Moscow Exchange launches trading in futures on shares of eight Russian companies - page 9

transcendreamer #:

How much emotion... how much pathos.... but you're writing nonsense...

I'm not just writing for you...

You can count as you like.

Added by

Only you are probably not looking at the figures given at all.

The Fed is a private organisation, the cost of issuing 100 notes is 3 cents,

and they have good printing presses...

And you probably don't know anything about political events at all.

It's not the operation in Donbass, it's the beginning of a redistribution of the world.

prostotrader #:

I'm not just writing for you...

You can think what you like.

Well I think this is nonsense.

Obviously the USDRUB has moved into a new range, and raising the rate to 20% is also kind of an uninspiring example from history.

Yes there will be a peak pullback in a moment, there was last time too.

But before shouting that the USD is a phantom you need to learn how to analyse the long term charts.

I mean that there may not be a return to previous levels and those who are sitting without a currency float, believing in the rouble and calling the dollar a billfold will simply devalue their assets for nothing.
transcendreamer #:
I mean that there may not be a return to previous levels and those who are sitting without a currency float, believing in the rouble and calling the dollar a phoney will simply devalue their assets for nothing.

Let's go buy a dollar!

prostotrader #:

Let's go buy the dollar!

You are writing nonsense again, you should have bought in advance, not now.

Now sell against the crowd.

prostotrader #:


Hysterical and naive "redistribution of the world" comments 🤣 I won't even comment.... and in a month or two you'll reread your own posts and you'll be ashamed of this nonsense...

transcendreamer #:

Again you are writing nonsense, you should have bought in advance, not now.

Now sell against the crowd.

You, you are reasoning like a typical FOREXnik, stupidly looking at charts,

I repeat you can do as you see fit.

In 2016, one company buying up dollars drove it to 100,

and now, with the whole world turning against us, the exchange rate is 103.

You will certainly not draw the right conclusions!

prostotrader #:

You, are reasoning like a typical FOREXnik, stupidly looking at the charts,

I repeat, you can do as you see fit.

In 2016, one company buying up dollars brought the exchange rate to 100,

and now, with the whole world turning against us, the exchange rate is 103.

You will certainly not draw the right conclusions!

Stop the hysteria, please.

I am saying that sitting without foreign currency insurance in rubles is mega stupid now.

And you are telling me some kind of conspiracy theory and political science.

transcendreamer #:

Stop the hysteria, please.

Is there nothing wrong with your head, are you over-excited?

prostotrader #:

Is there nothing wrong with your head, aren't you a little over-excited?

Apparently you are not, if you deny self-evident things.

The ruble depreciates over the long term, especially in times like these, and currency has always been a way of insuring against these risks.

The multi-year graph shows exactly how and when, under what conditions.

And you're screaming "the phantom has deflated" when a micro rollback of a few per cent within minutes has happened 🤭


So who's not right in the head? 😉

No offence and please stop writing this nonsense.