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Details from the June 2016 Italian Markit/ADACI services PMI data report 5 July 2016 Prior 49.8 New orders 52.1 vs 51.0 prior Composite 52.6 vs 50.8 prior New orders 52.7 vs 51.4 prior...
Market News
  • 61
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 09:59
EURUSD jumps to 1.1186 as Italy looks to prop up bits banks The Italian banking sector worries have been calmed with news that Italy is looking to prop up its banks...
Market News
  • 108
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 09:56
Details from the June 2016 Spanish Markit services PMI data report 5 July 2016 Prior 55.4 New orders 55.7 vs 54.3 prior Composite 55.7 vs 54.6 prior New orders 54.5 vs 53.5 prior...
Market News
  • 71
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 09:54
Following the collapse of the construction PMI there's going to be some nervousness around the services PMI GBP longs beware! Yesterday's construction PMI was a very loud warning bell for Brexit related economic fallout...
Market News
  • 88
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 09:19
The Nikkei is a little lower 225 down around half a percent USD/JPY a tad soft ... chart looks dramatic 'cause of the scale: ... ah well, **** it - chart won't load into the post Chart is on the tweet if you want to see it AUD, NZD, EUR all a wee bit lower against the USD...
Market News
  • 102
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 07:06 #Nikkei
Yen gains are continuing There isn't any new fresh news out Prices elsewhere...
Market News
  • 76
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 07:03
Retails sales expected +0.3% prior was +0.1%, revised from +0.2% The Australia Bureau of Statistics report: In seasonally adjusted terms, there were rises in food retailing (0.7 per cent), other retailing (1.4 per cent) and cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (0.3 per cent...
Market News
  • 95
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 07:01
Australian trade balance for May, -$2218mln expected deficit of 1700m, prior -1579m Goods and services exports up 1% m/m and imports up 2% m/m (sa) Says the Australia Bureau of Statistics: In trend terms, the balance on goods and services was a deficit of $1,885m in May 2016, a decrease of $290m...
Market News
  • 111
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 07:01
New business fell the fastest in almost five years, from 50.4 previously to 47.3 Services below 50 for the first time in two months Yen appreciation cited as hampering sales April earthquakes also adversely hit demand China uncertainty...
Market News
  • 92
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 06:59 #Nikkei
The Australian election was on Saturday Counting was done on Saturday night and then stopped for Sunday and Monday Its restarted again today Still nothing conclusive Via the ABC (Australia's public broadcaster and home of the country's best election analyst, Antony Green...
Market News
  • 74
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 06:57
With thanks to Ahsan in the comments for the reminder! Global Dairy trade auction in London time today Recent results: What's expected? The futures market is showing lower prices for whole milk powder...
Market News
  • 80
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 06:56
Economic trading data for 5 July 2016 Good morning all. As we wait for the men down under, here's what's on the card for today. Economic data...
Market News
  • 51
Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 06:54 #economic calendar
Trade USD/JPY Summer Relief - SocGen From Societe General: USD/JPY likely to bounce before next risk-off move. Summer could be quieter with delayed risks. Financial markets experienced severe dislocations around the Brexit vote...
Market News
  • 97
Sherif Hasan, 4 July 2016, 20:43
Rystad Energy estimates US has 264 billion barrels of oil The Norwegian energy consultancy Rystad Energy said US reserves are slightly larger than Russia (256B barrels) and Saudi Arabia (212B barrels) accounting for existing fields, discoveries and fields yet to be discovered...
Crude Oil
  • 168
Sherif Hasan, 4 July 2016, 19:49 #crude oil
From Credit Suisse: We are lowering our 3m EURUSD forecast to 1.05 from 1.17 previously, reflecting the likely growth spillover into the wider European region from the UK's woes...
Market News
  • 71
Sherif Hasan, 4 July 2016, 19:14
June 2016 Spanish unemployment report 4 July 2016 Prior -119.8k Registered unemployed falls to the lowest since Sep 2009, leaving 3.77m unemployed. There's some seasonality involved as the tourist sector often ramps up hiring for the holiday season...
Market News
  • 65
Sherif Hasan, 4 July 2016, 19:09