Interesting and Humour - page 2962

Alexandr Saprykin:

If you go by Dahl's dictionary - does a cow walk on all fours? Walks on all fours?

According to Dahl's Dictionary -- "fours or fours are the four legs, the paws of animals" (Dahl's Dictionary, vol. 4, p. 550)
The most advanced analyst said On New Year's Eve I'll put on a Ruble costume, get drunk and fall all the time...
Alexandr Saprykin:

Hmmm... I thought it used to be a watermelon...

It was when I was a kid, a cucumber with a watermelon seemed)))

A riddle. Based on the cucumber analogy

A natural commune (flat).


A riddle. Based on the cucumber analogy

A natural commune (flat).

A cave. Or House from the fairy tale 'Teremok' .

Today must be Humanitarian Day. All about riddles and the proper interpretation of words according to Dahl. Then to follow up:
Proverbs and sayings in scientific language.

"The dualistic principle of the use of farm implements on the hydro-surface" (Waves on the water)

"Binary character of statements of the individual who has lost social activity" (Grandmother said)

"Problems of liquids transport in vessels with variable density structure" (Carrying water in a sieve)

"Optimisation of dynamics of operation of the pulling vehicle, connected with removal of initially destructive transport unit" (Woman from horseback - a mare easier)

"Unconventional methods of scoliosis treatment by rendering ritual services" (

"Problems of increasing fine dispersion of divalent hydrogen oxide by mechanical means" (pounding water in a hat)

"Positive effect of low IQ on increasing task complexity in the process of work" (fools love work)

"Poultry solipsism in relation to non-ruminants Solipsism of poultry in relation to nonruminant mammals" (the goose is not a friend of the pig)

"Characteristic external features as a reason for usurping the most favourable social status on the market" (pig's snout in the mouth)

"Anthropomorphic approach to creating a marriage unit" (the mare is a bride)

"The syndrome of non-legitimisation, relying on the lack of rapid identification capabilities" (I am not me and the horse is not mine)

"Influence of seasonal and weather conditions on the accounting process of birds" (chickens are counted in the autumn)

"Ambivalent nature of neural impulses, emitted by the cerebral cortex" (want and prick)

"Regularities of correlation between the length of keratinized epidermis and the amount of grey matter in the cranium" (hair long but mind short)

"A type of legal act prevailing over money" (an agreement is more expensive than money)

"Impermissibility of using typical elements of residential architecture when denying a culminating display of contemplative and tactile emotions" (love is not potato, you can't throw it out the window)

"Neutrality of taste characteristics of cruciferous plants in relation to vegetable crops of the Russian middle zone" (a horseradish is not so sweet)

"Antithesis properties of mentally incompetent subjects in the context of fulfilling state regulations" (for fools the law is written)

"Lack of progress-regress in metabolism when changing the ratio of fats and carbohydrates in a traditional dish of sedentary peoples". (

"The place of insectivores in pyramidal hierarchical systems" (every cricket knows its own stem)

"The regularity of the increase of the subject's personal value after a traumatic experience" (you get two for one beaten)
Alexandr Saprykin:

A cave. Or the Little House from the fairy tale "The Tower" .

"No windows, no doors - the house is full of people".
Neither the cucumber, nor the watermelon, nor the cave and the house do not fit here - there are no people.
Most likely it's a guesthouse for migrant workers or homeless people.

Well, in the problem with files (36 files, 2 folders, 7308MB) the initial conditions are not complete.
An adequate answer in such and similar problems could be: "Because gladiolus!" (KVN team "Ural Dumplings").


I wrote about this once before, but here is an article on the same topic

Experiment: What the random walk hypothesis says about predicting financial markets

Эксперимент: Что гипотеза случайного блуждания говорит о прогнозировании финансовых рынков
Эксперимент: Что гипотеза случайного блуждания говорит о прогнозировании финансовых рынков
В нашем блоге на Хабре мы много пишем об алгоритмах и инструментах прогнозирования движения на финансовы рынках. При этом многие наблюдатели считают, что подобные занятия сродни игре в казино — на бирже все случайно, а значит ничего нельзя спрогнозировать. Количественный аналитик хедж-фонда NMRQL Стюарт Рид опубликовал на сайте Turing Finance...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

I wrote about this once before, but here is an article on the same topic

Experiment: What the random walk hypothesis says about predicting financial markets

I also paid attention to this article, but it describes the problem, but doesn't give me a hint how to approach the task.
Nikolay Demko:
I also noticed this article, but it describes the problem, but doesn't even hint at how to approach the task.
I've been "developing" this topic for a couple of years now. With varying success. :) I've started to write something on the blog. In a nutshell - information is always random, otherwise it's not information.