- TimeSetup
- TimeSetupMsc
- OrderType
- TypeDescription
- State
- StateDescription
- TimeExpiration
- TimeDone
- TimeDoneMsc
- TypeFilling
- TypeFillingDescription
- TypeTime
- TypeTimeDescription
- Magic
- PositionId
- VolumeInitial
- VolumeCurrent
- PriceOpen
- StopLoss
- TakeProfit
- PriceCurrent
- PriceStopLimit
- Symbol
- Comment
- InfoInteger
- InfoDouble
- InfoString
- Ticket
- SelectByIndex
Gets the order state.
ENUM_ORDER_STATE State() const |
Return Value
Order state from ENUM_ORDER_STATE enumeration.
The historical order should be selected using the Ticket (by ticket) or SelectByIndex (by index) methods.