Interesting and Humour - page 4922

15 фотографий удивительных окаменелостей — приветов из прошлого, от которых захватывает дух
15 фотографий удивительных окаменелостей — приветов из прошлого, от которых захватывает дух
  • 2020.11.23
  • Диана Константинова
Такова жизнь: что-то рождается, что-то умирает, одна эпоха сменяет другую, и от некоторых существ остаются на нашей планете только воспоминания. И ещё окаменелости — превратившиеся в камень остатки и следы жизнедеятельность организмов минувших геологических эпох. Мы собрали для вас фотографии любопытных окаменелостей, которые могут вас удивить...
Dmitry Fedoseev #:
There's a translation on YouTube if you need it.

Welcome my son,

Welcome to the machine

What did you dream?

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

that's not a real photo.

The photo has only been manipulated for contrast - the sand is actually light there

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

This is a mock-up. The real exposure is here:

Same photo, only taken from the side.

What "dummy"?

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

Real photo from excavations in Mongolia - Velaceraptor attacked Protoceraptos, but it fought back. They both died.

How do you know who attacked who? Was there a Velociraptor diary?

Maybe it was Protoceraptor getting revenge on Velociraptor, but it was rain/rain/swallow/volcano.

or no one at all and the difference in the bodies is a couple hundred years old, just bones so splintered in a deep hole.

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

Same photo, only taken from the side.

What "dummy"?

The photo is right in the middle of an excavation. The expedition was in '71. Photo quality doesn't match

to what was possible at the time. If this photo was ever an original, there's nothing left of the original

there's nothing left in it anymore.

And the author of the photo is unknown.

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

How do you know who attacked who? Was there a Velociraptor diary?

maybe it was protocerapa who decided to get revenge on velociraptor, but there was rain/weather/slumpdown/volcano

or no one at all and the difference in corpses is a couple of hundred years old, just bones so sprawled out in a deep hole.

One's a predator, one's a herbivore. There's one paw holding the other with its teeth.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

A photo right in the middle of the excavation. The expedition was in '71. Photo quality doesn't match

the capabilities of the time. If this photo was ever an original, there's nothing left of the original

there's nothing left in it anymore.

And the author of the photo is unknown.


Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Could the museum have taken a photo with good lighting against the sand in our day? Is it technically possible?