Interesting and Humour - page 798

New Year's Eve holidays will be extended by another 15 days

The wishes of Russians who did not celebrate New Year's Eve in a fortnight have been heard by the authorities.

Another 15 days allocated to the inhabitants of Russia for the celebration of the next year, 2013. RIA Novosti reported that the respective decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Not all citizens of our country have time to fully enjoy the New Year celebrations in the first two weeks of January of the month," our publication was told by the relevant committee of the State Duma, "According to numerous requests, it has been decided to extend the weekends until January 31.

Russians work too much, they're always working," the Employment Center in the capital confirmed. - Therefore, the authorities' decision to extend the holiday by two more weeks seems to us relevant and timely.


And there are commercials during the breaks. In prime time on the first of January, between Baskov and Dolina, adult nappies are advertised. Several times.

That is, an admirer of their talents, he's already walking under himself. Pissing and shitting, not leaving the TV.

Meanwhile, a simple worker from the far-off province looks at the whole trannie circus and thinks - ...... in their Moscow, the hipsters, the white-liberal people. They like some wild shit themselves, and they show it to us on TV.


At least the Bundes have woken up