Interesting and Humour - page 2957

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Yes... 17+19=36, not 26))
I got 26 too))

Maths task for grade 3:

Who got a result of "1"?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What is the absurdity of the problem?

A normal problem with a normal condition.

It's a bit of a bad example, but there are teacher's comments for such examples.

In fact, the more such problems there are, the faster and better the child will learn to work with incomplete conditions.

But if parents start telling their children about the absurdity of problems in textbooks and teachers' incompetence, you may just raise a loser.

That's the point. There's no comment from the teacher.

The task is absurd because a child cannot guess or guess what is missing in the problem.

in this case, as above - "apples have been replaced by megabytes" - there is no condition in the problem that all files in all folders are equal.

You have a folder on your computer with files where all files are equal. I'm sure no one has such a folder.

If you accept the condition that all files are equal, the problem can be solved as follows:

1. 17 + 19 = 36

2. 7308/36 = 203

3. 17*203 = 2351

4. 19*203 = 3857

Answer: 1 folder 2351 mgb, 2 folder 3857 mgb.


That's the thing: There is no comment from the teacher.

The absurdity of the problem is that children can't yet think or guess what's missing in the problem

in this case, as above - "apples have been replaced by megabytes" - there is no condition that all files in all folders are equal.

You have a folder on your computer with files where all files are equal. I'm sure no one has such a folder.

If you accept the condition that all files are equal, the problem can be solved as follows:

1. 17 + 19 = 36

2. 7308/36 = 203

3. 17*203 = 2351

4. 19*203 = 3857

Answer: 1 folder 2351 mgb, 2 folder 3857 mgb.

We can assume that this problem was compiled by a person who is far away from computers and has no idea about operating systems and file systems. Or the person thought that 4th grade schoolchildren also have no idea about computers and peculiarities of file storage on computer disks and will solve it by analogy with the same kind of problems.

That's the thing: There is no comment from the teacher.

The absurdity of the problem lies in the fact that children can't yet think or guess what is missing in the problem

in this case, as stated above - "apples were replaced by megabytes", there is no condition in the problem that all files in all folders are equal

In schools, dozens of similar tasks with very similar conditions are solved in a monotonous, methodical way.

And such similar problems are solved in more than one lesson or two.

If your child knows that files are different sizes, as you claim, then what makes you think it would be difficult for your child to have equal files?

Don't exaggerate the problem or belittle the child's abilities.

p.s. If a child cannot solve such a problem (let's say this one), the reason is not in the problem.


Disagree. The solution to this problem boils down to the question - did I guess right, as the uncle blunted me? Too much abstraction is needed. The problem is more likely to be used by psychology students as an illustration of abstract thinking, or the pathology of thinking in adulthood.

The child doesn't know that he or she is now in the category of problems about apples. The point of the problem is arithmetic, not the ability to abstract.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Disagree. The solution to this problem boils down to the question - did I guess right, as the uncle blunted me? Too much abstraction is needed. The problem is more likely to be used by psychology students as an illustration of abstract thinking, or the pathology of thinking in adulthood.

The child doesn't know that he or she is now in the category of problems about apples. The point of the problem is arithmetic, not the ability to abstract.

I remember passing chemistry at school. And when the institute had chemistry and gave me a bunch of tests that I had to do for the next session, I had to look for a textbook with a collection of chemistry problems. I solved problems for the session by searching for analogous problems, making the algorithm, and solving the test problems by simply putting the right values into the algorithm. It was good that I had plenty of time, from session to session I could take my time.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Disagree. The solution of this problem boils down to the question - did I guess correctly, as my uncle blunted?

What does this have to do with "the uncle being dumb"? There is a textbook, but it is the teacher who gives the task. The teacher assesses the ability of the class to solve the problem. If the problem is unsuccessful and has an inaccurate condition, and additional clarification is needed to solve it, the teacher will usually provide comments.

If there is a problem about files and folders, it means that children in the 4th grade already know about the subject "Informatics" to some extent. And they know that files have sizes. And with this task a child is quite able to see the incompleteness of the condition and make necessary assumptions to solve such a task.

Lilita Bogachkova:

A maths problem for class 3:

Who got a result of "1"?

I got 12, if the equation has *, /, then multiply and divide first, if there are brackets, then solve in brackets, and then everything else.