Interesting and Humour - page 2458


A Shepherd's Tone is a sound formed by a superposition of sine waves whose frequencies are multiples of each other (the sounds are arranged in octaves). It creates the illusion of an infinitely ascending or descending tone, when in fact its pitch does not change at all.

Psychologists have established that each particular person hears in Shepard's tone either only rising or only falling. During the First World War British conscripts were tested for Shepherd's tone - those who heard a rising tone were not allowed into the army. It is believed that such people are prone to schizophrenia, unmotivated aggression and suicide. A healthy person hears a decreasing tone.

In this example Shepherd's tone goes up several octaves with a gradual decrease in volume as one approaches the higher pitch and rises from the lower pitch.

Wikipedia has two downward examples: Shepherd's Tone >>>.

You can, of course, make a chord that has both downshift and upshift at the same time. In that case it would be more difficult to make sense of, especially for those with an undeveloped musical ear.

Psychologists, who establish such diagnoses, themselves it would be nice to see a psychiatrist. This is because the presence or absence of hearing has nothing to do with schizophrenia.

Тон Шепарда — Википедия
Тон Шепарда, названный так по фамилии его создателя Роджера Шепарда, — это звук, образуемый наложением синусоидальных волн, частоты которых кратны друг другу (звуки расположены по октавам). Повышающийся или понижающийся тон Шепарда называется звукорядом Шепарда.[1] Такой звукоряд создает иллюзию бесконечно повышающегося или понижающегося тона...

A Shepherd's Tone is a sound formed by a superposition of sine waves whose frequencies are multiples of each other (the sounds are arranged in octaves). It creates the illusion of an infinitely ascending or descending tone, when in fact its pitch does not change at all.

Psychologists have established that each particular person hears in Shepard's tone either only rising or only falling. During the First World War British conscripts were tested for Shepherd's tone - those who heard a rising tone were not allowed into the army. It is believed that such people are prone to schizophrenia, unmotivated aggression and suicide. A healthy person hears a decreasing tone.

That's it, I'm going to eat mushrooms and toadstools - because the test is not passed :).

And to continue the theme. Find out if you are left-handed by the nature of your brain with music ))

Turns out my parents are bastards, why did they have to retrain me?

Звуковые иллюзии
Звуковые иллюзии
Звуковые иллюзии могут возникать у абсолютно здоровых людей под влиянием стрессового состояния, волнения, необычных условий. В каждом конкретном случае, психологи находят соответствующее объяснение. Это могут быть звуковые барьеры, или, как их называют учёные, звуковые "зеркала", искажение, связанное с различной длиной звуковой волны...
Is it such a scam? A rising tone is recorded and it is said to be heard only by lunatics ))))

I can hear both up and down. So, according to the above interpretation, intermittent high frequency schizophrenia.

I can only hope for a scam or blame the sound card).

Is it such a divorce? It has a rising tone and says that only lunatics can hear it ))))
There are many such scams on the internet.
A Pole and the Germans - Excerpt from "The Adventures of Canoner Dolas, or How I Laid Out World War II" (1970)

That's it, I'm off to eat fly and toadstools - for the test is not passed :).

Spit out the caca. We're being cheated. There's even a rise in tone on the spectrum.

Let's spin it:


It will change your life!


... the spectrum shows an increase in tone.


An enquiring mind is... is..., whoa!