Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 23

Moderators can do nothing . . .  we have no special access to Signals, Jobs, CodeBase, etc.  only the Forum.  You need to talk to Admin/Service Desk . . .  but Caveat Emptor,  you subscribe to a signal and take a risk,  are there any guarantees ? 

Wrote to them, lets see whether they do block his funds flow or not as he clearly mentioned on NEWS he is going off trading after putting up PAID Signal for 4-5 days only. It is clear cheating and would like to see if MQL5 supports such people or huge subscribers who have put in their money. 

This is a test for MQL5 as a platform provider that they will restrict such people.  I also agree subscribing to signal service is risky and Forex is also so. But this doesn't gives right to Provider to run subscription for 4-5 days and then say he is off. I am not asking for my money which i lost due to trades. Just asking protection of those 1300+ subscribers from Platform Providers. 


Wrote to them, lets see whether they do block his funds flow or not as he clearly mentioned on NEWS he is going off trading after putting up PAID Signal for 4-5 days only. It is clear cheating and would like to see if MQL5 supports such people or huge subscribers who have put in their money. 

This is a test for MQL5 as a platform provider that they will restrict such people.  I also agree subscribing to signal service is risky and Forex is also so. But this doesn't gives right to Provider to run subscription for 4-5 days and then say he is off. I am not asking for my money which i lost due to trades. Just asking protection of those 1300+ subscribers from Platform Providers. 

I agreed to @gurmeetb. I did post message regarding rules to protect subscribers from these kind of providers before but no one care about it. Be noted that we do not ask for any money back on what we lost (much more than the subscription fee), but what we ask is to improve your rules to be better. Let's see how is replied from these kind of complaints.

Dear Moderator:

How I get my subscription back from a signal provider that 4 days after my first month he decides to quit for a couple of weeks? In his last trades I lost $105 and now the subcription of $30.

Please help, because I hope you have some way of dealing with these kind of people. The signal subscribed is the" FastWayToMillion". 


Dear Moderator:

How I get my subscription back from a signal provider that 4 days after my first month he decides to quit for a couple of weeks? In his last trades I lost $105 and now the subcription of $30.

Please help, because I hope you have some way of dealing with these kind of people. The signal subscribed is the" FastWayToMillion". 

Moderators can do nothing . . .  we have no special access to Signals, Jobs, CodeBase, etc.  only the Forum.  You need to talk to Admin/Service Desk . . .  but Caveat Emptor,  you subscribe to a signal and take a risk,  are there any guarantees ? 
Where do you see in Rules the refund if provider gets Stop Out? Who guaranteed you any profit? You buy subscription on the trade signals that's all.
Got a reply from Service Desk - "Read Rules please". When Provider clearly says no more TRADES after 4 days of going live, they deny to refund 1300+ subscribers their money. Not possible. Any legitimate website or forum would not do this and allow such thing at all.
Where do you see in Rules the refund if provider gets Stop Out? Who guaranteed you any profit? You buy subscription on the trade signals that's all.
No where Rosh, but being platform provider, it is responsibility of platform provider to refrain from Fraud being carried out using their platform else what impression it gives about same to the users, hope you are quite smart to figure out.
No where Rosh, but being platform provider, it is responsibility of platform provider to refrain from Fraud being carried out using their platform else what impression it gives about same to the users, hope you are quite smart to figure out.
Where is the fraud ? Can you explain us which rules has been broken ?
Where is the fraud ? Can you explain us which rules has been broken ?

Go and read the whole chain first. If you are coming back and asking subscribers this question ? If you allow to release funds to him when he clearly mentions he will not trade on his Signal Service just after going live as a PAID service for 4 trading sessions only.

Any legitimate forum will not allow this unless they are getting a share out of it.


Go and read the whole chain first. If you are coming back and asking subscribers this question ? If you allow to release funds to him when he clearly mentions he will not trade on his Signal Service just after going live as a PAID service for 4 trading sessions only.

Any legitimate forum will not allow this unless they are getting a share out of it.

  • I am well aware of this case and have read what I have to read.
  • I don't have any responsibility in this service, I only ask you some questions, so there is no need to be aggressive.
  • When you subscribe to this service, you have certainly read the rules, so I ask you which rules has been broken, isn't legitimate ?
  • If you want to make a claim, it's better to know your case and contact administration of the service, not write angrily on a public forum.