Max Keiser
Max Keiser is an American broadcaster and film maker who currently lives in London. He is a popular journalist giving detailed insights into the most urgent matters on economy and financial policy making.
Currently, he and Stacy Herbert host The Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on Russian state media channel Russia Today.
He also presents a weekly show about finance and markets on London's Resonance FM, and writes for The Huffington Post.
He hosted the New Year's Eve special The Keiser's Business Guide to 2010 for BBC Radio 5 Live and until November 2012 anchored On the Edge, a program of news and analysis hosted by Iran's Press TV. Keiser also presented a season of The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News.
- 1 049 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Sweet messages from financial markets'
- 1 091 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Return of global fear - Video
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Max Keiser: Hot show in the ‘great state of Chicago’ -
17 August 2015 #video, economy news
1 363
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Max Keiser: Solutions to monetary, financial crises -
9 August 2015 #video, economy news
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Max Keiser: "People never give up on their liberties
28 July 2015 #George Osborne, David Cameron
1 156
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Max Keiser: Medicaid, mortgage, S&P, criminal banking
25 July 2015 #Wall Street, economy news
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Max Keiser: Who buys what in Greece. And what was the
21 July 2015 #ECB, Goldman Sachs
- 666 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Why 50 bn euro asset fund is just another
- 760 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Despotism as an absolute rule by bankers
Max Keiser: Economic transableism - Video
21 June 2015 #interest rates, economy news
1 076
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Max Keiser: Debt slaves who think they are free - Video
16 June 2015 #HSBC, economy news
- 1 142 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Money printing or economies faking it for
Max Keiser: Proper financial engineering - Video
24 May 2015 #economy news, Max Keiser
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Max Keiser: Most terrifying words politicians say
18 May 2015 #Scotland, David Cameron
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Max Keiser: Economics of low wages - Video
10 May 2015 #video, economy news
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Max Keiser: Riders of market apocalypse - Video
2 May 2015 #video, economy news
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Max Keiser: Private Finance Initiatives - Video
25 April 2015 #bond yields, economy news
- 545 Events Max Keiser: Zero interest-rate policy and QE
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Max Keiser: Ugly scenario for Greece, ugly account
10 April 2015 #video, UK economy
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Max Keiser: Debtism vs Capitalism or Bureaucrats
5 April 2015 #S&P 500, economy news
- 464 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Capitalism without capital? - Video
- 499 Analytics & Forecasts Max Keiser: Nations gone bankrupts through inflation
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Max Keiser on Osborne's budget - Video
19 March 2015 #video, UK economy
- 627 Analytics & Forecasts Keiser Report: Abandoning Free Market Principles -