Interesting and Humour - page 4924

Andrey Dik #:

Diogenes had only one cup with which he scooped water from the river to drink. But one day he noticed a dog drinking from the river, just gulping water - Diogenes broke his bowl and since then lived without any possessions or attachments at all.

And he went down in history for centuries, while today's freaks, "losing face", rip off the population and go down in history for a couple of years. No one will take anything with them, they don't need it there.


It should be noted that Diogenes was not remembered for his poverty, but for his radical and somewhat kitschy philosophical programme.

How many bums there were in history, who remembers them all now? 😁

Dude Diogenes was so strong that he crushed Plato himself to dust with his short conclusions. Poverty is a relative concept, the lack of anything can only be realised in comparison to something. Buddha, too, did not need anything and only professed the reality of the present moment (many of his conclusions have been subsequently confirmed scientifically and experimentally). <br/ translate="no">
Andrey Dik #:

Diogenes had only one cup with which he scooped water from the river to drink. But one day he noticed a dog drinking from the river, just by gulping water - Diogenes broke his bowl and since then lived without any possessions or attachments at all.

But just a nuance - he had citizenship and hence a slave or a sheep or a wife and a set of military ammunition. They were not regarded as property, but simply an indispensable attribute of citizenship. And where a citizen prefers to live was a private civil matter :-)

I mean there were no bums at all in a developed slave democracy. They were not written about, they were enslaved or banished


Connoisseurs of Diogenes should be reminded that he was a forger, an outcast fugitive and a vagabond. 😁

As for poverty, to erect it as a value is of course foolish, for it is as ridiculous as attachment to things.

Asceticism is as wretched as indulgence.

Yeah, let's all start drinking water from the puddle like dogs, what fun would that be? 🤣

As for comparing a philosopher to influential personalities (apparently they are meant as "freaks losing face") it is simply incorrect, it is a logical fallacy, as philosophy is not about that at all, and comparing ethical/moral aspects for a philosopher with such background is also a big question, and finally the value of a homeless philosopher to society is quite unobviously greater than that of a good manager/banker/industrialist.

Plato, by the way, was also baiting Diogenes, for example: when Diogenes started trampling the carpet in Plato's house, saying: "I trample on Plato's conceit", Plato replied: "You trample on your own conceit, Diogenes".

And in a dialogue on the abstract, when Plato was discussing ideas, Diogenes said: "And I, Plato, see a table and a cup, but I do not see a table and a cup", to which he replied: "And it is clear: to see a table and a cup, you have eyes, but to see a table and a cup, you do not have reason".

So Plato wasn't a bad troll either.

So why was Diogenes remembered? - Obviously because he was (1) a hype freak of his time, (2) ordinary beggars, of which there were many, remembered him because he expressed ideas close to the beggar lifestyle. 😊

Fans of the life of Diogenes, and indeed of the last Perelman, should simply start living in their style, rather than reproach others for, say, not living that way.
Andrey Dik #:

Diogenes had only one cup with which he scooped water from the river to drink. But one day he noticed a dog drinking from the river, just gulping water - Diogenes broke his bowl and since then lived without any possessions or attachments at all.

Diogenes' philosophy is known to be based on a love of nature and a rejection of morality.

He is the founder of the philosophical school of cynics - that is, he and his followers

professed and preached cynicism.

Diogenes' conversation with Alexander the Great:

- 'I am the great king Alexander.

- And I," Diogenes replied, "am the dog Diogenes.

- And why do they call you a dog?

- Whoever throws a piece to him wags...

I wish Diagenes and his barrel were in our Siberia.

salekhard cynics

It is not about glorification of poverty and rejection of the benefits of civilisation, but about self-sufficiency and the pursuit of balance. Of course, a sense of balance arises for different people at different levels of affluence, and for many people it does not arise at all.)