Interesting and Humour - page 3302

Alexandr Saprykin:
But not the happiest.)

I don't strive for perfection )) Legs, arms, head in place. I've long since got rid of the need to commute to work. Doing what I love to do. And so on and so forth.

Perfectionism is a mental disorder.

Перфекционизм – это душевное расстройство. Чем грозит стремление к совершенству?
Перфекционизм – это душевное расстройство. Чем грозит стремление к совершенству?
  • Оксана Герасименко
Наш эксперт – психотерапевт Психологического центра на Пятницкой Елена Суслова. Лучший – или никакой Собственно плюс один: перфекционизм заставляет человека учиться, работать, тренироваться «через не хочу» – в общем, не стоять на месте. Большинство выдающихся спортсменов, артистов, ученых обладали этим качеством, и именно оно позволило им...

I wonder if the Chinese will now start stamping the world's biggest plane for sale or for their own internal affairs?

Украина продала в Китай все права на самолет Ан-225 «Мрия»
Украина продала в Китай все права на самолет Ан-225 «Мрия»
  • 2016.08.31
  • Фото: Александр Чиженок / «Коммерсантъ»
Украинское госпредприятие «Антонов» продало китайской компании China Aerospace технологическую документацию на сверхтяжелый транспортный самолет Ан-225 «Мрия». Об этом сообщил на своей странице в Facebook китайский телеканал CCTV. Переговоры велись с мая 2016 года, сделка была заключена 30 августа в Пекине. Как сообщается, по условиям...
Alexandr Saprykin:

I wonder if the Chinese will now start stamping the world's biggest aircraft for sale or for their own internal affairs?

Well, actually the contract awarded includes:

1. Completion by Antonov and sale to China of the second Mriya, which now exists as a fuselage without wings.

2. China's upgrading of the first Mriya - electronics and navigation.

3. Production of aircraft from 2019 in China under Ukrainian license.


"All rights on the plane" is one hell of a thrashing...


Well, the contract actually concluded includes:

1. The completion and sale to China of the second Mriya, which now exists as a fuselage without wings.

2. China's upgrading of the first Mriya - electronics and navigation.

3. Production of aircraft from 2019 in China under Ukrainian license.

1. The second one was built back in 1987... Do you think the built fuselage hasn't rotted away in so many years yet?

2. If you believe Kommersant publishers, then :

A Kommersant source close to Ukraine's Ministry of Infrastructure says it's about selling intellectual property - just like the intellectual property for the An-132 was sold to Saudi Arabia a year ago. Now this plane is being produced there with almost no participation of Ukraine. It is impossible to produce the Mriya and its Ruslan shortened version in Kiev, the Kommersant interlocutor says, because all equipment for their production was destroyed and scrapped 15 years ago.

3. and if the Chinese media are to be believed, a copy of the aircraft will already be built in the first half of 2019, which means that construction will start not in 2019, but earlier.

Alexandr Saprykin:

1. The second one was built back in 1987... Do you think the built fuselage hasn't rotted yet after all these years?

2. If the Kommersant publisher is to be believed, then :

A Kommersant source close to Ukraine's Ministry of Infrastructure says it's about selling intellectual property - the same way the intellectual property for the An-132 was sold to Saudi Arabia a year ago. Now this plane is being produced there with almost no participation of Ukraine. It is impossible to produce the Mriya and its Ruslan shortened version in Kiev, the Kommersant interlocutor says, because all equipment for their production was destroyed and scrapped 15 years ago.

3. and if the Chinese media are to be believed, a copy of the aircraft will already be built in the first half of 2019, which means that construction will begin not in 2019, but earlier.

Let the "source" continue to be it. Especially in the last three years, the word "source" in the Russian media has caused only contempt.

And the fuselage of the second Mriya straight in the hangar - what a dural will be in an indoor facility...

at least leave Saudi Arabia out of this nonsense.


Let the "source" continue to be one. Especially in the last three years, the word "source" in the Russian media has caused only contempt.

and the fuselage of the second Mriya straight in the hangar - what a dural will be in an indoor facility...

at least leave Saudi Arabia out of this nonsense.

Just the Russian ones? Read English language foreign media websites - the word is used everywhere there too. So then we must despise all the media in the world.

I did not involve Saudi Arabia, I have nothing to do with it. But the agreement between Antonov and some Saudi company on AN-132 was signed back in 2015.

I googled it:The document envisages "the transfer of aircraft production technology to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the training of Saudi representatives to work in aircraft production". For that, in fact, the Ukrainian aircraft builders pledged to modernize the old An-32. At the same time, it was specified that Saudi Arabia would own the intellectual property rights and design drawings. Now, in February 2016, the parties have signed an agreement on cooperation in setting up an aircraft construction complex in Saudi Arabia and the production of An-132 aircraft.

Новая война с индейцами в США: нефтяники против племени сиу - ИА REGNUM
Новая война с индейцами в США: нефтяники против племени сиу - ИА REGNUM
На стороне коренных американцев «Гринпис» и звезды Голливуда, но строители нефтепровода пока побеждают.  Полиция Северной Дакоты в среду арестовала около двадцати индейцев племени сиу, атаковавших строящийся нефтепровод, сообщает USA Today 1 сентября. Сообщается, что полицией задержаны активисты, выступающие против строительства...
Alexandr Saprykin:

Only in Russian media? Read English-language foreign media websites - the word is also used everywhere. Consequently, we should despise all the media in the world.

I did not involve Saudi Arabia, I have nothing to do with it. But the agreement between Antonov and some Saudi company on AN-132 was signed back in 2015.

I googled it:The document provides for "the transfer of aircraft production technology to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the training of Saudi representatives to work in aircraft production". For that, in fact, the Ukrainian aircraft builders pledged to modernize the old An-32. At the same time, it was specified that Saudi Arabia would own the intellectual property rights and design drawings. Now, in February 2016, the parties have signed an agreement on cooperation in setting up an aircraft construction complex in Saudi Arabia and the production of An-132 aircraft.

and where are the words SELL DOCUMENTATION here? Do you even understand what production in another country under licence is?
Googled all the information - nowhere does it say anything about the transfer of intellectual property rights