Max Keiser: Solutions to monetary, financial crises - Video

Max Keiser: Solutions to monetary, financial crises - Video

9 August 2015, 17:11
Alice F
1 358

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert have a fascinating discussion with professor Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics, in which they propose possible solutions to the monetary and financial crises.

The banking sector is one side of their discussion. One of the solutions the whole world seems to agree with and accept is austerity. When the turmoils began in the Anglo-Saxon financial world, when the Lehman Brothers collapsed, they all seemed to blame bankers for it and that they need austerity. But what is it supposed to solve there?

Professor explains that this approach takes its roots in an economic tradition...

Can every single nation in the European Union run a budget surplus?

Why hasn't the euro become an anchor currency?

How big the financial sector should be?

Did Germans really turn Greece's private debt into a public one?

Finally, what is the role of this notion that the sovereign banks must be saved and that we must convert their debt into something almost divine - something not "betrayable"?

These and other questions which spur loads of discussions and controversies in the society, are answered in the Keiser Report studio.