2, mode mode_=MODE_GINI);
                         void fit(matrix &x, vector &y);
                         void print_tree(Node *tree, string indent=" ",string padl="");
                         double predict(vector &x);
                         vector predict(matrix &x);

    Having shown that, let us observe how everything works in action, how to build the tree, and how to use it to make predictions on training and testing, not to mention during real-time trading. We will use the most popular iris-CSV dataset to test if it does work.

    Suppose we will be training the decision tree model on every EA initialization, starting by loading the training data from a CSV file:

    int OnInit()
      matrix dataset = matrix_utils.ReadCsv("iris.csv"); //loading iris-data
      decision_tree = new CDecisionTree(3,3, MODE_GINI); //Initializing the decision tree
      matrix x; vector y;
      matrix_utils.XandYSplitMatrices(dataset,x,y); //split the data into x and y matrix and vector respectively
   , y);  //Building the tree
      decision_tree.print_tree(decision_tree.root); //Printing the tree
      vector preds = decision_tree.predict(x); //making the predictions on a training data
      Print("Train Acc = ",metrics.confusion_matrix(y, preds)); //Measuring the accuracy

    This is the appearance of the dataset matrix when printed. The last column has been Encoded. One(1) stands for Setosa, two(2) stands for Versicolor and three(3) stands for Virginica

    MS      0       08:54:40.958    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   iris-csv
    PH      0       08:54:40.958    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   [[5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,1]
    CO      0       08:54:40.958    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [4.9,3,1.4,0.2,1]
    NS      0       08:54:40.959    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [5.6,2.7,4.2,1.3,2]
    JK      0       08:54:40.959    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [5.7,3,4.2,1.2,2]
    NQ      0       08:54:40.959    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [6.2,3.4,5.4,2.3,3]
    PD      0       08:54:40.959    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [5.9,3,5.1,1.8,3]]

    Printing the Tree

    If you look at the code, you may have noticed the function print_tree, which takes the tree root as one of its arguments. This function attempts to print the overall tree appearance; a closer look below.

    void CDecisionTree::print_tree(Node *tree, string indent=" ",string padl="")
         if (tree.leaf_value != NULL)
            Print((padl+indent+": "),tree.leaf_value); 
         else //if we havent' reached the leaf node keep printing child trees
             padl += " ";
             Print((padl+indent)+": X_",tree.feature_index, "<=", tree.threshold, "?", tree.info_gain);
             print_tree(tree.left_child, "left","--->"+padl);
             print_tree(tree.right_child, "right","--->"+padl);

    More details on this function:

    Node Structure:

    The function assumes that a Node class represents the decision tree. Each Node can be either a decision node or a leaf node. Decision nodes have a feature_index, a threshold, and an info_gain indicating the feature, threshold, information gain, and leaf_value.

    Print Decision Node:

    If the current Node is not a leaf node (i.e., tree.leaf_value is NULL), it prints information about the decision node. It prints the condition for the split, such as "X_2 <= 1.9 ? 0.33" and the indentation level.

    Print Leaf Node:

    If the current Node is a leaf node (i.e., tree.leaf_value is not NULL), it prints the leaf value along with the indentation level. For example, "left: 0.33".


    The function then recursively calls itself for the left and right children of the current Node. The padl argument adds indentation to the printed output, making the tree structure more readable.

    The output of the print_tree for the decision tree built inside the OnInit function is:

    CR      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)     : X_2<=1.9?0.3333333333333334
    HO      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   ---> left: 1.0
    RH      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->  right: X_3<=1.7?0.38969404186795487
    HP      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   left: X_2<=4.9?0.08239026063100136
    KO      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    left: X_3<=1.6?0.04079861111111116
    DH      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    left: 2.0
    HM      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: 3.0
    HS      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    right: X_3<=1.5?0.2222222222222222
    IH      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    left: 3.0
    QM      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: 2.0
    KP      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   right: X_2<=4.8?0.013547574039067499
    PH      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    left: X_0<=5.9?0.4444444444444444
    PE      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    left: 2.0
    DP      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: 3.0
    EE      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->   right: 3.0


    Below is the accuracy of our trained Model:

      vector preds = decision_tree.predict(x); //making the predictions on a training data
      Print("Train Acc = ",metrics.confusion_matrix(y, preds)); //Measuring the accuracy


    PM      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Confusion Matrix
    CE      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   [[50,0,0]
    HR      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [0,50,0]
    ND      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [0,1,49]]
    GS      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    KF      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Classification Report
    IR      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    MD      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   _    Precision  Recall  Specificity  F1 score  Support
    EQ      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   1.0    50.00     50.00     100.00       50.00     50.0
    HR      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   2.0    51.00     50.00     100.00       50.50     50.0
    PO      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   3.0    49.00     50.00     100.00       49.49     50.0
    EH      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    PR      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Accuracy                                   0.99
    HQ      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Average   50.00    50.00    100.00      50.00    150.0
    DJ      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   W Avg     50.00    50.00    100.00      50.00    150.0
    LG      0       09:26:39.990    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Train Acc = 0.993

    We achieved a 99.3% accuracy, indicating the successful implementation of our decision tree. This accuracy aligns with what you would expect from Scikit-Learn models when dealing with a simple dataset problem.

    Let's proceed to train further and test the Model on out-of-sample data.

      matrix train_x, test_x;
      vector train_y, test_y;
      matrix_utils.TrainTestSplitMatrices(dataset, train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, 0.8, 42); //split the data into training and testing samples
   , train_y);  //Building the tree
      decision_tree.print_tree(decision_tree.root); //Printing the tree
      vector preds = decision_tree.predict(train_x); //making the predictions on a training data
      Print("Train Acc = ",metrics.confusion_matrix(train_y, preds)); //Measuring the accuracy
      preds = decision_tree.predict(test_x); //making the predictions on a test data
      Print("Test Acc = ",metrics.confusion_matrix(test_y, preds)); //Measuring the accuracy


    QD      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)     : X_2<=1.7?0.34125
    LL      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   ---> left: 1.0
    QK      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->  right: X_3<=1.6?0.42857142857142855
    GS      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   left: X_2<=4.9?0.09693877551020412
    IL      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->   left: 2.0
    MD      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    right: X_3<=1.5?0.375
    IS      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    left: 3.0
    QR      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: 2.0
    RH      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->  right: 3.0
    HP      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Confusion Matrix
    FG      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   [[42,0,0]
    EO      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [0,39,0]
    HK      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [0,0,39]]
    OL      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    KE      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Classification Report
    QO      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    MQ      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   _    Precision  Recall  Specificity  F1 score  Support
    OQ      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   1.0    42.00     42.00     78.00       42.00     42.0
    ML      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   3.0    39.00     39.00     81.00       39.00     39.0
    HK      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   2.0    39.00     39.00     81.00       39.00     39.0
    OE      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    EO      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Accuracy                                   1.00
    CG      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Average   40.00    40.00    80.00      40.00    120.0
    LF      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   W Avg     40.05    40.05    79.95      40.05    120.0
    PR      0       14:56:03.860    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Train Acc = 1.0
    CD      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Confusion Matrix
    FO      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   [[9,2,0]
    RK      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [1,10,0]
    CL      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [2,0,6]]
    HK      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    DQ      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Classification Report
    JJ      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    FM      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   _    Precision  Recall  Specificity  F1 score  Support
    QM      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   2.0    12.00     11.00     19.00       11.48     11.0
    PH      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   3.0    12.00     11.00     19.00       11.48     11.0
    KD      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   1.0    6.00     8.00     22.00       6.86     8.0
    PP      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    LJ      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Accuracy                                   0.83
    NJ      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Average   10.00    10.00    20.00      9.94    30.0
    JR      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   W Avg     10.40    10.20    19.80      10.25    30.0
    HP      0       14:56:03.861    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Test Acc = 0.833

    The model is 100% accurate on a training data while being 83% accurate on out-of-sample data.

    Decision Tree AI in Trading 

    All this amounts to nothing if we don't explore the trading aspect using the decision tree models. To use this Model in trading, let us formulate a problem we want to solve.

    The Problem To Solve:

    We want to use the decision tree AI model to make predictions on the current bar to possibly tell us where the market is heading, either up or down.

    As with any model, we want to give the Model a dataset to learn upon; let's say we decide to use the two indicators of oscillator types, The RSI indicator and the Stochastic oscillator; basically, We want the Model to understand the patterns between these two indicators and how it affects the price movement for the current bar.

    Data structure:

    Once collected for train-test purposes, the data gets stored in the structure below. The same applies to data used for making real-time predictions.

    struct data{
       vector stoch_buff, 
    } data_struct;

    Collecting Data, Training and Testing the decision Tree

    void TrainTree()
      matrix dataset(train_bars, 4);
      vector v;
    //--- Collecting indicator buffers
      data_struct.rsi_buff.CopyIndicatorBuffer(rsi_handle, 0, 1, train_bars);
      data_struct.stoch_buff.CopyIndicatorBuffer(stoch_handle, 0, 1, train_bars);
      data_struct.signal_buff.CopyIndicatorBuffer(stoch_handle, 1, 1, train_bars);
    //--- Preparing the target variable
      MqlRates rates[];
      ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true); 
      int size = CopyRates(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT, 1,train_bars, rates);
   ; //Resize the target vector
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
          if (rates[i].close > rates[i].open)
  [i] = 1;
  [i] = -1;
      dataset.Col(data_struct.rsi_buff, 0);
      dataset.Col(data_struct.stoch_buff, 1);
      dataset.Col(data_struct.signal_buff, 2);
      dataset.Col(, 3);
      decision_tree = new CDecisionTree(min_sample,max_depth_, tree_mode); //Initializing the decision tree
      matrix train_x, test_x;
      vector train_y, test_y;
      matrix_utils.TrainTestSplitMatrices(dataset, train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, 0.8, 42); //split the data into training and testing samples
   , train_y);  //Building the tree
      decision_tree.print_tree(decision_tree.root); //Printing the tree
      vector preds = decision_tree.predict(train_x); //making the predictions on a training data
      Print("Train Acc = ",metrics.confusion_matrix(train_y, preds)); //Measuring the accuracy
      preds = decision_tree.predict(test_x); //making the predictions on a test data
      Print("Test Acc = ",metrics.confusion_matrix(test_y, preds)); //Measuring the accuracy

    Min-sample was set to 3 while the max-depth was set to 5.


    KR      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)     : X_0<=65.88930872549261?0.0058610536710859695
    CN      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->  left: X_0<=29.19882857713344?0.003187469522387243
    FK      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   left: X_1<=26.851851851853503?0.030198175526895188
    RI      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    left: X_2<=7.319205739522295?0.040050858232676456
    KG      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     left: X_0<=23.08345903222593?0.04347468770545693
    JF      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      left: X_0<=21.6795921184317?0.09375
    PF      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: -1.0
    ER      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: -1.0
    QF      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      right: X_2<=3.223853479489069?0.09876543209876543
    LH      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: -1.0
    FJ      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: 1.0
    MM      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: -1.0
    MG      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->   right: 1.0
    HH      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   right: X_0<=65.4606831930956?0.0030639039663222234
    JR      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    left: X_0<=31.628407983040333?0.00271101025966336
    PS      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     left: X_0<=31.20436037455599?0.0944903581267218
    DO      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      left: X_2<=14.629981942657205?0.11111111111111116
    EO      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: 1.0
    IG      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: -1.0
    EI      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->     right: 1.0
    LO      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     right: X_0<=32.4469112469684?0.003164795835173595
    RO      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      left: X_1<=76.9736842105244?0.21875
    RO      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: -1.0
    PG      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: 1.0
    MO      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      right: X_0<=61.82001028403415?0.0024932856070305487
    LQ      0       16:26:53.028    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: -1.0
    EQ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: 1.0
    LE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    right: X_2<=84.68660541575225?0.09375
    ED      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    left: -1.0
    LM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: -1.0
    NE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->  right: X_0<=85.28191275702572?0.024468404842877933
    DK      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   left: X_1<=25.913621262458935?0.01603292204455742
    LE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    left: X_0<=72.18709160232456?0.2222222222222222
    ED      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     left: X_1<=15.458937198072245?0.4444444444444444
    QQ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->     left: 1.0
    CS      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->     right: -1.0
    JE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: -1.0
    QM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    right: X_0<=69.83504428897093?0.012164425148527835
    HP      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     left: X_0<=68.39798826749553?0.07844460227272732
    DL      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      left: X_1<=90.68322981366397?0.06611570247933873
    DO      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: 1.0
    OE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: 1.0
    LI      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      right: X_1<=88.05704099821516?0.11523809523809525
    DE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: 1.0
    DM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: -1.0
    LG      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     right: X_0<=70.41747488780877?0.015360959832756427
    OI      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->     left: 1.0
    PI      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      right: X_0<=70.56490391752676?0.02275277028755862
    CF      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: -1.0
    MO      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: 1.0
    EG      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->   right: X_1<=97.0643939393936?0.10888888888888892
    CJ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->   left: 1.0
    GN      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->    right: X_0<=90.20261550045987?0.07901234567901233
    CP      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->     left: X_0<=85.94461490761033?0.21333333333333332
    HN      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->     left: -1.0
    GE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->      right: X_1<=99.66856060606052?0.4444444444444444
    GK      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      left: -1.0
    IK      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->--->--->      right: 1.0
    JM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   --->--->--->--->    right: -1.0
    KE      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Confusion Matrix
    DO      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   [[122,271]
    QF      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [51,356]]
    HS      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    LF      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Classification Report
    JR      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    ND      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   _    Precision  Recall  Specificity  F1 score  Support
    GQ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   1.0    173.00     393.00     407.00       240.24     393.0
    HQ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   -1.0    627.00     407.00     393.00       493.60     407.0
    PM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    OG      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Accuracy                                   0.60
    EO      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Average   400.00    400.00    400.00      366.92    800.0
    GN      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   W Avg     403.97    400.12    399.88      369.14    800.0
    LM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Train Acc = 0.598
    GK      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Confusion Matrix
    CQ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   [[75,13]
    CK      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)    [86,26]]
    NI      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    RP      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Classification Report
    HH      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    LR      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   _    Precision  Recall  Specificity  F1 score  Support
    EM      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   -1.0    161.00     88.00     112.00       113.80     88.0
    NJ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   1.0    39.00     112.00     88.00       57.85     112.0
    LJ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   
    EL      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Accuracy                                   0.51
    RG      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Average   100.00    100.00    100.00      85.83    200.0
    ID      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   W Avg     92.68    101.44    98.56      82.47    200.0
    JJ      0       16:26:53.029    DecisionTree Test (EURUSD,H1)   Test Acc = 0.505

    The Model was correct 60% of the time during training while being 50.5% accurate during testing; not good. There might be many reasons, including the quality of the data we used to build the Model, or maybe there are bad predictors. The most common reason might be that we have not set the parameters for the Model well.

    To fix this, you might need to tweak the parameters to determine what works best for your needs. 

    Now, let's code for a function to make real-time predictions. 

    int desisionTreeSignal()
    //--- Copy the current bar information only
       data_struct.rsi_buff.CopyIndicatorBuffer(rsi_handle, 0, 0, 1);
       data_struct.stoch_buff.CopyIndicatorBuffer(stoch_handle, 0, 0, 1);
       data_struct.signal_buff.CopyIndicatorBuffer(stoch_handle, 1, 0, 1);
       x_vars[0] = data_struct.rsi_buff[0];
       x_vars[1] = data_struct.stoch_buff[0];
       x_vars[2] = data_struct.signal_buff[0];
       return int(decision_tree.predict(x_vars));

    Now, let us make a simple trading logic:

    If the decision tree predicts -1, meaning the candle will close down, we open a sell trade; if it predicts the class of 1, indicating the candle will close higher than where it opened, we want to place a buy trade.

    void OnTick()
        if (!train_once)              // You want to train once during EA lifetime 
        train_once = true;
        if (isnewBar(PERIOD_CURRENT)) // We want to trade on the bar opening 
            int signal = desisionTreeSignal();
            double min_lot = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
            SymbolInfoTick(Symbol(), ticks);
             if (signal == -1)
                  if (!PosExists(MAGICNUMBER, POSITION_TYPE_SELL)) // If a sell trade doesnt exist
                    m_trade.Sell(min_lot, Symbol(),,*Point(), - takeprofit*Point());
                 if (!PosExists(MAGICNUMBER, POSITION_TYPE_BUY))  // If a buy trade doesnt exist
                   m_trade.Buy(min_lot, Symbol(), ticks.ask, ticks.ask-stoploss*Point(), ticks.ask + takeprofit*Point());

    I ran a test on a single month 2023.01.01 - 2023.02.01 on Open Prices just to see if everything works out.

    FAQs on Decision Trees in Trading:

    Question Answer
    Is normalization of input data important for decision trees? No, normalization is generally not crucial for decision trees at all. Decision trees make splits based on feature thresholds, and the scale of features doesn't affect the tree structure. However, it's a good practice to check the impact of normalization on model performance.
    How do decision trees handle categorical variables in trading data? Decision trees can handle categorical variables naturally. They perform binary splits based on whether a condition is met, including conditions for categorical variables. The tree will determine the optimal split points for categorical features.
    Can decision trees be used for time-series forecasting in trading? While decision trees can be utilized for time-series forecasting in trading, they may not capture complex temporal patterns as effectively as models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Ensemble methods like Random Forests could offer greater robustness
    Do decision trees suffer from overfitting? Decision trees, particularly deep ones, can be prone to overfitting by capturing noise in the training data. Techniques such as pruning and limiting tree depth can be employed to mitigate overfitting in trading applications
    Are decision trees suitable for feature importance analysis in trading models? Yes, decision trees provide a natural way to assess feature importance. Features that contribute more to the splitting decisions at the top of the tree are generally more critical. This analysis can offer insights into the factors driving trading decisions.
    How sensitive are decision trees to outliers in trading data? Decision trees can be sensitive to outliers, especially when the tree is deep. Outliers may lead to specific splits that capture noise. Preprocessing steps, such as outlier detection and removal, can be applied to mitigate this sensitivity.
    Are there specific hyperparameters to tune for decision trees in trading models?

    Yes, key hyperparameters to tune include

    • the tree depth,
    • minimum samples per leaf and
    • the criterion for splitting (e.g., Gini impurity or entropy).

    One can use Cross-validation to find optimal hyperparameter values for given datasets.

     Can decision trees be part of an ensemble approach? Yes, decision trees can be part of ensemble methods like Random Forests, which combine multiple trees to improve overall predictive performance. Ensemble methods are often robust and effective in trading applications.

    Advantages of Decision Trees:


    • Decision trees are easy to understand and interpret. The graphical representation of the tree structure allows for clear visualization of decision-making processes.

    Handling Non-Linearity:

    • Decision trees can capture non-linear relationships in data, making them suitable for problems where the decision boundaries are not linear.

    Handling Mixed Data Types:

    • Decision trees can take both numerical and categorical data without the need for extensive preprocessing.

    Feature Importance:

    • Decision trees provide a natural way to assess the importance of features, helping identify critical factors influencing the target variable.

    No Assumptions about Data Distribution:

    • Decision trees make no assumptions about data distribution, making them versatile and applicable to various datasets.

    Robustness to Outliers:

    • Decision trees are relatively robust to outliers since splits are based on relative comparisons and unaffected by absolute values.

    Automatic Variable Selection:

    • The tree-building process includes automatic variable selection, reducing the need for manual feature engineering.

    Can Handle Missing Values:

    • Decision trees can handle missing values in features without requiring imputation, as splits are made based on available data.

    Disadvantages of Decision Trees:


    • Decision trees are prone to overfitting, especially when they are deep and capture noise in the training data. Techniques like pruning are used to address this issue.


    • Small changes in the data can lead to significant changes in the tree structure, making decision trees somewhat unstable.

    Bias Toward Dominant Classes:

    • In datasets with imbalanced classes, decision trees can be biased toward the dominant class, leading to suboptimal performance for minority classes.

    Global Optimum vs. Local Optima:

    • Decision trees focus on finding local optimum splits at each node, which may not necessarily lead to a globally optimal solution.

    Limited Expressiveness:

    • Decision trees might struggle to express complex relationships in data compared to more sophisticated models like neural networks.

    Not Suitable for Continuous Output:

    • While decision trees are adequate for classification tasks, they may not be as suitable for tasks requiring a continuous output.

    Sensitive to Noisy Data:

    • Decision trees can be sensitive to noisy data, and outliers may lead to specific splits that capture noise rather than meaningful patterns.

    Biased Toward Dominant Features:

    • Features with more levels or categories may appear more critical due to how splits are made, potentially introducing bias. One can address this through techniques like feature scaling.

    That's it folks, Thanks for reading.

    Track the development and contribute to the decision tree algorithm and many more AI models on my GitHub repo:


    tree.mqh The main include, file. Contains the decision tree code we mainly discussed above.
    metrics.mqh Contains functions and code to measure the performance of ML models.
    matrix_utils.mqh Contains additional functions for matrix manipulations.
    preprocessing.mqh The library for pre-processing raw input data to make it suitable for Machine learning models usage.
    DecisionTree Test.mq5(EA) The main file. An expert advisor for running the decision tree.

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