Bank of England (BoE) Quantitative Easing (QE) Total

United Kingdom
GBP, Pound sterling
Medium £​875 B
£​895 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
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Bank of England Quantitative Easing (QE) Total is announced alongside the interest rate decision, after the Monetary Policy Committee meeting.

Quantitative easing, QE is an "unconventional" form of monetary policy carried to stimulate the economy when interest rates are already low. QE's ultimate goal is to boost spending to reach the inflation target (2%). The essence of the QE is not to print more money, but to create new money digitally to make asset purchases. The Bank of England makes large purchases of assets from the private sector and government bonds. QE volume is equal to the volume of such purchases. The funds received for the sold assets are invested in the national economy: they are spent and invested, despite the fact that the central bank does not produce a physical emission of the pound.

The QE amount and appropriateness of its continuation are determined eight time a year, during the BoE Monetary Policy Committee meeting. Growth of QE volume means the need to ease monetary policy. The growth may have a negative effect on the British pound quotes.

Last values:

actual data

The chart of the entire available history of the "Bank of England (BoE) Quantitative Easing (QE) Total" macroeconomic indicator.

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