Interesting and Humour - page 3301


One last thing (since the jokes have run out):

Sergey Golubev:

One last thing (since the jokes have run out):

Yakubovich - the jokes are over )))
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The happiest people, regardless of the country, are retards. The janitor's son is like that, you should have seen the absolute happiness on his face when she gives him a broom to sweep the asphalt.

Do not confuse with oligophrenes, they do not perceive the world, and retards just have an undeveloped mind, so they never get sad!

Are there no normal happy people in your opinion?


Do you think normal people

aren't happy? Were you born in the USSR?

Yes, so what?
Alexandr Saprykin:

Are there no normal happy people in your opinion?

Anything can happen in this world, I'm happy, for example.)
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Anything happens in this world, here I am happy, for example )
But not the happiest. ))

Do you think normal people

aren't happy? Were you born in the USSR?

You mean "Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood"?

Do you think normal people are not happy?

Alexandr Saprykin:

Do you think there are no normal happy people?

There are, of course, both normal and happy... but each in his own way.

A 20-year-old demob is happy that the girl he loves waited for him from the army and agreed to become his wife, while a 40-year-old bachelor is happy that he retained his freedom and independence.
A university graduate is happy that he finally doesn't have to take exams, tests, and term papers, and a university applicant is happy that he got into the university.
And someone is happy in his gray and squalid world simply because he does not know another world.
Happiness, like many things in this world, is a relative category. Mark Twain rightly noticed that "happiness is not a thing in itself, but a contrast to something unpleasant".

And in general, happiness is when your relatives are happy, when you live in harmony with yourself, when you are understood and not harassed, when you don't have to lie that you feel good, when for you and your friends "we do not abandon our own" are not empty words.

To be born after the Flood and not live to see the Apocalypse is also bliss.


And more on the collapse of the dollar empire.


"If these mega-banks meet the planned deadline, they could launch the system commercially in eighteen months.

That date should be marked on the calendar - it could be the end of America's financial dominance."
Ещё четыре мега-банка присоединяются к антидолларовому альянсу
Ещё четыре мега-банка присоединяются к антидолларовому альянсу
  • Dmitriy
На данный момент большинство международных финансовых операций должны проводиться через сеть корреспондентских счетов в банковской системе США. Это даёт правительству США невероятную власть … власть, которой они не преминули пользоваться на протяжении последних нескольких лет. 2014 год стал одним из первых переломных моментов, когда...

And more on the collapse of the dollar empire.


"If these mega-banks meet the planned deadline, they can get the system up and running on a commercial basis in eighteen months.

That date should be marked on the calendar - it could be the end of America's financial dominance."
Bank of New York among banks wrecking US financial dominance?)))